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"The Game is Dying" a brief history of this idea and how long it has been going on.


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You constantly see threads on how SWToR is dying, dead, failing ect....


So I have posted as many of these threads as I could find just by searching for "The Game is Dying or Dead" and this is what I found.




























Ok I'll stop there I could list a few dozen more but you can get my point.


It would seem that according to these posts SWToR was dead in 2012 and every year since right up to 2016. But it would seem that SWToR is still here and kicking. All this gloom and doom that SWToR is dead or dying is a common theme in MMO's.


Every MMO I have every played there are always these groups of people that are so sure that the game will die just because the deves change something they don't like. Thus the end of the game is nigh.... or not.


I take these threads with a grain of salt or to say that a single grain of salt is insignificant compared to the whole.


SWToR is not dying, dead, in its death throws or in anyway headed to its demise. SWToR will still be around, much to the chagrin of the conspiracy theorists.


So post away about how "The End is Nigh" we all enjoy a good laugh....:rolleyes:

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TO be fair some of those threads are from the time when many servers were empty as are now. And the remaining players there requested BW to act, because, guess what, back then was NO TRANSFER. You were trapped.


And now imagine this, there were no boosters. No 2x exp. It took quite a lot of time to get to level 50.


So back then the game was dying, because subscribers were leaving left and right and because they had many small servers a lot of them was deserted. Then the big merge happened.


Just to give you some view of a veteran, who remembers the funny old days of RNG gear boxes.

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And look another topic on whether the game is dying or not.


NO it is not another the game is dying thread. Try reading the post.


It IS an example of how stupid the idea is and how long it has been going on.


I DO NOT think or feel that SWToR is going anywhere and will be around for a long time.


TO be fair some of those threads are from the time when many servers were empty as are now. And the remaining players there requested BW to act, because, guess what, back then was NO TRANSFER. You were trapped.


And now imagine this, there were no boosters. No 2x exp. It took quite a lot of time to get to level 50.


So back then the game was dying, because subscribers were leaving left and right and because they had many small servers a lot of them was deserted. Then the big merge happened.


Just to give you some view of a veteran, who remembers the funny old days of RNG gear boxes.


Yes the game had problems but come on, the absolute belief that the game is already dead in some of those post is the same thing we are seeing right now and it is still as untrue now, as it was then. Especially since the game did NOT die and DID recover to continue till today and beyond.


These people that make these claims are the same ilk that believed society and the world would end on Y2K and guess what, that did not happen either.

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NO it is not another the game is dying thread. Try reading the post.


It IS an example of how stupid the idea is and how long it has been going on.


I DO NOT think or feel that SWToR is going anywhere and will be around for a long time.




Yes the game had problems but come on, the absolute belief that the game is already dead in some of those post is the same thing we are seeing right now and it is still as untrue now, as it was then. Especially since the game did NOT die and DID recover to continue till today and beyond.


These people that make these claims are the same ilk that believed society and the world would end on Y2K and guess what, that did not happen either.


People are gonna turn it into the game is dying topic.

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You constantly see threads on how SWToR is dying, dead, failing ect....


Well, like it was said before the game is dying, yet that doesnt mean it will die!


There are always things the Devs can do to save the game from dying. The purpose of the "Dying threads" is to tell the Devs that the threat is real. If there wouldnt be any of such threads the game would probably be dead already :)


Still swtor has a LOT of outside help, which now is for example the Episode 7-9 reboot, which brings in new people. This is good for the game, but bad for the veterans, in fact everthing is bad for the veterans cause the game gets minor upgrades and almost no bug fixes (if it doesnt concern the CM ofc). For us veterans we have the same stuff in game for years, but new players think its awesome (it is to a certain extent).


Problem is that with the influx of new players Devs feel even less obliged to make new content as players are in game. The fact that they dont stay long doesnt concern them as some leave, new come and so on. The question is only how long this will last.....

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Fanboi want to believe dat all is ok? The worst times i ever seen and i'm playing since release. Peoples just do nothing but farming H2 to get this CM stuff. And yes, much less people interested in swor from patch to patch. And nowdays we need another servers merge = sucess. Edited by helpmewin
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To be fair, if this was just a new IP instead of star wars, they would have shut the servers down a long time ago.

I don't know about that, SWTOR seems to have regularly been outperforming games like RIFT and Champions Online, and those are still live - to say nothing of Age of Conan and others that have been kept active for ages even though they appear to have significantly lower populations than SWTOR.

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It IS an example of how stupid the idea is and how long it has been going on.

I personally don't think it's stupid . Swtor should be honored to have Doom Sayer coming over ringing that bell ! :D


Oyé Oyé! Swtor is a Sinking Ship! Repent before it's too Late !


haha :p

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And guess what, THAT was the intention of the whole game . . .


Yes, such things work, they work in BIG GOOD games where there is a lot of content and stuff to do. However in swtor it doesnt work you have to rely on fast and easy leveing and nerfed endgame content which my 8 year old son can play (that is how far swtor went).


Look at WoW, many many old raids with lower lvl (no level sync), many old areas (no level sync) and constantly new raids and dungeons. Yes also new story. There are no xp boosts, nothing like that and the game is succesful!! SWTOR had to chose the path it did because the real raiders dont want to play it.

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Everything dies eventually.


Except for WoW. WoW made a deal with the devil for immortality.


But in all seriousness, I think the reason the "game is dying" paranoia gets so off the charts for this game is because the only other Star Wars MMO was both irrevocably changed into a shadow of its former self and it did eventually die. So there's some "oh no, it could happen again" kind of fear with SWTOR.


What people gotta remember though... unless SWTOR reaches the point where it's A) losing money (meaning, it is no longer making a profit, not that profits go down) or B) another SW MMO is ready to take its place, it's unlikely the plug will be pulled. It's too much of a guaranteed cash cow to not milk it. You don't just produce a game and it has the IP value that SW has. That kind of IP is really rare. SW's staying power is incredible, honestly.

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Everything dies eventually.


Except for WoW. WoW made a deal with the devil for immortality.


But in all seriousness, I think the reason the "game is dying" paranoia gets so off the charts for this game is because the only other Star Wars MMO was both irrevocably changed into a shadow of its former self and it did eventually die. So there's some "oh no, it could happen again" kind of fear with SWTOR.


What people gotta remember though... unless SWTOR reaches the point where it's A) losing money (meaning, it is no longer making a profit, not that profits go down) or B) another SW MMO is ready to take its place, it's unlikely the plug will be pulled. It's too much of a guaranteed cash cow to not milk it. You don't just produce a game and it has the IP value that SW has. That kind of IP is really rare. SW's staying power is incredible, honestly.


EQ1 is still out there. AC1 is still out there. Ultima Online is still out there. All of those are much older than SWTOR and are even a bit older than Wow. That other SW MMO had an 8 year run. WAR, the other EA MMO, lasted 5 years.


SWTOR was dying until it went f2p, opened up a massive cartel market and merged servers. Another server merge is long overdue; server population issues, left unaddressed, -always- lead to more server population issues.

Edited by Savej
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I think "This Game Is Dying And Here's Why" has got to be the the very first post on every game ever. There are literally people who never play, have never subscribed to anything, just show up on the forums day in and day out declaring the game to be "dead". It's like those doomsday prophets who 'predict' the end of the world every single year under the theory that, sooner or later, they've GOT to be right.

And of course you can't forget the nice people 'protecting' their favorite games by spending all their time on the forums of other games trying to convince those players that their game is 'dying fast' so they might as well bail now. And on a totally unrelated note, they might just want to try this totally awesome other game I, just by pure coincidence, happen to know all about....................

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Fanboi want to believe dat all is ok? The worst times i ever seen and i'm playing since release. Peoples just do nothing but farming H2 to get this CM stuff. And yes, much less people interested in swor from patch to patch. And nowdays we need another servers merge = sucess.

Yup! This is by far, the worst point the game has ever been at.

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To be fair, it likely was dying during these times- but the time of death is what has been mistaken.


I'd ask a few questions. How are the servers today compared to the servers a year ago?

And the year before that?



once you look at it from that perspective, I'd say the game has been dying - it just isn't dead.

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To be fair, it likely was dying during these times- but the time of death is what has been mistaken.


I'd ask a few questions. How are the servers today compared to the servers a year ago?

And the year before that?



once you look at it from that perspective, I'd say the game has been dying - it just isn't dead.


Very well said Jamtas!!! Last year, the servers had twice the current populations.

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Yes, such things work, they work in BIG GOOD games where there is a lot of content and stuff to do. However in swtor it doesnt work you have to rely on fast and easy leveing and nerfed endgame content which my 8 year old son can play (that is how far swtor went).


Look at WoW, many many old raids with lower lvl (no level sync), many old areas (no level sync) and constantly new raids and dungeons. Yes also new story. There are no xp boosts, nothing like that and the game is succesful!! SWTOR had to chose the path it did because the real raiders dont want to play it.


Just let me say this Laddie, IF the sweater ich, don't wear it . . .:rak_03:


. . . the only other Star Wars MMO was both irrevocably changed into a shadow of its former self and it did eventually die. So there's some "oh no, it could happen again" kind of fear with SWTOR. ..



Some of us would actually claim that it already happened with 4.0 . . . The game we love is now like an old chevy; got a great paint job, and is still a source of unimaginable dreams, but to drive it, what can I say, its not like it once was, its expensive and you really need to know it well when the 'engine' mocks up, and only a true Dreamer would keep it around . .


Whats keep saving this game; There's a whole new world of Star Wars out there . . .

Edited by t-darko
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To be fair, if this was just a new IP instead of star wars, they would have shut the servers down a long time ago.


Not necessarily.

I mean look at Wildstar. That was a brand new IP and, boy, was that a huge flop. Yet, here it is, 2 years later.


Having a well-established and loved IP might mean that you'll have more chances of "surviving" just because of the IP's appeal, but it doesn't guarantee it. Look at Matrix Online. Look at Warhammer Online.

Edited by TheNahash
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By locking out the non subscribers in a month well, that aint gonna help.


Be honest do you think the upcoming xpack is going to add subs?


People might sub for a month or 2 to see the story and then they will be gone.


In six months its going to be interesting to see who is left.

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No, if "the game" is "a multi-user online entertainment service with the name Star Wars: The Old Republic", it won't die any time soon.


For me, however, the game I truly loved has been dying since 3.0 and from the looks of it, with 5.0 it will have changed so much that I'll probably consider it dead to me.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Just let me say this Laddie, IF the sweater ich, don't wear it . . .:rak_03:



Yes that is very easy to say, but just imagine, you like that sweater, love it, its great, its awesome and you dont wanna not wear it. Even if it becomes stupid u still dont wanna get rid of it. Thats the problem.


I dont hate the game i hate what has become of it and hate that the Devs do what they want (or have been told to do) without even listening to the crowd.

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It amuses me greatly how in the face of substantial evidence there are still people saying this time it is really dying. That only works when you consider that everything there is, is getting closer to death (all the time).


Then again a lot of people on the forums seem to think they represent the entire population or seem fit to speak for everyone. All the complaints about OPs and PvP are clear examples of this, as are the claims that "BW does not give a **** about the game" and that they "never listen to the players". Call it unworldly, paranoid or having a bad day.


On the flip side, this thread was never going to go anywhere. It seems to give an 'objective' point of view but then mocks the opposing viewpoints. Not the best way to start a discussion...or anything really.



Bottom line: the chances of SWTOR actually dieing soon is quite small but a thread like this speaks only to those already aware of this...

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