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Everything posted by PallyHk

  1. Maybe this outfit is based on Thrawn's appearance in Ashoka? It look a bit scruffy.
  2. This sounds a lot like you got trolled. A hundred million credits is like... a single cartel market item, handful of dollars, something you can spend for a hamburger. Nothing that would be an actual real life debt, not even in a poor country.
  3. I'm not sure if it will be an MMO. I imagine they could make it mandalorian and bounty hunter themed to ride the show.
  4. Wish that if you skipped, you could at least choose an aligment or a romanced companion. But well, Lana can be worth it grinding all those chapters for.
  5. I would prefer cape slot to vambraces, but at this point this would be too much for BW, and it is a really unrealistic ask.
  6. What game are they playing in that youtube video? They may not want to use it as it could be a copyright violation with their agreements with whoever did the voices first. Their contract may prohibit it, and its not worth getting legal trouble into.
  7. Skadge should be romancable. He is the man of the ship! 8.0 : Daddy Skadge's Leisure Suit. I don't mind the old romances, you get Theron/Lana to be the "not spicy" option that all classes can fall back onto.
  8. You need to go to preferences, graphics and check out gamma, if its too low, than that is what needs to be adjusted so you can turn it on better. Though if it is a big issue, you can try to just make your monitor brighter.
  9. The only way to stop barter that I see is to have stuff available for a fixed amount from vendors, but that would eat into the profits so I doubt it would ever be considered at all.
  10. It is a bit trickier to use then the Annihilation one, where the target just needs to survive the dot, this scales with how soon you hit it again.
  11. Looks like you aren't needing low graphics, but a higher maximum for the brightness setting.
  12. The game doesn't need more credit sinks. Too much credits, that is not the problem, just a symptom. The problem have been gold sellers and GTN scalpers amassing truly massive amounts of money. This is why I dislike the QT tax, it doesn't punish them, it punishes the poor/new players. So would reducing everyone's credits by a flat 25% amount for example. What would need to happen is setting a maximum price for items, preferrably below 1 billion, that can't be overriden in trade or GTN. And make GTN purchases bind for a long time to prevent the relisting problem. And banning gold sellers. It isn't hard, just have a bot monitor the yell channel and alert moderators if it detects "1 billion credits, for 5 dollars, go to TotheMoonNFT.com!" .
  13. For a radical solution, what about setting a MAXIMUM price for items? Make account to account trade have a CD to prevent multiple payouts. Make items taken from the GTN bind for a few days and un-relistable. So you could cap all items at a 500.000 million maximum price. As for quick travel, it is really good for new players and players who have jobs and can't really spend half their time speedering. You want your game convenient, or the new player will just try out another mmo. Either starting planets to level 30 or accounts with less playtime than lets say 3 months should get it free at least, to let them have credits. Maybe the cost should activate past a legacy level.
  14. Oh you are right, but that would be asking too much from the game's graphics.
  15. Charging people to make a trade is the only thing they can do at this point, other than listing everything for a lower price from a vendor. The whole inflation started because of reselling and charging more than 1B per item. They need to combat these issues. Perhaps they can code in that the tax would not activate like below 1 million. People should have just gotten the cue that listing for 1b or more is just too greedy, but they did not. Setting the maximum tradable amount to lets say 50 million would also work, since it would be too bothersome to trade a lot of times for 1 item.
  16. Easy to implement: More hair colour options for non humans. If humans can use dyes, shouldn't the other races be able to use them too? Harder to implement: Two colours for hair, like dyed tips or stripes. Imagine, that you could have a buzzcut with the tips greying for your old timer, or with a rad yellow stripe for your punk cyborg?
  17. I think that having a single currency for pve and one for pvp would work, and it doesn't need a cap. It can't be traded, it is only for your account.
  18. I'm just spitballing ideas. Maybe if each class had a different debuff, if would give more incentive for more diverse class usage for raids?
  19. Sounds good, but do you think you can remove the quick travel cost? Its not enough to take credits out of the system and just penalises new players and low level alts. This new method should be much better at combating the inflation anyway. Would mail also have a tax for alts? I would like it if you could exchange money between your own characters without a tax, but if I'll need to use the account storage for that, I'm fine with it. One thing I would say is maybe there should be a way to stop re-listings from the GTN. Maybe make all items bound to the player for two days? Another would be letting you list items on the GTN for a bit longer. Maybe 7 days? I'm not sure how much strain GTN listings put on the servers. Lowering the low-value item tax is a great idea for the GTN. What the game needs is to make it as QoL friendly to new players who just want to get a bit better gear for lets say 50 thousand credits. My nitpicking aside, this is generally what needs to be done to combat the inflation, so take this post as encouragement.
  20. This was a horribly bad implementation to try and fix the credit issue. GTN and player trading needs to be capped. A good 10k per quick travel won't hurt the relisters at all. This will cause new players to be inconvenienced and given more 'quit moments' as the quest rewards make this very useful ability too pricy for them. The solution to a few players having 99% of the credits in game isn't to make everything more expensive for everyone. It will just not work. You won't bankrupt a millionare by making meals cost a thousand dollars, but you will make the regular folks angry. I'm not a rich player, but even I could just mail my alt a million credits and this "fix" lost all its teeth, beside being an inconvenience for new players. Stronholds, I'm not sure how well that would work, again, do we want to gatekeep housing? It would hurt returning players as well. But there could be gold plated new decorations that cost a lot, so new decos as credit sink could work. Maybe even let players buy old event items for large price, like cosmetics that aren't in game anymore and can't be bought from the GTN. There are 3 problems in the game. GTN inflation, Player to player trades inflating it even more, and relisting GTN items. The last needs items to be bound for a good 24-48 hours. GTN should be capped at a low price cap, as should personal trades. Maybe 100 million cap? If you reach that cap in trading with another account, you must wait 24 hours. That wouldn't disallow you from sending a new player a million to get your friend started. Tl,dr the gtn and trading is what's broken, not the game's own credit sinks. Don't do anything that would punish new players instead, the game needs them desperately at this point.
  21. This is a really bad choice. The problem is the auction house and player tradings, not quick travel and repairs. This just punishes new/preferred/poor players while doing nothing to the rich at all. Removing the excess credit with a mechanic will make everyone else who doesn't have it to begin with utterly unable to play the game and reduce QoL for the vast majority. Helping the economy can't come with a system that hurts new player retention. I know this sounds painful, but the only way to fix it and not break the majority of the playerbase is capping the amount of credits that can be traded on the GTN and player to player, and maybe even putting in a cooldown mechanic for player to player trade if they reach a certain cap. Something like 100 million? It would leave the richest with unusable amounts of credits, but it would not ruin the game for everyone else. Maybe even reduce the ability to buy up and relist items, by making them bind to the player for 24 or 48 hours. A good sink would be a small exchange for vouchers for certain cartel items, especially those that aren't on the CM anymore so that it doesn't eat into the company's profits.
  22. Fracture sounds fun but overall it doesn't really work well, especially that it replaces your main bleed.
  23. I don't want Annihilate nerfed, it already can't get the bursts of the other two specs. I feel like Assassins should be able to provide more utility, but taking the utility from Marauder isn't the best choice. Maybe Assassins could get a debuff that helps the team? Problem is bosses are almost always immune to any negative effect anyway.
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