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Arcann is back?


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Nobody knows, I don't see why you'd ever thought we saw the last of him.

He'll most likely will be on our side at some point during the story. I always thought he was going to be the unlikely new ally in the chapter two description. My guess is that those soldiers are loyal whatevers from zakuul.



And to future posters, PLEASE NO DATAMINED INFO.:mad:

Edited by Eshvara
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Argh...no , please . I don't want him as my Ally ! as a companion ! Or as a warm body in my blanket ! (yes Eshvara you can keep him but you gotta give me your Lana in exchange ! :D)


Ah..gotta love that teaser..that try to make the Outlander into something..when we know..you are the lamest lame King of the Lames !

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More importantly:




23 seconds in


hopefully its just dream. All. of. it.


If thats real, just rename the game "You only matter if you are banging Lana"




I was already pissed that they wont give us our missing LI back, if they take away the only one thats not for straight men, men pretending to be lesbians to act out their not so secret lesbian fantasies, or actual lesbians, im beyond done.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I hope they're just jerking our chain, because if they outright kill him or make 'our choice that matters' kill him, that's it, we're done. Why isn't it Lana with her head on a spit or dead by the throne.


I have the feeling this will be the last thing to happen at the end of the new chapters, then we'll get to wait, gods knows how long before they resolve it, probably thinking they'll jerk us around for a sub to see if he lives or not.


If they kill him, that's it. I'm just one person, and no one will miss me, but I had to say it.

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I hope they're just jerking our chain, because if they outright kill him or make 'our choice that matters' kill him, that's it, we're done. Why isn't it Lana with her head on a spit or dead by the throne.


I have the feeling this will be the last thing to happen at the end of the new chapters, then we'll get to wait, gods knows how long before they resolve it, probably thinking they'll jerk us around for a sub to see if he lives or not.


If they kill him, that's it. I'm just one person, and no one will miss me, but I had to say it.


Two people. I'm tired of this "Lana or else" ****

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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He shows up at 9 seconds into the teaser, landing in a Zakuul dropship with Zakuulan spires in the background. When I first viewed the trailer on my phone earlier today my first though was that they were Scions. After all, Heskal only prophesied that Arcann would fall, not that he would be killed. Furthermore, its Senya that recruits the scions to join the Alliance in Ch. 6 and they haven't come back to "help" the Outlander "in their time" as of chapter 16 (as Heskal mutters in Battle of Asylum Ch. 8).


Unfortunately, they're not Scions, at least not Scions as we knew them in Ch. 6&8. In fact, they look like they are wearing golden versions of Revanite armor. They don't look like the Nathema monks at the beginning of

(2:11) nor do they look like the yellow saber wielding Nathema Zealots Senya fights as she is attempting to rescue the child Vailyn (3:17, 3:30). Still, it was nothing for Heskal, who hated Arcann, to summon Arcann to Asylum under the command of "destiny," so I don't doubt the remaining Scions would join with Arcann in KOTET if destiny commanded it of them. But why ex-Knights would have Revanite armor or be inspired by Revanite armor ... let alone why or how Arcann would even know of Revan and his cult ... I cannot explain.


Since he's landing on Zakuul in the shot, and the Outlander fighting scenes are either off world or in the throne room of the spire, I wonder if he finds a contingent of loyal Knights that he uses to try and retake the throne from his sister, and his appearance is not really connected immediately to the fight against the Outlander.


The Theron shot doesn't have the white-gray haze around the perimeter like most of the "time standing still" scenes with Valkorion have, and neither does the Arcann sequence, making me doubt either of them are visions. Still Theron has survived much worse at the "hands" of Vitiate on Ziost so even if its a real event its not a foregone conclusion.


Indeed, the teaser leaves me with more questions than answers, much like the teasers for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Quantico have this season.


I was already pissed that they wont give us our missing LI back


Well, in their defense, they have brought back Jorgan and Cadera, both of whom are LIs for female PCs. And the only male PC LIs they've brought back are Vette and Kaliyo. Oh, I guess they also brought back Talos Drelik, can you romance him as a female SI?

Edited by phalczen
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I hope they're just jerking our chain, because if they outright kill him or make 'our choice that matters' kill him, that's it, we're done. Why isn't it Lana with her head on a spit or dead by the throne.


I have the feeling this will be the last thing to happen at the end of the new chapters, then we'll get to wait, gods knows how long before they resolve it, probably thinking they'll jerk us around for a sub to see if he lives or not.


If they kill him, that's it. I'm just one person, and no one will miss me, but I had to say it.


I'm afraid I'm with Luna on this one. We don't get many of our LI companions back yet, ok, I can wait, but if they outright kill Theron, never to return, I don't think I can stick around either. And I agree about Lana, where the hell is her corpse in that scene?


I hope this is all some part of a Valky vision, because if not, and we have no option to save him, I'm out.

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I noticed I believe both Arcann and Senya at our side at Odessen while facing off against Vaylin and if they do bring those two into/back into our Alliance then whatever I don't care.


Theron laying among the corpses in a burning throne room does bother me though, a lot. I'd like to believe BW wouldn't be cruel and stupid enough to take him away from us but you never know. If he's a 'choices matter' potential death then fair enough but only if Lana is one of the possible deaths too in the same scenario. If his death is set in stone then.. for the first time ever I'm going to be hugely disappointed in this game. It's bad enough to hear that some companions may not return yet for a long while, if at all but adding this on top of that? Nah. And it's not just a "I dont wanna lose my bf!" issue—I truly feel Theron is a good and interesting character to have around and he's got more lore depth and potential in my eyes than blondie so, yeah. My two cents anyhoo.

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On Theron in there, they would not put that in a teaser trailer if he actually went in that fashion, it's too big a spoiler and it would have been taken down very quickly. So since the video is still up It's most likely just a vision scene. Don't raise your pitch forks until it's actually been played by you not just a teaser and "omg panic", wait until it's out and we have the truth to it before spreading any false panic rumours over a two second teaser trailer clip.


On Topic: I always thought Arcann and Senya would come back into the storyline, nothing in KotFE has said anything otherwise.

Edited by Asmodesu
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Please for the love of all that is Holy don't let it be another dream sequence. So far the only go to moves this creative team seem to have is Betrayal and Dream Sequence and I suspect (if you trusted him) Valkorian will be the embodiment of both.


I think Chapter 12 left us with a clear idea that Valkorian is a **** and it would be ludicurous that he can just drag us into another dream sequence in which he shows dead comrades to motivate us to do something. Its been done its been played out it wasn't done very well in Chapter 2 and it should be left at that.


As for Arcann, once again I don't believe the creative team are that bad to forget that the Scions hate him, he outlawed and did his best to wipe them out and killed their leader. What is strange is that they seem to be forgotten after all that build up through two chapters they have disappeared (have the writing team forgotten about them) but one thing is sure they would never work with Arcann, he doesn't believe in prophecy so wanted them all dead. They would turn on anyone working with him because if he came back to power he would finish the job or at the very least be outside of their control.


Though I hope that Arcann is not back, that he is killed quickly so the story can stop being about him and his Dad and get back to the player character.

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i knew he would return, just because a man is defeated doesn't mean he can't come back later and try again.


I think the little clip is either chapter 2 or chapter 3.


i think those guys besides arcann are the deadly assassins, it would make sense since a number of masked assassin's through vanilla storyline had that same mask for mobs of npcs. only difference here is that they have a gold trim than a red or black one.

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I don't see how easily you guys believe Theron is dead, even if he can die, in kotet whoever does has always been a choice. Except for Arcann:rak_03:


They did say there would be a large body count. And I know you girls like your Theron, but saying he's a really interesting character isn't really correct, imo anyway. Aside from being satele's non force using son, what is exactly special about him? Like what did he do that makes him so interesting?


But about Arcann, like someone said, in the last few seconds or whatever, I do think you see him with Senya behind you alongside Valkorion fighting Vaylin. While I do think you'll get a chance to kill him, I won't be surprised if you don't at all. Same goes for Senya.

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