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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

OMG Something nearly everyone agrees with


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And who do you think would most likely be in those groups? Probably those people who do Ops and Ranked Arena's. Not that I'm disagreeing but I'd hardly trust them to do focus groups.


Focus groups can be educational but you always run the risk of missing huge areas of interest to lots of others that those within the focus group aren't bothered about in the slightest.


We seem to have suggestion sections on the forums. Maybe start reading those instead of ignoring it?

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EXACTLY! I don't care if some PvEer ends up with BiS PvP gear...if that's what he wants to try PvP, then GREAT!!! I don't care that some solo player will have the same gear as the best raid teams...none of the gear equality bothers me in the least, in fact, I'm thrilled about it...it's the RNG that has no place.


100% agree. When I first saw that expertise was going to be eliminated and we'd all use the same gear; I got excited with just the one hesitation of "OK; but what do I have to do to get said gear?" Really disappointed. I've done RNG grinds in the past when I was a bit younger and made less money and always regret to this day doing it rather than playing something to just have fun. Wont do it again.

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Don't forget that you have to work to even earn that "chance." I don't think BW understands that people don't mind spending money on "chance," but get really upset when they spend time and effort only for a "chance."


  • Operations gear - chance on loot (unless in a raid group with Master Looter and running content frequently). Also set progression using crystals.
  • HM Flashpoints - chance on loot (unless guild runs). Also set progression using crystals.
  • Tactical Flashpoints - chance on loot. Also set progression using crystals.
  • GSF - set progression.
  • PvP - set progression (you can also save warzone commendations for top tier gear while levelling).
  • Space PvE - set progression.
  • Heroics - chance with loot box while levelling. Chance for legacy shell sets when above 60.
  • Events - set progression.
  • Strongholds - set progression via GTN or chance with CM.
  • Space Barbie - see above :p
  • CM collections - see above.


All forms of content aside from PvP and Space PvE within this game currently has either set progression or chance involved. PvP and GSF and Space PvE are all set progression. Essentially, all set progression will be on all content (CXP levels), with RNG chance added on top.


It may only take you 14 command levels to gear your character in a full set. The odds of that are low, 13 to 1 on each Command Crate to get an item you require (7.14% chance), assuming your class discipline is purely dps. Now add in the other class discplines that can either be DPS / Tank or DPS / Heal, those odds are 27 to 1 on each Command Crate to get an item you require (3.57% chance).


Where currently you have a 100% chance to get non-set bonus gear via Crystals or Warzone Commendations. Even if you factor in the crafting aspect, you still have to rely on Command Crates for materials (and more importantly) the chance to get the schematic.


100% chance down to 7.14% or 3.57%.


There is 0% chance I'm going to entertain this system.

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  • Operations gear - chance on loot (unless in a raid group with Master Looter and running content frequently). Also set progression using crystals.
  • HM Flashpoints - chance on loot (unless guild runs). Also set progression using crystals.
  • Tactical Flashpoints - chance on loot. Also set progression using crystals.
  • GSF - set progression.
  • PvP - set progression (you can also save warzone commendations for top tier gear while levelling).
  • Space PvE - set progression.
  • Heroics - chance with loot box while levelling. Chance for legacy shell sets when above 60.
  • Events - set progression.
  • Strongholds - set progression via GTN or chance with CM.
  • Space Barbie - see above :p
  • CM collections - see above.


All forms of content aside from PvP and Space PvE within this game currently has either set progression or chance involved. PvP and GSF and Space PvE are all set progression. Essentially, all set progression will be on all content (CXP levels), with RNG chance added on top.


It may only take you 14 command levels to gear your character in a full set. The odds of that are low, 13 to 1 on each Command Crate to get an item you require (7.14% chance), assuming your class discipline is purely dps. Now add in the other class discplines that can either be DPS / Tank or DPS / Heal, those odds are 27 to 1 on each Command Crate to get an item you require (3.57% chance).


Where currently you have a 100% chance to get non-set bonus gear via Crystals or Warzone Commendations. Even if you factor in the crafting aspect, you still have to rely on Command Crates for materials (and more importantly) the chance to get the schematic.


100% chance down to 7.14% or 3.57%.


There is 0% chance I'm going to entertain this system.



Wow...that is mind boggling...I mean seriously...what the hell...

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If the entire player base unites in rejecting RNG, may be they will listen. I am not criticizing any of the other changes until I experience them, but we already know from this very game how bad RNG is.


There is going to be a massive rejection - guaranteed. Why do I say this with such certainty? Because they already tried it once in this game with PvP gear and it blew up so massive they implemented a quick fix later. Apparently, BW doesn't learn their lesson from things that blew up before so they are going to do it again.


As for this system, it completely eliminates value to F2P or Preferred now. Maybe about 10%-15% of our guild fall into that status but they frequently purchased Op unlocks since we raid regularly. (Hey, BW, that is going to be lost revenue in case you haven't thought of that).


I personally like everything being in one place. I think it totally stinks to absolute high heaven to have all of this RNG based. Terrible, terrible, terrible idea.

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  • Operations gear - chance on loot (unless in a raid group with Master Looter and running content frequently). Also set progression using crystals.
  • HM Flashpoints - chance on loot (unless guild runs). Also set progression using crystals.
  • Tactical Flashpoints - chance on loot. Also set progression using crystals.
  • GSF - set progression.
  • PvP - set progression (you can also save warzone commendations for top tier gear while levelling).
  • Space PvE - set progression.
  • Heroics - chance with loot box while levelling. Chance for legacy shell sets when above 60.
  • Events - set progression.
  • Strongholds - set progression via GTN or chance with CM.
  • Space Barbie - see above :p
  • CM collections - see above.


All forms of content aside from PvP and Space PvE within this game currently has either set progression or chance involved. PvP and GSF and Space PvE are all set progression. Essentially, all set progression will be on all content (CXP levels), with RNG chance added on top.


It may only take you 14 command levels to gear your character in a full set. The odds of that are low, 13 to 1 on each Command Crate to get an item you require (7.14% chance), assuming your class discipline is purely dps. Now add in the other class discplines that can either be DPS / Tank or DPS / Heal, those odds are 27 to 1 on each Command Crate to get an item you require (3.57% chance).


Where currently you have a 100% chance to get non-set bonus gear via Crystals or Warzone Commendations. Even if you factor in the crafting aspect, you still have to rely on Command Crates for materials (and more importantly) the chance to get the schematic.


100% chance down to 7.14% or 3.57%.


There is 0% chance I'm going to entertain this system.


Yep, this is game killing for pvpers... I actually feel too dejected by these changes to even bother logging into play... I mean what's the point if I'm going to end up stopping when 5.0 lands

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Uh, no. **** level sync.


Lvl sync is pretty pointless regardless because companions are so OP and your nearly always higher than the lvl plant sync lvl... even when it tries to sync you, your stats are still make it too easy


If they were to add the hard mode they are doing for the end game expansions, then lvl sync would make more sense

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Lvl sync is pretty pointless regardless because companions are so OP and your nearly always higher than the lvl plant sync lvl... even when it tries to sync you, your stats are still make it too easy


If they were to add the hard mode they are doing for the end game expansions, then lvl sync would make more sense


Hopefully that's still possible. I've played other MMOs where level synch worked better and was more challenging (though still easier than when you were low level). City of Heroes did this awesomely. So there's good potential to the idea.


But these gearing changes are really odd and work against recent improvements (e.g., PVP comms and PVP gear costs). I can't say the same there. :mad:

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It's not about the existence of RNG, or lack thereof, though that is certainly a part of it that frustrates people. It's the idea that there is NO good alternative path. The strength of token systems and the reason they have been used in a number of games is that if RNG is failing you, you can save up tokens and get what you want through that, so there is always a way to avoid escaping the bad luck trap.


In a purely RNG system, there will, statistically speaking, be people who will need far longer to get the things they want than is intended. And why? Because they got bad die rolls, while their buddy gets it all in a week. People are sensitive to fairness and forcing an inherently unfair system with no alternative path is going to breed discontent.


Spot on. RNG is a terrible idea.

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I'm looking forward to the changes. 4.0 got me playing content I never played before. Hopefully 5.0 will get me to see more parts of the game.



Exactly, I too am very much looking forward to the changes.


All these complaints over rng and gear when in reality it matters very little. Currently, only a very few players end up with bis gear including set pieces because only a very few attempted nim raids. You will be able to craft the highest rating gear, so technically you don't even need the rng. Just buy it of the gtn or craft it yourself.


The whole thing just sounds like the elites are salty because bosses will no longer drop gear and the average Joe can now get bis. It must really rub them the wrong way.

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Uh, no. **** level sync.


^ This, it ruined the leveling process...


Sure, it is fast now, but you hit lvl 50 before you're even done with chapter 2 of the class story, sometimes before even chapter 1


XP comes so fast, the side missions are lost unless you just do them anyway, but the rewards for them suck, so I'll bet a lot of people never do them.


The "meat" of the game is the 1-50 class story and the detailed side missions and FP as you level, I'm glad I had that experience back in 1.x as it was amazing back then.

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The whole thing just sounds like the elites are salty


If you really think that, then you have no idea what you're talking about. That isn't remotely the problem.


More likely, you have no idea what this will do to the remaining people even trying to do group content.


Solo game, here we come...

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If you really think that, then you have no idea what you're talking about. That isn't remotely the problem.


More likely, you have no idea what this will do to the remaining people even trying to do group content.


Solo game, here we come...


Then please, in all honesty, explain to me the problem.


All I'm reading is the rng from GC crates will kill the game. So the problem I'm guessing is people don't like the chances of getting bis gear. Even tho you don't actually need bis gear to do any of the content. I'm really confused by this.


Don't like rng? Craft the highest rating gear available and go kick butt.

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Then please, in all honesty, explain to me the problem.


All I'm reading is the rng from GC crates will kill the game. So the problem I'm guessing is people don't like the chances of getting bis gear. Even tho you don't actually need bis gear to do any of the content. I'm really confused by this.


Don't like rng? Craft the highest rating gear available and go kick butt.


Problem is you need set bonus to kick the hardest content. You need minmaxing to squeeze every last dps point you can. And so my raid team will be as follows:


"We need a tank instead of 5 dps."

"Sorry, I only got dps set bonus in my boxes."

"Anyone else?"

"I only got 1 set piece of tanking gear, need more GCX to get the rest."

"Okay what is today's highlighted activities for GCX. Heroics. Let's bang heroics then to get more command points. Let's make 2 teams of 4 people and get more points on whichever toon we need geared."

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Which begs yet another question: crafting?


If schematics drop from GC crates, does that mean it'll only drop schematics for that toon's crafting skills? Or will we return to a market for high-end schematics on the GTN?


I foresee it being random schematics. And I wouldn't be surprised at all if they are bound to boot.

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Problem is you need set bonus to kick the hardest content. You need minmaxing to squeeze every last dps point you can. And so my raid team will be as follows:


"We need a tank instead of 5 dps."

"Sorry, I only got dps set bonus in my boxes."

"Anyone else?"

"I only got 1 set piece of tanking gear, need more GCX to get the rest."

"Okay what is today's highlighted activities for GCX. Heroics. Let's bang heroics then to get more command points. Let's make 2 teams of 4 people and get more points on whichever toon we need geared."


Sounds like old school real raiding to me-didn't the greats like Warcraft require alchemists to grind for flasks, warlocks to grind for soul shards, etc.?


Looks like some raiders want the '2 hours to geared' easy mode to continue.

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^ This, it ruined the leveling process...


Sure, it is fast now, but you hit lvl 50 before you're even done with chapter 2 of the class story, sometimes before even chapter 1


XP comes so fast, the side missions are lost unless you just do them anyway, but the rewards for them suck, so I'll bet a lot of people never do them.


The "meat" of the game is the 1-50 class story and the detailed side missions and FP as you level, I'm glad I had that experience back in 1.x as it was amazing back then.


The detailed side missions like 'Moisture farmer Bob asks you in a fully-voiced cutscene to please go collect 10 water barrels that those dirty pirates stole'?

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Sounds like old school real raiding to me-didn't the greats like Warcraft require alchemists to grind for flasks, warlocks to grind for soul shards, etc.?


Looks like some raiders want the '2 hours to geared' easy mode to continue.


Oh, because doing heroics is SOOOOOOO MUCH fun. yes 2 hours gearing is good, because it allows you to move on to the content you really want to play fast, and not spend your time grinding stuff you have no interest in doing, and have done a million times.


And not just raiders. PvPers will be in worst shape than ever.


And how much time will we need to get one fully geared toon? 2 months? 6 months of playing the same crap over and over again JUST because you can't get that final piece of gear you need?

Edited by Tanitha
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And how much time will we need to get one fully geared toon? 2 months? 6 months of playing the same crap over and over again JUST because you can't get that final piece of gear you need?


*That's* the kick in the arse. Its not just that its a return to the RNG fail from launch.


Its an RNG box from doing all the *same* content.


4.0 used earlier content as filler for Alliance.


The 4.0 interim used earlier content disguised as a contest for a companion with DvL.


5.0 is, apparently, the same earlier content just now with a 'Galactic Commander' wrapper.


Before someone says, 'but uprisings!' We'll see how worthwhile those turn out to be.

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