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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Exploits and Galactic Command


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So my question is .. What level should a legit player be in the Command Rank now ? 25 - 30 ?


Well as for me I have the toon im focusing on at rank 29, got 5 bonus set pieces 230 and 2 MHs, which i was able to use as OH too (Its a Merc) so im happy with that. That is after a week of playing and not focusing that much on CXP yet. However i did a few hour gring for cxp with the guild but on more toons, other toons are rank 10 and 8, had to be swaping to be able to reset the phase.


This is coming from a raider who cant play much cause of RL stuff. I gues no life people should be reaching the weeekly cap every week. The problem is Its only on one toon!!

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Well as for me I have the toon im focusing on at rank 29, got 5 bonus set pieces 230 and 2 MHs, which i was able to use as OH too (Its a Merc) so im happy with that. That is after a week of playing and not focusing that much on CXP yet. However i did a few hour gring for cxp with the guild but on more toons, other toons are rank 10 and 8, had to be swaping to be able to reset the phase.


This is coming from a raider who cant play much cause of RL stuff. I gues no life people should be reaching the weeekly cap every week. The problem is Its only on one toon!!

You're lucky, i am level 23 and still no purple gear on my main toon.

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So apparently they had a roll back on Harbinger last night? Checking the threads, I am away from my home but if they wiped out my progress last night that will be about it.


I already can't play any of my alts because of the grind. Meanwhile, there are people grinding out 40k an hour somehow (prob. ranked warzones?).


Sigh, the very definition of a cluster f*ck Bioware.


Well done.

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Wait, so I'm confused. We have this thread about 'exploits' yet they're not 'exploits' but in game mechanics. So what exactly is an exploit to them? Apparently doing the heroics constantly due to the bug isn't an exploit by the looks of the other thread? But apparently using the Galactic Command to do them is? Can someone verify this for me. As I generally don't want to be bloody smacked for actually playing the game how I always played it. Only this time the game is 'telling' me which heroics to do.


So what, is this an exploit? I can't tell anymore with this screwy meaning of 'exploit' here. Obviously I don't want my hard work, doing all this old content going to waste.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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Wait, so I'm confused. We have this thread about 'exploits' yet they're not 'exploits' but in game mechanics. So what exactly is an exploit to them? Apparently doing the heroics constantly due to the bug isn't an exploit by the looks of the other thread? But apparently using the Galactic Command to do them is? Can someone verify this for me. As I generally don't want to be bloody smacked for actually playing the game how I always played it. Only this time the game is 'telling' me which heroics to do.


So what, is this an exploit? I can't tell anymore with this screwy meaning of 'exploit' here. Obviously I don't want my hard work, doing all this old content going to waste.



They have confirmed it is NOT an exploit. In fact, they prefer that you use Galactic Command to do them.

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Hey folks,


As we move towards the expansion launch, I wanted to post a reminder about our exploit policy and to talk about how it will work with Galactic Command. First, a general reminder on what to do if you think you have discovered an exploit:

  • Discontinue the questionable action immediately.
  • Send a private message to myself or Tait Watson on the forums with any and all details you have on the issue. Do not make a public post with this information.
  • Submit an in-game bug report.
  • If you happen to hear about a possible exploit, do not test it yourself. This can leave you open to action being taken against your account.

With those reminders in place, let's talk about Galactic Command and specifically Command Experience Points (CXP). When you reach level 70, most activities in the game will reward you with CXP, which will earn you Command Ranks and subsequently Command Crates. Since Command Crates are your source of end-game gear we are going to be extra diligent and harsh on exploits relating to CXP. As a reminder, an exploit is using the game in an unintended manner to gain an advantage, typically through the use of a bug or subversion of game mechanics.


If anyone is discovered to have abused an exploit related to CXP we intend to take severe action, including:

  • Resetting that character(s) Command Rank to 1
  • Stripping all gear/items earned from Galactic Command
  • Standard ToS action up to and including permanent ban

Again, if you discover an exploit, please refrain from using it and report it to us privately as soon as possible. Thanks everyone!




Hello is the Karaga palace farming on the champion mobs and exploit or not intended to happen i would please like to know if it is cause i do not wanna join KP CXP farming groups if thisis an exploit.


Thanks :D

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They won't consider that an exploit - they can't do that as it is based on normal game mecanics not on some glitch...but they will prolly nerf it.

I'm kinda mixed about this:

- on one hand I'm not that much into gear, imho it matters but to a point, skill an wits are more important

- on the other hand being able to max my cxp in the 3-4 hours a day I can dedicate to the game...seems appealing 😉😀

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They won't consider that an exploit - they can't do that as it is based on normal game mecanics not on some glitch...but they will prolly nerf it.

I'm kinda mixed about this:

- on one hand I'm not that much into gear, imho it matters but to a point, skill an wits are more important

- on the other hand being able to max my cxp in the 3-4 hours a day I can dedicate to the game...seems appealing 😉😀


Thanks for the reply :) I went and did some of the farming it gives a lot of cxp but at the higher level starting at 24 or 25 it take up to 4-5 runs if you dont have a cxp boost active and if your alignment it still take 4-5 runs so after a while it still takes time but gives really good cxp.


thanks again :D

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definition of exploit: make full use of and derive benefit from(a resource).

Following the definition of an exploit ,the entire basis of gearing is an exploit regardless of there being a bug or intentional uses or misuses. therefore the only thing being exploited is US.

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When we don't know what is supposed to be the intended speed to get gear, how are we supposed to know what is considered an exploit?

Its a good point.


But an even more important point is this:

The RNG gearing system is all about the game exploiting the player not the other way around; using the old 'random reward schedule' psychology trick, to get you addicted to doing this nonsensical grind for way longer than it would be fun.


Did you sign up for an MMO or for a casino, really? My recommendation: go to the beach, worship the sun or anything but falling for this gross waste of your time.

Edited by pandelume
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Feels like chapter cxp generation needs to be seriously buffed.


To do a 30minute story chapter for 240 cxp on a bonus day you'd have to be bonkers.


What is it with this game and the wild swings from one extreme to the other. We're "super causal friendly with focus on story replayability and alts" one cycle and in the space of one patch it's like "don't do solo or story stuff it's worthles oh and you're shooting yourself in the foot if you play more than one toon".

Edited by aeterno
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Feels like chapter cxp generation needs to be seriously buffed.


To do a 30minute story chapter for 240 cxp on a bonus day you'd have to be bonkers.


What is it with this game and the wild swings from one extreme to the other. We're "super causal friendly with focus on story replayability and alts" one cycle and in the space of one patch it's like "don't do solo or story stuff it's worthles oh and you're shooting yourself in the foot if you play more than one toon".


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Been saying this for a while now, it still hasn't changed :(

It takes just as long to do a chapter in story mode, maybe not AS long but still pretty long. 240 CXP is lame. It makes it not worthwhile repeating story chapters for CXP which I would dearly love to do - the story was fantastic but its just not worth the time atm. :(


Frankly with most of my chars being DPS, at least my main chars, that puts veteran out because they die in like two seconds.


Please, let repeating the chapters in storymode be worthwhile.. I wanna play the story some more without dying every step and go back over my fav scenes, it just doesn't feel worth the effort atm.


400 - 450 CXP the same as doing a planets heroic quest run solo ( which is about the same amount of time and effort ) would make it worthwhile.

Edited by Suzsi
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Hi sorry to post this here but I'm not getting anywhere with in-game support. There is a person or group of people botting on Shadowlands , Corusacant 1 Guild name DaDadan in the Republics Most Wanted Heroic. Tired of seeing this person exploit the system. I know that they're making a fortune running their toons through this heroic and resetting before killing the last boss. I have pictures if needed. Please investigate because there are a lot of us who work hard earning credits and it's discouraging seeing someone cheat their way through the game like this. Both tickets that I've submitted in game have been closed and this person(s) is still botting away. If Bioware or EA is okay with people doing this please let me know.


Hey folks,


As we move towards the expansion launch, I wanted to post a reminder about our exploit policy and to talk about how it will work with Galactic Command. First, a general reminder on what to do if you think you have discovered an exploit:

  • Discontinue the questionable action immediately.
  • Send a private message to myself or Tait Watson on the forums with any and all details you have on the issue. Do not make a public post with this information.
  • Submit an in-game bug report.
  • If you happen to hear about a possible exploit, do not test it yourself. This can leave you open to action being taken against your account.

With those reminders in place, let's talk about Galactic Command and specifically Command Experience Points (CXP). When you reach level 70, most activities in the game will reward you with CXP, which will earn you Command Ranks and subsequently Command Crates. Since Command Crates are your source of end-game gear we are going to be extra diligent and harsh on exploits relating to CXP. As a reminder, an exploit is using the game in an unintended manner to gain an advantage, typically through the use of a bug or subversion of game mechanics.


If anyone is discovered to have abused an exploit related to CXP we intend to take severe action, including:

  • Resetting that character(s) Command Rank to 1
  • Stripping all gear/items earned from Galactic Command
  • Standard ToS action up to and including permanent ban

Again, if you discover an exploit, please refrain from using it and report it to us privately as soon as possible. Thanks everyone!



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Feels like chapter cxp generation needs to be seriously buffed.


To do a 30minute story chapter for 240 cxp on a bonus day you'd have to be bonkers.


What is it with this game and the wild swings from one extreme to the other. We're "super causal friendly with focus on story replayability and alts" one cycle and in the space of one patch it's like "don't do solo or story stuff it's worthles oh and you're shooting yourself in the foot if you play more than one toon".


The problem is the imbalance, like in the mornings when ranked doesnt pop i do the Chapter 1 from KOTFE with my assasin, it takes less than 6 min by stealthing through it and gives 402 cxp if using boost, its around 600 cxp when chapters are bonus and DvsL bonus is active too.

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let me see.


you don't care about my expiring cxp-booster, while i'm not logged into the game.

you don't care about all the resetting bosses in the new uprisings, what is frustrating

and no fun anymore.

you don't care, that story chapters are not playable in a group, like you promised,

because the one helping you out, gets nothing.

you don't care, that the bonus-cxp doesn't work right.

you don't care about all the achievments, not working, like the jawa one, the dvl bosses and the dvl-event.

you don't care about bosses with no drops in operations.

you don't care about class balance.

you don't care about cxp balance.

you don't care about bugs, e.g. like joining a 10vs8 wz

you don't care about hackers and cheaters in wz and ranked

you don't care about new operations, just fob us with glib excuses.

you don't care about all the other forums, again.

you don't care about your players.


all you care about are ways, to maximize your command-rank quickly,

only things, that will be a benefit for the players and patch them out.



so bioware tell me:

why should i report any new way, to gain cxp faster;

before you didn't fixed all your other construction zones?




we all love star wars, we all like swtor and we want you

to go on supporting and developing the game to it's new

glory. we also love your streams, with your funny way to

show us something new.

but don't treat us like idiots. be honest, say what the

problem is an why it takes some time. like you learn in every

leadership training, the "WHY"-thing is important to show us,

that you care about our needs. tell us your thoughts, maybe

tell us, that you did a mistake, tell us, that we should think that

over again and give us your view. but please be honest.

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let me see.


I agree most of these have been problems for years even since launch and they still haven't made any changes. Especially with new operations which has now been two years coming since ToS and Rav. The whole command system is a joke to get gear and making raiding not even an option. Seems like the only way to get good gear to begin with at lvl 70 is crafting or just spam pvp to rank up.

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why should i report any new way, to gain cxp faster;

before you didn't fixed all your other construction zones?

Agreed, this is well said. I have lost most of my respect for the devs. Logging in for raid feels like a burden because I don't enjoy reprogressing on the same bosses for the 3rd/4th time, and if I no longer enjoy the game, it's only a matter of time before I quit. I also don't expect the game to last more than another 1-2 years, and I don't plan on playing any other EA games in the future.

I used to care about my account but now, why should I? If they reset my CXP, it would not be a punishment, it would only feel like a wake up call to finally quit the game because I'm not going to put in another 300+ hours to get gear so I can support my raid group (and realistically, it will take even longer because any good CXP activity outside of PvP has been nerfed, and I hate PvP).

Edited by Jerba
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I used to care about my account but now, why should I? If they reset my CXP, it would not be a punishment, it would only feel like a wake up call to finally quit the game because I'm not going to put in another 300+ hours to get gear so I can support my raid group (and realistically, it will take even longer because any good CXP activity outside of PvP has been nerfed, and I hate PvP).


I so agree with you. the RNG gear was a bad choice to begin with since it's made alt-ing dead in the water. at least if you plan to raid for progression in any way. And even the cxp in hard modes is ridiculously undervalued. It's crazy expensive to craft anything (especially with no grade 10s on jawa vendors and no comms/crystals earned to purchase extra exotics), which means you have to be rich (ie spend a ton of cash in cartel market and sell on GTN) or be CXP dependent for gear.


You (the devs) have nerfed CXP in farming in open world - cuz "that's just not fun" , you nerfed ops pack and kills - pre 5.0 we had a shot at 5 pieces of gear during an op now we LUCKY if we get 2 whole packs during a run, all in an effort to "encourage" us to play your shiny new uprisings, which you praised to the heavens in your pre 5.0 dev streams. I like the uprisings, they are fun. Fractured should be fixed because of the suicide bug on the last boss. But to call it an exploit? You force us into playing the game the way YOU want us to (even ben said that in one of your streams). Even without the bug, Fractured would still be the quickest uprising to run and therefore people would still be farming that uprising over any other. All these breadcrumbs are by your design and when people FINALLY give in and play exactly how you've pushed them into playing, you call it an exploit and threaten the nerf and/or ban hammer? I really think you need to check your logic on this one guys. I foresee any remaining trust and goodwill from your endgame player base being eliminated entirely should the "hammer" fall.


We stay because we love star wars. We stay because we love SWTOR. We stay because we love our guilds and the connections we've made. But if you continue down this path, the darkside will consume you and drive away all your bright and shiny subscriptions. I would miss SWTOR but should that "wake up call" come, i would trudge, however reluctantly, into that dark night of a world with out SWTOR. Your players can take only so much disappointment.

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