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SWTOR 5.0 Performance - finally!


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Game is still choppy for me on max settings. When is the 64 bit client coming out and why isn't the gpu utilized more? How can the game be running like a picture book on Belsavis but my GPU is only hitting 39 celcius? When on average my GPU runs around 60 for high end games.


This game ran better for me with a GPU from 3 years ago than it does today with an EVGA Geforce 980ti Classified, i7-2700k, and 16 gigs of ram.

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Is it too dark for anyone else? My brightness level havent been touched in 3 years , and when I just logged in.,..it seemed a bit dark .


Anyone else ?


They probably changed your settings to what they recommend for your graphics card. You go in and change them back. If that doesn't work, go out of the game and go into your graphics card software settings and adjust the gamma setting just for swtor. Both AMD and Nvidia have this option.

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Just wanted to say thanks! 30-40 fps more on Fleet/Guild Flagship and other places. Thanks! I hope You still keep working on engine! ;)


Sure, but at the same time I have fewer FPS in Operations than before. This is a trade I am not willing to accept positively. This is a negative effect. I have low FPS in the same combats where I had stable fluent experience few days ago. No updates on my OS others than this game...



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While I agree it appears to be a bit smoother in fleet than it did before, and the colors do seem to be darker/muted somewhat, my graphics cards are working overtime now.


Same graphics settings as I had yesterday before launch. However, now my cards are running at full tilt with my fans and temps at max. I haven't changed drivers or settings. Only thing that's changed is 5.0 went live. I thought they were reducing the workload on the cards, not increasing it?

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While I agree it appears to be a bit smoother in fleet than it did before, and the colors do seem to be darker/muted somewhat, my graphics cards are working overtime now.


Same graphics settings as I had yesterday before launch. However, now my cards are running at full tilt with my fans and temps at max. I haven't changed drivers or settings. Only thing that's changed is 5.0 went live. I thought they were reducing the workload on the cards, not increasing it?


This is what I'm saying too.


From 5.0 patch notes:

The visibility system has been optimized increasing the framerate and making the use of cascaded shadows less expensive.


Not according to my video card. The new shadows are more expensive. Yay we have more FPS and less life on our cards playing Swtor... Seriously this is not good. I'm not going to be able to play if there's no fix soon. :( The fan's rather loud.


Did BW start the holidays? Are we not going to hear from them until January now? Musco you out there? Dvl achievements? Hello...

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Given how many different variations of CPU/GPU exist in the player base, it would not surprise me that some will have some issues and need to tweak settings to settle things down.


Personally, I frame lock to 60 FPS in client settings on my PC, and I see the client sitting at 55-60 everywhere since the patch.


Thermals and fans are running the same as well in my case. Anyone seeing thermal increases, maybe frame lock the FPS instead of letting your GPU go as fast as it wants.


So yeah.. nice job by the studio, as I used to see variations between low 40s and 60. Don't really need more then 30 FPS to play, but it's always nice to have more frames for a bit more smoothness to the eye.

Edited by Andryah
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