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I hate Galactic Command & won't sub again till it's gone. Add your name if you agree.


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8 crates and a total of ONE piece of useful gear - rest was trash.


Considering as you climb in ranks it is going to take 5-10 hours a crate... BW can put this system where the sun doesn't shine. This is an absolute atrocity and it doesn't take anyone with an IQ of more than 40 to figure out the effect this is going to have on the sub base (I'll give a hint, the same effect it had with v10 and Battlemaster Boxes).


I am really beginning to think that the boys in Austin are intentionally trying to destroy the game at this point so they can work on some other EA projects. There is no other explanation (other than complete and utter incompetence) to have shoehorned such a terrible piece of game design replacing a system that was working well.


The old system may have worked well for you and some others but clearly the game was not working well for EA/Bioware....


I dont agree with RnG gearing because it can go terribly wrong in some scenarios.....that said the rest of the changes I do in fact like.


Funny thing is the Galactic command interface is pretty cool, the DvL thing seems awesome and has added a reason to be Light or Dark beyond RP purposes....


Its only the RnG.... The thread of this title for me is a miss.....Its not galactic command as much as the RnG component......

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I'm going to play thru the story on my main to see if it is any better than KotFE.


So far it hasn't been. Too many cut scenes. Too little actual gameplay. Too many Skytroopers spawning 1 mile behind you and locking you in combat. Too many of the same mistakes they made in KotFE.


But I will not play rinse-repeat 5 year old content for a random chance at some decent gear I can't use anyway.

That is NOT happening... ...ever.


All The Best

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Its only the RnG.... The thread of this title for me is a miss.....Its not galactic command as much as the RnG component......


Thats the only thing that matters now. Instead of playing Cartel market minigame lets open those boxes and gamble now we gamble with real effort put into game using our limited resource - time. Each time you gamble now when you get new rank to open boxes and see if you progress your desired char or not.


If people are ok to put hours upon hours for one box then yeah this is the game for you.

Edited by Divona
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The old system may have worked well for you and some others but clearly the game was not working well for EA/Bioware....


I dont agree with RnG gearing because it can go terribly wrong in some scenarios.....that said the rest of the changes I do in fact like.


Funny thing is the Galactic command interface is pretty cool, the DvL thing seems awesome and has added a reason to be Light or Dark beyond RP purposes....


Its only the RnG.... The thread of this title for me is a miss.....Its not galactic command as much as the RnG component......


Fair assessment in my view.


Time will tell on RNG as to if it is as bad as some predict. The studio did say they would be watching as this unfolds and would make adjustments as needed. Of course this is of no value to the pre-indictments on the methodology, as some people have bad memories about bad implementations of RNG. In the end, it boils down to the loot tables, not RNG.


I did find it interesting that the slope on XP points required levels off early in GC... so after about 10 or 15 levels (which come very easily), there is not much difference in points required for the rest of the levels .... which makes sense given it is a level 70 segment of content. This demonstrates that the studio actually did think things through.

Edited by Andryah
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The old system may have worked well for you and some others but clearly the game was not working well for EA/Bioware....


I dont agree with RnG gearing because it can go terribly wrong in some scenarios.....that said the rest of the changes I do in fact like.


Funny thing is the Galactic command interface is pretty cool, the DvL thing seems awesome and has added a reason to be Light or Dark beyond RP purposes....


Its only the RnG.... The thread of this title for me is a miss.....Its not galactic command as much as the RnG component......


For me the RNG is the smaller problem. The main issue i have with the GC system is that i have to grind CXP on each alt i want to play - and with the DvL event i had to make 8 new, pay for server transfers or buy character slots and all that for nothing. They even reset the DvL achievements. In one night the game changed to extremely alt unfriendly.

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I'm unsubbed and it will run out in January. So far, there is no reason for me to sub again when it lapse.


The RNG gearing is awful. As someone that do Ranked PvP and HM/NiM operations, I need the top tier to do the content that I enjoy, but to get it would and do again what I was able to do before 5.0 it would take at least months, if not years. I've opened so far 11 crates and got only 1 set piece. If that's representative of the drop rate, it would take over a year to get a full set of the highest tier on a single toon by grinding CXP 3 hours a day if this is representative of the drop rate.


When it's compared to 25 to 30 hours to get a raid group in full 220, 4 hours for a single toon in 220 and 20 to 30 hours to get a full PvP set alone. The new system would take at least 20 times longer to gear up compared to the previous one.

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I'm unsubbed and it will run out in January. So far, there is no reason for me to sub again when it lapse.


You and me both. I actually liked the story a lot better than KotFE but to keep playing that's not enough. RNGesus hates me and therefore BWA hates me. I'm not gonna pay for that.

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My sub runs out on 18th Dec.


Gave the story a shot, it was better than chapters 10-16 tbh. But i don't have time to grind endlessly for a chance at gear. Ran some H2s , opened 7 crates, 1 main hand and some jawa scraps was the only point of reference.

Notified my guild that this is it for me.


Already uninstalled, for the first time in years :(:(


Good luck to you guys and girls!

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I was previously one of GC's biggest critics.


But it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I get the feeling that the devs legitimately want you to have to grind like hell for top-end gear, like you do in other MMO's. We were hilariously spoiled with gear in KOTFE. No one should be able to gear up to max tier in an MMO within a week, even if you're running difficult group content. Gear is supposed to have progression to it, just like endgame group content.


Now, I've only gotten to level 7 so far (fairly quickly I might add). If I get to level 40 or 50 and still don't have most of a full set of usable gear, then I'll get pretty pissed.

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I'm command rank 12 and have all 230 gear now.. I don't actually think its that bad the command system.. I haven't got set pieces yet but hey! atleast I'm gearing towards that!


I'm command rank 10 and I haven't got a single piece yet with or without set bonus.


Not that bad for you maybe...

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How a game that has been a beacon of hope for casual MMO players could become such an alt unfriendly, grindfest is beyond me. It's like they thought the system was good because it allowed all players access to good gear without recognizing that it essentially keeps EVERYONE from having good gear unless they want to play for 6 months to gear a single character. What in the metrics could have possibly lead to this horrible system?
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If you think 2-5 was bad, wait till you do chapter 6. What a screw up of running around and around in a rat maze.


Nothing but hate for that chapter from start to finish.


Whats the matter, was it too hard for you to figure out?


Not that hard really it was just a puzzle that you had to use that 3 pound organ in your skull you call a brain, and use it for something more than to simply hold your ears apart. You actually had to use a modicum of intelligence to figure it out. All you had to do was explore, and solve a simple little puzzle. All the clues were there you just had to find them. Even rats can do that.

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I'm command rank 10 and I haven't got a single piece yet with or without set bonus.


Not that bad for you maybe...

I'm 11...not ONE for me either.


I'm sorry to see you go OP...but you're right to do so. This grind is not "fun" in any way...in fact, it's killed the "fun" for many.

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I'm 11...not ONE for me either.


I'm sorry to see you go OP...but you're right to do so. This grind is not "fun" in any way...in fact, it's killed the "fun" for many.


Yeah just logged out and realised I have nothing to look forward to. The story is great but I don't need to be subbed to do the story on my alts. I actually really enjoyed the story and that's what makes the contrast of the RNG gearing so confusing because I want to like this expansion because I like the story and enjoy the uprisings...but the gearing system sucks donkey balls. Once I complete the story that's it. That's all I want from it now. Gearing is just not fun anymore at all and I give up. It's just too lame and then I haven't even thought about gearing my 16 other alts that I already brought down from 34.


Some people call it a single player game but I call it a single character game now and that's not what I signed up for.

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Best part about this xpac is the music on fleet is back. No not joking I missed the hell out of it.


Now about galactic command... I mean at this point the games player base is to small to care it's not an MMO in the traditional sense and I would guess most if not all hard core or even semi hard core MMO players are long gone. I stick around for nostalgia sake since i miss my friends and guild... Cause I guess i'm a loser but I cant say I "play" the game so to speak outside of got my VG to 70 and just sulk around on fleet... galactic command love it or hate it lol it works well for the majority of the games player base and that majority is the casual's (which is fine if your a casual gamer) nothing wrong with it nor am I trying to be rude when saying that.


Whats more of a joke in my mind is how bioware ****ed over the f2p and the preferred players I understand its bussniess but those people are what kept the game along with a small but loyal sub base alive and afloat after the disastrous kotfe xpac.

Edited by mfourcustom
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My sub end on 12/9 and unless there are some substantial changes with this update by then, I won't be renewing.


The stupid gearing system that GC is.

Insane credit cost for items once bought with crystals.


I would expect a complete rollback of this gearing system and then it retooled into something that makes sense.

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My sub ends on January 4th it looks like.


That gives me just over a month to try out 5.0


I haven't decided yet, but currently I do not expect to reactivate my sub.


Now if I really enjoy the KotET story and Uprisings AND I am unexpectedly not annoyed by the RNG gearing AND we get a date for an actual livestream in January about upcoming group content before my sub runs out, then I will resub for a month.


If the story disappoints again, I'm out

If the gearing system sucks, I'm out

If there is no clear date for a livestream in January about upcoming group content, I'm out

If I resub for a month and the livestream disappoints, I'm out


No don't get me wrong, this is not an ultimatum. I already stopped my sub and I expect not to reactivate it based on what I've seen so far. However, I am leaving a door open to be pleasantly surprised to the point that I will resub. Whether that will happen or not is all dependent on what I desribed here. Simple as that.


so it looks like you're out

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