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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I want some of the pills that you, thehauntingbard and Khoranth are using. Is it the red or the blue pill? Seems like quite some trip into fairy tale land.


So we al must be on drugs, wanting a video game made so that when i press a button, my character does what i tell him to do.


OH WAIT every game except for a handful of failed MMORPG's and now SWTOR has this feature.


You do realize that very few games are ever released that have unresponsive controls right? and when they are released like this, they generally fail.


Unreal, you stating that wplayers must be on drugs for players to want the most basic feature of their character to do what they want when they press a button

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I mostly agree with the EA/Cashgrab/Blizzard > X etc. Discussions and posts of the last two pages but would kinda urge to try to stay closer on topic of Gameplay/Responsiveness and Bioware's potential response etc.


Although, you guys aren't straying too far from the discussion. It's only natural to take it into the direction of the last two pages... But still.

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You mean whichever pill is making him tell the truth?


You mean that their opinionated, poorly worded, multiple-threads/posts-an-hour, childish, non-helpful, non-constructive, ADD-oriented, pimple-teenager trash posts are 'truth'?


Whatever floats your boat I guess :rolleyes:

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So we al must be on drugs, wanting a video game made so that when i press a button, my character does what i tell him to do.


OH WAIT every game except for a handful of failed MMORPG's and now SWTOR has this feature.


You do realize that very few games are ever released that have unresponsive controls right? and when they are released like this, they generally fail.


Unreal, you stating that wplayers must be on drugs for players to want the most basic feature of their character to do what they want when they press a button


I think that part is the most vital part to this discussion. It is elementary. It is the most basic function.


In this regards, the controls are like water: Water may seem bland and really simple to some; however, without this water, we will die.

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I mostly agree with the EA/Cashgrab/Blizzard > X etc. Discussions and posts of the last two pages but would kinda urge to try to stay closer on topic of Gameplay/Responsiveness and Bioware's potential response etc.


Although, you guys aren't straying too far from the discussion. It's only natural to take it into the direction of the last two pages... But still.


Yeah i get what you are saying, but it is really discouraging for those of us who got suckered by EA into buying warhammer to see basically the exact same problem in another EA MMO.


But i think it is reasonably on topic to state: if they do not fix this before diablo 3 is released, they are in serious trouble. Since part of the title of thread says (this will make or break SWTOR)

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So we al must be on drugs, wanting a video game made so that when i press a button, my character does what i tell him to do.


OH WAIT every game except for a handful of failed MMORPG's and now SWTOR has this feature.


You do realize that very few games are ever released that have unresponsive controls right? and when they are released like this, they generally fail.


Unreal, you stating that wplayers must be on drugs for players to want the most basic feature of their character to do what they want when they press a button


Sad that your reading comprehension is so bad.


If you had read my posts you would know that I am concerned about the avatar responsiveness in SWtoR and hope that BW will fix it.


That was not my point though. My point was that you and a few more has lowered yourself to be Blizzard fan boys which is as bad as being BW fan boys. You go 100% into hyperbole mode and exaggerations in addition to talk about features way beyond the OPs point.


That is not helpful if your interest is the improvement of SWtoR.

Edited by Elog
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It's pretty linked, this topic shows the communities interest in the game.

It also shows people are worried about EA's past with cash grabs MMO.


When you see this type of Q and A's you can't help to get a bad taste in the mouth.

See you and others want this game to work, but what if it was never their intention to fix things.

You don't get the feeling that they have anything planned, it's all about dodging answers.


Just bleeds subs and earn a bit for a short time.


The issue brought up is something that plagues many games, not just MMO's.

It's an interesting discussion for one.

I think it deserved more than this response, especially since it has been brought in beta.

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Out of good will I won't ask for a refund but if it is another cash and grab it will be my last BW/EA title.

So far Blizzard seems the better company.



I will ALWAYS be a BioWare fan. They will have to do a lot more than what is going on here for them to lose me as a customer. What is happening here is coming from the tops of EA.




It is shocking to see the total lack of response to this and communication to the community regarding. (Reddit barely counts)



It is also shocking that a game, with MILLIONS invested into, would get just a cash/grab from EA. Yes, they wanted the cash before Christmas, totally understandable. However, to continue to let a 100 million + investment sit and die, is an utter failure in business strategy.


In order to recoup their costs, they HAVE to address this problem so the game is healthy for the long term.


For as big of a cash grab the launch was, even EA can't be this dumb to let a MASSIVE problem go unchecked and ruin their 100+ million dollar investment.


Even their CFO, Eric Brown, has previously described Star Wars: The Old Republic as 'the largest ever development project, period, in the history of the company.'



EA isn't a completely dumb company. They HAVE to know this is a problem. They HAVE to know that it needs to be fixed in order to insure the longevity of their game. They CAN'T let their largest development project ever completely flop.



Personally, I am giving them time. I love the game and enjoying every minute of the game. But once I hit 50 and PvPing consistently and this isn't fixed by end of January...



My Star Wars: The Old Republic account will be cancelled.

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You mean that their opinionated, poorly worded, multiple-threads/posts-an-hour, childish, non-helpful, non-constructive, ADD-oriented, pimple-teenager trash posts are 'truth'?


Whatever floats your boat I guess :rolleyes:


You cannot possibly be talking to me with this.


I may complain, but at the same time, I have also detailed how i think bioware can put in place a temporary 'bandaid' fix to by themselves time to dig into the code and get this truly fixed.

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Sad that your reading comprehension is so bad.


If you had read my posts you would know that I am concerned about the avatar responsiveness in SWtoR and hope that BW will fix it.


That was not my point though. My point was that you and a few more has lowered yourself to be Blizzard fan boys which is as bad as being BW fan boys. You go 100% into hyperbole mode and exaggerations in addition to talk about features way beyond the OPs point.


That is not helpful if your interest is the improvement of SWtoR.


Are you kidding me with this? I hate WoW more then i hate being ripped off by EA with a cash and grab scam ie warhammer.


I could write a 200 page masters thesis on all of the things i hate about WoW and why I will never ever play it again.


Being angry about being scammed by EA does not make me a fanboi of anyone.

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Can't stress enough that this is an issue that does not affect everyone. This isn't about some people getting used to, it just that some people don't have this issue.


I think it would be more constructive if we'd collect information about settings, connection and so on.


I'd also strongly encourage those affected to ticket this issue with as much details as possible. As I don't know what details about system spec and game settings is submitted along the ticket it might be useful to include that information, too.


My wife and I are running the game with the "Use Quickslot On Key Press" option off and "Ability Action Queue Window" at 0.5.


Also I remember that when WoW introduced their use action on key press option, some players reported this was causing delays for them.


This ^

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Today , 07:46 PM



Originally Posted by Dextral

Can't stress enough that this is an issue that does not affect everyone. This isn't about some people getting used to, it just that some people don't have this issue.


I think it would be more constructive if we'd collect information about settings, connection and so on.


I'd also strongly encourage those affected to ticket this issue with as much details as possible. As I don't know what details about system spec and game settings is submitted along the ticket it might be useful to include that information, too.


My wife and I are running the game with the "Use Quickslot On Key Press" option off and "Ability Action Queue Window" at 0.5.


Also I remember that when WoW introduced their use action on key press option, some players reported this was causing delays for them.


This ^



maybe you don't understand or know what you're talking about.


the door is that way --->

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maybe you don't understand or know what you're talking about.


the door is that way --->


I do understand quite well, the quote I posted quite reasonably asked for constructive feedback, as not everyone has this issue.


2 issues people are complaining about


1. Animations take longer than the global cool down.


2. Some abilities are unresponsive

Edited by Jediwran
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maybe you don't understand or know what you're talking about.


the door is that way --->


What is frustrating is that any fanboi can come in and state this problem does not exist for them, with no proof or evidence.


I just do not believe it, I have seen too much evidence of an issue with combat responsiveness in my own playtime and in videos people post in this thread.


All we see is people state the problem does not exist for them, no evidence.

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What is frustrating is that any fanboi can come in and state this problem does not exist for them, with no proof or evidence.


I just do not believe it, I have seen too much evidence of an issue with combat responsiveness in my own playtime and in videos people post in this thread.


All we see is people state the problem does not exist for them, no evidence.


Oh so because some people don't have the issue, they're fanbois now? :rolleyes: If you really want to get to the bottom of the problem, keep the ad-homs to a minimum and post constructively so Bioware can get to the bottom of this. Your insults don't help.

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I do understand quite well, the quote I posted quite reasonably asked for constructive feedback, as not everyone has this issue.


2 issues people are complaining about


1. Animations take longer than the global cool down.


2. Some abilities are unresponsive


There is no evidence not everyone has this issue.


You want to prove it then do this: get a jedi consular sage, get force wave get into a warzone and start filming for youtube.


Now what i want to see is a jedi consular sage get attacked by a few melee, get stunned and then use tenacity( off the GCD CC breaker) then use force wave( isntant aoe knockback)


You should be able to use those 2 abilities in succession tenacity>force wave nearly intsantly and have the melee beating on you get knocked away.


I want to see a video of this in a warzone, then i will believe some people do not have the unresponsive combat problem.

Edited by Khoranth
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Oh so because some people don't have the issue, they're fanbois now? :rolleyes: If you really want to get to the bottom of the problem, keep the ad-homs to a minimum and post constructively so Bioware can get to the bottom of this. Your insults don't help.


we have seen plenty of evidence that these issues exist, zero evidence that there are some players who do not have the problem.


I don't think anyones a fanboi for not haivng a problem, i think they are a fanboi for lying about not having the problem.


Prove me wrong and do this:


get a jedi consular sage, get force wave, get into a warzone and start filming for youtube.


Now what i want to see is a jedi consular sage get attacked by a few melee, get stunned and then use tenacity( off the GCD CC breaker) then use force wave( isntant aoe knockback)


You should be able to use those 2 abilities in succession tenacity>force nearly intsantly and have the melee beating on you get knocked away.


I want to see a video of this in a warzone, then i will believe some people do not have the unresponsive combat problem.

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we have seen plenty of evidence that these issues exist, zero evidence that there are some players who do not have the problem.


I don't think anyones a fanboi for not haivng a problem, i think they are a fanboi for lying about not having the problem.


Prove me wrong and do this:


get a jedi consular sage, get force wave, get into a warzone and start filming for youtube.


Now what i want to see is a jedi consular sage get attacked by a few melee, get stunned and then use tenacity( off the GCD CC breaker) then use force wave( isntant aoe knockback)


You should be able to use those 2 abilities in succession tenacity>force nearly intsantly and have the melee beating on you get knocked away.


I want to see a video of this in a warzone, then i will believe some people do not have the unresponsive combat problem.


Why would anyone lie about not having the problem? How odd. If I were having an issue, I'd be just as peeved.

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Love how this thread has more views then Stickys about the devs thanking us for playing!


Ive read 200 and some odd pages from the previous thread and most of this one.


I support the thread 100%, played all the mmos yadda yadda. All the money they spent created a subpar game in this aspect, imo. And its almost guaranteed that due to the popularity of this thread, something should be done. Which most likely wont happen, but in the evolution of online gaming, there will be better games on less budget that will provide a more than subpar experience in character response and this game will go under Biowares Write Off taxes.

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