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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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do not speak like that!!! you are a fanboy and propably you are a bad player that why this problem do not affect you much.


if you were l337 pl@y3r then you would know that GAMEBREAKING and TERRIBLE bug/error/no feature


now stop being a noob AND a fanboy and recognise this GAMEBREAKING problem





Haha exactly! The end of the world is December 2012 so who cares?

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Thanks a lot for your contribution, grandpa... :rolleyes:


No one is talking about WoW being the greatest MMO ever, only thing OP is doing is using WoW as an example to prove a point.


If you were not talking about the OP post, then you should quote the person you were referring to, anyway I will flag you.


Flag on as you wish obviously I hit a sore spot with you. WOW sucked it is my opinion no different from the OP's wrong opinion. It is wrong because I said so just like he said I was wrong because I don't agree. WOW sucked give over it. I will flag you for flagging me YAY


I will flag you for calling me old and because it hurt my feelers and I live in a world of weak people who need entitlement and instant gratification and I will cry if I don't get it!


I am sure being called granpa ranks on some level of discrimination in your child world.

Edited by Caldric
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From your quote it is obvious you didn't play WAR at all.


Poorly implemented pvp mechanics in WAR? Arguably the best pvp game since DAOC even with it's flaws.


WAR failed because of RVR lakes and lacking 3 factions much like SWTORS and every other mmo does.


The Poplution balance killed WAR in the big picture of things more than anything else. WAR's pvp is top notch.


WAR's pvp from level 2 blows SWTOR's out of the water.


Go lie more about your mmo experience new guy.


Carnivore RR 83 WL Dark Crag.


WAR was the greatest PVP RVR MMO ever barring DAOC for creating it orginally. You are right without the 3rd faction it had a lack of balance. WAR was fantastic too bad it got such a bum rap at the start just like this game is getting now. :(

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Some people are trolling...

WoW sucks.

SWTOR sucks.

World sucks.


Yes, I agree WoW end-game content sucks, and more 'trolls' are playing it.

Yes, I agree SWTOR UI / FPS / 'laggy problem' / 'slow motion' sucks.


Xcore is one that isn't trolling. He is trying to improve this game.


Great work!

Edited by aramilnaile
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Some people are trolling...

WoW sucks.

SWTOR sucks.

World sucks.


Yes, I agree WoW end-game content sucks, and more 'trolls' are playing it.

Yes, I agree SWTOR UI / FPS / 'laggy problem' / 'slow motion' sucks.


Xcore is one that isn't trolling. He / She is trying to improve this game.


Great work!


Thanks, I am a "He", just to put it out of question!

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I hate the way the UI makes it look like I'm on my speeder but as soon as I move forward I'm dismounted. They really need to address that.


My other pet peeve is when I loot an archaeology node I start my speeder, but end up not getting the loot from the node. I just get the skill up and have to dismount to loot it.


I haven't really been bothered by the combat responsiveness yet though, but I haven't pvped a lot.

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This discussion was on the Rift forum as well and I recall seeing it on the beta forum here.

Read a lot about it and well it's a lesson MMO developers don't seem to learn.

This is one of the biggest reason people like WOW, the gameplay is smooth the character respond great.


It's not just in MMO's either,think of the old nes plat formers.

This is what made Super Mario Bros so popular .

The amount of control and smoothness you had and the character responsiveness.


I think OP explained it in a good way and it holds a lot of truth.

How ever I doubt Bioware fix this.

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It's broke,


And the lack of a dev post in the 3= days this thread has been going for tells me they can't fix it or don't care.


Sub cancelled off to kill Deathwing again...


Ciao losers.


We are the losers, yet you are going to kill Deathwing. This amuses me.

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It's broke,


And the lack of a dev post in the 3= days this thread has been going for tells me they can't fix it or don't care.


Sub cancelled off to kill Deathwing again...


Ciao losers.


Im sure this page has allready been turned into a "Im quiting for wow" thread somewere in the last 100 pages....But dont turn it into that again.


This page has reached 100 pages Means BW is looking at it pretty hard. Steven Reid Posted about it in reddit ama today. (Which is why im here). so "All good things will come to those who wait"

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Another game breaker for me is the game engine and character "warping". This happens when traversing in the z-axis (up/down).


Extremely visable when grouping and running around in the terrain (e.g. datacron hunting, jumping of ledges/crates, using elevators). Your party members will start to warp around for a second before their position is updated.


For me, this is a classic Everquest engine problem. But that was over 10 years ago. How can they have failed with this again?? They talk about immersion and this phenomenon is just terrible. And to make it worse, I am not even sure they will be able to fix this.





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Im sure this page has allready been turned into a "Im quiting for wow" thread somewere in the last 100 pages....But dont turn it into that again.



but we are forcing anyone to do that, they are just pissed that SWTOR ISNT' WOW2 and do not care, even if they fix the "bug" or address it those pps will look for something else to whine around


seriously we do not that kind of players here

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but we are forcing anyone to do that, they are just pissed that SWTOR ISNT' WOW2 and do not care, even if they fix the "bug" or address it those pps will look for something else to whine around


seriously we do not that kind of players here


I will disagree, firstly it is not for you to decide what kind of players "we" need around anywhere. This game, Bioware, you and myself will profit from every single player playing this game and giving subscription dollars to it:


The super hardcore elitist who kicks you from his group for playing wrong


The super casual who takes 5 minute breaks every 5 minutes in your group and noticeably does not perform to standards.


The guy who complains and whines on the forums about getting killed in pvp


The guy who never complains about anything at all and just "Adapts" to just about anything


The guy who hates this game and just pays subscription to post hate on the forums



Etc. we all need these people... if you cannot understand why, you will never really "get it", Now as far as your actual comment about "I"M QUITTING IF THIS DON'T GET FIXED"... this is actually a "valid" statement. A paying customer is showing displeasure and threatening to leave if there is no response to remedy the situation. Don't be fooled by this being a game and thus a statement like that being unreasonable...


I do agree that people should voice their displeasures in a more constructive way however.

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Signing thread to support OP.


however i fear this issue is insanely hard to fix for them, as it might be a game engine flaw, not sure though, i´m no game designer after all and don´t really have any knowledge about where these kind of mechanics come from and how to adress it hah.

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but we are forcing anyone to do that, they are just pissed that SWTOR ISNT' WOW2 and do not care, even if they fix the "bug" or address it those pps will look for something else to whine around


seriously we do not that kind of players here


People in Blizzard are so huppy wen they read posts like yours.


Continue the good job and send people back to WOW.



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Signing thread to support OP.


however i fear this issue is insanely hard to fix for them, as it might be a game engine flaw, not sure though, i´m no game designer after all and don´t really have any knowledge about where these kind of mechanics come from and how to adress it hah.


200 million and an overlooked engine flaw that could cause hundreds of thousand to stop their subscriptions. Re-thinking this, this is probably true if they don't fix it.

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I think they will fix it but it will take them some time cuz they need to redesigned client and game system.

This isn't just like fixing one quest. It's like redisigning game.


Maybe when this threat would be written at the beginning of beta tests, they would have consider it earlier.

Edited by aramilnaile
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if you cannot understand why, you will never really "get it", Now as far as your actual comment about "I"M QUITTING IF THIS DON'T GET FIXED"... this is actually a "valid" statement. A paying customer is showing displeasure and threatening to leave if there is no response to remedy the situation. Don't be fooled by this being a game and thus a statement like that being unreasonable...


I do agree that people should voice their displeasures in a more constructive way however.


i disagree here (always my opinion ofc)


when i buy something i buy it for what it IS and not for what i IMAGINED IT will be.


this line in games isnt' as clear for everyone and i understand that, not eveyone is mature to understand what he PAYS for.


You pay to play the game. end of story.

IF the game is broken for YOU (no matter how/why/where etc is broken) then you MUST stop paying it. BW/EA wont' SOLVE everything or WONT' have the same priorities of what is "gamebreaking" for everyone.

IF the game ISNT' what YOU Imagined you MUST stop paying it seriously i do not want to know other peoples imaginations :p

etc etc


as you see the I PAY YOU FIX IT in a game (service) isnt' so clear as of buying a Ferrari or a Toyota

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