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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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There are people playing the game who have not "done it all." IF this gets more people overall into SM Ops queues, I'd be OK with that.


And wipe 15 times on M&B SM because people don't ask about tactics and don't listen when you tell them to bring Master under Blaster? Or Tfb SM last boss, not killing the irregularities, or ranged not being on the same platform as tentacles and wiping? Because after the L60 tokens were introduced, I saw all of these and more. People not following tactics, then wiping 10 times and leaving because they BLOODY DON'T LISTEN.

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I have a few concerns about this change, but I do see some of the appeal.


First, I wonder how the raiding community will react outside this forum. They tend to be the most loyal players in my experience, and this is a drastic change to the gear carrot.


Second, I am concerned with the apparent removal of crystals for the entire game, in combination with the legacy packs, Right now it is the best source to acquiring companion gifts, and if removed that would make it VERY difficult to get proper gifts, considering both the huge amount of influence gain needed to level companions and the credit payout from current dailies and weeklies.


If the costs were reasonable, it still stands that, IMO, if the credit payout for the dailies/weeklies is not increased this would effectively be a substantial rise in companion gift cost.


Perhaps keeping the crystals AT LEAST for the use of purchasing gifts would be prudent.


IMO gear should have never dropped from bosses in the first place. It should have always been tokens, allowing a player to choose what gear they wanted....and those tokens should have been available to all players.


THIS SYSTEM seems like it cuts out the choice, which is rather odd to me. Seems better to have the new system drop one universal token or crystal used for all of it.

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And wipe 15 times on M&B SM because people don't ask about tactics and don't listen when you tell them to bring Master under Blaster? Or Tfb SM last boss, not killing the irregularities, or ranged not being on the same platform as tentacles and wiping? Because after the L60 tokens were introduced, I saw all of these and more. People not following tactics, then wiping 10 times and leaving because they BLOODY DON'T LISTEN.


Then they'll learn the hard way. As I've said, repeatedly, if you have to go to outside resources to learn to play the game at the story mode, there's a problem.

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Then they'll learn the hard way. As I've said, repeatedly, if you have to go to outside resources to learn to play the game at the story mode, there's a problem.


This is delusional. They won't learn the hard way, they'll come cry on the forum nerfs.

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This is *********** retarded. Beyond stupidity.


I'm not going to bang on as to why, because it is plainly obvious to any veteran player with half a marble.


The biggest ******* with this change is for those of us with Chars over multiple Servers. I play on EU and NE servers and being able to log into an NA server and selectively grind the **** out of warzones across mulitiple chars at all lvls for comms that are transferable & that allow me to Selectively CHOSE gear I NEED across all Chars, to gear up ASAP is essential.


This is the most *********** retarded change they have ever preposed in the game.

Edited by Golgulok
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What makes it even more horrible.

I have 20+ characters, should I grind CXP on all of them?


It really depends on how much time you have and whether you enjoy the game ;)


There's a similar transition point at the moment in KotFE once you hit chapter 9 and open up the content of Alliance Crates and access to Eternal Championship, is there any point taking a character past this point?


Honestly I have a Main that I tend to complete all content with, and a favoured alt that is nearly up there with my main. The other 36 alts are just there to run the basic story and run heroics I really don't do any gear progression on them at all.

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Hey folks,


One of the things we talked a bit about on the stream is that there are gearing changes happening with Knights of the Eternal Throne. This thread is meant to give you a few more details on some of the things that will be happening in KOTET, along with being a place that I can address questions or concerns you have with these changes. First, here are the details on how gearing will work at level 70:

  • Once you hit level 70, the source of end-game gear will be Command Crates from Galactic Command.
  • Most activities in the game will earn Command Experience Points (CXP), which will earn you Command Ranks. Each time your Command Rank increases, you earn a Command Crate.
  • The higher your Command Rank, the better gear that will drop from your Command Crates.
  • The highest difficulty Operations and Uprisings, along with Ranked Warzones are intended to be the fastest ways to earn CXP. This means they are the fastest way to get the best gear.
  • Both PvP and PvE gear will come from Command Crates. Their gear is now shared as Expertise is being removed (head to this thread to discuss PvP/PvE itemization specifically).
  • Gear will no longer drop from bosses as all gear will come from Command Crates. All cosmetic/unique drops will still remain on those bosses (Stronghold Decorations, Wings of the Architect, etc.).
  • Players will be able to craft comparable item level gear without set bonuses.

That should cover most of the basic changes coming to itemization in KOTET. I know this is a lot to take in, so please ask any questions you may have in this thread and I will work to answer what I can!




Hi Eric,


1. Will you get the same amount of command experience points for doing ranked arena pvp as you would if you do an operation?


2. Will you be bringing ranked 8 man WZs back for all the pvpers who dispise arena or play with lag over 200ms, which makes ranked arena doubly hard for them.


3. What sort of gear gap can we expect between the highest lvl gear you can get to the entry lvl gear you start with?


4. How badly will "pvp only subscribers", who only play objective pvp, be penaltised by this new system and how will you mitigate operations players from having a big gear gap in objective pvp "if" we hate arena or can't play because of lag.


5. Do you have a plan to defuse the huge amount of resentment and toxicity that will breed when unqualified pvpers queue for ranked, just so they can gear up for operations.


6. Are you going to change the way the rankings work for ranked pvp? ie, instead of losing points everytime you lose, how about you just get points for every win. That "might help" to quell some of the rage when unqualified players queue ranked and ruin people ratings.


I have one very "out there suggestion and probably extremely controversial"

Why not just make all end game pvp ranked, wether it's arena or not. Base it on the current regular pvp setup. No team queues. Allow premades of up to 4 and people can decide to queue solo, 2, 3 or 4.


Don't allow any players into this "end game" format of the game till they reach Valor 50-70. They would be required to stay in mid lvl, bolstered pvp till this happened (they would not be able to use any ability they received at lvl 70)


Make a 4 man team only arena queue and call it elite Death Matches. Don't link it to gearing, only to excellent rewards, titles (bragging rights) and special "elite ranking boards". Only make 4 classes balanced and viable for this form of the game (maybe). People must have Valor 100 (or what ever the highest will be) and have the highest lvl gear to compete.

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Not sure if this has been answered or not, I can't find anything. But, what happens to all our WZ Comms we have been holding onto as we lvl so that we can gear up when we reach end game lvl?

Will those Comms be converted to command experience points or just be completely useless.

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You will still get gear from all of the normal sources pre-70. Flashpoint bosses, Mission drops, etc. The only exception is that you can no longer get gear for Commendations. The planetary vendors which sold mods for Commendations will now do so for credits instead.


This is a concern for me, because I make a lot of credits by selling "planetary" item modifications on the GTN. Sounds like you're going to destroy the market for item mods with this change.

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Not sure if this has been answered or not, I can't find anything. But, what happens to all our WZ Comms we have been holding onto as we lvl so that we can gear up when we reach end game lvl?

Will those Comms be converted to command experience points or just be completely useless.


I heard something about converting them to credits but can't be positive.

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It really depends on how much time you have and whether you enjoy the game ;)


There's a similar transition point at the moment in KotFE once you hit chapter 9 and open up the content of Alliance Crates and access to Eternal Championship, is there any point taking a character past this point?


Honestly I have a Main that I tend to complete all content with, and a favoured alt that is nearly up there with my main. The other 36 alts are just there to run the basic story and run heroics I really don't do any gear progression on them at all.


It's not as simple as you put it, especially for PvPers.


Look at this from my point of view: I play on 2 different servers. I log in for the purpose of playing PvP, and don't really raid or run heroics, or anything like that. On 1 server, I have a Jugg and a Guardian tank, mirrors so that they can share gear, and a sage. On the other server, I have another jugg and guardian, and the pub/imp mirrors for the operative, PT, merc, and sorc.


And I play them all. I run the daily with a couple of them when I log in, and this past ranked season I played at least the 10 required matches with all of those toons, because it's fun for me. I like playing all those different toons.


Now, with this system, it's going to take me "a long time" to gear up just 1 toon, and even sharing gear is going to be a nightmare, because just to share gear with mirror classes is going to take more RNG-luck to get the earpieces/implants/relics that can't be sent.


Then there's the multiple servers. Last ranked season I was able to log into my toons on the second server to find matches if the queue wasn't popping on my server. Now that it's going to take a huge grind just to get a single toon in shape to play ranked, how am I going to do this on 2 servers?


In the Dev's own words from the livestream, if all I play is PvP regs it's going to take a "really long time" to gear up just 1 toon.


Saying that ranked is the fastest way to level your command is a little backwards to me too, since you don't want to play ranked without the best gear, but you need to level command before getting the best gear.....


I hate to say it, but if this system goes live, that may be it for me. I was around for 1.0 and the battlemaster bags, and I really don't want to go back to an RNG system that has already proven to have failed in this game.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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I don't have the mental energy to muster more than a small reply but feel obligated to add my voice to the outcry, as if thousands of voices cried out at once and then went silent... This is an unfathomably terrible idea that will decimate what little is left of the end-game guilds and community in this game. I didn't think it could get worse than a multi-year content drought and inexplicably misguided management decisions about design priorities, but you've outdone yourselves.


I have long said that I would play until they turned the servers off. I'm reconsidering that position because I almost wish you had just turned the servers off and not taken my money for the entirety of KOTFE/KOTET nightmare.

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What got me in this whole announcement was that pretty much everything they discussed in no way represents what I've seen people ask for here on the forums, reddit, in the dev stream chats.


How did, "Please, can we have new ops, new flashpoints, PvP revitalization, a return to class-specific stories with in-depth companion interactions, a return to vanilla-style planets, etc. etc...?" get translated to "Please, can we have a character specific legacy system, and do away with commendation-style gear system so that we can go backwards a RNG gear system?"


I'm fairly certain I've seen no one ask for anything remotely resembling this Galactic Command system and I really wonder exactly where they're coming from on this. It certainly doesn't seem like it's from their loyal players and fans.

Edited by Edyn
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Not sure if this has been answered or not, I can't find anything. But, what happens to all our WZ Comms we have been holding onto as we lvl so that we can gear up when we reach end game lvl?

Will those Comms be converted to command experience points or just be completely useless.

They'll be converted into... something, but specifics aren't available yet:


Current Commendations will be going away, we will have more details in the coming weeks on their conversion.

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I'm not sure I like the no-loot thing. I remember playing through an EQ2 arc where loot rarely dropped and instead you got tokens. It was immensely less satisfying to me. Logically, currency should be better than getting a loot you couldn't use or didn't want, but then, I guess I didn't play for logic. I played for fun, and getting loot was fun... not getting anything, over and over again, just reminded me what a chore it was.
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What got me in this whole announcement was that pretty much everything they discussed in no way represents what I've seen people ask for here on the forums, reddit, in the dev stream chats.


How did, "Please, can we have new ops, new flashpoints, PvP revitalization, a return to class-specific stories with in-depth companion interactions, a return to vanilla-style planets, etc. etc...?" get translated to "Please, can we have a character specific legacy system, and do away with commendation-style gear system so that we can go backwards a RNG gear system?"


I'm fairly certain I've seen no one ask for anything remotely resembling this Galactic Command system and I really wonder exactly where they're coming from on this. It certainly doesn't seem like it's from their loyal players and fans.

From the sound and look of it, the gearing aspect of GC was not a response to player feedback at all. It was another step of many in trying to simplify complexity, so that new blood will not be overwhelmed and will stick with the game.

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