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Why do YOU play STAR WARS: The Old Republic?


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I'm starting this thread as a break from the endless drone of apparently dissatisfied customers who nonetheless seem to invest a great deal of time and money into this game.


So I want to know, why do you play SWTOR? Is it for the PvE? The PvP? The story? Friends?


MMOs are a service. With the exception of government, you do not pay for commercial services you are dissatisfied with.


How does SWTOR satisfy?

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It's Star Wars.


It's a Star Wars MMORPG.


It's the best mainstream sci-fi MMORPG as far as I'm concerned; it's easy to master, there's lots to do, most of the story is good. It certainly has flaws, but I can't think of a game in the genre that doesn't.

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I play SWTOR because I enjoy the Star Wars franchise and the stories. I have other MMOs I play for end-game stuff like gearing, ranked PVP, Raiding/Ops but SWTOR is purely story immersion for me so as long as that's provided, I'll stick around. I'm pretty pleased at the moment. :)
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I'm a Star Wars fan. And I really enjoy being part of a community of gamers. Gaming carries such a stigma IRL, it's not a very safe conversation topic with most people. (At least in my experience.) In game it's nice to be able to nerd out and not have to worry about the consequences. Edited by Hebruixe
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It's Star Wars.


It's a Star Wars MMORPG.


It's the best mainstream sci-fi MMORPG as far as I'm concerned; it's easy to master, there's lots to do, most of the story is good. It certainly has flaws, but I can't think of a game in the genre that doesn't.


This ^

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I'm here for the stories. Every character I've created, even ones meant for nothing more than achievements, have taken on lives and personalities of their own and inspired new stories, based off of their experiences. I love that.

...and, of course, the actual stories themselves; the original class stories, the expansions. Those are awesome. I love the voice acting (favorite voices: female smuggler [utterly adorable], male knight [is it possible to fangirl over someone's voice? Then again, it IS David Hayter...], female warrior [commands respect], and female agent [someone once described her voice as "audible chocolate" - I fully agree]).

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Story, that seven year old girl who must have watched the original trilogy every day for four months. That's a long time for a seven year old kid. I still want my own lightsaber twenty-two years later. I love RPGs but I enjoy gaming and class mechanics onto themselves. Why I'm playing constantly- the good outweighs the bad and staying subbed is dependent on me having other people to play with once I get around to finishing all the story content. I loved KOTOR and its sequel and secretly love the class stories for this more because they're more nuanced and the detail up to KOTFE is amazing.


I do recognize on some level that this is a money pit and it's why I won't touch another MMO but I can't drink so I might as well have one silly vice.

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Mostly story content cause I started with KOTOR and KOTOR II and this brought me here. I do enjoy a lot of the end game content such as flashpoints and OPS cause of the stories that go with them. So pretty much storyline stuff. I think that's part of why I don't do Eternal Championship or Warzones there's no story content to them. While yes you recruit with the Eternal Championship I only did all of it for the title and the DvL Event and probably won't touch it ever again.
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Because my current computer refuses to run Star Trek Online :(




Ok, while that is true, I do also enjoy playing this game with a few friends when I'm not experiencing technical difficulties and I can actually see what I'm doing :rolleyes:

I like most of the vanilla stories, and I am a Star Wars fan otherwise I would never have come in the first place.


I'm curious to see how things will go in KotET, but I refuse to get too hyped. Much safer to wait and see.

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The "moral choice RPG" component. If not for that, I'd probably find it very generic and uninteresting. Not saying that is its only strength, but of its strengths, that is the only one that no other online game provides and I'm a sucker for moral choice RPGs, especially in a KOTOResque setting.
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I'm not entirely sure at this point. I suppose it depends on my mood at the time.


For the most part I find this game makes it far too easy to walk away from it for long periods of time. I avoid playing it free, and find myself paying less and less to play when I do.


They have created SOME interesting activities that keep my playing, but mainly most of the features that would keep me invested are mostly cosmetic or poorly designed IMO, like GSF and Strongholds.


If this game had a better auction system (something closer to WoW), an open decoration mechanic for Strongholds and single player for GSF I would likely be a regular paying customer, despite some of the rather distasteful changes to character abilities in the past and near future.

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Tried to stop once, hands still shaking. :eek:


I am a Star Wars Addict for as long as I can think, so coming here was never in doubt. I already knew back then it would be the end of my free time.

The game has great atmosphere, I like the KotFE piece as well, except for the lack of replayability. I like to PvP, run group content and not always worry about performance and difficulty. I like the occasional challenge in harder ops, though can't dedicate enough fixed time slots for a proper progression.

I am hunting achievements as well, and am an altoholic - each of the chars has got his own personality. :)

Edited by Sundown
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