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Everything posted by Josephmg

  1. LEARNING CURVE is the top reason none, zero, ziltch, no one in my guild plays GSF. The GSF Tutorial stinks and is unclear. The best way to achieve more participants would be to lessen the learning curve and this can be done easily. Private Matches would be the easiest way to allow more people to become familiar with GSF and its classes of ships. TO BE CLEAR, I would nerf all comms and cxp in these private matches and they should not count towards weekly or daily rewards. It would allow those who have been disenfranchised by the learning curve to come back to the game in a way that would be enjoyable and would not hurt those GSFers who put the grind in.
  2. definition of exploit: make full use of and derive benefit from(a resource). Following the definition of an exploit ,the entire basis of gearing is an exploit regardless of there being a bug or intentional uses or misuses. therefore the only thing being exploited is US.
  3. "2 NEW PLANETS", That's what we were told. What we weren't told is that the only access to them would be while playing the "New Chapters". How about giving us the planets while not playing the story. Not like the BS Devs will actually do this. #kotetFAIL #UNSUB #soldALLmy BIOWAREeaSTOCK
  4. a cap is ridiculous, the devs worry about inflation but any inflation or credits flooding the market would be only temporary and would com back to "normal" levels in a few months if not a shorter amount of time. Please devs reconsider this misguided thought of capping.
  5. Question, is that 2 million cap per com or altogether?
  6. same trouble here. I've been patching for 2.5hrs and just about every 10seconds I get the network error message . They need to fix this ASAP!
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