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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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On top of that, the Devs aren't going to be "reading this". Instead, they'll be looking at the Customer Service forum!


Lol @ you people thinking your voices will be heard in a forum irrelevant to the game's developments.


I am fairly sure that they are reading every single page and have read every single page because believe it or not 300+ pages, 3,000+ replies, 150,000+ views concerning something this mechanically flawed in the game has their attention. If not, then this entire thing doesnt deserve one subscription.


Not seeing them acknowledge this thread properly is very concerning and unprofessional.

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I completely stopped playing this due to this mechanic. I couldn't put a finger on why it did not feel smoothe as a sniper. I cast aimed shot and try to run and move and it doesn't go off many times.


The OP hit the nail on the head, it's the animation which lags everything else and makes the game clunky as hell. It irks me because I can't play my character in pvp. Pve I feel as I do not have control over my character, it's like I'm just watching it and not playing it.


Please fix this asap, I will come back to the game when it does...

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I've been a big supporter of your comments in this thread, Xcore, dating back to early in the original thread. But I feel like this is asking a little too much - let me explain why. I was watching this thread and the reddit discussion when Reid said this. I was overjoyed, the very first question I think was about this very thread, and he said, 'We're aware.' That's the dot.


I thought we had "won."


But it didn't take more than THREE POSTS for people to start demanding timelines, more information, explicit approaches, etc. There HAS to be patience. BW HAS acknowledged your discussion of this problem.


Here's what would happen if a dev did post a "."


INSTANTLY, everyone would be asking follow-up questions. "When?" "So you're saying there IS a problem?" "Is it tied to server response or is it the engine?" etc etc.


I think you might be mollified by the "." but it would only cause more and more frustration due to not giving full details and timelines, which, while I would appreciate those things, I don't feel are necessary to "win."


They said they're working on it. Time to move forward.


I agree and perhaps i am speaking out of frustrations and passion but I wouldn't read to much into the reddit answer, he couldn't avoid it as it was public but did the next best thing. For all we know, he has no idea what that question even meant or referred to.

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How bout taking them at their word that they have acknowledged it, and that it's a complex issue. They can't just wiggle their nose, and fix a complex issue just like that, because you want them to.


What are you talking about? This issue was brought up repeatedly in beta years ago, why would i take there word that NOW they are serious and going to fix this problem?


Why didn't they adress it and fix it in beta when beta testers begged them to do something about this problem before release?


You have no answer for this, you'll just dodge the question, again, and give some odd response that does not adress what i just said.

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What are you talking about? This issue was brought up repeatedly in beta years ago, why would i take there word that NOW they are serious and going to fix this problem?


Why didn't they adress it and fix it in beta when beta testers begged them to do something about this problem before release?


You have no answer for this, you'll just dodge the question, again, and give some odd response that does not adress what i just said.


Better yet, if you have no faith in them "they don't keep their word", why are you still here? In your mind, it's a game-breaking issue, that'll never be fixed....why be here.

Edited by Jediwran
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Better yet, if you have no faith in them "they don't keep their word", why are you still here?


So no answer as to why this wasnt acknowledged or fixed years ago in beta? some people might think I can see the future the way i called your response.

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Of course I have no answer, for starters I wasn't in Beta, and I am not Bioware.


So are you here arguing with the hopes of bumping the post and getting as many players as possible to read the OP?


You have no answers, no real input. One can only assume you are here for no other reason than to bump the post.

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From what I can gather, this boils down either to code or EA's POS servers. For those of you who know nill about computers and networking, BUS speeds are extremely crucial. This is the speed at which the Motherboard is able to move data around to computer to different parts (i.e from hardrive to memory). Cheap servers w/ cheap mobos can get severely bottle-necked if trying to handle massive amounts of data from a lot of people. In extreme cases they crash.


I'm sure EA was aware of this when buying their POS servers, that's why they had low-ish pop caps on them, with so many filling up so fast, and with ques being ridiculously long for servers. Even now I see about 70-80% of all servers operating at very heavy and full levels. with only 50 players on average being on any instanced planet at a time.


What did EA and BW do? blame the consumer for not choosing the right server. Oh and that whole guild placement issue didn't help either. That was one of the reasons this whole que thing became viral.


Anyway enough rant from me. But I doubt EA or BW will address this problem soon(referring to Reid's comments), it may be too costly, but if they lose enough subs due to it, they'll likely change their tune. We can just wait and see.

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So are you here arguing with the hopes of bumping the post and getting as many players as possible to read the OP?


You have no answers, no real input. One can only assume you are here for no other reason than to bump the post.


That's subjective, I could say the same about you.

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Everyone please watch this video.


It shows BOTH examples of people experiencing no issues and examples of the delay that people are experiencing.





It is 15 minutes long, but VERY informative and VERY worthwhile to watch.


I've said this a few times over the corse of this topic, I don't believe all of us are complaining about the exact same thing. Some people are saying there is a bug that some abilities won't go off. I haven't experienced that yet myself.


I have however, felt like things are, i don't how to put it, maybe to slow to react? Even in this video you have linked, the animation of his first spell is clipped, but there is a slight pause before the effect goes off. I can see it clearly at 3:42.


I was actually playing wow not long ago on my priest, doing an almost exact test as the first in this video. I cast flash heal then renew. In wow, the renew almost seems to happen at the exact instant that my flash heal does as well, a similar feel in the frostbolt -> icelance video.


That slow delay, although it looks very tiny in the video, feels horrible in game to me.

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I absolutely agree with the OP.


This is the biggest issue in ToR so far. It ruined PVP for me and frankly annoys the hell out of me.



I can't even heal in Warzones, because if my FPS is below 25 (and it is) some abilities will be cast and will trigger my GCD but the heal will not land. It can happen up to 3 times in a row when my or anyone else's health does not go up an inch.



Someone told me that the Engine is brought from Warhammer and that this issue was never fixed in that game, therefore I am assuming that we are stuck with this issue until people give up, quit, and the game dies. I am a very patient man. I waited many years for this game, but I already discarded PVP as one my options for having fun in the game. I am scared of Operations, because this can happen there too and ruin my experience.


For now, I can only do Single Player and Flashpoints. This is obviously not good.

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Everyone please watch this video.


It shows BOTH examples of people experiencing no issues and examples of the delay that people are experiencing.





It is 15 minutes long, but VERY informative and VERY worthwhile to watch.


Just watched, thanks :)

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Everyone please watch this video.


It shows BOTH examples of people experiencing no issues and examples of the delay that people are experiencing.





It is 15 minutes long, but VERY informative and VERY worthwhile to watch.


I just watched it. It is a good video, thanks for it. Still my issue with the healing spell you cast is that when the cast bar is full, your spell doesn't land on yourself. It waits for another 0.3 or 0.5 secs then the healing numbers show up. What I mean is cast time is not synced with animation time. Animations takes 0.3 or 0.5 secs longer.

Edited by Rendekar
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Everyone please watch this video.


It shows BOTH examples of people experiencing no issues and examples of the delay that people are experiencing.





It is 15 minutes long, but VERY informative and VERY worthwhile to watch.


Excellent video - in the spirit of the first ~150 pages of the original thread - true discussion, testing, and video evidence.


Again, I'll point to a lack of a combat log as an additional complication to this issue - trying to make sure damage happens if animations do or don't happen is kind of important to the troubleshooting.

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I absolutely agree with the OP.


This is the biggest issue in ToR so far. It ruined PVP for me and frankly annoys the hell out of me.



I can't even heal in Warzones, because if my FPS is below 25 (and it is) some abilities will be cast and will trigger my GCD but the heal will not land. It can happen up to 3 times in a row when my or anyone else's health does not go up an inch.



Someone told me that the Engine is brought from Warhammer and that this issue was never fixed in that game, therefore I am assuming that we are stuck with this issue until people give up, quit, and the game dies. I am a very patient man. I waited many years for this game, but I already discarded PVP as one my options for having fun in the game. I am scared of Operations, because this can happen there too and ruin my experience.


For now, I can only do Single Player and Flashpoints. This is obviously not good.


Are you serious? They are using warhammers game engine?


I would have never bought this game if i had known that. This is truly sick and i feel completely victimized if bioware just dumped warhammers game engine into swtor.


Can anyone confirm this? This may be grounds for a class action lawsuit against EA for a snatch and grab cash scam.

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Everyone please watch this video.


It shows BOTH examples of people experiencing no issues and examples of the delay that people are experiencing.





It is 15 minutes long, but VERY informative and VERY worthwhile to watch.


Melee classes have a bigger promblem.Just make an alt and test VS(sith warrior skill).You have VS from lvl 1 so you don't even have to lvl up.


Do the test and you will see how big the promblem is.

Edited by Lusiferz
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I just watched it. It is a good video, thanks for it. Still my issue with the healing spell you cast is that when the cast bar is full, your spell doesn't land on yourself. It waits for another 0.3 or 0.5 secs then the healing numbers show up. What I mean is cast time is not synced with animation time. Animations takes 0.3 or 0.5 secs longer.


A good point - one thing the video didn't do was that first heal cast, then move as cast bar was finished but animation wasn't. (At least I don't remember it doing that.) Would the heal still land?


Accurate cast bars (meaning being "done" with that ability and able to do something else.) is really the root of the original discussion.


It's really interesting, ha ha, when it stays on topic and doesn't devolve into bickering.

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