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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Livestream: December 8th, 2016


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I read a bunch of comments made on the GC topic in different posts. As always, emotions seem to be running high. What does that mean? A lot of people still love that game. I for one still love that game and still play a lot of it.


But as a guild we mainly do ops. And right now, GC is holding us back because of the randomness of it and the sheer grind we have to do. And that's a problem, a big one, and IMO that needs to be adressed ASAP. Yeah, gear progression was out of this world in 4.0. Hell, 2 weeks after a lot of us came back to the game in May 2016 we we missing 224 implants and thats it on our mains. That was, too fast. But it allowed us to get gear for everyone and A LOT of players that never done any op were able to get into ops because of the way the gearing was made. Most people in our guild now can run HM ops cause we were able to gear them fast so we would not have to carry them DPS wise.


The problem with ops is so much the gear as the people not taking time to explain the bosses and help new players on their rotation. That's the problem with ops, and it's always been the problem and sadly will always be the problem with ops.


Now, the problem with GC is RNG and The Grind. And if BW fixes The Grind, by maybe making GC legacy wide or makung it drop vanity items and allow us to get gear drops from operations, then this expansion will have been a good one. I mean the atory is good, dark vs light server wide is kind of cool, and so on.


BW please fix The Grind... Allow us to do things we love and be rewarded for it. I'm tired of doing pvp for 90k conquest points per week just to try to get gear. PVP is fun but feela like a day at work in a job i don't like. Fix this!

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Of all the crap they've unleashed with 5.0 those are your concerns? Not the CXP RNG gearing crap? Or the factv that there is VERY LITTLE new content atm?


If they're that worried about companions, they're probably a solo story player, and if they're a solo story player the new gearing system probably doesn't effect them very much at all. CXP is basically the occasional free loot box if you never cared about running Flashpoints, Warzones, or Ops before.

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Please allow gear to drop from Operation Bosses, Master Flashpoints Bosses, Master Uprising Bosses, and bring back gear vendors for Eternal Championship.


Let us play the content we want to play for gear, please. You know its funner that way.


Having removed expertise I don't think that they can do this anymore.

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I did ask them to address the GC stuff as well. But yes, as I stated, my personal concerns. I'm a story player with little care for proper gearing which isn't to say it doesn't matter at all, it's just not my personal concern.


I share your concerns. I also am a story player who doesn't care much about gearing, so while I would like answers re: the gearing system as well, my greater concern has to do with companions. Giving players a choice on killing them is great. Having them die (or cheat on/move on from our characters in the case of romance options) without it being our choice is absolutely not okay. My concerns in this regard are also heightened by the whole Torian/Vette thing.

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If they're that worried about companions, they're probably a solo story player, and if they're a solo story player the new gearing system probably doesn't effect them very much at all. CXP is basically the occasional free loot box if you never cared about running Flashpoints, Warzones, or Ops before.


It doesn't mean their concerns are any less valid. They pay the same subscription everyone else does.


And FWFI, a lot of solo players are also against GC's RNG Loot because while they don't personally need it, they still understand. How about everyone stop blaming the casual player base for Bioware's inability to balance their focus, huh? This isn't the casual players' fault. This is Bioware's fault.

Edited by AngFour
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If they're that worried about companions, they're probably a solo story player, and if they're a solo story player the new gearing system probably doesn't effect them very much at all. CXP is basically the occasional free loot box if you never cared about running Flashpoints, Warzones, or Ops before.


Or that they play a variety of things. I care about my companions but I play story, flashpoints and operations. I only do WZ very rarely as it is really not my cup of tea but I do the rest.

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I'd like at least some sort of hint as to whether we're getting the rest of our Companions back, at least the LI ones.


They said they want to get all of them returned in a storyline wise sense, but they listened to feedback with KOTFE that the "side" episodes for those companions took away from the overarching main storyline, so they removed them and focused solely on the main storyline. So as of right now, they "will return in the future" but the timeline could be anywhere from 6 months to 18 months. Sadly unless they come out and say specifically what time they will bring them out, we have to sit and wait. That is all they have said atm. Imo, what I did was ignore their stupidity and just got the companions from the terminal after chapter 9 and did my own head canon. Because if I was frozen for 5 years, one of the first things I would do afterwards is track down them to make sure they are ok, I mean for me it was a few minutes maybe a few hours, to them its been 5 years.

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I hope they do disable the comments. I want to hear where they are going with the Kotet story, not dozens of people taking up the whole stream talking about rng.


I also care about the story very much. It's the main reason why I play this game. But if you think they're going to drop hints or spoilers about anything, or even say anything more than, "We've got some really neat stuff planned, we'll talk more about it Soon™" you're going to be very disappointed.

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• Make all WZ's cross faction

• Make all FP's cross faction

• Make all Ops cross faction

That would be the dream of everyone who doesn't give a crap about the story whatsoever. Anyone who does sees cross-faction for what it is: a serious departure from Star Wars and toward Generic MMO. Odessen was made to make sense within the story, because Jedi and Sith are forced to work together temporarily to defeat an immediate existential threat to both at a time when neither side has the power to stand alone. Huttball would work, because it's a blood sport and the Hutts set the rules. But Republic and Empire invading Denova together? For what possible reason, and against whom?


As for ops, while it's true that most ops represent an enemy of both rep and imp, it takes more than that to make the two most bitter sworn enemies in the galaxy work together - it's even explained in the Oricon and ToS stories how they may be staying out of each others' way but are very much working separately toward the goal. Keep in mind the war is still on for much of the storyline of the existing ops. Fans of a Star Wars story over that of Generic MMO #57 sill hope for a return to Republic vs. Empire, and cross-faction everything would be the final nail in the story's coffin.

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That would be the dream of everyone who doesn't give a crap about the story whatsoever. Anyone who does sees cross-faction for what it is: a serious departure from Star Wars and toward Generic MMO. Odessen was made to make sense within the story, because Jedi and Sith are forced to work together temporarily to defeat an immediate existential threat to both at a time when neither side has the power to stand alone. Huttball would work, because it's a blood sport and the Hutts set the rules. But Republic and Empire invading Denova together? For what possible reason, and against whom?


As for ops, while it's true that most ops represent an enemy of both rep and imp, it takes more than that to make the two most bitter sworn enemies in the galaxy work together - it's even explained in the Oricon and ToS stories how they may be staying out of each others' way but are very much working separately toward the goal. Keep in mind the war is still on for much of the storyline of the existing ops. Fans of a Star Wars story over that of Generic MMO #57 sill hope for a return to Republic vs. Empire, and cross-faction everything would be the final nail in the story's coffin.

The story fell apart when I woke Revan up from a 300 year stasis imo. If you want to stay true to the story, form an all Imp or all Pub group if you want...the only story I truly care about is mine and what my character does.

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That would be the dream of everyone who doesn't give a crap about the story whatsoever. Anyone who does sees cross-faction for what it is: a serious departure from Star Wars and toward Generic MMO. Odessen was made to make sense within the story, because Jedi and Sith are forced to work together temporarily to defeat an immediate existential threat to both at a time when neither side has the power to stand alone. Huttball would work, because it's a blood sport and the Hutts set the rules. But Republic and Empire invading Denova together? For what possible reason, and against whom?


As for ops, while it's true that most ops represent an enemy of both rep and imp, it takes more than that to make the two most bitter sworn enemies in the galaxy work together - it's even explained in the Oricon and ToS stories how they may be staying out of each others' way but are very much working separately toward the goal. Keep in mind the war is still on for much of the storyline of the existing ops. Fans of a Star Wars story over that of Generic MMO #57 sill hope for a return to Republic vs. Empire, and cross-faction everything would be the final nail in the story's coffin.


The thing is that many players are so at the end of their rope that something is better than nothing.

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That would be the dream of everyone who doesn't give a crap about the story whatsoever. Anyone who does sees cross-faction for what it is: a serious departure from Star Wars and toward Generic MMO. Odessen was made to make sense within the story, because Jedi and Sith are forced to work together temporarily to defeat an immediate existential threat to both at a time when neither side has the power to stand alone. Huttball would work, because it's a blood sport and the Hutts set the rules. But Republic and Empire invading Denova together? For what possible reason, and against whom?


As for ops, while it's true that most ops represent an enemy of both rep and imp, it takes more than that to make the two most bitter sworn enemies in the galaxy work together - it's even explained in the Oricon and ToS stories how they may be staying out of each others' way but are very much working separately toward the goal. Keep in mind the war is still on for much of the storyline of the existing ops. Fans of a Star Wars story over that of Generic MMO #57 sill hope for a return to Republic vs. Empire, and cross-faction everything would be the final nail in the story's coffin.


Your forgetting in the time line now you are forced to lead the alliance of rep & imp factions (no longer forced, they are willing participants) The Sith Empire and The Republic are even told to be still at each others throats whilst your away for the 5 years instead of dealing with the threat.


Because BioWare have sent us down this path making us ALL the Emperor/Empress at the end instead of the story ending from 1.0 which made sure we all had a unique role to play in the galaxy. The cross faction team up would work for 65+ onwards with new content that could be brought in (if) they wanted to.


For the age old Empire vs Republic the alliance we have now needs to split and you the character returning to their respective factions to try and make something of them. But I don't see it happening since that would ruin what the Knights story line tried to achieve.


Right now the story as taken a weird turn and I dont think is much return hope to the simple times of the old world of vanilla and upto SoR expansion.

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Wow, some are just as blind as BW. Launch: 140 servers at heavy to full capacity. Today: 17 servers mostly at light, sometimes reaching standard (on a third of them).


And tell me there weren't cancellations.


Let me tell you how you KNOW there have been a lot of cancellations. They are responding to the uproar live. In the five years of this games existence, the ONLY time they do that is when subs cancel left and right. Even going so far as to hold a live guild summit.


But keep telling yourself that everything is fine. You and the 16 others who like it can keep this game a float.



And more like you are over melodramatic at best or just outright lying. There are not actually that many complaints about GC. It just seems it because the same few players are posting time and time and time and time again. You actually go count how many individual players there are who have posted about this. Not as many as you think is there. TOFN is considered a very low pop server and if you take every single player on this forum site who has voiced there complaint it is not even 1% of players on that low pop server that's not even counting every other server. As for the I quit over this crowed. it is no more or less than after 4.0. or 3.0 for that matter. As for not as many playing this game as at launch. Well name one game that has. or one game that still does after 5 years! While that part about servers is true, does not equal what you are saying because it was this way before 5.0.


There were just as many complaints over level sync, just as many saying the game will end over it, just as many saying I quitting over this (yes some did most are still posting though so in-fact did not quit or quit only for a very short time)


"You and the 16 others who like it can keep this game a float"


As said over melodramatic at best.

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ye exactly...every time they stream or patch they do not add GMT times. that sucks, i hate to search for the correct time.


one would think an International Game Studio would do that for his Customers



And I'm sad that these people dont use CET or UTC times or EET times or Russian time zone times too. This is embarrassing for a international game studio yes.

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The Stream Team, Dream Team. Dream Team, Stream Team. Is back :)


Regardless of the state of the game or the elusive answers they always give... I quite enjoy the trio of Musco, Ben and Charles


Is Musco even going to be there? They just said Ben and Charles and Musco hasn't made any of the posts this week, Tait has.


I'm willing to bet Musco is already on Holiday break and won't be there for the stream.

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I do hope someone provides a list of the highlights and/or a list of what's been discussed.


A friendly reminder that some of us are at work and/or well um deaf and can't watch twitch.


Have we had the Europeans complaining about the time yet?

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I do hope someone provides a list of the highlights and/or a list of what's been discussed.


A friendly reminder that some of us are at work and/or well um deaf and can't watch twitch.


Have we had the Europeans complaining about the time yet?


Dulfy usually has a write up posted on the SWTOR Reddit within a few minutes of the stream ending.


And no, the Europeans haven't specifically complained about the time (YET). Instead they're complaining that the livestream announcement didn't include GMT times.

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