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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Command Rank 95 and I have yet to complete a set bonus.


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Not gained a set piece but completed? There are people over level 110 that have uncompleted sets. Once they set an average level for completing theirs, then you complain about not having yours.


There's a guy in my guild at Rank 95 who has 1 set piece.


Meaning he has not set bonuses since you need at least 2 for that.

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And you can thank the casino known as swtor for that and their RNG slot machine. As has been said before. RNG was not created to benefit any gamer ever. Thats not why it's used.


Whoever thought RNG was some kind of Godsend to swtor was sadly mistake.


Combine that with no reason to run alts.

Massive grind just to see a "chance" at gear.

Doing most of that grind with extremely old content.


and all while any of those are terrible. Toss in RNG gearing crates and well the whole thing just stinks.

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There's a guy in my guild at Rank 95 who has 1 set piece.


Meaning he has not set bonuses since you need at least 2 for that.


Perhaps this guy is him. Sounds like devils luck compared to my 3 230 eternal commander pieces + boot schematic at my current level of 17. I simply have a no care attitude when going for boxes and the big rewards land in my lap. Everyone should adopt my attitude and simply grind leisurely with no expectations. :o

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Not complete, he has 1/7.


You need 2 pieces for a set bonus.


4 for the 2nd bonus and 6 for the 3rd set bonus.


I know how set bonuses work chief. I'm one of the few that realizes I could keep my old ones and still update my mods/enhancements. Seems 90% of the people are forgetting this obvious fact.

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I know how set bonuses work chief. I'm one of the few that realizes I could keep my old ones and still update my mods/enhancements. Seems 90% of the people are forgetting this obvious fact.


not everyone has the old bonus. and they can no longer get it either! but hey, lets keep defending a system where after that much grinding and this was a LOT of dedicated grinding to get to this GC level... you still have not been able to genuinely upgrade your gear.

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not everyone has the old bonus. and they can no longer get it either! but hey, lets keep defending a system where after that much grinding and this was a LOT of dedicated grinding to get to this GC level... you still have not been able to genuinely upgrade your gear.




So anyone who says this is MORE casual friendly is nuts.


This new system is the most anti-casual SWTOR has ever been, and I'm talking from 1.0-4.7

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Eh I think the easy fix they'll end up doing is to have a vendor that has GC rank requirements. So it'll be like reputation vendors, in that you'll be able to purchase a set when you hit a certain rank.


I guess whatever the tiers are in GC...after you finish the GC climb to tier 2, it would make sense for the vendor to let you purchase the tier 1 set. Or maybe earlier...not really sure how it'd be calibrated, I leave that to the pros.

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I know how set bonuses work chief. I'm one of the few that realizes I could keep my old ones and still update my mods/enhancements. Seems 90% of the people are forgetting this obvious fact.


Its the only way to survive in any content right now. Cleared veteran chapter using them XD

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How many weeks of Ops farming did it take you to complete a set bonus?

1 week, one op per night.

In 4.0, it took me a weekly in PvP(20 Warzones) to get a 204 set. Then I think two more weeks to upgrade that to a 208 set.

For my chars that already had set bonus from 3.X, It took me roughly 1 week of 1 op per night in pug runs. If guildies were going to power gear me through EV/KP or SNV speed run it could be done in about an hour. Which also gave us a way to get guildies into harder endgame content if they wanted.


This expac I've played(on a single char) 6 SM Ops, 13 Vet Uprisings, 4 HM Flashpoints, 7 Planetary missions and 270 unranked warzones. For which I've gotten 3 gear upgrades.


To put it another way, I explained this system to my 9yr old. At first she didn't believe me. Then when I convinced her it was true she said, "That is the stupidest thing ever, why would anyone make a game like that? Why would anyone want to play a game like that?"

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How many weeks of Ops farming did it take you to complete a set bonus?


1.2 : 1 day doing flashpoints the entire day (from 1.0 to 1.2, I was doing things solo and didn't gear up any toons.

This time is what it took me once I decided to gear it up)

2.0 : 2 weeks doing TfB and S&V with a raid group and pugging a bit with alts.

3.0 : 2 weeks between my main raid group and pugging with alts.

4.0 : 1 week, ran quite a few operations that first week and I got my full set.

5.0 : I don't have a full set bonus on 1 toon yet, my best is 4/7 after 70 ranks and spending a lot more time and effort to get that set piece than for any other expansions.

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Not gained a set piece but completed? There are people over level 110 that have uncompleted sets. Once they set an average level for completing theirs, then you complain about not having yours.


How do you still defend such a thing when you know how bad the results are?


Perhaps this guy is him. Sounds like devils luck compared to my 3 230 eternal commander pieces + boot schematic at my current level of 17. I simply have a no care attitude when going for boxes and the big rewards land in my lap. Everyone should adopt my attitude and simply grind leisurely with no expectations. :o


Well you seem to be more fortunate than most so of course you wouldn't mind as much.... Not to mention... do you do anything where you actually NEED the gear, like operations and pvp? or simply story.

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Don't exclude chance that you may never complete a full set with current system. The odds are here to prevent you first and foremost, and then slow you down if it fails to prevent you. That is the purpose of RNG. You also have to pay to RNG. And your time and money invested may never reward you.
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I'm running 2 jugg tanks. Currently 3 set bonus armorings but 3 doubles as well. No relics, ears and imps let alone main and off hand. :rolleyes:


I will be running a 3rd jugg soon just to keep them moving with more crates opening at the lower levels.


Altaholic if you run the same class over and over again. Improved weekly chances :(


But I'm not a fan of this method. I used to run 3 op heals, 2 jugg tanks, pt tank and a sniper through PvP and ops weeklies to gear up quickly. It worked but that's a lot of ops and WZs. :rolleyes:


I have better things to do than grind for crap tier 1 gear

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This news is not encouraging. I had some early successes on all my toons (Tank had 3 from 15) but the RNG seems to have dried up.


Im 24 on Sentinel, had no set bonus at all.


Still no set bonus items on either of my two 70s yet. I've gotten a blue implant in the latest crate--not a good one, but it was something--and a clicky Alacrity relic (of all things) in the one before that, which I will never ever use on my Watchman Sentinel because it's crap. That's it.


The only people I see defending the new RNG system are the ones who have already gotten a number of those gear pieces at low command levels. Hmm, I wonder why they think it's okay? Might it be because they've profited by it? No, surely not...



Edited by AscendingSky
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