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For those who "unsubscribed" are you subbing again?


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I will wait and see. It might be better, but it also can be as bad as it is now. They didnt say what drop chance will be from "other" bosses. And how many Tokens you will need to change one piece of gear on vendor.


If it will be like 10% chance to drop from boss and you will need 20 Token for one exchange, than no thanks.

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Not sure yet. I did like that they appear to be listening but:


- My sub runs out on the 2nd of Jan and the proposed changes aren't until Jan 24th. To continue subbing I want to see actions, not promises. Unreleased changes falls into the latter category

- No new end game content that I'd enjoy grinding for another 6 weeks. (new HM FPs or Operations. I feel that Uprisings are just instanced Heroic 4s)

-Jan livestream to discuss whether or not they release a new operation doesn't have a date yet and my guess is it will be after my sub has expired.

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Kinda forced to come back , the PvP changes are pretty much what most of the PvP community asked for and with the depressing lack of strong MMO's out there there is nothing worth playing.


I understand why alot of people won't be back though it's not too little too late since they pretty much reverting the core problems in no longer then a month. Im actually surprised but EA/BIOWARE still listens to their customers as opposed to Blizzturd.

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It's very hard to see myself playing (let alone subscribing) again until they add a way to block the 'Dark vs Light' pop-ups. They're much too intrusive for someone who wants to focus on the story, exploration, etc.


And I'm definitely not re-subbing until they roll back the retroactive valor requirements from the old PvP vendor weapons. They did mention that in the stream yesterday, at least. But I'll wait until it actually happens.

Edited by Clarian
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Well my sub doesn't run out until March so I will be here at least until then. In the meantime I will be attempting the new gearing system and trying to gear my 2 main toons. However I am not optimistic about it because I'm not really an OP runner as I just don't have the time for that and I don't do pvp. The main way I geared my toons was through HM flashpoints and I'm not seeing anything for that just OPs and war zones. I'm not really interested in BiS gear haven't had any of that since 4.0 really but I did like to get the higest tier from the vendors and play around with the stats to get the most out of my two mains.


So when I run out of story on my alts and hit that new end game wall I'm just not sure how I can gear my toons. And honestly I still don't like GC cause it's still a level grind. I already leveled my toons to max level I don't want to level GC to get gear to even if they are dropping tokens the system is still grindy and stupidly complicated in my opinion. So to answer your question I'll reserve my decision to sub again until March and see where I'm at gear wise and how I'm feeling about leveling GC at that point.

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I guess some people like this frankly I cannot get any of my characters to work and I cannot stand it. The rules of the game seem to only apply to NPC's and your companions and not you. As for an example "First Son" final mission cannot complete it.. died like 8 times already seems no way to win as you are one hit, both you and your companion. I don't even consider what they have done as a nerf more like a HACK. Basically only Endurance, Power and Mastery seem to be turned on... nothing else is working ie defense, acc, armor rate, etc. for you anyway... its still working on companions and npc's.


Something is seriously bugged in the game and it may have something to do with the level caps... ie your 50 on a 40 world as if the npc's get buffed to 50 and your lowered to 40. As an example I tried doing this with a 50 toon and 40 toon on same world and it was easy for the 40 and harder for the 50 on same npc's and area. Ie took more damage, did less damage, skills didn't seem to apply like defense (if this is even working anymore and not just based on class).


I have been playing from the start and been subbed most of the time with only short brakes and I don't understand what's going on with the game other than my companion has 3 to 5 times the health, defense, absorption, any character has. Defense in the game seems to have been turned into Push Button few seconds of defense only.


Sorry to say the whole of 5.0+ looks like it was developed by someone who has never even played the game, and I feel it was the exact opposite of what was needed.


Ill probably end up closing my sub here shortly as I cannot even play without getting pissed.

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I guess some people like this frankly I cannot get any of my characters to work and I cannot stand it. The rules of the game seem to only apply to NPC's and your companions and not you. As for an example "First Son" final mission cannot complete it.. died like 8 times already seems no way to win as you are one hit, both you and your companion. I don't even consider what they have done as a nerf more like a HACK. Basically only Endurance, Power and Mastery seem to be turned on... nothing else is working ie defense, acc, armor rate, etc. for you anyway... its still working on companions and npc's.



A bit off topic, but for the first son fight, you just have to interrupt a specific channeling abilitie from the first son (I don't remember the name, but it's a really the mechanic. Put the first son on focus (Alt-F) and keep an eye on his cast bar.

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not likely as of right now. none of the stuff they announced fixes core issues with galactic command, including and especially that the leveling of thereof is character specific. they didn't improve on gear acquisition for solo players. they did fix the rate of how long it takes to acquire.


if these things will get addressed between now and the patch? then yeah, I might resub.


(oh hey I can still post! I wonder for how long :p )

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The ones we lost and talked to in TS last night says it's too little to late for the majority of them.


The more we talked and broke down what bw did and didn't do to GC and RNG and proposed changes didn't leave any of us with good feelings about whats coming. It was a half arse step in the right direction but with to many holes in bws ideas. Gamers heard token and jumped on board before thinking about just what bw said and didn't say. Still too much possibility of reliance on RNG no matter what content you clear. No idea of the cost for command tokens. No real fix for alt play. The list goes on.


We gained no one back with what was said.


Given what we also put in the survey I'm curious as to what will happen next. In some way, every single complaint still revolves around GC, RNG, hindered alt play and getting rid of all those issues is needed. Not just adjustments to keep them around so bw can save face.

Edited by Quraswren
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Unfortunately, no I'm not ready to restart my sub. The reason I ended my sub was due to a lack of content. If, during the January live stream, they provide a solid specific non jargon full road map type presentation regarding new 8 and 16 man content (or something equally interesting) then I'll resub. If not, my sub ends at the end of Feb, so I'd just continue to let it ride out.
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I'm feeling more positive towards possibly resubbing.

For me, personally, the biggest hurdle is still the gigantic grind. Gaining Command Ranks feels way too slow as it is, and feeling guilty for playing my alts (especially lowbies!) when I should be farming more CXP stresses me out.

Alts still need to be addressed in a big way...

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No. Sick of EA.


I've been dealing with EA, off and on, for almost 15 years. Every time there's a "shakeup" at the company, promises are made that they have changed for the better. Then within six months to a year, it's back to "screw the fans" business as usual.


I mourn for BioWare as it once was, before selling their souls to EA. Unfortunately, they will probably go the way of WestWood.

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I am willing to give them one more month of sub, just so I can be around here to see and comment on whatever comes out with these 'changes'. If the new system still ends up too RNG or the costs in terms of the Command Tokens (or whatever they call it) are just too high that it might as well be RNG, then I'll unsub after that month.


No, I'm not completely happy with the changes they've made. But at least they're making some changes, even if it's still far from all that's needed. I want to keep fighting this for a bit longer instead of giving EAWare up as a lost cause and walking away, I guess? I always was stubborn like that...

Edited by AscendingSky
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No, I don't think they improved anything noticeably for the PVE player. The one drop guarantee for an entire op felt like a slap in the face, too. My unsub will stay unsubbed in an RNG system where all I get is frustrated if I play.
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No, I don't think they improved anything noticeably for the PVE player. The one drop guarantee for an entire op felt like a slap in the face, too. My unsub will stay unsubbed in an RNG system where all I get is frustrated if I play.

I'm wondering how many feel like you do. I'm happy because it's 100x's better than what we have...but I'll admit, it's still not nearly as good as what we've had for years.

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I guess some people like this frankly I cannot get any of my characters to work and I cannot stand it. The rules of the game seem to only apply to NPC's and your companions and not you. As for an example "First Son" final mission cannot complete it.. died like 8 times already seems no way to win as you are one hit, both you and your companion. I don't even consider what they have done as a nerf more like a HACK. Basically only Endurance, Power and Mastery seem to be turned on... nothing else is working ie defense, acc, armor rate, etc. for you anyway... its still working on companions and npc's.


The First Son mission the one you need to watch for is the collapse cave move he has. Once it is interrupted the rest of the fight is simple.


The collapse cave is one no matter what your health is you will die as he collapsing the cave it is over but it can be interrupted.

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I'm wondering how many feel like you do. I'm happy because it's 100x's better than what we have...but I'll admit, it's still not nearly as good as what we've had for years.


I don't know, but my basic problem is opening crate after crate after crate (that take WAY longer than one hour to earn) and getting useless junk. One piece per op wouldn't help that anyway, and it is way too little to be an alternate way of gearing, RNG already hates me, go through an entire op to get screwed over again by RNG with crappy odds anyway? I don't think so.

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Man is pathetic all the attention now is set on the random system, most of you guys have forgotten completely there haven't been any new ops in 2 years (no new endgame content).


That is the main "issue" here not the stupid random system (at least for the people who enjoy doing ops of course). Because doing the same old content over and over again after 5 is getting a little "crazy" you know.


Servers were already dying before 5.0 was released even going back to token vendors again doesn't solve the real problematic.


and i'm not even mentioning here the recently nerf to some classes on game. Removing droids cc from snipers and sentinels was pure trolling....

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I'm wondering how many feel like you do. I'm happy because it's 100x's better than what we have...but I'll admit, it's still not nearly as good as what we've had for years.


I don't think it is even a little bit better. Its just glossed over. One guaranteed piece in an 8 person run, for one of them....that isn't really better. And it still costs them something in addition to completing the op to even get....that's just crazy.

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I play ops, but not nearly enough of them (nor organized in a guild of mine; I rely on pugs and invites) to make this a viable change for me.


I never farmed 224s, I had just two characters in full 220 and a (not very) small army in 216/220 mix.


I would start out by putting my characters in augmented 208s, last cycle, to be able to farm 216s in HM FPs in between what SM ops pugs I ran in, and this would be fast enough for me to be able to accept some invites into HM/NiM ops runs over the year.


None of this was fast to me, so I'd get a little bitter whenever reading about everyone needing to be slowed down because there were guilds that could farm 224s together. But okay, it was a thing.. but now that group, the group that is able to farm gear in an organized manner, is also the group that is being helped to speed things up here.


Anyone not part of an active raiding guild will have had to spend a lot more time into it before, and a multitude of that now. I could get one or two characters back on that level... but my many characters have been my "new content", they're what keep me trying. They 'were' what kept me trying, I should say. I don't expect this to be resolved in a manner that I can live with, so.. I am checking out the threads about this for the coming days, but I already uninstalled the game during the stream. Had enough.


I agree. I have 37 65's on one server alone, half in 216's, the rest in 220/224. I havent logged in in a week, I just cant stand the awful cxp grind. They spent the development budget for the expansion on the horrible gearing system rather than content.

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I don't think it is even a little bit better. Its just glossed over. One guaranteed piece in an 8 person run, for one of them....that isn't really better. And it still costs them something in addition to completing the op to even get....that's just crazy.


And it still doesn't do anything to help those who don't run Ops.

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My sub will run out in a few hours (0 day(s) left), but I'm not even thinking about resubbing right now. To be honest, in it's current state I wouldn't play the game even for free, even if everything would be available as a preffered player (with lower CXP).


I will check out the changes next year with a 7 days friend referral. If they really fixed the system, i will resub. If they not, maybe I'll come back next summer when they offer 12x CXP and such.

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