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So Jaesa has gone insane....


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Oddly, Master Ranos has nothing to say about Risha (or any other Smuggler companion).


I found it odd that my Wrath decided that she should ask Ranos about Jaesa, but for some reason, she decided not to ask Ranos about her husband.



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I found it odd that my Wrath decided that she should ask Ranos about Jaesa, but for some reason, she decided not to ask Ranos about her husband.




Oi vey... so you can only ask Ranos about other force-using companions if you're a force-user yourself. Is that how it is? *facepalm*

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Nadia is most likely dead. In one of the cutscenes...chapter 15 maybe? There is a female knight standing there taking the blame for something and Vaylin shoves her off the platform. Her voice was Nadia's. It wasn't even disguised as most VO's who do multiple characters change inflections or use a mixer to alter pitch, it was straight up Nadia's voice.
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I found it odd that my Wrath decided that she should ask Ranos about Jaesa, but for some reason, she decided not to ask Ranos about her husband.




I found it odd that I didn't ask Darth Acina about him when I visited. His clearly Imperial for life so he must be around somewhere.

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Oi vey... so you can only ask Ranos about other force-using companions if you're a force-user yourself. Is that how it is? *facepalm*

Makes sense that a force user mostly gathered infos on the outlanders force using companions.

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Well I'm hoping this isn't a case of "not enough money/time" to do them all, so lets just write off some (as a handy excuse not to come to terms with a particular voice actor). I mean really - plenty of ways to handle it:

1) "I contracted a terrible disease and the doctors restored me as best they could (I hope my voice doesn't sound too different to you ..."

2) The Dr. Who approach (it's just someone different and there's no explanation - it just is). Somewhat how Lana's and Senya's appearance has changed between major chapters.

3) "I had a terrible accident/fight, but at great cost - I have to wear this respirator for life and it makes my voice sound terrible. I hope you still love me ..."

4) We're too cheap to do voice acting - resort to the text dialogues the other NPC companions have (definitely not ideal - but I'd rather have closure/be reunited than to just write that part of this character's life off).

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Makes sense that a force user mostly gathered infos on the outlanders force using companions.


Yeah, true. I can understand that... but it still would've been nice if there was an option to simply ask. The response could've been, "Sorry, I don't know who that person is/haven't heard anything about them." Or something very generic like that.

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Rumor is at least one of the voice actresses choose not to come back.


There's also a strike going (or was) on with the VA's union - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=898372&highlight=strike


So that is why the old LI didn't come back. I saw Risha and Adronikos VA among those names. Why didn't bioware just say they weren't willing to return instead of giving us some song & dance about wanting to do their return justice? :confused: I can't speak for others but I would've understood.

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So that is why the old LI didn't come back. I saw Risha and Adronikos VA among those names. Why didn't bioware just say they weren't willing to return instead of giving us some song & dance about wanting to do their return justice? :confused: I can't speak for others but I would've understood.


I could be reading this wrong, but it looks to me like SWTOR wouldn't be included in the strike per this statement: "Effective Friday, SAG-AFTRA has declared a strike against 11 video game publishers over games that went into production after Feb. 17, 2015," which was quoted in this article about the strike: http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/10/22/498954253/voice-actors-strike-against-video-game-companies Since SWTOR went into production years ago, it appears to me like the strike wouldn't have anything to do with the game.

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I could be reading this wrong, but it looks to me like SWTOR wouldn't be included in the strike per this statement: "Effective Friday, SAG-AFTRA has declared a strike against 11 video game publishers over games that went into production after Feb. 17, 2015," which was quoted in this article about the strike: http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/10/22/498954253/voice-actors-strike-against-video-game-companies Since SWTOR went into production years ago, it appears to me like the strike wouldn't have anything to do with the game.




"The following employers have been named in the strike: Activision Publishing, Inc.; Disney Character Voices, Inc.; Electronic Arts Productions, Inc.; Insomniac Games, Inc.; Interactive Associates, Inc.; Take 2 Interactive Software; VoiceWorks Productions, Inc.; and WB Games, Inc."


Tara Strong (Risha) And Steve Blum (Andronikos) are some of the highlighted names. Allegedly this has been a back & forth fight for the past 2 years.


Also Kotfe and Kotet are separate entities from vanilla.

Edited by Aeristash
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Well, it seems now it makes sense why Jaesa hasn't come looking for the Warrior. She thinks he's dead, and now shes insane and just out looking for power, shes not likely to be checking the holonet for any information about this Alliance thing. I can't imagine Bioware bringing her back and saying "nah, you can't romance her any more", could you imagine the outrage here on the forums? Most likely if/when we get reunited with her, she'll be incredibly shocked, maybe even attack us in a rage or something at first, but probably go back to "normal" once she gets used to the fact that the Warrior is in fact alive.
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I found it odd that my Wrath decided that she should ask Ranos about Jaesa, but for some reason, she decided not to ask Ranos about her husband.


Why? Just why would you even ask a Jedi Master about some random imperial Officer. With Jaesa it makes some form of sense to ask since she at least was a Jedi (and if lightside kind of still is) and Master Ranos might have heard something through common aquaintances. Quinn not so much.

Might as well just fly to Couruscant and/or Zakuul and start asking random homeless people in the slums about Quinn while you're at it. Similar chances there I wager.

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Yeah but if its this strike then who's voicing the Female Trooper's new dialogues in ET? Cos for FE it was Jennifer Hale still, who's now apparently on VA strike. I haven't played my Fem Trooper yet so I dunno if the voice is different?


Not sure but I saw Satele had no lines. Also the SW sounds different with the breathing mask off. Almost as if he has a lisp. So maybe different VA for him.

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So that is why the old LI didn't come back. I saw Risha and Adronikos VA among those names. Why didn't bioware just say they weren't willing to return instead of giving us some song & dance about wanting to do their return justice? :confused: I can't speak for others but I would've understood.


I would have preferred that, could have had a moving moment in between one of the chapters last year with an Alert where you go and stand over your love interests grave. Accept they aren't coming back and a new significant other could be written in to replace them.


Suggesting its about justice to the story feels more and more like they were stringing the players along, not to mention it could have changed the focus of the story. If Arcann did kill Kira then the Jedi Knight can have his Anakin moment when he finds his mother dying and then go off on a rampage. Making the Jedi Councils rules about attachment some what justified.

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Why would she know about Scourge?


Because it likely became rather common knowledge about Scourge hanging with the Knight. :p


As to Ranos and the comments made...


They all seem to be reasons for those companions to not know of the Outlanders rise to (more) fame. Lost in Wild Space. Possibly dead (likely back out in wild space).


So, things like amnesia and stuck on a remote unknown planet. Etc etc.



Edit: Nadia's looks to be the same, whether you romanced her or not (female consular got the same speech).

Edited by SithKoriandr
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Why? Just why would you even ask a Jedi Master about some random imperial Officer. With Jaesa it makes some form of sense to ask since she at least was a Jedi (and if lightside kind of still is) and Master Ranos might have heard something through common aquaintances. Quinn not so much.

Might as well just fly to Couruscant and/or Zakuul and start asking random homeless people in the slums about Quinn while you're at it. Similar chances there I wager.


I don't know, but I feel like if I were missing two very important people in my life and I decide to randomly ask someone about one of them, I might as well follow up in asking about that the other, even if it might not get anywhere. This encounter left me with the same feeling that I had when my Wrath didn't ask Pierce or Vette about Quinn (or Jaesa, for that matter) in KOTFE... it just doesn't make sense.

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I don't know, but I feel like if I were missing two very important people in my life and I decide to randomly ask someone about one of them, I might as well follow up in asking about that the other, even if it might not get anywhere. This encounter left me with the same feeling that I had when my Wrath didn't ask Pierce or Vette about Quinn (or Jaesa, for that matter) in KOTFE... it just doesn't make sense.


Something a long the lines of "Did you hear if she was running around with an Imperial Officer"?

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I would have preferred that, could have had a moving moment in between one of the chapters last year with an Alert where you go and stand over your love interests grave. Accept they aren't coming back and a new significant other could be written in to replace them.


Suggesting its about justice to the story feels more and more like they were stringing the players along, not to mention it could have changed the focus of the story. If Arcann did kill Kira then the Jedi Knight can have his Anakin moment when he finds his mother dying and then go off on a rampage. Making the Jedi Councils rules about attachment some what justified.


I too would've like a bitter sweet ending like that. If they couldn't come back, just a chance to say goodbye would've been enough. As for anakin moments:

My SW got that when Vaylin snapped his wifes neck in his arms. Wrath smashed her good!!


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I too would've like a bitter sweet ending like that. If they couldn't come back, just a chance to say goodbye would've been enough. As for anakin moments:

My SW got that when Vaylin snapped his wifes neck in his arms. Wrath smashed her good!!


I'd rather have some of those companions back. :p Not as some one more story and done, either (which is likely what we got with Aric, Kaliyo, Vette and Torian).

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