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Allow us to to move and disable the new Light | Dark status bar


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I called it: This is 'No Guild Controls This Sector' on steroids.


Look, some people play this game for the story experience, which to me really includes exploration, focusing on what your character is doing, immersion. The whole server DvL thing is extraneous to what my character is doing. I don't want to be distracted by it.


Someone on the livestream said, "We want everyone to experience what happens when one side is in the victory state." Well...I have NO DESIRE to experience that. And I don't care if you want me to experience it. That's not what I play your game for.


Really disappointing that there seems to be no way to disable it yet. (Or is there one somewhere that I haven't found?)

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Agreed, stronghold/conquest/DVL all need to be bloody SMALL! or put a damn button in the menu at the top and never, EVER make it flash/fill the screen again. If you care, you hit the button, you see where things are at, you hit it againt o close it...aka...totally manual.
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I no longer want an option to make it smaller. Just TURN IT OFF!! D: I just found out what happens when one side wins. That bar pops up on your screen and a VERY LOUD trumpet fanfare plays.


...I gave it a death glare before realizing that wouldn't do any good. But wow, is that annoying.

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It's distracting. I don't need a pop-up randomly appearing in the middle of my screen when I'm trying to focus on keeping my guild mates alive in ops.


If you realy don't want to give the option to remove it at least give us the option to have it show as a system feedback message in chat and only there.


And as a screenie addict I find it very annoying outside of combat too.

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Please allow us to disable this status bar. It is annoying and distracting. A placard/status bar suddenly popping up in the upper middle section of my screen, with musical accompaniment, is not desirable to me. I'd appreciate the choice to not have this unwelcome intrusion repeatedly disrupting my ingame time.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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Currently it pops up at the most random of times (like in the middle of a warzone).


Yes please, it even pops up in Operations during boss fights. It's annoying AF, especially since we can't rescale, move or disable it. Also give us the option to hide the dark vs light window in the bottom right hand corner too.

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+1 I play on a laptop and my screen real estate is precious as it is. Between having to re-do my UI to accomodate drop-down boxes on the menu bar and this, it's a wonder I can even see the game.


Not to mention that my Dark/Light toggle was hidden behind my quickbars. gg. First thing I did was set up a special UI interface to nuke that ****er. Why on EARTH would you put that as a UI item, and not something in one of the precious drop-down menus, the Character screen, a right-click portrait menu, or Preferences? (which were the places I checked for it first).

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All popups need to go (useless DvL meter, usless X's Stronghold, useless X has been conquered by). Making me care about this is only going to make me hate it more.


What's worse is that my GM does care and feels compelled to ***** whenever their side is losing which is pretty much all the time. May have to take a break from VOIP because of that.

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All popups need to go (useless DvL meter, usless X's Stronghold, useless X has been conquered by). Making me care about this is only going to make me hate it more.


What's worse is that my GM does care and feels compelled to ***** whenever their side is losing which is pretty much all the time. May have to take a break from VOIP because of that.


My thoughts exactly

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Looks like they listened. DvL meter now has a means of clicking it off. :)

The [X] in the corner? That's been there.


At least they got that part right. Had a mild bout of hope that they'd have extended the modicum of effort it would have taken to correct that oversight on the Stronghold and Conquest boxes but, like always, BINO ground that hope into the dirt.

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