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Another server rollback on Harbinger??!!!!!


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What do you call inappropriate feedback? Asking for compensation? Telling them how upset we are over lost items? What is the appropriate way to complain/protest?


I'm not saying you don't have a right to be upset or provide feedback.

I'm saying that there's no excuse for the WAY you're providing that feedback. You're being cruel plain and simple. Provide your feedback but don't kick people to do it. I'm not exactly thrilled by the direction of the game either and I have my share of gripes but there's no reason to sit here and be blatantly mean. Your feedback is valid, your cruelty is not.


Have some manners and act like decent human beings no matter how disappointed you are. At the end of the day it's just a video game. If you weren't behind the anonymity of a screen I doubt you'd be as mean as you are to the devs. If you're going to act like entitled children instead of calmly stating your concerns you deserve to be ignored and that's probably why they've turned away from the community.


Instead of behaving in this disgusting manner you could behave like adults and present your feedback politely the way I hope your parents taught you.

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I'm not saying you don't have a right to be upset or provide feedback.

I'm saying that there's no excuse for the WAY you're providing that feedback. You're being cruel plain and simple. Provide your feedback but don't kick people to do it. I'm not exactly thrilled by the direction of the game either and I have my share of gripes but there's no reason to sit here and be blatantly mean. Your feedback is valid, your cruelty is not.


Have some manners and act like decent human beings no matter how disappointed you are. At the end of the day it's just a video game. If you weren't behind the anonymity of a screen I doubt you'd be as mean as you are to the devs. If you're going to act like entitled children instead of calmly stating your concerns you deserve to be ignored and that's probably why they've turned away from the community.


Instead of behaving in this disgusting manner you could behave like adults and present your feedback politely the way I hope your parents taught you.


well the way i was raised was dont fck with other pple stuff and they will not fck with yours?....

explain why a rollback needed to happen?

why could they not just ban the pple who where exploiting?

why did they have to screw over everyone on the server who did nothing wrong?

why does this happen every expansion in swtor history?

why would i go out and do all this farming of mats and lvling of professions grinding gear agin just so it can be reset?

i remember when there was a operation bug wher you could add pple to group and go loot the last boss of the operation even though you where not in the group did they roll servers back no they banned pple who did it ?

why did that not happen this time why mess with the entire server over a FEW pple?


Edited by GGblazed
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What do you call inappropriate feedback? Asking for compensation? Telling them how upset we are over lost items? What is the appropriate way to complain/protest?


none. the agreements you signed and the rules agreed to don't cover force majeure, check the EUALA agreement.

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I played for 6 hours on harb, last night and this morning. I got at least 2 Cmlvls on each 2 toons if not more. I got lightside and darkside tokens from those lvls as the respective sides were in win state. One of the crates I got contained the Gravestone mount. I forget its exact name. I placed it on the GTN for 100mil. Since there were mounts going for more than that and there were no other gravestone mounts on the GTN at the time. I also placed various other items for sale on the GTN for a total of another 7-10mil. So 110mil stuff or so. I have never been wealthy in this game. Most of my toons have roughly 1-4mil credits. I have been playing for 4 years and this is the most luck I have ever had as far as expensive items. I am at work and cannot log in right now. I dont care about the command lvls or progress. But. If the items I placed onto the GTN this morning before leaving for work are not waiting for me, or the credits, when I get home. I am going to uninstall the game, remove the swtor.com site from my favorites and forget the game ever existed. Except for when I badmouth the game to anyone and everyone who will listen from now on.


I will be home around 7p CST. If this is my last post. You will know why.


Gravestone mount still on the gtn, only one up for 100mil

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I'm not saying you don't have a right to be upset or provide feedback.

I'm saying that there's no excuse for the WAY you're providing that feedback. You're being cruel plain and simple. Provide your feedback but don't kick people to do it. I'm not exactly thrilled by the direction of the game either and I have my share of gripes but there's no reason to sit here and be blatantly mean. Your feedback is valid, your cruelty is not.


Have some manners and act like decent human beings no matter how disappointed you are. At the end of the day it's just a video game. If you weren't behind the anonymity of a screen I doubt you'd be as mean as you are to the devs. If you're going to act like entitled children instead of calmly stating your concerns you deserve to be ignored and that's probably why they've turned away from the community.


Instead of behaving in this disgusting manner you could behave like adults and present your feedback politely the way I hope your parents taught you.


Go read Tait's posts. Done that? Great. Now look at how utterly uninformative they are to the magnitude of the issue here. There is NOTHING in them saying they are actually going to do anything about people losing items and not just items they gained in the rolled back period but items they had before and were selling ( in my case 100's of CM items worth 100's of millions ).


They basically state they'll try avoid it happening again which has people leading to believe anything they've lost is gone.


If that is the level of their communication on this issue then they reap what they sow in terms of outrage from players, if anything I think people are being overly too civil.


YOU might not feel the need to reply in such a manner but please stop critiquing others for doing so and basically derailing this thread from the actual issue at hand.


To that issue ... they bloody better have a solution in mind and not just go ahead with the stupid live stream without one. That would show an utter lack of professionalism and care if they do the live stream and say "we're looking into it" - this issue needs hands on deck trying to find a fix even if it means manually going back over logs to see what people have lost and reinstating them.


This is their game they make a profit and income from, they need to take ownership of this issue.

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I bought dyes, two implants, and a really neat looking jacket off the gtn last night. I had all of 900k and spent about 700k. I know to others that's a drop in the bucket but I'm a little worried that I've lost my credits and my stuff. I'll be logging in as soon as I can. I also got a couple of nice orange armor pieces from the GC crate. Roll back the server and undo the chapters fine. But take away my stuff and my credits...not fine. :(
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Go read Tait's posts. Done that? Great. Now look at how utterly uninformative they are to the magnitude of the issue here. There is NOTHING in them saying they are actually going to do anything about people losing items and not just items they gained in the rolled back period but items they had before and were selling ( in my case 100's of CM items worth 100's of millions ).


They basically state they'll try avoid it happening again which has people leading to believe anything they've lost is gone.


If that is the level of their communication on this issue then they reap what they sow in terms of outrage from players, if anything I think people are being overly too civil.


YOU might not feel the need to reply in such a manner but please stop critiquing others for doing so and basically derailing this thread from the actual issue at hand.


To that issue ... they bloody better have a solution in mind and not just go ahead with the stupid live stream without one. That would show an utter lack of professionalism and care if they do the live stream and say "we're looking into it" - this issue needs hands on deck trying to find a fix even if it means manually going back over logs to see what people have lost and reinstating them.


This is their game they make a profit and income from, they need to take ownership of this issue.


I understand your frustration but if I may, Feel the light, its always been there, it will guide you. Trust in the force.

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My dvl armor was in one of my characters mailboxes, will it be gone?


Depending on how long ago you sent it there, it may be back on the toon that had it last. It should not be gone though. The rollback only went back a couple of hours not weeks.


Edit: I guess there's a small chance if one of the two got rolled back and the other didn't it might be gone. I think that's a slim chance though. But I do think that's something they would replace. Send a descriptive ticket in, if that's the case.

Edited by Krazhez
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equally it would be my response to report your post and you could end up in trouble, the RoC stands on that point. but since you are half way trolling and making a point at the same point, those are the options one faces.


why is this turning into a broken record?


You must trust in the light side of the force. It will guide you. Close your eyes, feel it, the light, it's always been there....

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This is very imcompetent of Bioware for sure. This is a business and you have to keep your customers happy simple as that. The sad thing is though the customers enable this behavior. If you go to a restaurant and the service is bad and the food cooked incorrectly what do you do? Well continuing to go to that restaurant would be silly if you had other options. Bioware is extremely cocky in that they assume because they have the license to Starwars they do not need to deliver a quality product.


You the customer base has the power to say no. NO! Unless you deliver a quality product with quality customer service we refuse to pay and mean it. When you threaten to unsub don't talk about it, just do it. If you are unhappy with the product and continue to pay for it the only person you can blame is yourself. Bioware is doing this stuff because the market is allowing them to do it.


The only way bioware will change is when people unsub, whining about them will do nothing. The only power you have as a customer is to unsub.

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They didn't do this on purpose. The server had an issue where progress wasn't saved. With nothing saved there is no way to tell who had what. You knew the server was having an issue yesterday yet you continued to keep playing.


How did we know? Was it the post they had up on the login?


Nope, unless you come to the forums to make sure something isn't getting screwed up how would any one know?

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I just did my daily log-in on Harbinger to check my GTN listings. I usually do this once a day, in the early afternoon.


Mail was up, working, and delivered me about 12M in proceeds from over night, as well as returning about 16 items that did not sell.


I also checked my remaining listings, and they all appear to be on the GTN still, waiting to be sold.


So.. I CANNOT confirm the claim that mail, GTN listings, and proceeds evaporated.


I'm not saying nobody lost anything.... only that I personally did not on the GTN or in the mail.


It could very well be a timing issue, since I posted sales on the GTN prior to last night. People listing during the time the server went south and stopped recording player actions and progress may very well have lost items and proceeds. I was not logged during either meltdown of Harbinger recently. Others who were logged in and doing things though.. may have been impacted.


It looks like at some point, the servers simply stopped recording progress in game, and there really should be a fail-safe that detects this and forces the server off-line to prevent data corruption (which appears to be what happened to me).

Edited by Andryah
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I'm not saying you don't have a right to be upset or provide feedback.

I'm saying that there's no excuse for the WAY you're providing that feedback. You're being cruel plain and simple. Provide your feedback but don't kick people to do it. I'm not exactly thrilled by the direction of the game either and I have my share of gripes but there's no reason to sit here and be blatantly mean. Your feedback is valid, your cruelty is not.


Have some manners and act like decent human beings no matter how disappointed you are. At the end of the day it's just a video game. If you weren't behind the anonymity of a screen I doubt you'd be as mean as you are to the devs. If you're going to act like entitled children instead of calmly stating your concerns you deserve to be ignored and that's probably why they've turned away from the community.


Instead of behaving in this disgusting manner you could behave like adults and present your feedback politely the way I hope your parents taught you.


Looks like some of the White Knights have their issue to sink their teeth into.


What's this "you" bs?


Why don't you do something constructive since you decided to make yourself the forums nanny. Go through this post and count up the number of nasty posts by person and then give us a percentage of the number of people who were supposedly being nasty?

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