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Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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Arsenal was already borderline OP in 4.0 and a good one could kite eternally.


It really wasn't, outside of trolling mediocre pugs in regs. Granted that is 95% of PvP these days, but that *shouldn't* be the standard against which a class is judged.

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As I mentioned, I'm neither for it nor against it right now. It's waaaay too soon to evaluate, given how little *some* people seem to be trying to actually work around it.


What I am definitely against is a kneejerk nerf that'll probably send mercs back into the dark ages.


It is not "waaaay" too soon to decide. Take one look at solo ranked and it becomes apparent that giving the class that has the only +30% surge in the game, a spec that's braindead easy and high bursting, AND ranged - well, giving it three heal to fulls was not a good idea. Sure, solo is not the measuring stick by which class balance should be measured soley, but it's giving compelling evidence when you have teams of mercs running in it because they're so overtuned. No other ranged burst class has nearly the damage potential, mobility, or survivability as arsenal does right now, and I'm not sure why a ranged burst spec is given more survivability and damage than nearly any class in the game.


Sure, you can say to work around the cooldowns. The problem is, this isn't possible most of the time. Kolto overload has no counterplay. Energy shield is usually popped at mid health, and lasts 12 seconds; your options here are to switch off and let the merc free cast for the duration ad nuke your team with +30% surge, or let them heal to full. With energy rebounders, soft cc'ing a merc while shield is up isn't an option because the shield has a lower cd than many cc abilities. Lastly, the new ability can be used while stunned. The only workaround is dot (which many specs don't have) or aoe damage - that's not really a work around at all, it's you doing no damage while you eat those massive crits. And when you factor in the energy shield.... well. Mercs aren't immortal, but they have no business being as tanky as they are, given how easy they are.

Edited by Jake_Chambers
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As I mentioned, I'm neither for it nor against it right now. It's waaaay too soon to evaluate, given how little *some* people seem to be trying to actually work around it.


What I am definitely against is a kneejerk nerf that'll probably send mercs back into the dark ages.


you sir are correct

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As am I, literally if they just removed the healing from energy shield thing (I think a better option would be something that increases the damage reduction of it every time you get attacked, up to 15% extra. +40% DR is fair and a useful DCD, yeah?) toned down the KO buff utility to 50-60% HP, and removed the healing from reflect, they'd be perfectly fine.


Mercs needed a small defensive buff, mostly just an anti-focus button (reflect). Not 3 lives.


It needed a hard swap mechanic definitely. However. Adding 15% of DR to energy shield doesn't do it (stim + shield pre 4.0 didn't work either, just saying :p). So again it would be a worthless DCD. Also, you can still be focused and killed before you get the heal at the end of the shield, so if enough players focus you and you're slow with KO or a stim or just timed it badly, you still die. I think this is where players tend to get it wrong going for merc / mandos, if the HP of the player is low enough burst through the shield and either force the merc / mando to use a secondary DCD / stim or just plain kill them outright. I don't think people have got the grasp of how this utility works quite yet.


KO has already been nerfed from what it was originally, I remember it actually healing from when you triggered it, not from dipping below x% of health. Do I think 70% HP while using a utility point is over the top? Not really. As I said, I recall how it used to work, which is still better than what we have currently.


Removing the healing effect from reflect I'd be absolutely fine with, if they buffed the reflect dmg amount marginally. I'm not even sure why this one has a heal attached to it? I was a bit surprised to even see this ability added in 5.0, have to be honest.

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fix this rubbish, way to OVERPOWER.


Remove the shield heal to full, they don't need 2 heal to fulls!


they always had damage all they needed was defense cooldowns, they now have rocket out and kolto overload buffed, no need for the shield to full and the bloody reflect its too much with all of that. + the most OP CD to date ELECTRONET

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fix this rubbish, way to OVERPOWER.


Remove the shield heal to full, they don't need 2 heal to fulls!


they always had damage all they needed was defense cooldowns, they now have rocket out and kolto overload buffed, no need for the shield to full and the bloody reflect its too much with all of that. + the most OP CD to date ELECTRONET


Yeah lets remove Merc/Mando and just give all those players free 65 tokens!

Edited by Soljin
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Commando survivabilty is on par with Guardians, Sages, and Ruffian Scoundrels now. Players will learn how to adapt and counter the new upgrades and toys; I'm seeing it already. Ignore/CC/Stop shooting them when reflect is up, kill them in the 12 second window before shields go down and procs the heal, etc etc.
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fix this rubbish, way to OVERPOWER.


Remove the shield heal to full, they don't need 2 heal to fulls! ...

And why sorcs/sages need

Phase walk

Force barrier

Selfheal about 2 - 3k Hps...

Force speed


and... and... ah... last but not least the stun bubble



Its the only class with 2 skills to counter a stunlock and it is the op heal class since 3-4 years.

And also now at 5.0 a merc/mando must play really good to heal like a medium skilled sorc/sage.

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funny merc in 4.0 was the weakest in defense am glad they buff us


and funny why pll don't say nerf jugg/knight with there tank spec in dps gear ore opertive/scoundrel with there endlesss stun lock


in 4.0 almost no1 play merc because off there very weak defense skills


if you play pvp you 90% main target all jump on you and boom dead

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fix this rubbish, way to OVERPOWER.


Remove the shield heal to full, they don't need 2 heal to fulls!


they always had damage all they needed was defense cooldowns, they now have rocket out and kolto overload buffed, no need for the shield to full and the bloody reflect its too much with all of that. + the most OP CD to date ELECTRONET

This post screams "Im rubbish". Thank you for contributing with more whining instead of asking how the mechanic works to begin with.
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It needed a hard swap mechanic definitely. However. Adding 15% of DR to energy shield doesn't do it (stim + shield pre 4.0 didn't work either, just saying :p). So again it would be a worthless DCD. Also, you can still be focused and killed before you get the heal at the end of the shield, so if enough players focus you and you're slow with KO or a stim or just timed it badly, you still die. I think this is where players tend to get it wrong going for merc / mandos, if the HP of the player is low enough burst through the shield and either force the merc / mando to use a secondary DCD / stim or just plain kill them outright. I don't think people have got the grasp of how this utility works quite yet.


KO has already been nerfed from what it was originally, I remember it actually healing from when you triggered it, not from dipping below x% of health. Do I think 70% HP while using a utility point is over the top? Not really. As I said, I recall how it used to work, which is still better than what we have currently.


Removing the healing effect from reflect I'd be absolutely fine with, if they buffed the reflect dmg amount marginally. I'm not even sure why this one has a heal attached to it? I was a bit surprised to even see this ability added in 5.0, have to be honest.


Yeah, and I can still die with 70% damage reduction up on my operative. Sometimes you get killed. Deal with it.


DCDs this powerful aren't supposed to exist on a class with some of the best single target burst in the game.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Honestly every class is pretty much invincible for a time now, except for maybe PT, mercs got a ridiculous heal, snipers got good heals now, this is no worse than juggernauts, except it is ranged.


Which is 100 times worse. You can root or slow a jugg to shut down his dps. There's no resolve bar that builds for either of those. He'll burn his heal to survive in order to dps later. You can't shut down a merc's dps by rooting or slowing him. It doesn't effect his dps at all.

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Yeah, and I can still die with 70% damage reduction up on my operative. Sometimes you get killed. Deal with it.


DCDs this powerful aren't supposed to exist on a class with some of the best single target burst in the game.


It could be completely worse. Everyone could be running around using Medicine Operatives right now, which are broken as hell. Have you tried to kill one of them lately?

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When were juggs ever invincible? When could juggs light you up from 30m away? When could Juggs kite you and kill you before you ever even got close to them?


I don't recall that EVER happening in this game.


As a matter of fact, when was the last time a melee was dominant in this game, in any area?


merc can never beat a good jugg player how hard he try


jugg will always be king in pvp you just fight a iron wall with insane damage output


and always in wz jugg are mostly nr1


like i said bevore jugg can benefit from there tank tree and wears dps gear that make him a very tanky and hard hitting class a merc can wear tank gear but its no use to him and he cant wear a shield gen

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merc can never beat a good jugg player how hard he try


jugg will always be king in pvp you just fight a iron wall with insane damage output


and always in wz jugg are mostly nr1


like i said bevore jugg can benefit from there tank tree and wears dps gear that make him a very tanky and hard hitting class a merc can wear tank gear but its no use to him and he cant wear a shield gen

Hrnnhhh? (that's my best approximation of the sound I made when I read what you wrote). :p


A merc can never beat a good jugg player? Are we playing the same game? Was this a typo? Surely you meant that a good jugg player can never beat any average Merc, because that is much closer to the truth.


Juggs are pretty downright awful in pvp right now. Jugg and PT are probably the worst in pvp. Not because of anything that happened to Juggs, but because of everything that was given to many other classes. Mercs are now tankier than Juggs. If you've played any solo ranked in 5.0, you've probably noticed that everybody wants to focus the Jugg now.


In 5.0, I have the following to level 70 and have played at least 10 warzones with each: Merc, Mara, Jugg. I and everyone else must be the world's worst Jugg players, and I must simultaneously be an awesome Merc player if Juggs are better than Mercs. Keep on playing your Jugg if you really think it's better than a Merc, and I'll keep netting you, kiting and shooting you out of melee range, and healing to full three times. :)

Edited by teclado
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merc can never beat a good jugg player how hard he try


jugg will always be king in pvp you just fight a iron wall with insane damage output


and always in wz jugg are mostly nr1


like i said bevore jugg can benefit from there tank tree and wears dps gear that make him a very tanky and hard hitting class a merc can wear tank gear but its no use to him and he cant wear a shield gen


The only Jugg spec that isn't glass right now is Immortal, and they just don't have the damage output that people like to claim they do.

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The only Jugg spec that isn't glass right now is Immortal, and they just don't have the damage output that people like to claim they do.


4.0 was a good time for them. 5.0? Not so much. Welcome to expansions 101, where everything gets tweaked and new a new meta occurs. Well.... aside from Sorcs who had it easy for ages.

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Hrnnhhh? (that's my best approximation of the sound I made when I read what you wrote). :p


A merc can never beat a good jugg player? Are we playing the same game? Was this a typo? Surely you meant that a good jugg player can never beat any average Merc, because that is much closer to the truth.


Juggs are pretty downright awful in pvp right now. Jugg and PT are probably the worst in pvp. Not because of anything that happened to Juggs, but because of everything that was given to many other classes. Mercs are now tankier than Juggs. If you've played any solo ranked in 5.0, you've probably noticed that everybody wants to focus the Jugg now.


In 5.0, I have the following to level 70 and have played at least 10 warzones with each: Merc, Mara, Jugg. I and everyone else must be the world's worst Jugg players, and I must simultaneously be an awesome Merc player if Juggs are better than Mercs. Keep on playing your Jugg if you really think it's better than a Merc, and I'll keep netting you, kiting and shooting you out of melee range, and healing to full three times. :)


but its all about team work if you cant do that you beter quit this game

if you think merc is so OP then you play it wrong


but atm am more woried about sniper/gunslinger then any trooper/merc ore jugg


ad redeclipse i see many play that class now and so 3 a 4 in a row are a pain to deal with

with a saga/sorc close to them to heal them and so on


then try to get close to them you mostly dead XD

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So far I am not hearing much substance. My first main was commando, gunnery at launch. The off heals got nerfed, almost every class had a way of getting out of electro net and take zero damage, blitz was removed, plasma gernade nerfed into the ground along with sticky grenade, and lets not forget all too often people can walk right through a cryo grenade. So what exactly did they do that has all you guys raging? I have been on my Sith Jugg this time around because that is what I wanted to do for fun. I am carious as to what was the ultimate evil that the devs did? Edited by CrazyOldMystic
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