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Class Changes in KOTET


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I'm not really that interested in the changes themselves but how they affect class performance. Does the removal of Phase Walk from Assassins/Shadows mean that they can expect to be desirable in operations as a DPS or do they continue to be one of the lowest DPS classes?


Infiltration is now the #1 Melee DPS Spec, having discussed this with other Shadows and with Bant who does the min/maxxing guide. It will probably be close to #4 DPS overall.


Serenity is now #13, which is about where it's at in 4.0.


5.0.1 will consist of a series of nerfs to Infiltration, making it once again a useless class with even worse mobility than it already has in 4.0, along with nerfs to Assault Commandos, and Sharpshooter and Dirty Fighting Slingers.


~ Eudoxia

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So its out! operativ knockback going to make operativ even bigger trolls then now. Was that really neeed?

Operativ can troll 4-8 players nowadays with all the mobility they have. And now a knockback cmon BW.


They said that assasins has to much mobility so they toke away phase walk lol, what about operativs? they have to much mobility.


Mercs gonna have to good defens with that new skill, not need either and with 30 m range. Mercs are fine as they are now. They have toons of burst and mobility.


Sorcs dont need phase walk take it away they are a way to op nowadays and have a way to much mobilty.



Merc, operativ


Worst class will be assasins

Edited by reppaz
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I had a few "lolwut?" moments while reading those, but you know, that could have been way worse. I was kind of dreading this based on the PTS innuendo that has been leaking around and this was not nearly as bad as I was expecting and I am actually looking forward to the Sentinel and Jugg changes. Operative sounds interesting too, though 'Sin and Powertech are kind of head-scratchers. Not sure I understand the rationale for those changes at all.


Just don't mess with my Ravage animation. Best multi-strike animation in the game.

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Thanks for the post(s), Eric! I see some really fun looking changes that I am excited to experience in-game. :)


However, I am rather perturbed that you call this a "sampling of the changes", though, in addition to the usual "subject to change" disclaimers. The latter I can understand, but the former makes me wonder what, exactly, has been omitted, and more importantly, why.


Please, share changes with us in advance, even if they may not be popular. If, for example, I log into KOTET for the first time and find my merc lacking rocket punch (as many other AC's have look like they will be losing class abilities that "belong" to the opposite AC) . . . I'm gonna be pretty darn unpleasantly surprised, and it is going to sour the experience much more than if I had been expecting it.

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Infiltration is now the #1 Melee DPS Spec, having discussed this with other Shadows and with Bant who does the min/maxxing guide. It will probably be close to #4 DPS overall.


Serenity is now #13, which is about where it's at in 4.0.


5.0.1 will consist of a series of nerfs to Infiltration, making it once again a useless class with even worse mobility than it already has in 4.0, along with nerfs to Assault Commandos, and Sharpshooter and Dirty Fighting Slingers.


~ Eudoxia


I'm not really a fan of burst DPS specs or Deceptions playstyle. What saddens me is the fact that Hatred is being kept at the bottom when it should be close to the top.

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I'm not really a fan of burst DPS specs or Deceptions playstyle. What saddens me is the fact that Hatred is being kept at the bottom when it should be close to the top.


Serenity has always been outparsed by Infiltration, or at least it has since 3.1.2 (March 2015) after the reformation of the discipline system.


~ Eudoxia

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:(:( Thank you for nerfing infiltration shadows to become utterly useless


Sure I can understand diversement in skills between classes now that you get rid of base classes, but why do you ake all the goodies from the infiltration shadows and give next to nothing back. Why give phase walk to the ranged class that do not need it, especially now that they are even less dps.

Phasewalk is a skill that allows for movement and maneuverbility and you remove it to make shadows more mobile?


Thank you for ruin the class, Bioware. Now the shadows will be even less usable in Ops and general playability except for pure Roleplay


You guys really do not understand your own classes


This sucks.


Maybe I should start find another game.



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I had a few "lolwut?" moments while reading those, but you know, that could have been way worse. I was kind of dreading this based on the PTS innuendo that has been leaking around and this was not nearly as bad as I was expecting and I am actually looking forward to the Sentinel and Jugg changes. Operative sounds interesting too, though 'Sin and Powertech are kind of head-scratchers. Not sure I understand the rationale for those changes at all.


Just don't mess with my Ravage animation. Best multi-strike animation in the game.


You're looking forward to them because you haven't heard any of the nerfs yet, like jugg scream getting a 9.4% damage nerf. Basically they are taking away power so they can add it back in at 70. 70 will be like today's 65's but slightly less capable, and a much longer gear grind.

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Serenity has always been outparsed by Infiltration, or at least it has since 3.1.2 (March 2015) after the reformation of the discipline system.


~ Eudoxia


Funny I've seen Hatred doing more apart from the time between 4.0-4.0.3.

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Grand Theft Phase Walk. Taken away from Shadows/Assassins with nothing given to compensate the loss of an iconic ability that is/was essential to our mobility and left to Sorcerers/Sages because....? I cannot fathom the logic behind such a decision.


But whoever decided this was a good idea has clearly never played a Shadowsin except maybe against some endless waves of Skytroopers.


If you're really set on the removal of Phase Walk - you shouldn't even have considered it as far as I am concerned and if you want only one AC to have it, that AC should be Shadows/Assassins - then force speed's CD needs to be decreased back to its original 15 seconds and phantom stride needs to be a) less buggy b) not grant 3 stacks of static charges for Deception. Move that passive to something else or buff our other moves to compensate. As it is, Phantom Stride is NOT a mobility tool for Deception/Infiltration.

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However, I am rather perturbed that you call this a "sampling of the changes", though, in addition to the usual "subject to change" disclaimers. The latter I can understand, but the former makes me wonder what, exactly, has been omitted, and more importantly, why.


This sums it up.


Also, Eric, shouldn't this be pinned?

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Master Strike (cool name) was replaced with Blade Dance (stupid name). Now will be changed to Blade Barrage (another stupid name). I guess that the designer of these changes must be proud. /slowclap


For the rest of changes, i will wait for seeing them in action, but i can get rid of my mind in advance more moronic changes. Do you think, really, that those make a fresh new experience? Why do not add more (so people choose) than replace what players know and are used to or like to use?

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As someone who plays way too many sorcs/sages how about you keep PW on sins/shadows? I see ZERO use for it when I already have great mobility and survivability on the AC and as people already mentioned it screws with tanks.


You can't honestly think that phantom stride is a great ability that would be fine to use, when it, along with holotraverse and any jump ability is just buggy buggy buggy and have been for years without you caring to do anything to fix them. Don't be ridiculous.

Edited by Yamiro
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You're looking forward to them because you haven't heard any of the nerfs yet, like jugg scream getting a 9.4% damage nerf. Basically they are taking away power so they can add it back in at 70. 70 will be like today's 65's but slightly less capable, and a much longer gear grind.


9.4% at 30m or 10m? They stated that there would be scaling DR out to the new range. A 9.4% nerf at 10m would kind of suck, yeah.

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The removal of Phase Walk from Assassin is crazy, especially as you're keeping it for Sorcerers. :S


The 'big' change for me is that guard no longer requires a stance. This is madness for PvP. A lot of matches already end up as near stalemates, and now there's going to be guard everywhere! Please, please say this isn't going live? The better solution would've been to lock guard to the actual tanking disciplines, rather than merely to a stance. Instead you've gone the other way - I know this saying has been overused, but; "Do you even play your game?"

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I am more concerned with the changes that were NOT mentioned than the ones that were....


But, I find it a little odd that flamethrower is being removed, and phase walk (an ability that I find next to useless as a sorc and therefore never use) is becoming a sorc exclusive.


At any rate, I look forward to seeing more information on the upcoming changes.

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My Merc will lose Flame thrower? :( I loved using that on my Arsenal Spec Merc. I didn't care if it was optimal or not. What's the reason for this? I preferred using Flame Thrower over Death From Above, because it was a flame thrower!


I still want my Propel and Shock back. :( Couldn't give that back to Assassins/Shadows?

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Funny I've seen Hatred doing more apart from the time between 4.0-4.0.3.


Have you actually looked at Parsely? Yes Hatred is more effective on some bosses due to really clever DoT spread but it's mostly fluffing numbers. Some parses are fudged too due to stealth (but that goes for both disciplines).


~ Eudoxia

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I do not need Phase Walk for my Deception Assassin. I do want the Take Cover/Crouch and additional toolbars for my melee Operative/Scoundrels.


Bounty Hunters of both class types should have the Flame Thrower available. The class is sort of known for it.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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The removal of Phase Walk from Assassin is crazy, especially as you're keeping it for Sorcerers. :S


The 'big' change for me is that guard no longer requires a stance. This is madness for PvP. A lot of matches already end up as near stalemates, and now there's going to be guard everywhere! Please, please say this isn't going live? The better solution would've been to lock guard to the actual tanking disciplines, rather than merely to a stance. Instead you've gone the other way - I know this saying has been overused, but; "Do you even play your game?"


Whatever excluded info aside, I'm killing my Assassin. My sorcerers 'hint: need the feeble DPS totals they are capable of now' but they don't need Phase Walk. I've used it on my Assassin fairly exclusively- as for guard, if I'm not a tank, I don't use it. I was already indecisive about keeping her at all but all the lost abilities feel like someone really doesn't like the class among the developers.

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