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Maintenance: 29 November 2016


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I take it that its not a cunning plan to release the patch notes as you head out the door to avoid any questions or fallout because of what they contain.


I'm surprised its left to the morning they are due to get them completed, does that mean there was a lot that hadn't been finalized as of Wednesday last week?

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I take it that its not a cunning plan to release the patch notes as you head out the door to avoid any questions or fallout because of what they contain.


I'm surprised its left to the morning they are due to get them completed, does that mean there was a lot that hadn't been finalized as of Wednesday last week?

It simply demonstrates their disorganization and lack of professionalism. These notes would presumably already be on the test server...

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Ну покатилось, сейчас русские захватят форум и школоло начнёт угрожать вычислить по IP :tran_eek:

Старое доброе русское комьюнити :cool:




Here we go, now Russians will capture this forum and scholars will begin to threat to locate your home using IP address :tran_eek: (local russian joke)

Old kind russian community :cool: (sarcasm)

Edited by archieTevidor
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Heroic group payout nerf... not really surprising. Hopefully it's not the beginning of nerf + overdone sinks though, since so much stuff is now being paid for with credits.


Any plans to sell credits directly on the store? Not that I really want to get them that way, but now would probably be the time to consider it, considering the direction the game is going in. That or figure out a way to facilitate the process of buying stuff off the store and selling it for credits.

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Can I just get this right, I can swap my dark vs light faction at any time. So I can change to which ever one is giving the GC boost and if I'm not on that grind and hunting the bosses swap to the opposite side.


I feel like I'm missing something but this basically equates to being able to keep a GC point bonus at all times that one side has won the war (or 2 hour version of it anyway) and doesn't matter which side I fought for. And while it seems clear from the patch notes the light vs dark are not Jedi vs Sith is this the case?


Can I just also clarify, Star Fortress and the travesty that was Eternal Championship have been bolstered to 70 but are available at 65. Do they drop gear and tokens? I EC still a method of gearing up through tokens.


What about other daily areas that dropped tokens such as Ziost which if I remember correctly and it has been a long time were basics + tokens for gear now there is no gear?


I'm sure this has been asked elsewhere and the answer doesn't make a lot of sense, what is happening to unassembled gear, since it doesn't have a com price how will it be converted into credits?

Edited by Costello
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Added new engine technology to improve fidelity of facial expressions in conversations and cinematics for all characters across the entire game. This graphical improvement is visible on High Shader setting.

Character animation is smoother and more performance allowing for more visible characters. Combat and large population scenes run significantly faster.

The visibility system has been optimized increasing the framerate and making the use of cascaded shadows less expensive.


Ooooh, that first one is cool. :D Can't wait to see that!


I'm actually rather excited about 5.0. I mean... sad that Blade Dance and Dirty Kick (and Pistol Whip) are being removed from Knights/Warriors and gunslingers, respectively, but thaaat's just about my only complaint.


Also, new dye modules and color crystals incoming for artifice...neat. :) Wonder what those will look like.

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"Increased the amount of Dark and Light points required to reach different Dark Side/Light Side ranks. All characters have had their location on the alignment bar updated."


Does this mean I'll have to grind out Darkside 5 again? What is the justification for this?

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You know; if it wasn't for RNG gearing; this would be my favorite update. If bolster works in PVP I suppose it would at least be passable using the set I already have for PVP.

Agreed. RNG gearing kills far too much of the game though...it's a shame...but that's what happens when you refuse to listen.

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Any plans to sell credits directly on the store? Not that I really want to get them that way, but now would probably be the time to consider it, considering the direction the game is going in. That or figure out a way to facilitate the process of buying stuff off the store and selling it for credits.

Maybe bioware can implement same thing as eve online has.

Seling 30 day play time item for credits.


So person A buys 30 days game time and puts it on in game market, person B buys it for millions of credits.

Person A gets millions of credits, Person B gets 30 days, bioware gets real money from person A.

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So person A buys 30 days game time and puts it on in game market, person B buys it for millions of credits.

Person A gets millions of credits, Person B gets 30 days, bioware gets real money from person A.

Isn't that what they basically already do with the items on the Cartel Market?


Selling credits just reduces the value of credits and leads to more inflation. I think that's what they're trying to stop, really. Although if they're not actually leaving in any of the crystal vendors and converting their costs to credits, maybe not...

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Не может быть! Тайт говорит по русски! Почему же вы тогда не перевели игру??? ))


Может быть однажды, со временем, переведут. Но это уже совсем другая история)

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