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"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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So they are posting on the forums today. They even did a patch today.


They're aware that we're unhappy and they don't care. Saying nothing says a lot, Bioware.


No they don't. In fact, if you read this interview from Friday, they believe that the uproar is all unfounded because their "internal models" told them everyone would love it.




Read it and cry about the complete disconnect from your paying customer base.

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I'm the 'casual' player which should, in theory, be benefiting from this system. I don't like the idea of spending week after week running the same ops to get gear or grinding warzones for PvP comms. The idea sounded great. By doing general activities in the game I earn points toward a random piece of gear.


It's been a week. I have one piece of good gear on my main to show for it. Not great. Good. Each command rank requires more exp than the last. For each piece of useless gear I randomly get, the next piece gets further away. When I finally have a set of gear, I have alts to think about.


It feels like a grind, not progression. This isn't fun.

Edited by I-Win-Button
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No they don't. In fact, if you read this interview from Friday, they believe that the uproar is all unfounded because their "internal models" told them everyone would love it.




Read it and cry about the complete disconnect from your paying customer base.


So this confirms the developers are completely delusional, and are actively ignoring player feedback because they can't accept the fact they may have made a mistake. Got it.

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So this confirms the developers are completely delusional, and are actively ignoring player feedback because they can't accept the fact they may have made a mistake. Got it.


Don't you remember that only evil, never satisfied jerks post on these forums? 99,99% of the playerbase loves the game, the Galactic Casino and the lack of any content besides the story etc. We just never happen to interact with them, we probably scare them away.

Edited by jauvtus
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No they don't. In fact, if you read this interview from Friday, they believe that the uproar is all unfounded because their "internal models" told them everyone would love it.




Read it and cry about the complete disconnect from your paying customer base.


In that article the quote attributed to Ben says:


“We’ve obviously heard the concerns from the community, which really boils down to one specific thing: In order to get my set bonus — which makes me as powerful as I can be — I need six out of seven specific items. What happens if I don’t ever in the 300 levels of Galactic Command end up with the piece that I need?*We have a couple of thoughts on that. One, if in the future it turns out to be a problem, then we will be flexible. There are a lot of ways to solve this. We have talked about for people over a certain Command Rank adding a vendor just let them buy the missing piece that they have. If you get to Command Rank 200 and you never got the boots, all right you can go and buy the boots because you’ve played enough of the game.


“There are things like that that we can do if it turns out to be a problem. In all the testing we’ve done and the models we’ve run to see how this plays out for people, we really don’t believe that it will be a problem. But it’s really hard to know until we monitor player behavior and we monitor the things that players are actually repeating from the loot drops. But ultimately our answer is yes. If it turns out to be a problem, we will be sure to address it. We’re very flexible in those things. We want everyone to have fun playing the game, and we think adding this system contributes to that because you’re ultimately getting much more loot much faster than you did before.”


The fact that we have to grind though 300 levels in the first place is an issue. Sure we also took issue with the idea that even after doing that, we still might end up without the gear that we want, but it is the grind and the rng nature of the system that we are at odds with.


You don't need to wait to see how it plays out to know how we respond to this system either, and you now why, because we have been responding to the system ever since you announce it, and our reaction was not good. What you don't seem to understand is that even people that don't work for your studio can do math, and we knew that the grind would be a miserable one as soon as you told us what you had in store for us.


I also take issue with the line where Ben says "We want everyone to have fun playing the game, and we think the new system contributes to that".


Well Ben the new system makes the game suck. It sucks because I can no longer play content that I like to play until I get better gear, and because I can't play my alts playing them will slow my progress towards getting the gear that I need in order to play the content that I want to. It also sucks because my friends are leaving to play other games, and I have more fun playing when they are here to play with. I could go on, but you have your model, and nothing that I say will make you loose faith in it, so I will stop now.

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We want everyone to have fun playing the game, and we think adding this system contributes to that because you’re ultimately getting much more loot much faster than you did before.


Player definition of "loot" - something that I can use that is better than what I currently have.


BWs definition of "loot" - Any old crap that fills my inventory until I disintegrate it for more CxP to get more crap or vendor it for credits.


Can we all see the disconnect now?

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In that article the quote attributed to Ben says:


“ If you get to Command Rank 200 and you never got the boots, all right you can go and buy the boots because you’ve played enough of the game."


Excuse me? 15 hours a day over three days and you said it was too fast so you curbed our ability to gain experience.


Just how frigging long does it have to be before we meet your standard of having played the game enough?!!

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If these players are truly enjoying their rewards, why are they here complaining?


Dude... *knocks you right off your little pony* ...are you seriously that daft? If you truly wish to crusade for EA/Bioware and play the part of the little white knight, then you might wish to understand that the longevity of the game itself is teetering upon a precipice that ALL players are voicing their concerns and cancelling their subscriptions over. Embrace this notion, for the very few white knights that are left are no longer waving the EA banner for they themselves are able to see the consequences of EA's decisions if left unchecked. You might do yourself a favor, and lord knows the rest of us, if you start evaluating the circumstances a little more carefully and understand that the basis of this problem could culminate in you no longer having a Star Wars game to crusade for.....

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Dude... *knocks you right off your little pony* ...are you seriously that daft? If you truly wish to crusade for EA/Bioware and play the part of the little white knight, then you might wish to understand that the longevity of the game itself is teetering upon a precipice that ALL players are voicing their concerns and cancelling their subscriptions over. Embrace this notion, for the very few white knights that are left are no longer waving the EA banner for they themselves are able to see the consequences of EA's decisions if left unchecked. You might do yourself a favor, and lord knows the rest of us, if you start evaluating the circumstances a little more carefully and understand that the basis of this problem could culminate in you no longer having a Star Wars game to crusade for.....


Dude, he's a troll who admits he doesn't even play the game and just subs to troll the forums. Don't bother getting angry at him, that's what he wants!

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No they don't. In fact, if you read this interview from Friday, they believe that the uproar is all unfounded because their "internal models" told them everyone would love it.




Read it and cry about the complete disconnect from your paying customer base.


Holy Fsking 720s, Batman...did they really just say:"We have talked about for people over a certain Command Rank adding a vendor just let them buy the missing piece that they have. If you get to Command Rank 200 and you never got the boots, all right you can go and buy the boots because you’ve played enough of the game."


Like seriously, they got rid of a perfectly good vendor system because "tokens 2 hrd", introduced two new types of tokens (DS/LS) for use with a second set od DS/LS vendors, and "if" the RNG systems sucks too hard, they will introduce...more vendors to compensate?


Attn: Einstein@Bioware.com, you already did this -- it was called "launch" and the system you just destroyed had been solidly improving upon that for 5 years. Please fire whomever was in charge of 5.0 and bring back WZ comms/tokens asap.

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Holy Fsking 720s, Batman...did they really just say:"We have talked about for people over a certain Command Rank adding a vendor just let them buy the missing piece that they have. If you get to Command Rank 200 and you never got the boots, all right you can go and buy the boots because you’ve played enough of the game."


Like seriously, they got rid of a perfectly good vendor system because "tokens 2 hrd", introduced two new types of tokens (DS/LS) for use with a second set od DS/LS vendors, and "if" the RNG systems sucks too hard, they will introduce...more vendors to compensate?


Attn: Einstein@Bioware.com, you already did this -- it was called "launch" and the system you just destroyed had been solidly improving upon that for 5 years. Please fire whomever was in charge of 5.0 and bring back WZ comms/tokens asap.


bw and their metrics. I think they have been misreading them since game launch. There the same ones that thought story was enough to carry this game. F2P faster than nearly any other game in history from that wrongly read metric.


Now we have this fiasco and bw had the gall to say:


"adding this system contributes to that because you’re ultimately getting much more loot much faster than you did before.”"


It's that kind of delusion in management thats killing this game. With the slot machine gearing bw has added you are getting worthless gear faster. You are not getting useful gear faster.


Thats how you wrongly read game mechanics and introduce a gearing system that is designed to be against the gamer from start to finish. Making sure that all that play time you put in game, you have a rather high chance of getting nothing for your time but not just you. Your entire group could run content and get nothing of value to your character.


At this it's clear bw is so delusional they cannot make logical design and development decisions. Trying to rely on metrics to read players and that has failed them at nearly every turn.

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Day Four and no response from Bioware.


Maybe it is time to directly call or email Austin?


Nah. Just unsub and watch later as the Tortanic 2.0 articles hit the web and BW plays dumb and makes every excuse under the sun except their own incompetence as to why subs are dropping faster than a pigeon with the runs.

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Player definition of "loot" - something that I can use that is better than what I currently have.


BWs definition of "loot" - Any old crap that fills my inventory until I disintegrate it for more CxP to get more crap or vendor it for credits.


Can we all see the disconnect now?


Bingo ^


Well said.

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An official response!




Not a damn thing about the concerns of the community, just their concern that we might be getting too much experience from repeatable heroics.


So basically, EAWare's official stance on the issues with the Galactic Conquest system is that they're going to stick their fingers in their ears, close their eyes, and go "La la la metrics la la la internal models" until the servers shut down. Nice.

Edited by AscendingSky
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An official response!




Not a damn thing about the concerns of the community, just their concern that we might be getting too much experience from repeatable heroics.


The only thing that would even make the heroics worth doing (at this point) is that they can be done daily again. I don't mind a credit nerf if this was permanant.


If I want to farm heroics for that windfall of 20 CXP per, then I should be able to do that. I thought the entire point of Galactic Command was "Play how you want to play!"


God. As I've been saying, I personally don't care about Galactic Command (in fact, I've disabled the CXP bar visual). I care that it screwed over players who need top tier gear for PvPing and Ops. It's the SHEER INCOMPETENCE that's pissing me off more than anything else.

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It's the SHEER INCOMPETENCE that's pissing me off more than anything else.


If I hadn't already unsubbed, I'd be shouting obscenities at my monitor after reading about the "bugfix" that again makes heroic missions weekly.

As it is, I already feel suitably numb and just slowly shake my head at the madness.

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The only thing that would even make the heroics worth doing (at this point) is that they can be done daily again. I don't mind a credit nerf if this was permanant.


If I want to farm heroics for that windfall of 20 CXP per, then I should be able to do that. I thought the entire point of Galactic Command was "Play how you want to play!"


God. As I've been saying, I personally don't care about Galactic Command (in fact, I've disabled the CXP bar visual). I care that it screwed over players who need top tier gear for PvPing and Ops. It's the SHEER INCOMPETENCE that's pissing me off more than anything else.


Apparently the point was instead "Play how you want to play... so we know what to nerf hardest in order to get you to spend more money on the Cartel Market for our nifty new CXP boosters!"

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