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New gearing system looks worse than we thought


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I am honestly not sure what BW is trying to achieve with this new system I have seen that stream too, i dont give a crap that that green gear is moddable i sure as heck wont keep it and there is a chance we might not get anything else with a bad RNG hell 10 GC lvls in a row ?

300 GC lvls? if thats true by the devs estimate u get 1 crate/hour at least at the beginnig thats at best 300h/toon and you have a good chance you wont have full set of top tier gear by then which still noone knows at what lvl its gonna start dropping since at 96 still tier 2 was.

I am more then likely done with this game when 5.0 drops, though my sub runs until January I dont have the time for that kind of grind and i know lots of my friends both pvp/ and pveers are feeling the same way.

Someone said today BW might change this 3-4 months into the expansion but by then there is a chance it will be way too late

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Someone has estimated its going to take on average a couple of hundred hours to get all purple pieces in all 14 slots but it could take up to 900 hours if you're very unlucky. And this is assuming players are constantly doing content that rewards cxp.
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Someone has estimated its going to take on average a couple of hundred hours to get all purple pieces in all 14 slots but it could take up to 900 hours if you're very unlucky. And this is assuming players are constantly doing content that rewards cxp.


If this is true, i'll cry. I don't think i have even 900hours played on my main

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Someone has estimated its going to take on average a couple of hundred hours to get all purple pieces in all 14 slots but it could take up to 900 hours if you're very unlucky. And this is assuming players are constantly doing content that rewards cxp.


That's great. It means with the 2070 played hours on my Sorc I could've already geared up her twice!


Is there any hard limit on how long it will take to gear up? Or if you're very unlucky, you'll never get your final earpiece?

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If this is true, i'll cry. I don't think i have even 900hours played on my main


I've been playing nearly every day since launch in Australia (which was a few months after the US).

7 days x 6 hours (estimated and rounded down because some were probably longer) = 48 hours a week

52 weeks x 48 hours = 2496 hours a year

5 years x 2496 hours (estimated on the lower scale)

12480 hours playing the game everyday since launch for approximately 6 hours a day (once again on a low estimate because sometimes it was 12-16 hours)


So I consider myself a dedicated swtor player and subscriber. I have over 30 alts and most are lvl 65.

Now they are saying it could "possibly take 900 hours" to gear one toon fully. That's not even going to gear 2 of my toons. This system is completely stupid and people who thought this up need to do some basic maths and probably get fired because they don't know how to use a calculator.

Unless they also make this CXP thing legacy bound, then all of those Alts will never be geared. The servers will probably be shut off for this game well before I can even gear 2 toons.

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They might just use a multiplier so it seems that you are leveling faster but technically it will be the same amount of time. Either way, SWTOR in 5.0 is converting into an Asian MMO.


They must want to kill off the game. It's the only logical reason for going to this extreme. Either that or they are all so stupid at Bioware that they should be fired.

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These morons lost me at "900 hours". I for one have a job/life/kids and thus can't spend more than two hours a day on this game. So I get about 10 hours worth of time on weekdays, plus maybe another 10 total on weekends. Are they trying to tell me I need to spend 45 weeks gearing one toon? GET REKD, cancelling my sub. Way too many other options out there right now for this type of silly crap from a second-rate MMO in desperate need of new players.
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That's great. It means with the 2070 played hours on my Sorc I could've already geared up her twice!


Is there any hard limit on how long it will take to gear up? Or if you're very unlucky, you'll never get your final earpiece?


Technically speaking, if it's RNG based, it's within the realm of possibility, if you were very unlucky that you could never get your final earpiece.


That's unlikely however, working with the law of probability. That said, however, while you might eventually get it, it could take a very long time. Each time you fill a slow with a 'permanent' piece of the new BIS, each time thereafter you open a new command box, there will be less chance that it will contain something you still need. That chance will be small at first [once you get that first piece, you still have 13 other slots that need filling]. But the more and more slots you fill, the less likely it will be that a box will have something you still need. Once you have 13 of the 14 slots filled with the new BIS gear, now your chances get really small that a box will have the exact one last piece of BIS gear you need.


Given that not all boxes will even have gear with set bonus attached, you can only make estimates about how long it will take to fully gear one character in full BIS gear. One person might be very lucky and gear out BIS very quickly compared to others. Other people might be very unlucky, however, and take much longer to fully BIS gear out than others.


It's a terrible system that guarantees non-comfomity to a greater extent of gear imbalances within established groups of players [raid groups]. There will inevitably be some players that lag far behind others in their group just due to bad RNG.


What makes this system even worse [imo] with regard to progression raiding is that it takes skill completely out of the equation. It doesn't matter how good your group is, clearing any specific content plays no part in obtaining specific gear. Take for example Revan HM during 3.0. Skill mattered in that sense that if you wanted the 198 mainhand, clearly Revan HM was how you got it, which required skill.


This skill level aspects lessoned with 4.0 due to Highlighted Operations which dropped 224 gear. This system was too liberal in gearing to many peoples estimations because EV and KP HM being laughably easy. Yet still, there remained some gear you couldn't get from them. This is why you see a great many well geared people who do not have the 224 off hand and 224 implants. Not that TFB last boss and Revanite Commanders/EC HM are terribly difficult, but, they do require substantially more skill than EV and KP HM and with the exception of EC [which was probably one of the more difficult HMs in 4.0], you had to essentially clear the entire operation in order to get to that gear first. [TOS second to last boss]. If you check out peoples gear, even when you see people with a good amount of 224 gear, you see far less who have the 224 off hand and 2 224 implants.


Even when you have already cleared certain content numerous times, you still sometimes find it difficult to down a particular boss sometimes. Some notable ones that can still stick a craw in your cap sometimes are last boss on TFB HM , even the walkers in TOS HM and everyone's favorite, Underlurker.


These are perfect examples of bad rng nights. I think all progression groups sometimes run into this. Some nights one boss just won't go down for some reasons. The rng just working against you for some reason.


Considering how much more difficult it will be to gear out in full BIS in 5.0, it really sets a very bad tone for the maintenance of multiple characters. People switch alts all the time. This happens a lot in raiding. The days of "let me switch to my tank for this fight" are over. People drop, replacing them is going to be that much more difficult. I can't imagine what the rat race will be like for people with 3 or 4 alts, or more.


That their is the same old content to grind is bad enough, but when you have to grind out 300 CP levels on each character, your going to have to multiply that grind by as many alts as you have that you want to gear out. What are the chances of the RNG being kind to all of them or even half of them?


This was a terrible move on BWs part, one among many they are making in 5.0. It pretty much insures people having to "play favorites" with characters. Spreading out the grind on multiple characters only insured that much longer it will take for any one of them to be fully geared. Focusing on just one would be the wiser move, but also limits the variety of play people get by the experience of playing different classes.


Some people are going to get fed up with this system pretty fast. The distribution of power based on random luck is going to leave certain people getting thier asses handed to them because they just don't have the same amount of gear others do. The Devs have already stated that gear differences in PVP will matter.


That there will only be one type of gear for both PVE and PVP [and no expertise to level the playing field] leads me to think that the DPS differences based on the new DPS chart in 5.0 will also matter to some extent. The class imbalances in PVP are already notable. I fear in this new system it will be even more pronounced. This last point is just conjecture on my part I could be wrong here, but it's just the impression I have from many of the changes taking place in 5.0.

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They must want to kill off the game. It's the only logical reason for going to this extreme. Either that or they are all so stupid at Bioware that they should be fired.


I don't think they want to intentionally shut down the game nor are they stupid. My theory is they are operating within confines placed upon them from a profit standpoint with very little in the way of resources...That would lend to exactly what 5.0 is offering.


If you are given restrictive direction from one side regarding budget and expectations with far too little resources to go beyond those expectations then you basically get a hamster wheel.....Because that's the only option.....

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The moment we heard the idea that WZ comms get turned into the coins we knew which way this is heading.


If you had a currency with which you could buy PVP armor, in no way this should have been converted into currency that can't. If you take WZ comms you should give back Command Crates or Command Experience.


As for grind this is absolutely ridiculous, I have 8 PVP chars to gear, I'd rather bite my head off then do some crappy content for several years until they decide to reset our progress again and take away all our Command Crates and give us back 1 green item and a 1 companion customization for old companions.

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This is a knee jerk response to people unsubscribing between chapters regardless of rewards they started throwing out trying to get them to stay subbed. Never mind that it was because a lack of any real new content. They figure everyone geared up and was done. So; its an attempt to keep people busy to stay subbed. I think the problem is; they are miscalculating the increased number of people who will decide to stay subbed that wouldn't before versus the number of players that will just quit all together.


TBH I don't know; nor can anyone say for sure. I don't find it likely based on where I stand in that I will not chase something I may never achieve in a game where I already need balance changes every now and then to just make things a little interesting for a while; or new PvP content that frankly, has been slow and disappointing when it does come. Hell. For me; I've left brand new games that were fresh and fun because they are grinders and I know I cannot keep up.

Edited by Technohic
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This is a knee jerk response to people unsubscribing between chapters regardless of rewards they started throwing out trying to get them to stay subbed. Never mind that it was because a lack of any real new content. They figure everyone geared up and was done. So; its an attempt to keep people busy to stay subbed. I think the problem is; they are miscalculating the increased number of people who will decide to stay subbed that wouldn't before versus the number of players that will just quit all together.


TBH I don't know; nor can anyone say for sure. I don't find it likely based on where I stand in that I will not chase something I may never achieve in a game where I already need balance changes every now and then to just make things a little interesting for a while; or new PvP content that frankly, has been slow and disappointing when it does come. Hell. For me; I've left brand new games that were fresh and fun because they are grinders and I know I cannot keep up.


If people are not privy to a thing they are much less likely to complain about it......


So when Bioware made gear extremely easy to acquire they basically set a precedent which would not easily be undone and inevitably was going to cost them players if they ever made gearing more difficult.


Once you go the easier route increasing difficulty without adequate incentive is a bad plan....In the case of 5.0 the incentive is not nearly great enough for some players to deal with the gearing difficulty increase....those players WILL be lost.


I guess the big question is....how many players fit in that category and how will it effect an already shrinking player base......?

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We all new this new gearing system was going to be terrible. But it seems it will be even worse than any of us expected.

I've just been reading through this thread in the gen section and there is nothing good or even hopeful anymore about RNG gearing with CXP.

The title is - Musco opens 4 crates at level 90+ ZERO set gear


People have said this before, myself included, but this will end up being the final nail in the pvp coffin. Any dedicated pvpers will pack up their stuff and leave after this rubbish is launched. The only remaining pvp games will only be full of noob *******.

Maybe that's what Bioware want. The pvp community has been a thorn in their side for a long time. They've already driven 90% of us out of the game. By getting rid of any remaining real pvpers, they can then make pvp as dumbed down and easy as the rest of the game has become. Then those solo, casual, bad players won't feel as bad about playing pvp.

Remember the whole game is now all about that solo player who needs it to be easy or they won't play.

the lamest thing is that they said they are doing this because they want ppl to learn there main ... ******ES can you tell the Devs my alt will woop there main lol <3

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To be honest, it would probably be good for me if 5.0 turns out to be as bad as it sounds. I'm gonna need 4+ hours a day here soon to study. Sooo, no complaints if Bioware tanks the game further :D


I'm just gonna play lolmerchealtofull, not gonna have time for anything else. The rest of my 30+ 65's will rot. And yea, if it's THAT bad I'm gonna quit for good.

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My concern is about the amount of CXP you get if you win or lose in WZ. If you earn fewer points when losing, Reps are in trouble. Back before 3.0 I had really hard times gearing my Shadow because of win/loss ratio. On Rep side it was terrible. Gearing an Imp toon was way faster. Add RNG system to this and go straight forward to “Type DELETE”.


On the bright side I think that Ranked will see some new faces. I honestly did not touch Ranked because I do not see myself being decent for end-game PvP, but now when you can gear faster via Ranked, I’ll have to give it a try. I’m sure there are plenty of players thinking somewhat similar.

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they have stated if people are unable to get the gear they need from the crates they will look at changes. and possibly removing it all together. and lets not forget we can also craft the top tier gear as well. everyone needs to chill and actually see how things work out before complaining. because who knows, maybe it turns out better then the old system.
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they have stated if people are unable to get the gear they need from the crates they will look at changes. and possibly removing it all together. and lets not forget we can also craft the top tier gear as well. everyone needs to chill and actually see how things work out before complaining. because who knows, maybe it turns out better then the old system.


This pretty much. Theres a lot of calls going out on how "This is ruined" or "That is ruined". A little patience may end up going a long, long way with all this. Besides, only 2 and a bit days until the Expansion.

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