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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Throwin' Snowballs, Gettin' Command XP


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Hey folks,


It has been brought to our attention that when you gain a parcel from throwing a snowball in the Life Day event, you earn Command Experience Points. This is 100% intended as a nice little bonus of CXP for participating in the event. Between the cooldown on snowballs and the % chance to get parcels, this isn't better than simply participating in in-game activities such as Uprisings, Warzones, etc. We will continue to monitor this activity and if it creeps up to being better than endgame activities, we will likely lower the CXP that you earn from parcels.


Now, there is some concern about players exploiting this using bots and whatnot so here is a reminder: botting and macroing of any kind is against the Terms of Service. If an account is found to be using either, appropriate action will be taken up to and including account closure.


Happy Life Day to all! Get in there and throw some snowballs and get some CXP for yourself.



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Use a bot to farm mobs and spam fleet? No problem. Use cheats in PVP, slap on the wrist and still get your pvp rewards. Use a macro to throw snowballs? BANHAMMER!!!!!


Screw with other players enjoyment of the game? No problem. Screw with the in-game economy? Slap on the wrist and keep your ill gotten gains. Screw with the 'keep 'em paying to grind while buying boosts' system? BAN

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Hey folks,


It has been brought to our attention that when you gain a parcel from throwing a snowball in the Life Day event, you earn Command Experience Points. This is 100% intended as a nice little bonus of CXP for participating in the event. Between the cooldown on snowballs and the % chance to get parcels, this isn't better than simply participating in in-game activities such as Uprisings, Warzones, etc. We will continue to monitor this activity and if it creeps up to being better than endgame activities, we will likely lower the CXP that you earn from parcels.


Now, there is some concern about players exploiting this using bots and whatnot so here is a reminder: botting and macroing of any kind is against the Terms of Service. If an account is found to be using either, appropriate action will be taken up to and including account closure.


Happy Life Day to all! Get in there and throw some snowballs and get some CXP for yourself.




It actually seems faster than Ops

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I can't throw snowballs at the Life Day droids. Nothing happens when I try, whether they are overheated or not.

I talked to a couple of people in my guild and they're having the same issue.


Cannot target NPC with the snowballs. The cannon (which they removed from the CM right before the event) still works.

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Hey folks,


It has been brought to our attention that when you gain a parcel from throwing a snowball in the Life Day event, you earn Command Experience Points. This is 100% intended as a nice little bonus of CXP for participating in the event. Between the cooldown on snowballs and the % chance to get parcels, this isn't better than simply participating in in-game activities such as Uprisings, Warzones, etc. We will continue to monitor this activity and if it creeps up to being better than endgame activities, we will likely lower the CXP that you earn from parcels.


Now, there is some concern about players exploiting this using bots and whatnot so here is a reminder: botting and macroing of any kind is against the Terms of Service. If an account is found to be using either, appropriate action will be taken up to and including account closure.


Happy Life Day to all! Get in there and throw some snowballs and get some CXP for yourself.



So any idea why we can't throw snowballs at any NPCs?

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Time to grind snowballs for 20 CXP vs grinding mobs for 2.


Will be a much better payout then most other content for your time for CXP. Plus the added benefit of you cannot lose or waste time on it like running other content and wiping or losing.


snowball grind till they nerf it like the other mob grinds for the same CXP reward (which were not exploits btw. bw just didn't like you doing that particular grind)

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Hey folks,


It has been brought to our attention that when you gain a parcel from throwing a snowball in the Life Day event, you earn Command Experience Points. This is 100% intended as a nice little bonus of CXP for participating in the event. Between the cooldown on snowballs and the % chance to get parcels, this isn't better than simply participating in in-game activities such as Uprisings, Warzones, etc. We will continue to monitor this activity and if it creeps up to being better than endgame activities, we will likely lower the CXP that you earn from parcels.


Now, there is some concern about players exploiting this using bots and whatnot so here is a reminder: botting and macroing of any kind is against the Terms of Service. If an account is found to be using either, appropriate action will be taken up to and including account closure.


Happy Life Day to all! Get in there and throw some snowballs and get some CXP for yourself.




" We will continue to monitor this activity and if it creeps up to being better than endgame activities, we will likely lower the CXP that you earn from parcels"



Everyone needs to complain about the CXP being too low for snowballs :p

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For real.


The constant nerfs in hopes of fixing your god awful system is getting real old real fast.


It's not about 'fixing' the system for the benefit of players. It's about making the grind as long, tedious, and unrewarding as possible, in order to strongarm people into spending real money to buy the CXP boosters to make it a little easier! This is all about EAWare padding their bottom line, not about what's best for the player base or the game.

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You really don't need to keep making it harder for solo players to get cxp. You really don't.

Think about that for a minute. Solo stuff has level sync. Level sync waters down the stats of your gear, making gear mostly meaningless. Solo stuff can be done without a subscription (F2P). A subscription is required for getting Galactic Command and therefore CXP. So...if you don't want to do anything in a group in this game, you have no use for gear or a subscription.


It's interesting to me that back when solo play actually had a use for gear (before level sync), the only way to get the gear was by running group stuff (operations, warzones). Now that we have level sync and solo play no longer has any use for gear, we have a way for solo players to get that gear. :confused: It's an illogical reversal.


Anyway, back on topic....I'm glad to see this and I look forward to blasting you all with snowballs. :rak_05:

Edited by teclado
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