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Ben, I'd like to see a stream today


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Why would non-level 70 players even get that announcement? It's stupid, they can't have any impact on GC until level 70. Spamming them like this is just bad game design 101.

Two different systems. "Everybody" contributes to the DvL system regardless of level by making LS/DS chocies and choosing a side (gather a node, gain darkside points! Help an old lady across the street... moar DS points!).


Once one the light side "wins" then supposedly mini-wb's spawn for the losing dark side to battle. It does tie into GC because the winning side gets a CXP bonus and anybody who opens a crate while in the bonus period gains DS or LS tokens which can be used for some rather uninteresting things at the new vendors on Fleet.

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BW: "Thank you all for giving your feedback about the new GC system. We're glad that so many of you are enjoying opening the packs and all the goodies that you can get. We've heard the feedback on how after the nerf of the Gold mobs to 1 point many of you feel PvP is the only way left to earn CXP.

So as of today, we've decided to nerf PvP CXP to only giving the 20/ mission and not per match anymore. This should bring things more in line with other methods. It was never our intention to favor one style of gameplay over others - but that's why we do these early release testing cycles.

Happy Gaming! and see you after the holidays"

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Why, we already have an answer:


Thank you for that. Didn't realize that we had gotten a response for the question about 8 crew skill companions.


That was an easy one though. We were asking for a confirmation on a change that hadn't been announced and one person thought it was an exploit.


Seriously though. Thank you.


edit: Read the rest of the thread. ;)



Edited by dr_mike
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What do you want answer too? They said they will look at and tweak numbers if need be... Which means sometime after everyone unsubs and leaves lol they will take a look at the numbers and fix em. Bioware :rak_03: stupid ideas and always to little too late.

Sadly, you're likely correct...but it's better to ask for answers than to hope they tweak it...if they act fast, maybe they can salvage something from this fiasco...maybe not...but it doesn't hurt to ask.

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The OP is offensive, out of line, and insulting a developer calling him "ignorant" and "stupid." Yet, this same person gets a standing ovation from some of the folks in here? I think some of you need to re-evaluate yourselves. Is Galactic Command a drastic change from what we are used to? Yes. Does that mean it's horrible? Maybe from your perspective. The sense of entitlement and the superiority complex the OP is spewing is beyond ridiculous. He is not a developer and neither is anybody else in this thread.


If you don't like the system, provide civil, critical feedback. Do not insult the development team, do not make ridiculous demands of them, and do not tell them you know better than they do. This thread should be locked for the vitriol the OP is throwing around as its obviously in violation of the forum rules. Nothing positive or constructive comes from threads like this. If anything, BioWare would simply ignore these types of voices as they are clearly unreasonable and only believe their opinion is right.

Edited by Aowin
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I see things in a completely different light here, which just seems strange to me....as it stands now everything I do contributes to me getting gear, whereas before that wasn't the case, and when I did do ops and raids it was just as RNG if not more so than now.


I really find it odd that so many people are upset about this system.

Edited by Vember
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The OP is offensive, out of line, and insulting a developer calling him "ignorant" and "stupid." Yet, this same person gets a standing ovation from some of the folks in here? I think some of you need to re-evaluate yourselves. Is Galactic Command a drastic change from what we are used to? Yes. Does that mean it's horrible? Maybe from your perspective. The sense of entitlement and the superiority complex the OP is spewing is beyond ridiculous. He is not a developer and neither is anybody else in this thread.


If you don't like the system, provide civil, critical feedback. Do not insult the development team, do not make ridiculous demands of them, and do not tell them you know better than they do. This thread should be locked for the vitriol the OP is throwing around as its obviously in violation of the forum rules. Nothing positive or constructive comes from threads like this. If anything, BioWare would simply ignore these types of voices as they are clearly unreasonable and only believe their opinion is right.

Oh come on, like being polite is any more likely to be replied to? Nothing constructive happens because Bioware does not communicate...tone has NOTHING to do with it! Players are frustrated...we LIKE this game...but these latest changes are hurting the game. He gets a standing ovation because he said what a majority of us are thinking...including anything 'insulting'. There's NO WAY this should have been implemented this way...NONE! It was a failed system at launch and they managed to make it even worse!!!


The only people acting "entitled" are guys like you thinking any critical feedback is intolerable. Don't like it, don't read it...just like I skipped your troll post.

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Oh come on, like being polite is any more likely to be replied to? Nothing constructive happens because Bioware does not communicate...tone has NOTHING to do with it! Players are frustrated...we LIKE this game...but these latest changes are hurting the game. He gets a standing ovation because he said what a majority of us are thinking...including anything 'insulting'. There's NO WAY this should have been implemented this way...NONE! It was a failed system at launch and they managed to make it even worse!!!


The only people acting "entitled" are guys like you thinking any critical feedback is intolerable. Don't like it, don't read it...just like I skipped your troll post.


TUXs, you know there is an ignore function on your forum management, right?

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Ben did make a statement on the complaints about GC / CXP on Friday during a press interview for the KotET launch. I doubt they have anything new / different to say on the matter since the weekend.

“We’ve obviously heard the concerns from the community, which really boils down to one specific thing: In order to get my set bonus — which makes me as powerful as I can be — I need six out of seven specific items. What happens if I don’t ever in the 300 levels of Galactic Command end up with the piece that I need? We have a couple of thoughts on that. One, if in the future it turns out to be a problem, then we will be flexible. There are a lot of ways to solve this. We have talked about for people over a certain Command Rank adding a vendor just let them buy the missing piece that they have. If you get to Command Rank 200 and you never got the boots, all right you can go and buy the boots because you’ve played enough of the game.


“There are things like that that we can do if it turns out to be a problem. In all the testing we’ve done and the models we’ve run to see how this plays out for people, we really don’t believe that it will be a problem. But it’s really hard to know until we monitor player behavior and we monitor the things that players are actually repeating from the loot drops. But ultimately our answer is yes. If it turns out to be a problem, we will be sure to address it. We’re very flexible in those things. We want everyone to have fun playing the game, and we think adding this system contributes to that because you’re ultimately getting much more loot much faster than you did before.”

Edited by DarthDymond
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BW: "Thank you all for giving your feedback about the new GC system. We're glad that so many of you are enjoying opening the packs and all the goodies that you can get. We've heard the feedback on how after the nerf of the Gold mobs to 1 point many of you feel PvP is the only way left to earn CXP.

So as of today, we've decided to nerf PvP CXP to only giving the 20/ mission and not per match anymore. This should bring things more in line with other methods. It was never our intention to favor one style of gameplay over others - but that's why we do these early release testing cycles.

Happy Gaming! and see you after the holidays"


I don't care if they do this because I am sick to DEATH of constant PVP to feel like I'm getting anywhere and I actually like PVP but I just cannot play one more match. I'm out. I unsubbed until they may make the whole system MUCH faster than even before the nerf (for all play styles) and legacy wide. Anything less and I'm basically paying them to be miserable.


BTW, I'm level 20 and I got 2 purple 230 mainhands, 2 purple 230 bracers with set bonus and a purple 230 relic that you have to activate (as if I don't have enough buttons to press in combat. I keybind everything I can and it's getting ridiculous). So that's 5 epic drops but 2 are dupes and one is useless. The RNG is taunting me. So I have filled two of fourteen slots for tier one in 20 levels. At this rate, I *may* have filled 9 slots by the time I'm on to tier 2 and want to kill myself. The fact is the tier 1 stuff is more or less pointless because everything that is balanced for tier 1 gear has bolster and is super easy. I'm going to stick with 228 crafted and be done with it. I'm looking forward to going Preferred and freeing myself from the grind and just doing a few stories every now and then.

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Ben did make a statement on the complaints about GC / CXP on Friday during a press interview for the KotET launch. I doubt they have anything new / different to say on the matter since the weekend.


One, if in the future it turns out to be a problem, then we will be flexible.


Nerf CXP to 1 on golds! *whistles* Just LOOOOOOOOK at that flexibility! I think we have future Olympic gymnasts here, guys!

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