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Command lvl 10 and I'm already sick of it.


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You know.. people could just stop trying to GRIND it and just like play.

Do the parts of the game they find enjoyable.

If that's ops, do ops, one, two, three a day doesn't matter, how ever many you enjoy doing.

If that's WZ's, same deal.

I don't get why folks always feel as if they need to finish everything yesterday. Don't grind it. Just PLAY>


You have vary narrow point of view. I bet you are social casual type of player. But it doesnt matter how You play its how others are forced to play because they have no control of their char progress grind or no grind. just playing isnt going to get them rewarded at least not all. Some may never get half of the rewards of "just playing the game".

If you think no gear or progression is needed to keep motivation pushing futher then you are in wrong thread. No one is asking gear instantly. Did Nim gear came for guilds instantly without effort?


You are very ignorant.

Edited by Divona
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You know.. people could just stop trying to GRIND it and just like play.


That sounds awesome but what really is there new to play?


Uprisings? Some watered down flash points. that should last what? A month at best then another difficulty of the same thing but with no better rewards because of GC.


Do the parts of the game they find enjoyable.

If that's ops, do ops, one, two, three a day doesn't matter, how ever many you enjoy doing.

If that's WZ's, same deal.


Been doing those for a little over 2 years now. Should I still find those as enjoyable or is that old worn out content that while entertaining for a time. No longer has the same entertainment just because bw slapped on a worthless grind system to hinder gearing.


GC might have worked if there were a lot of new things to do but there isn't. It's 2+ year old content we are expected to grind AGAIN and AGAIN along with a atrocious RNG gearing system for doing the same content you have been doing for years. bw stupidity at its best applies here.


I don't get why folks always feel as if they need to finish everything yesterday. Don't grind it. Just PLAY>


What you don't seem to get is that no gamers wants it done yesterday. They just don't want to grind the same old content they have been doing for years at just a chance at gear that allows them do the same content they were just doing days before.


There is nothing but the grind of old content. you say just play as if that is some miraculous statement that changes old crap to a refreshing jolt of new. Sorry but you are a bit "off" in this matter.

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You have vary narrow point of view. I bet you are social casual type of player. But it doesnt matter how You play its how others are forced to play because they have no control of their char progress grind or no grind. just playing isnt going to get them rewarded at least not all. Some may never get half of the rewards of "just playing the game".

If you think no gear or progression is needed to keep motivation pushing futher then you are in wrong thread. No one is asking gear instantly. Did Nim gear came for guilds instantly without effort?


You are very ignorant.


No. I've just been playing MMO's now since Everquest's early days and it's always the same thing.

So just hear me out.


Some people enjoy group and team work, some enjoy soloing and causal play, others prefer PVP.


Every MMO player has a lifespan of how long they enjoy playing a game for. Every MMO starts out with some kind of reward system and as that MMO progresses, so does that reward system. Eventually, every single player will have that point in time when they just don't really want to play that game any more because it's become more of a chore than an enjoyment, but because they haven't found that new home yet they hang on, far longer than they probably should.


Anyone at that point, needs to go take a break. I am serious.


If this is the game they are meant to be playing, during that break they will find themselves *missing* the game. The parts of the game that they actually did enjoy that kept them coming back for more. Then they come back and have fun actually doing those parts of the game and ignoring the parts that they didn't much care for. It gives perspective.


Any game that can hold a players attention for 6 months, 12 months, 2 years or so on, is a pretty epic game. That's no easy feat for any game but at some point those players will simply need a break.


Realise that all your hard work from previous expansions is going to be negated the next time a new one comes out. That's how MMO's work and progress.


Those new systems also usually start out pretty harsh and then get tweaked over time to be less harsh.


Take some chill. It's a game its supposed to be fun and if you aren't finding it fun any more. have a break. :)

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Take some chill. It's a game its supposed to be fun and if you aren't finding it fun any more. have a break. :)


Ok i see. I guess thats your answer to many others. Cancel subs and leave game. Trust me they are not coming back so its good for the game...


I have nothing more to add.

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That sounds awesome but what really is there new to play?


You have two options at this point. Exactly two:


You continue to complain on the forum and pay a subscription, hoping against all odds that Bioware will release a bunch of new content/an operation/a PvP overhaul anytime soon.


You quit your subscription and are gone by this time next month, and we don't see you posting here after that date.


There is no option in this that sees you continue to pay a subscription and getting this system changed. Period. By paying a subscription each month, you are passively enabling Bioware to use your subscription money to justify that the current system of content recycling works. Every subscription that is active during the next few months will be seen as an acceptance of the GC and content model, whereas all cancelled subscriptions will be seen as a decrease in revenue - thus a decrease in support for the system.


The option many people here seem to take is to ask: "We would enjoy to play the game, but what is there to do? I'll rather stalk the forums and post that question to everyone. That'll show them!"


You can complain about how "worn out" the content is all you want. If you would consider equipping your character if the GC system wasn't around/changed? You are enabling the system. If you continue a subscription despite missing changes, hoping that simple words on a forum change anything? You are enabling the system.


There is nothing but the grind of old content. you say just play as if that is some miraculous statement that changes old crap to a refreshing jolt of new. Sorry but you are a bit "off" in this matter.


She is exactly right in this matter. If you do enjoy the content there is right now, do play the game. If you don't enjoy the content for whatever reason, don't play the game. And don't use "But I love the game!" as an excuse to stick around. You cannot love again, but at the same time despise anything you can do in this game as "stale and old". You loved the game. You might love what it could be. But you clearly don't love what you're doing right now if your post boils down to the idea that "everything is stale and old. There's no reason to play it, it's all boring."


This is why I don't take some of the complaining veterans here seriously. I also loved the atmosphere of BDO - the game was gorgeous, and I loved my witch. When the game went P2W and subscriber bonus (against everything Pearl Abyss announced prior to launch), I quit. Period. I didn't stick around in the hopes it would get better. I stopped spending money, stopped playing, and I made the resolve to check back in exactly eight months. Then read the reddit whether something has changed. That's worth more than copying the same rant of stale old content over and over again.


She has a good point: If you don't enjoy playing the game, you should take a break. If you do enjoy playing the game, go play the game. If you don't enjoy anything in this game right now, paying a subscription for trying to change the game is like paying UKIP money to make their programm reflect a pro-EU stance. You're giving them money while doing an anti-EU rant. Why change it?


Ok i see. I guess thats your answer to many others. Cancel subs and leave game. Trust me they are not coming back so its good for the game...


Then answer me this:


You are enabling Bioware by paying a subscription right now. They have no reason to change the system because the only thing you do is talk. You'll pay them for recycling old content over and over again. They couldn't care less whether you criticise the game. You're paying for forum access then. They don't care. They provide a service, and as long as you're paying for that service, everything goes as planned.


If Bioware does not respond to the most blatant criticism after two years, but you continue to pay for a subscription regardless, hoping the system you support will change - what other advice is there? Nobody wants to change a system that works in his favour. Period.

Edited by Alssaran
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Then answer me this:


You are enabling Bioware by paying a subscription right now. They have no reason to change the system because the only thing you do is talk. You'll pay them for recycling old content over and over again. They couldn't care less whether you criticise the game. You're paying for forum access then. They don't care. They provide a service, and as long as you're paying for that service, everything goes as planned.




I cant unsub because i use gametime cards that are payed in advance as you know. But i wont be renewing them for sure. Thats the answer for you. When it comes to subscription monthly payments then yes those people can take action now its up to them.

I know with me will be leaving more people.

Edited by Divona
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Option 3: I shall continue to complain on the forums for the duration of my subscription. But rest assured my dear, my subscription has indeed been cancelled. Until my time is up I will though however remain vocal in the faint hopes that BW will see reason and make appropriate changes.


Or should we all just remain silent and paint up the illusion that the majority of players are perfectly satisfied with the current *****how? I'm sure that will help too.

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Yah at this point I'm not really motivated, hopefully the devs listen to reason and revamp this system, cause, I can't really see too many people sticking around for this.


I've not quite even finished the last of chapter 9 KoTE, and I've removed my billing info so I won't be resubbed. Which is kind of a letdown, I've been here since beta.

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doesn't really seem worth it all the grind, by the time you get any decent gear on one character they will release new expansion with new gear lol. I will finish my chapters on my chars and be gone until something new story vise comes out. From now on i will threat SWTOR as a singleplayer RPG as there is really no point to put myself through this massive grind
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1-300 is going to be a ridiculous grind. I think command level 300 should come with a full set of bis gear. i am going to do this grind, and i will likely hit cancel if i don't have that gear by level 300. my user id is 3890, and its kinda sad thinking about it. Edited by JabbaWabbA
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level 15 main hand and offhand blue 230 rest green crap and 2 implant....i know carebears will tell me its RNG and its fun but i dont cares because im not playing this game anymore


Seriously... I get that it's RNG but RNG sucks so bad. What a terrible, cheap, lazy mechanic to implement for end game gear.


I'm out as well. I just can't do the gambling crap anymore. Gambling != difficult. Give me a challenge. Give me something to actually earn. Killing one million skytroopers to get to my next gambling box that has nothing in it is brainless and stupid. It's not a challenge. It's not fun. It's boring and simple minded.

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I feel you.


I have been playing this game since early release and even did the beta weekend thing in 2011, but this is the first time I have felt like, "I'm done here".


I am not leaving because I am a sucker for starwars and the storyline was fun to play, so I will probally another character through it, but I am not even messing with this whole loot box thing.


I kept the faith that this would be a good thing and it would help people gear up but it is just a way to grind stuff over and over. No Thanks lol.


I have pvp toons that I had spent time on to get the right gear set up and I didnt mind upgrading for the expansion, but 3 tiers of command points and random loot boxes for each character.....does not sound fun.

Edited by kirorx
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As title says.


This is going to be a long *********** grind for one character, not to mention the rest of my alts.


Unless something changes I doub I'll stick around, anyone else feel the same?


PS. Also, DPS guarding in pvp. Seriously?


Me too for the same exact reason. If the command XP was legacy wide I would have tried to work with it, but I have 40 toons so no thanks bioware. I'm done. I am un installing the game today and already cancelled my account.

To bad it has to end this way, but there is no reason for me to play beyond this point.

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Me too for the same exact reason. If the command XP was legacy wide I would have tried to work with it, but I have 40 toons so no thanks bioware. I'm done. I am un installing the game today and already cancelled my account.

To bad it has to end this way, but there is no reason for me to play beyond this point.


Looks like I just thought of another thing to thank Bioware for with 5.0.

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Back on topic.... it is no surprise that binge consumers will immediately push full speed into an expac and complain at every perceived sleight by the studio. I personally do not see what value is gained by this, only frustration. And frankly some players do not handle frustration very well and must lash out rather then step back and think about the best way forward other than mindless grinding. Then again.. every players has complete freedom to play anyway they like.. including jamming themselves in the face with mindless grinding. I won't grind GC.. though I will play it at a pace consistent with my play style. I'll put my main and an alt in a full set of crafted 228s tonight with level 10 augments (which is sufficient for almost all content in this game, including HM content), and let the better gear come when it comes. Guildmates are following a similar formula, as we choose to work together and not be a slave to GC grinding for gear.


I have played quite a few MMOs over the years through quite a few expansions. I have never seen something so universally despised from the initial announcement to release. BW knew players were hating this. The MMO newsites were commenting how bad this system is. Key SWTOR fansites are sarcastically pointing out how bad the grind of this is. Nowhere is there anything favorable about the GC System.


So what did BW do, rather than admit among themselves they might be making a mistake? They did the same thing they did at the guild summit - put on their blinders and convinced themselves they know better than their customers who had (and have) more MMO experience than them. The last time, during the v1.x era, they at least had F2P to save them. This time, there won't be much of a parachute, and more HK gear, a 100th companion, or a 500th mount is not going to be enough incentive to keep them.


This system is doing exactly what players were warning them it would do - drive a lot of players away (Big surprise too, just like it did in the v1.x RNG era and the Battlemaster box era. Einstein was definitely right on his definition of insanity). There are no "boatload" of players coming back. The release of "Rogue One" is not suddenly going to make MMO players out of non-MMO players. Honestly, it seems like after this expansion there is nothing else coming and all they are trying to do is milk the s***ers willing to pay for the same content they have had for two years again.


To the point of the OP, by the time people are getting their 5 and 6th crates, and getting mostly garbage for drops, they are losing all incentive to play. The system, as currently implemented, is a complete and utter joke, not to mention a complete insult to their paying customers.

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To the point of the OP, by the time people are getting their 5 and 6th crates, and getting mostly garbage for drops, they are losing all incentive to play. The system, as currently implemented, is a complete and utter joke, not to mention a complete insult to their paying customers.


Yep this me currently. Been running the same content for years, the uprisings are boring. There are only 5 of them so you end up doing them over and over. I fell asleep in one of them today. Not good when you are a healer.

I am at GC rank 5 on my healer and have already had enough. Can't even raid because I am still in 230 blues.


Yeah i am subbing this is boring and lazy game design. If am falling alseep in a game there is a problem.

Edited by keitzy
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As title says.


This is going to be a long *********** grind for one character, not to mention the rest of my alts.


Unless something changes I doub I'll stick around, anyone else feel the same?


PS. Also, DPS guarding in pvp. Seriously?


I agree with you 100%

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Well I'll be the one gets called names for not agreeing with the echo chamber groupthink. But I'm loving the new GC system, considering the last two operations had significant bugs to start that ended up with folks gearing up overnight, yah this is a change. But its for the better
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Honestly it's really not that bad. Before you call me a Biodrone or whatever feel free to check out the nasty posts on here and reddit I made towards GC pre-5.0. I wasn't a fan at all, but it's not as terrible as I thought.


I'm still not a fan of RNG, but the reality is that we were spoiled with gear in KOTFE. No one should be able to get a full BiS set in a week, it ruins progression and leaves people with nothing to do once they finish the expansion's content (literally what happened with KOTFE). And yet we have people up in arms on the forums because they're GC Rank 20 and don't have a full set of armor yet....after the first day of playing.


Again, I'm not a huge fan of RNG...but it's really not as bad as everyone says it is. I'm actually really enjoying getting jawa scrap, companion gifts, and adaptive gear with each crate as well. This is coming from someone who loathed the idea of Galactic Command before I tried it out.


I know a guy who is ranked 25 who has only one piece of 230 set bonus let alone a full set at 20. Myself being at rank 7 I just disintegrate 90% of what I get. I just add mod and enhancement to my pieces and tbh I hate this new system. People say it's a step in the right direction but I think they took 10 steps forward in kotfe but in kotet they have taken 12 steps back. They are just trying to copy other mmos imo.

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