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Where are all the players "flooding back"?


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Looking at the population trend slicer. Where is everyone? Wasn't 5.0 meant to be bringing tons of players back or new players in or something?


Granted it's only been a few days but with 4.0 launch the servers were constantly hitting heavy status ( can be proven with internet archived versions or torstatus if anyone really wants to look at this ).


So far the DvL event kick off brought back more people than 5.0 has and looking at February, 3 months after 4.0 dropped, we had heavy status and thus far more players playing than we have now.


So where is everyone? Are they all waiting for tomorrow perhaps?

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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Just looking at the graphs you would think they didn't even release an expansion. No increase or change to the graph cadence for Harbinger. But it's still early access. Let's wait and see what it's like after the weekend, if there is no change, then Bioware have a lot to answer for not merging servers.
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I just came back today, logged in for a few to check my characters and find my legacy gear, even did a few heroics on one and a tactical on an other for practice.


Anyways, I paid for one month and will not be staying / paying for more than this month as beyond the small bit of new story and some mini flashpoint things, there does not appear to be any new content, and thus no reason IMO to invest ongoing time or money with the game.


Which is sad, I'd have gladly paid for a real expansion with new progression content as well as maintained a subscription for months if the content were engaging, but the new RNG based progression system tied to stale old content that will most likley be poorly tuned and full of bugs just isn't appealing.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Its still early access. I'm not saying the results will be any different, but you really can't base it on anything until after the full release.


Check the stats during prime time on Friday night (assuming no patch issues) or Saturday. Hopefully we'll see a bump then.

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When SoR hit, there were like 30-40 instances on Rishi and Yavin constantly (I think if I remember correctly, I saw it going to 85?) There were 3-4 instances at least for each planet, if not more, on evenings and stuff. There were people shouting on fleet for gf ops all the time.


Since 4.0 hit, there are not that many people, and a lot on fleet are just spamming heroics. Few people want to get into the real fun part which is ops, FPs and WZs. When to get a HM Fp you need to be in queue for an hour (I play dps, so yeah queues are long).


And now with people concentrating on one maybe two alts, healers and tanks are going to be much much harder to find. Seriously, BW I have 26 alts. I have to grind gear on at least 8 advanced classes (and let's not forget that Commando/Merc and Gunslinger/Ssniper use different weapons), and about the relics and implants etc. And those who play 2 classes? Oh forget those, they'll have an even worse grind.


No, this system sucks. Story in KOTET IMO was better than KOTFE, uprisings are okay, but that's all.


Instead of finding ways of making players leave, they should concentrate on making stuff players want and have been asking for 2 years now: NEW CONTENT: OPS, WZS, DAILY/WEEKLY AREAS, EVENTS LIKE RAKGHOUL AND BH.

Edited by Tanitha
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Just looking at the graphs you would think they didn't even release an expansion. No increase or change to the graph cadence for Harbinger. But it's still early access. Let's wait and see what it's like after the weekend, if there is no change, then Bioware have a lot to answer for not merging servers.


Yup you just gotta wait till after everyone has access to the new expansion who are subs, then wait a week to see the trends from full strength KotET to see how its going.

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I personally came back because I was done arguing with my mods for Skyrim Legendary Edition to play nice with each other and to stop crashing my game (seriously, most of it was hair, tattoos/warpaints, and a few minor things like "Read this book already" "Know this spell already" grumblegrumbleArrowtotheKnee).


I'm also admitting, I'm not too keen to bother with the whole Early Access thing since it's practically an "Open" Beta, so I'd rather spend the time playing the stuff that I know works (or should still be working). *tromps around on a walker from Yavin while waiting for the path to finish*

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I left after I finished KotFE and what I cared to do in DvL and came back, so I'm one that came back... Though I never let my sub lapse. A thing to realize, is that not everyone has early access. Lets see if the numbers change when KotET is officially released. Edited by GelstonJ
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I don't put much faith in torstatus due to the servers all having different capacities, however even tho it is still only early access I find this a little alarming.


I can't play until next week so I cannot see for myself, but is there any anecdotal evidence of a player increase? Is there more people on the fleet? Shorter wz queues etc? I play on Harb, can anyone tell me what fleet numbers are currently like?

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I don't put much faith in torstatus due to the servers all having different capacities, however even tho it is still only early access I find this a little alarming.


I can't play until next week so I cannot see for myself, but is there any anecdotal evidence of a player increase? Is there more people on the fleet? Shorter wz queues etc? I play on Harb, can anyone tell me what fleet numbers are currently like?


I remember one of the new areas having over ten instances on a Wednesday night, so there is that. (Harb)

Edited by GelstonJ
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1) I don't expect a bunch of players to come flooding back for an expansion, especially when there's no progression content to create urgency or excitement. Maybe when word of mouth gets around that KOTET's story missions are better than KOTFE, but even then, you can binge play it on random Saturday, so I doubt that's going to increase numbers dramatically.


2) The expansion doesn't even come out until tomorrow, so why would returning players be playing right now?


3) 4.0 was busy because of The Force Awakens. Rogue One isn't out yet, and it's not nearly as big a deal. I wouldn't expect nearly the same bounce.

Edited by Wintermutes
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I remember one of the new areas having over ten instances on a Wednesday night, so there is that. (Harb)


That's good to hear and a little more reassuring. Some more anecdotal evidence I can see is that there seems to be a lot of non-regular forum posters adding comments in this and other swtor forums. That's not to suggest players are flooding back but it's a small sign of returning players.

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Its still early access. I'm not saying the results will be any different, but you really can't base it on anything until after the full release.


Check the stats during prime time on Friday night (assuming no patch issues) or Saturday. Hopefully we'll see a bump then.

This. Most of the people playing early access are going to be people who were already playing, cause otherwise why would they have subbed to get it?


Friday and the week that follows it will be the true test.

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What they meant to say is watch for the flood of new people when the new movie comes out.


And then it'll be watch for the flood of new people when the Jan livestream comes out.


Then watch for the flood of new people when the "group" content for sed livestream is coop KOTFE and kotet chapters and it comes out.


Then watch for the flood of new people when the next expansion comes out.


Then watch for the flood of new people when Episode 8 comes out.



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With any luck the development team might start asking the players what would improve the game.


Seriously the game doesn't stand up well at the moment, my squishy dps has over 100k health while I spend most my time watching my toolbar checking on cool downs or clicking on one of 20 abilities. I have 5 defensive cool downs now all on different timers. It would be nice to be part of a living breathing star wars universe where I watch the action (along with the cut scenes) and not just manage cool downs on many very similar skills and attacks. It seems to be overly concerned with number watching larger and large numbers that start to look comical rather than a fun action packed experience. And this just one aspect but it would be really nice to feel like you are in the heart of the action battling the Eternal Empire rather than micro managing numbers some like the health that could be divided by 20 to give a better understanding of whats going on. Nothing does less than 20 damage so why not bring things back down and make it about action and reactive combat and not just number management.

Edited by Costello
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I've been subbed to SWTOR since day 1 and been raiding ever since. This expansion is the end of the line for me.


SWTOR will keep going maybe for years because casual players and the cartel market will keep money trickling in but the game is a shell of it's former self. It's quite sad really.

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Looking at the population trend slicer. Where is everyone? Wasn't 5.0 meant to be bringing tons of players back or new players in or something?


Granted it's only been a few days but with 4.0 launch the servers were constantly hitting heavy status ( can be proven with internet archived versions or torstatus if anyone really wants to look at this ).


So far the DvL event kick off brought back more people than 5.0 has and looking at February, 3 months after 4.0 dropped, we had heavy status and thus far more players playing than we have now.


So where is everyone? Are they all waiting for tomorrow perhaps?


o Only people who have been subbed since late October can play yet, most people "coming back" probably didn't sign up back then just to get Early Alpha.


o "Coming Back" means they've been here before, so that means they know well enough to wait for at least a week or two to get at least *some* of the main bugs worked out.


Not saying I'm holding my breath for a large resurgence, just saying it's a little too early to mock them fairly. Although from what I've seen, there was definitely a resurgence on my main server (Bastion), at least once the 90CC xfers went into effect (and I am noticing lag on Harbinger)...my guild lost about 25% of its remaining members since I checked a few weeks ago. :(

Edited by eartharioch
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And then it'll be watch for the flood of new people when the Jan livestream comes out.


Then watch for the flood of new people when the "group" content for sed livestream is coop KOTFE and kotet chapters and it comes out.


Then watch for the flood of new people when the next expansion comes out.


Then watch for the flood of new people when Episode 8 comes out.




I was making a sarcastic remark on that one. Last year they seemed to think the boost that occurred during the expansion was due to everyone's love of the new KOTFE model and completely discounting the effect of the first new star wars movie in a decade being released at same time as a driver.

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When 3.0 dropped, Rishi looked like a metropolis with hundreds of people in dozens of instances. 4.0 dropped and there were similar numbers, at first. And before the launch dates, people were lining up and getting their toons ready to jump right in and play all the new content. Now, I go to Odessen or fleet or the various KOTET chapter instances and see...the same exact people in the same exact numbers. Are they expecting everyone to start subbing tomorrow?


I predict Rogue One will do for SWTOR exactly what TFA did: one month bump over holiday and then trickle back down to flatline.

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