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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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Yeah, I am sorry but this is just crazy. You should tweak things to make things better for players not harder. You nerfed this without providing any better gains to other contents, that's a little petty.


At first I was looking forward to at least try this but after experiencing what I have to grind and then also grind for my alts is just not fun. I am getting a little burned out from just 2 days, I don't think I can keep playing this for long.

Edited by LastBrood
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wow when you think this game cant go any deeper in the stupid those devs just blow your mind with stupidity....i only have 5 days of sub left thanks god....here a participation trophy for you swtor devs you ve try and failed good luck with your next job at mcdonald
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Cause one person claimed they maxed out on elites yet actually appeared to do it from a variety of ways this happens.


Seriously one persons actions are the bench mark, so does that mean if one person maxes out but running non stop Galactic Uprisings they will get nerfed too?

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Oh, and the game still has the unfortunate issue where quitting is an active gamble where it'll freeze up your entire system. (Protip, logoff and then quit)


Frelling amazing job there, Bioware.


Wow, I thought that was only me because I had an old PC, yes, log off first and then quit or you will have the pc freeze for 5min or more... amazing

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Cause one person claimed they maxed out on elites yet actually appeared to do it from a variety of ways this happens.


Seriously one persons actions are the bench mark, so does that mean if one person maxes out but running non stop Galactic Uprisings they will get nerfed too?


This is why sharing is not caring.

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For the first time in five years, I have unsubbed just so I could vent in the little text box about how silly this CXP thing is.


Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't CXP for subscribers only? So, Preferred and F2P cannot even get any CXP at all. Why is BW so stingy with the CXP for its paying customers? I am a casual player (single dad, five kids and a grandkid, job, etc.). I have not ran an operation in over a year. My guild consists of me and my 13 y/o son since everyone else left the game. I was able to get to Eternal Level and most of the Legendary stuff (not that I can prove since that too was taken away!). I have 20 toons on one server, all at 65 (two at 70 now) and they are all geared in 208 or better.


If CXP was for all player types, I'd still have a problem with this nerf but it would not bother me as much. I truly love this game, but to screw over loyal subscribers...

Edited by Minden
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All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10).


BioWare, this is exactly the reason why I haven't levelled any characters to 70 yet, I haven't completed the KotET story yet (start of chapter 3 on just one character). I have zero intention of even entertaining partaking in GC with RNG gearing or an insane amount of grind just to gear one single character.


Making decisions like the one you have above just ensures I have no motivation to log into this game or to continue to play anymore.


Perhaps you need to go away and fine-tune the rewards before making knee jerk nerfs, as well as perhaps actually opening up PTS in the future to test these systems instead of selecting just a few players to test and ending up with the mess we have here now.


Still, I'm off to carry on playing other games in the meantime. Time to sort yourselves out.

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Whoever came up with the cxp in general needs to be fired. This is the worst thing to ever come to swtor. I mean there is a lot of bad things that have been added but this takes the cake. Horrible grind fest, not shared between legacy... If I wanted this system I would go back to BDO...which I actually might do now.
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Nerf it for everyone just because of a few people. Who cares if others want to grind mobs for cxp. My thought is let them.


"Punish the innocent many for the misdeeds of the guilty few" is unfortunately a standard response of authoritarian minds.

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there was no real reason to do this other than to be jerks. they put a cap, someone reaches cap, and now they are in a tearful rage bcuz someone showed them up.


Here is my problem, who CARES if someone reaches the cap, I dont even care if someone maxed out at 300 levels in a week, I dont play for them, I play for me. I just dont see why bio cares, other than what I read here, which is hey, we can make money by selling cxp boost to monkeys! I wont do it.

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For the first time in five years, I have unsubbed just so I could vent in the little text box about how silly this CXP thing is.


Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't CXP for subscribers only? So, Preferred and F2P cannot even get any CXP at all. Why is BW so stingy with the CXP for its paying customers? \.


Because we are the ones that have stuck through thick and thin... some of us even being the ones holding out some slim hope they will finally give us a new OP ("We won't ever go another 14 months without new OPs)... and they need us to stay subbed for as long as possible (because JUNE is the earliest we could see a new OP if they are even thinking about putting one in) so we don't just walk away like everyone else has.

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Here is my problem, who CARES if someone reaches the cap, I dont even care if someone maxed out at 300 levels in a week, I dont play for them, I play for me. I just dont see why bio cares, other than what I read here, which is hey, we can make money by selling cxp boost to monkeys! I wont do it.


I agree... but why did they make this new system at all? People can get NiM tier gear without ever stepping foot into an OP? Why do those people even need it? It's like BW didn't want the non-raiders to be envious of the raider gear. We can't have anyone feeling bad because they only have 220 comm gear and not 224 BiS gear.


I can't think of any other reason than that.

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This is a terrible decision. I had just stopped ignoring gold mobs because of the cxp, but now I'll go back to ignoring. I think most people would be in the same boat.


Please reconsider. Don't mess things up for the majority because of a tiny minority.

Edited by Estelindis
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I really hope BW sifts through all this feedback and actually listens. (I know....)


Sub since pre-order and have had up to 3 accounts at times for me and my kids. I rarely feel the need to post though I visit these forums almost daily. Quick vent....


I cant begin to say how frustrated I am with stuff like this. Not only do they not fix so many annoying and frustrating bugs, they actually nerf something that was helping us. I literally just said to my buddy last night...


I'm actually ok with his patch. Many bugs, but they'll get fixed, I hope. My guild has died from no end-game content but at least now I don't really need to worry about gear. Pvp bolster seems to be working ok and I actually like killing golds now. For 5 years, I've avoided them for the most part. Now I see them and I wanna kill 'em. Then I wake up and see this. I just....I honestly don't know what the heck is going on over there.


I always joke that many stupid decisions are made in rooms with lots of people. Like, someone says, "..hey, I have an idea.." and every one listens and says ok, lets do it. Then the rest of the world says..."who actually decided this and thought it would be ok." There are so many things about this game right now that make me wanna say that.


/frustrated in swtor-land

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Terrible news. Back to avoiding mobs and an even longer cxp grind. Currently done about 20 combined levels on several toons and not one single useful piece of armor. Now the grind will be even more excruciating. Four plus year player very close to the end. It's not fun anymore, just frustrating.
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