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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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I have to say this is the worst idea they've come up with yet. There is no way this makes it to the live game.

It's a terrible idea. I love this game, but I'm not gonna do PvE content just so that I can have fun in PvP.


Ridiculous. Whomever came up with these ideas NEEDS TO BE FIRED. IMMEDIATELY.

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At least it's only 16 characters... try doing it with 35... 28 of which are currently lvl 65 and which all have ranked gear that I pvp with.


Joy! You get to regrind them all again, to get back to... where you are today!


Congrats on the fun! How are all those new PvP maps working out?


Sad, isn't it?

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So they replaced complexity with repetition?


Welcome to modern mobile inspired game design. When games make millions through simple repetition, what purpose is there in devoting resources to intriguing or complicated system? Just make dem gambling boxes and watch the cash roll.


It's sad, but every game is going this way. Everyone wants a piece of the elusive green whale, and EA is practically Ahab in this regard.

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So since the gear drops at based on advanced class and not on discipline, this means as a tank if i'm looking for a specific piece I have a 1 in 14 chance on getting the right slot. Then that piece has a 1 in 3 chance of being the right type of piece. This is assuming that its not a implant which is 1 what 5 or 6 and who knows what with relics if they keep the bloat instead of just making the couple people actually use. **** my life.:mad:
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So since the gear drops at based on advanced class and not on discipline, this means as a tank if i'm looking for a specific piece I have a 1 in 14 chance on getting the right slot. Then that piece has a 1 in 3 chance of being the right type of piece. This is assuming that its not a implant which is 1 what 5 or 6 and who knows what with relics if they keep the bloat instead of just making the couple people actually use. **** my life.:mad:

Yup! Have fun with RNG gearing.


This is EXACTLY why this system can not go live.

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Personally, I do. I play ranked PvP with 9 different toons, and play regs with those plus 2 more.


Just because you don't have fun playing with your alts doesn't mean that we don't.


I'm a "PvPer". When I say that, I mean that I log into the game in order that I can play warzones and ranked. I find that fun. I don't have as much fun playing raids, or running through heroics, or dailies, or anything else.


I also like the variety of being able to play a whole bunch of different classes. I can choose which one I want to play depending on my mood. Sometimes it's tanking, sometimes it's healing, sometimes it's ranged dps, and sometimes it's melee dps.


I also like being able to help get solo ranked popping by being able to switch to whatever role we need to fill the queue and get a pop.


If I'm playing regs, and our faction is queueing with 3 healers, I can switch off my own healer to a different role. If I'm queueing and there are no healers, I can switch to my healer and fill that role for us.


Do I have to go on with the advantages of easily gearing multiple toons for PvP?


It's not just as simple as "pick a toon, stick with it, and be happy about it ".


Then there's the subject of how to do this on multiple servers. I have 2 toons on Harb, and the rest on Pot5. I'm going to have to go through the grind on multiple servers now too?


The system wasn't broken, there was no need to fix it. In fact, they've made tremendous improvements to pvp gearing over the past few years that have been majorly beneficial to reducing the barrier to entry to pvp. (I also made a post in the pvp forums about expertise, and the role it plays in keeping a level playing field in regards to gear discrepancy if anyone is interested).


WOW, that's exactly what I do and how I feel. You pretty much replied to that post the way I was going to.

I play on 2 accounts (one was my girl friends she abondoned, but then she started another a month the later, lol) and I have 35 toons (I think, it may even be more now). Except for the first 4 I created when the game launched, I only play pvp to lvl. Any story I do or did was to just speed through to get my companions and ship. All my lvling of every toon was/is in pvp. I'll admit I'm an Alt junkie. I love creating alts with different looks, outfits and I enjoy playing all of them. About 28 of them are lvl 65, all of those are geared for ranked. I usually rotate through them, I like to keep my skills current on them so they don't get stale. But also when classes become FOTM, I will try to avoid that class until it loses that status. The only exception to that is my Sorc, which I've mained since launch and was my first toon. I've played that class through all its ups and downs. When it was severly nerfed as well as being OP, but when it's been OP, I've played the non OP version of it, like now, as I'm playing Lightning instead of Madness or healing.

Making me decide to pick one or two of my multitude of toons to concentrate only on is extremely disheartening and disappointing. It will ruin a big portion of the game for me because the pve aspect doesn't interest me anymore and I only use my stronghold to keep all my toons together as I have my cargo holds and GTN all in a line for easy access.

I hope Bioware see some of this feed back about alts and how this change is going to severely impact it. If anything it will stop people paying real money to open more character slots. I would start another thread on it myself, but I've already got about 6 threads I've started this week that I'm trying to stay on top of. But if anyone else was to start a seperate thread about Alts being affected by changes, I would certainly support it with some posts.

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Yup! Have fun with RNG gearing.


This is EXACTLY why this system can not go live.


The only classes to always get 100% drops for their advanced classes will be pure DPS classes. ie Maras and Snipers... how many of these will we see in pvp if this goes ahead.

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Nonsense idea to keep players subbed. Instead of creating actual content, just make players grind RNG boxes like you did in Dragon Age Inquisition Multiplayer, which most people hated. I've seen games do this in the past, and we are THIS close to having cartel market items that increase your chances of rolling better gear or leveling up your command rank faster.


Bioware managed RNG lock boxes very well in ME3 multiplayer, but this sounds far worse than that. What's worse, it's clear this dev team is running out of ideas and catering to the lowest common denominator. This game is transitioning from an exciting growth prospect with its best days ahead of it (think: tech start up) to a maintenance-mode revenue generator (think: utility company). Little incentive to stick around for end-game PVE/PVP. The team in charge of this game towards the beginning had issues, but they had grand visions for how to disrupt the MMO space. No semblance of that anymore- play it safe and keep players subbed not through stellar original content, but RNG time sinks and incredibly mediocre story content.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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So since the gear drops at based on advanced class and not on discipline, this means as a tank if i'm looking for a specific piece I have a 1 in 14 chance on getting the right slot. Then that piece has a 1 in 3 chance of being the right type of piece. This is assuming that its not a implant which is 1 what 5 or 6 and who knows what with relics if they keep the bloat instead of just making the couple people actually use. **** my life.:mad:

Might be wrong but seems crates drop more than gear so the odds can be way different.

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Yup! Have fun with RNG gearing.


This is EXACTLY why this system can not go live.


But we know damn well, it will. This is EAWare, the patch notes for 5.0 are already complete, they just haven't posted them yet. Nothing we say will change anything, because they don't care about feedback. This is their game, they just allow us to play it.

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But we know damn well, it will. This is EAWare, the patch notes for 5.0 are already complete, they just haven't posted them yet. Nothing we say will change anything, because they don't care about feedback. This is their game, they just allow us to play it.


There's 6 weeks until early access. It's already done. Adapt or don't.

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No, the RNG is terrible. (Hey you advanced a level here's your RNG crate with tank set bonus on it, Wait, your not interested in tanking? Well try again next level maybe you will have better luck.)


Actually, has it even been confirmed yet that every single Command Crate would drop a gear piece, or an upgraded gear piece? If it's based on many other RNG systems I've run across in my gaming experience this way, I wouldn't be shocked if even the top tier boxes dropped the equivalent of Story Mode gear the most with Hard Mode and Nightmare tiers being much, much more rare.

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Ok, so we need to be 70 to acces GC. The drop is somewhat random, but tied to your AdvClass thing.

Lets assume I am 70, Sage HEAL (and only HEAL), I am doing "something" and I rank-up my GC at a point that I should recieve "storymode-level gear" (call that a rating 216 gear). So I get a drop of ComCrate , I open it - now what?!?


Am I guaranteed to recieve 216 drop with set bonus?

If so, is this drop already assembled or unassembled?


For the sake of my luck I can possibly keep leveling up, with opening

1. only "cosmetic" items?

2. gear that is for Sage DPS while I will not play Sage(or Sorc) as DPS cuz i dont like it.


Where lies the level of randomness? Because people will go "KyloRen-mad smashing their PCs" after grinding content and not getting the gear they actually need. Just saying. :)


Also reversed craftable gear will be the second best gear? Like now?

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After 17 years of gaming, starting with Asheron's Call, I would never play/don't have the patience to play a game that has a focus on RNG and repetition... as I simply get bored and go do something else. Everything I've enjoyed so far in SWTOR (as a Founder with a few-year hiatus) has been to do with completing the original class stories with companion interactions/romances, original quests with full voice-overs, FPs,and OPs. Simple repetition and the random chance of acquiring gear I typically acquired via currently (tokens, etc.) will not help in keeping me subscribed to the game in the very least. Actually, systems such as this are why I have quit every eastern MMO I've played - they seem to fancy the concept quite a bit.


Personally, rather than spending money in the CM ($0 to date, by the way) I would pay *way* more than $15 a month if what was offered was additional class stories, companion interactions/romances, OPs, FPs, etc. RNG/Gambling and grinding/repetition do absolutely nothing by try my patience and offer absolutely no mental stimulation.

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What assurance can you give us that we will not run into the same old problem of getting multiples of the same piece of gear in the Command Crates ie.. 2 or more of the same chest piece or multiple pieces of the same type. Can you assures us that this will NOT happen or be like the Grand Chance Cubes aka Grand Chance of Garbage Cubes and NOT give us useless garbage but rather a different piece of the 14 items currently that are our gear including, Relics, Weapons (both Main and Offhand), Jewelry, and Implants. Or is this going to be just the main 7 Pieces of gear only. No Weapons, Relics, Jewelry or Implants and if not then HOW do we obtain those items.


Also will the main MODs ie.. Armor, Hilts and Barrels be Bind to Location again. Making Off hand the only hilt or barrel that drops. Cause of course EVERY CLASS in the game uses an Off Hand weapon .... NOT and nobody ever uses a ONLY a main hand weapon so we would never in the world need a Top Level hilt or barrel for them.

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Lots of flames coming from those that think casual players don't need end game gear. Maybe I don't raid because I can never get into them because I cannot commit to a one time a week group. I like to raid when time comes available but it is a blue moon when I can get into one.


It is not that I lack the skill. It is because I cant raid all the time I don't have the gear when I do have the time. So getting in to a group is next to impossible. I might not need 224s because I don't ever plan on NM raids but it would be nice to at least be able to jump into HM or SM content from time to time and that still requires gear.


lock outs don't allow for members who would love to help other guild members get gear but cant because content is only doable once a week.


On a positive note I might actually have gear and be able to jump into a group to do some SM or HM raids that will be nice. This will also help others like me that have the skill but not the time to devote to raids on a consistent basis. That you would also think would be beneficial to guilds that would be able to pull more of a pool of their guild in to raids without the constant grind of lower raids to gear guild members up. I see this increasing the amount of players that are raid ready and will potentially be able to fill that missing spot when a permanent raid member is out sick or on a family vacation.

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Lots of flames coming from those that think casual players don't need end game gear. Maybe I don't raid because I can never get into them because I cannot commit to a one time a week group. I like to raid when time comes available but it is a blue moon when I can get into one.



That's a BS line, Bioware bolstered the story mode hero's in 4.0 so you can literally go in with all green level 40 stuff and be up and ready to murder whatever scandalously easy boss you come across in the group finder.

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I'll take a crack at these!

  • There will certainly be some gear that has Accuracy, but the current intention is that the armor sets will be moddable so you could always change the mods to add or remove a stat, such as Accuracy.


Why not remove accuracy from the game like expertise? Isn't accuracy just a gate for pve gear? As long as accuracy is in the game dps will need pve and pvp gear still and certain enhancements will be useless to healers.

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Is the random gear granted by this new gearing experience going to use the same or similar system that is used to generate the random personal loot from Ops bosses? If so then getting tanking gear on your DPS is certainly possible. I also have gotten more pants than I know what to do with. Hopefully the GC Rng will be more generous.
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Hey folks,


One of the things we talked a bit about on the stream is that there are gearing changes happening with Knights of the Eternal Throne. This thread is meant to give you a few more details on some of the things that will be happening in KOTET, along with being a place that I can address questions or concerns you have with these changes. First, here are the details on how gearing will work at level 70:

  • Once you hit level 70, the source of end-game gear will be Command Crates from Galactic Command.
  • Most activities in the game will earn Command Experience Points (CXP), which will earn you Command Ranks. Each time your Command Rank increases, you earn a Command Crate.
  • The higher your Command Rank, the better gear that will drop from your Command Crates.
  • The highest difficulty Operations and Uprisings, along with Ranked Warzones are intended to be the fastest ways to earn CXP. This means they are the fastest way to get the best gear.
  • Both PvP and PvE gear will come from Command Crates. Their gear is now shared as Expertise is being removed (head to this thread to discuss PvP/PvE itemization specifically).
  • Gear will no longer drop from bosses as all gear will come from Command Crates. All cosmetic/unique drops will still remain on those bosses (Stronghold Decorations, Wings of the Architect, etc.).
  • Players will be able to craft comparable item level gear without set bonuses.

That should cover most of the basic changes coming to itemization in KOTET. I know this is a lot to take in, so please ask any questions you may have in this thread and I will work to answer what I can!




Gear RNG stinks. I hate RNG anything. If I wanted to gamble I'd go to a casino.

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