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Not gonna lie, I had some pretty disenfranchised moments resulting from DvL. If it hadn't been for the XP armor and comp, I probably would have either not done it at all, or done it and seriously reconsidered whether I should continue playing the game. The RNG boxes are awful and the fact that you could get one third of an armor set and still need the other two thirds is pretty irritating.


I got Revan Reborn mask so 10/10 was happy thanks rngods.

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Anyone else worried about or peeved at how this system seems to be anti alts... it may not have been their intention, but it's sure going to limit how many characters people will be able to play and have some gear... anyone with more than 2-3 characters might as well delete them...

What I don't understand is they were happy a few months ago to increase the character cap and to take everyone's money who purchased extra character slots... now they put a system in place that will discourage the use of alts.. that will also have a financial knock on affect for Bio too Because people won't buy extra slots.

The whole RNG idea is poorly thought out, but even worse it is being badly implemented.

While I really hate the idea of RNG, if we have to have it, then it should be legacy bound or the CXP should be legacy bound. Either way, they need to rethink the whole thing from scratch as it hurts everyone involved, including themselves.

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You mean the players who have kept the ship upright since launch?


Indeed. We think the past matters and (our) past actions and achievements should be acknowledged/rewarded, yet they show us again and again that they don't share this view. Maybe it's time to take a hint?

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One quibble, I don't see where they're forcing us to do other things than what we like, unless of course they go nuts with lock-outs and we run out of the fun stuff each week. From what I've seen, they're trying to reward doing anything in the game (but probably not equally of course as this will be one more place where balance will be impossible to achieve).


The problem is with the way you gain CXP, certainly it is from all aspect of the game. The disparity between activities and how quickly you can gain CXP is concerning. Why should one type of activity be weighted more in favour of another? So BioWare can dictate which activites player run to construe metrics to decide what content they should produce?


We have seen this in 4.0 with HM Priority Operations, why bother running NiM content to gear up, when you can just run the HM Priority Operation to get the best gear?


Equally said, if the gearing speed is going to be slowed down by adding in artificial RNG gearing, what about those players who can't dedicate enough time to gain CXP ranks? Or for those players with 20+ alts, why isn't the CXP Legacy wide?


The whole design choice behind this system is pretty transparent if you look at it in any detail. You only have to go look at games released recently such as The Division and the problems RNG gearing has caused and the negative feedback it produced.


I just think BioWare are doing themselves a massive disservice by introducing gearing in this manner, instead of keeping the system in place currently which has worked well for years. How many players complain about the current gearing system anyway? Don't fix what isn't broken.

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Oh, there are people that are A-ok with the changes or think a wait and see approach before complaining about it is the better thing to do.


I'm not one of those people though. I'm with the rest of you that think this is a bad, bad, bad idea for the direction and future of the game. And, from experience, we know unless you stop a change from going live before it gets pushed to live... you're probably stuck with it.


So, always let your voices be heard... even if it goes against popular opinion.

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lol EVERYONE HATES LEVEL SYNC. everyone hates on easy it is to lvl up (maybe not right now with the dvl event coming to an end) Just because you don't see people spam posts about it doesn't mean they turned around on it. They just stopped whining cuz ea doesn't give a ****


Everyone hates it? Wow I didn't know I hated it. That's news to me.. But thanks for pointing that out to me. Now I'll have something to ***** and moan about too. Yay I'm one of the cool kids now! :rolleyes:

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Remember when the DvL was announced? Remember the rage that was splashed on this forum and others. There was genuine frothing at the mouth rage that BW were wasting time and resources making this event instead of making new operations or other new content.


I can't begin to count how many 'I quit' posts there were.


And guess what...the DvL event was a success by any measure. The amount of players participating surprised even me. My point is I take the comments on these forums and others like Reddit (or the insane irrational ramblings on Dulfy atm) with a grain of salt.


The reality is, all comments here are based on emotional responses. Only BW has access to relevant information as to what their players participate in and how they gear up. Everyone else's 'opinion' is just supposition and bias. I'll put my faith in BW again this time thanks, but please feel free to continue your ranting.


Hard to make a comparison to DvL here. DvL was totally optional, so anyone who wasn't happy with the event could simply continue on with their lives. Changing the entire gear process when having or not having the top level gear can keep some players out of the content they enjoy is not something I can choose to avoid.

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Anyone else worried about or peeved at how this system seems to be anti alts... it may not have been their intention, but it's sure going to limit how many characters people will be able to play and have some gear... anyone with more than 2-3 characters might as well delete them...

What I don't understand is they were happy a few months ago to increase the character cap and to take everyone's money who purchased extra character slots... now they put a system in place that will discourage the use of alts.. that will also have a financial knock on affect for Bio too Because people won't buy extra slots.

The whole RNG idea is poorly thought out, but even worse it is being badly implemented.

While I really hate the idea of RNG, if we have to have it, then it should be legacy bound or the CXP should be legacy bound. Either way, they need to rethink the whole thing from scratch as it hurts everyone involved, including themselves.


Yes- putting aside the wretched effect on population with pushing away the people (Preferred) who haven't already left who are the ones who actually keep coming back to spend money- I'm quite enjoying setting up healers on Republic side, my DPS tank besides my DPS Marauder main and her mirror Republic class- I'm learning tanking- I love the story and I'd want it saved for an offline future but I actually do get a major kick out of running warzones, flashpoints and being geared.


I suffer migraines and major anxiety (mostly from my OCD) and this is the exact nightmare fest that it making me cringe. I'll go on the record as saying, at this point, I'll take Expertise for all time over this because at least then everything would stay the same. The fewer characters I can enjoy geared up for group activities and PvP, the less I'll play that stuff which ironically will make me re-consider a sub which allows me to play with... oh look, we're already starting to see longer queues in periods on Harbinger that while off-peak, were at least popping regularly.

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Anyone else worried about or peeved at how this system seems to be anti alts... it may not have been their intention, but it's sure going to limit how many characters people will be able to play and have some gear... anyone with more than 2-3 characters might as well delete them...

What I don't understand is they were happy a few months ago to increase the character cap and to take everyone's money who purchased extra character slots... now they put a system in place that will discourage the use of alts.. that will also have a financial knock on affect for Bio too Because people won't buy extra slots.

The whole RNG idea is poorly thought out, but even worse it is being badly implemented.

While I really hate the idea of RNG, if we have to have it, then it should be legacy bound or the CXP should be legacy bound. Either way, they need to rethink the whole thing from scratch as it hurts everyone involved, including themselves.

I have had the same concern in the back of my mind, but have been focused on other stuff, like the RNG. The way I see it, I haven't had a need for anything beyond base level 208 gear anyway, so as long as it's easy enough to get that first set, I won't necessarily hate this system, despite having 30+ characters.

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Anyone else worried about or peeved at how this system seems to be anti alts...


Maybe they "heard our feedback" and this is their way of "fixing" the "issue."


These guys can't stay on a single path to save their lives. They are so reactionary that it's going to kill what should be a great game. They would have been far better off choosing a path, staying the course and working to satisfy the customers who bought into that plan. As it is, they continue to try to please everyone (or, at least, not upset anyone) and they are going to learn that that is a terrible way to do business.


Sadly, some of us will actually still be here to see it. "t_eek"

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I have had the same concern in the back of my mind, but have been focused on other stuff, like the RNG. The way I see it, I haven't had a need for anything beyond base level 208 gear anyway, so as long as it's easy enough to get that first set, I won't necessarily hate this system, despite having 30+ characters.


This sums everything regarding RNG perfectly. Everyone is losing their minds over RNG yet ignores a basic premise...if those first 10 levels are easy to get, and the base 208 gear is easily crafted, you'll be able to do anything/everything. A 208 can actually out damage a 216 or 224. Tanks can do just fine, as can healers. Those extra gearing points do not increase stats by all that much, skillful play can make do just fine.


As for PvP, bolster isn't going anywhere so the change in gearing isn't going to have any huge effect here either.


Seriously, you tell people they have to work a little harder for BIS and they lose their minds. Nevermind that even in Nim you never needed BIS to get through it.

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^^^ The exception that proves the rule in every SWTOR discussion. There is literally no additional information that BW can provide to me that would make me accept RNG based loot boxes for statted gear.


I agree, gearing your raiding or PVP toons should not be left up to chance. If you're PUGing an OP there's always a chance that you may not get a piece of gear that you need, but the element of chance is greatly reduced when running progression OPs with your guild. This whole RNG situation seems like a very bad April Fool's Day prank.

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Seriously, you tell people they have to work a little harder for BIS and they lose their minds. Nevermind that even in Nim you never needed BIS to get through it.

That's the thing lol...no amount of "work" gets you what you are missing...it's ENTIRELY left to chance.

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It's change. People do not like change. Especially when the details are so slow to emerge and there'll probably be a communication blackout on any of the rage threads.

I can remember when MMOs started to move from RNG boss drops to tokens and the community of veteran raiders were up in arms that it trivialised raid rewards. Their mindset was you had to invest deeply into a raid team and hope it lasted long enough to be lucky on the drop and the loot roll. They'd had to do it that way, why make it almost predictable for others.


And here we slide full circle back to the unpredictable loot roll. It's a mechanic that keeps you grinding that bit longer.

The metrics may indicate it's worth losing the remaining end game raiders if it means the newer players joining the game (and not necessarily frequenting the forums) sub for an extra month or two.


I've yet to see the figures for how long it will take to get a crate and what the drop chances are for usable gear.

Given my experience with the Allied Crates and trying to zero in on the last elusive pieces it could be a nightmare.


Negative, it's not that people don't like change, they embrace change when it's driven by necessity, this however is change that is not only needless but detrimental to the game. Your point would be logically applied to the earlier change from RNG to tokens in OPs if any gear dropped from Operations bosses in 5.0 but they've completely removed that aspect in 5.0. Now only mounts and cosmetic items drop form Ops bosses and raiders (and PVPers too) have to grind unrelated non-operations (or non-PVP) content wasting time that we could be making progress on our progression raiding just to earn a craps shoot lock box to get a piece of gear that we need to do progression raiding. It's a convoluted train wreck and whoever thought this was a great idea probably needs to be drug tested because he was high as hell.

Edited by RagnarAugustus
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That's the thing lol...no amount of "work" gets you what you are missing...it's ENTIRELY left to chance.


Don't forget that you have to work to even earn that "chance." I don't think BW understands that people don't mind spending money on "chance," but get really upset when they spend time and effort only for a "chance."

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Seriously, you tell people they have to work a little harder for BIS and they lose their minds. Nevermind that even in Nim you never needed BIS to get through it.


If hard work was all that was all it was it wouldn't be a problem. NiM raiders were never worried about something being "too hard" for the rewards. Most gamers were never worried putting in some time and effort for the reward if the reward was worth it.


Putting in time and effort for a reward that is useless is a different matter. TIme and effort for just a chance at a reward is just as useless.


Problem is, the reward is now random. No matter how much effort, no matter how hard you work, a RNG gear system is designed to make sure you get way less of what you need for your time than more and thats if you get it at all.


Working hard means nothing in this case. Work as hard as you want. RNG gearing will make sure you regret it.

Edited by Quraswren
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I think people are universally annoyed at the RNG, not necessarily about the new feature as a whole (though why non raiders and non pvpers need end game gear is beyond me, dailies/heroics have a lvl sync tied to them, and flashpoints/SM Ops bolster you up or down)
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I'm spamming my theory that it is intentional to give people things to grind for as busy work for lack of content. They are getting heavy dead periods in between chapter drops where they keep trying to offer items for being subbed through the down time. Quite a gamble really; seeing as I view this game as about as casual friendly as can be going the route of not quite a Korean grinder.
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I think people are universally annoyed at the RNG, not necessarily about the new feature as a whole (though why non raiders and non pvpers need end game gear is beyond me, dailies/heroics have a lvl sync tied to them, and flashpoints/SM Ops bolster you up or down)

EXACTLY! I don't care if some PvEer ends up with BiS PvP gear...if that's what he wants to try PvP, then GREAT!!! I don't care that some solo player will have the same gear as the best raid teams...none of the gear equality bothers me in the least, in fact, I'm thrilled about it...it's the RNG that has no place.

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EXACTLY! I don't care if some PvEer ends up with BiS PvP gear...if that's what he wants to try PvP, then GREAT!!! I don't care that some solo player will have the same gear as the best raid teams...none of the gear equality bothers me in the least, in fact, I'm thrilled about it...it's the RNG that has no place.


I agree, a bit. But I'm more annoyed about the grind involved to even get the RNG. Introducing challenging content with RNG drops attached is one thing. Get good and you'll get many chances. Introducing grind that has nothing guaranteed is just ridiculous. If you're going to grind, you should get specific pieces for specific achievements (like with the DvL bonus set), or you should get tokens to trade for things you actually need.



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Working hard means nothing in this case. Work as hard as you want. RNG gearing will make sure you regret it.


Yep, and people regretting spending time in your game is about the best you can do to alienate them and make sure they don't come back.

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EXACTLY! I don't care if some PvEer ends up with BiS PvP gear...if that's what he wants to try PvP, then GREAT!!! I don't care that some solo player will have the same gear as the best raid teams...none of the gear equality bothers me in the least, in fact, I'm thrilled about it...it's the RNG that has no place.


^ This



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