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Official Turn Ashara Zavros Darkside Thread. (Spoilers)


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I heard that the person who wrote the SI story left bioware so if the rumor is true we are getting a new writer so lets just hope that the new one actually understands how the sith works.


The person who wrote the sith warrior understands really well but the person who wrote the SI story? I don't know what she was thinking when writing the story.


God I hope you're right. I'm actually all for letting whoever wrote the SW story take over the SI. SW blew my freaking mind.


I'd personally like to see them bring in a character from Ashara's past that she has negative feelings for, but a deep personal connection. Let the SI manipulate that and push her towards hatred and revenge (or try to pull her back for the LS version). This person should somehow epitomize or represent the Jedi and possibly the Republic. When Ashara finally confronts the individual the SI is given the choice to either push her towards the DS and killing the individual, or sparing them and possibly recruiting them to the "campaign" to "fix" the Empire.

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I'm all for turning Ashara but i don't think shocking will turn her as many poeple have suggested.


I think that in later Expanisions bioware should either 1. Let us turn her or 2. Have her be a kind of redemption option from the darkside. I mean sure shes been hinting that i should really turn to the lightside. Next Expansion i say have it so we have to choose between killing her or to keep romancing you. For example maybe she turned on use from talking to Zash for to long, and try to kill you for power and title just like every other Sith and their apprentice. We all know that Xalek is going to turn on us sooner or later so way not Ashara who is techically one of our first apprentices.


Plus if we ever get another romance option you can ditch Ashara if you want


Well thats just my opinion. :cool:

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I just finished Ashara's storyline yesterday (at least as far as I know, she has max affection and doesn't offer any more conversations at level 45), and honestly, she seems pretty damned turned to me. Her "I know what's right and wrong so shut and let me help you or else" perspective actually strikes me as very much like Anakin, who I'd say is kind of the archetype for a fallen Jedi, no?


Granted, she doesn't progress all the way to the stage of force choking fools who give her lip, at least, not yet, but I think she's pretty much where she needs to be. She's a subtle sort of dark side, but dark side nonetheless.

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Ugh, I've been romancing Ashara and...



WTH is up with her refusing to marry me because she's "technically still a Jedi!!" In what universe is helping me sabotage and destroy the Republic make her "still a Jedi." That's not even good LS writing.



What a disapointment of a companion character. Just atrocious. I hope BW comes down off of whatever drugs they were on when they wrote her story and give me the option to either finally turn her to the DS so I don't have to hear any more "I'm a Jedi!" crap, or let me kill her and replace her with an actual DS female LI. And no, it needs to be someone other than Thana Vesh because she's fertilizer in my game.


The 'romance' options for the SI are positively tragic. Biggest disappointment in the entire story. I regret that getting her loyalty up forced me to even bother 'romancing' a Togruta.



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I like Ashara as a neutral personality. I just have issues with her clinging to her jedi teachings and not wanting to do anything against the jedi order. So I hope they let you turn her Dark or atleast make her completely neutral


Every time she says " Don't make me go against my jedi teachings" I swear I wish she had a shock collar on her neck.


I end up having to use her most as I always roll in corruption spec when I'm doing dailies. They really missed out on a good opportunity with Thana

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From what I saw, you can't turn her, but I know of no one who actually got her affection to max and did all of her quests. That said, she isn't your real apprentice. A Kaleesh named Xalek is, and he is boss.


Not in Pvp he isnt. I play sith corruption and hew slow is very usefull, More usefull than any other companion.

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Warriors get to turn Jessa, … we need to be able to turn Ashara

Technically SW do not turn Jaesa so much as she turns upon becoming your companion. I disagree with this manner of implementation and the resulting personality archetypes but that's another discussion.


Your point is true though, we should be able to turn Ashara. I've been very surprised at the affection gains in conversation that result from my spoken desire to destroy the Republic. My SI is on Belsavis now and considering the evidence of Republic horrors that are thrown in Ashara's face it just gets under my skin that she still whines about being a Jedi.


My SI is DS3. Not full blown KILL THEM ALL!!! but pretty close. I don't mind that in conversation she'd like me to be a scalpel rather than a bazooka but these loyalty issues have got to stop sometime. Unfortunately this goes to a deeper immersion issue SWToR has which is the companions don't interact with their environment.


The first thing she says in world is "don't make me betray my teachings" and some other crap about Jedi knowing no fear, blah, blah... Then we proceed to kill Jedi together and she's good at it. Huh?


Reasons Asahra should be turn-able or turning abound in game;


1) Her ghost ancestor was a Sith.

2) She's already made the logical leap from Jedi Deliberation to Jedi Ineptitude.

3) The Council kicked her out

4) As my apprentice she's wracked up a Jedi/Republic body count that is beyond unforgivable


Belsavis is the perfect tipping point and missed opportunity by the writers. Even LS SI could have talked her down as she loses it when she discovers that the Republic has been performing secret anti-alien experiments.



Even the seduction has been manipulative. My toon is saying what he thinks she wants to hear, not what he truly believes. Cater to her ego long enough and she'll find the Sith very inviting to someone of her skill level. And getting a little nookie while coaxing her down the dark path is a great fringe benefit.


I sincerely hope these are things BW will address in future patches/expansions.

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Even the seduction has been manipulative. My toon is saying what he thinks she wants to hear, not what he truly believes.


The problem is my character would never do that.


I literally have no option for long term romance aside from the cultist.


Which I'm fine with, as that semi-****/Stockholm Syndromed relationship is the only one I think he'd bother maintaining.

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I wonder why we don't have a bioware response yet people have talked about having the option to turn ashara since beta.


What do you think the thread's response would be when they say "There are no plans to change Ashara in any way"?




Which is the only response your going to get on this issue.

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Maybe her conversation was locked and the writers intended to create ship cut scenes that they never got around to. The in world conversations that she responds to are REALLY odd.


Last night on Belsavis;


I run into two Republic soldiers. Sarge mouths off to me and the corporal shows due deference. Ashara and I handily beat the Ish'kaa (sp) that they have been sent to deal with and have lost the rest of their squad trying to eradicate. I turn my attention back to the soldiers who are amazed at how easily I put down their nemesis and say, "Two Ish'kaa down. Two Republic soldiers to go." and Ashara gives me a big +40 affection. When I follow through on the threat after they beg and bargain for their lives, it's only a -2. Really? Corporal even threw in Sarge's wife and kids to make the choice that much harder and still only a -2 wince on the affection scale. Net gain +38 affection for cold blooded murder.


She is not a Jedi. She has no real love for the Republic other than hording their memorabilia. My problem isn't the conversation itself, or even the rails it is on. My problem is that it's incomplete. She's falling hard and fast toward the DS, I just want to help her along and all I get to do at the end is fain as though I'd go to the Jedi Council for her. The stack of bodies outside the Masters' Office of Marriage and Unions would probably be compelling reason enough not to let me in. :rolleyes:

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What do you think the thread's response would be when they say "There are no plans to change Ashara in any way"?




Which is the only response your going to get on this issue.


Yeah I guess so.... I wish I could just throw her in the airlock and threaten to vent her if she does not give into the dark side.

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Yeah I guess so.... I wish I could just throw her in the airlock and threaten to vent her if she does not give into the dark side.


You do realize that threatening a jedi with death is the number one way to get them to start preaching about how "there is no emotion, there is peace," right?

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