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Charles Boyd wearing traditional Jedi robes @ NYCC. Feels like a slap to the face!


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> Be one of the main guys in charge of SWTOR, a Star Wars game and the only Star Wars MMO.

> Be aware of hundreds of requests and significant demand for one of the most iconic Star Wars outfit.

> Be aware that this outfit is not available in your game, despite being shown in a lot of promotional material.

> Wear that outfit when coming out to meet your fans.

> ???????





Just for Alec Fortescue I asked Ben Irving about Jedi Robes . It's completely absurd to me that THE most recognizable and maybe the most iconic outfit in all of Star Wars wasn't the first thing they designed for the game, let alone still not having one 5 years into the game's life. (Charles Boyd was actually dressed as a Jedi. When I brought this up to Ben, I literally pointed at Charles and said "that outfit" lol). He looked a little surprised that it's not something that's been done, and then said that they have a LOT of legal issues when it comes to that kind of stuff and the maybe that was the reason, but if he remembers to bring it up in a meeting, he will.




A lot of people know me at this stage. They know that I am this Jedi robes crusader. Considering that devs never added these into the game for like five years and that these were not created as one of the first Jedi armor sets for a Star Wars game leaves me completely baffled.


With that being said and all sources indicating that we'll never see iconic Jedi robes in SWTOR there is no point in seeing Charles as teasing what's to come. While not inappropriate, it felt like a slap to the face to players seeking to fulfil their Jedi fantasy in the only Star Wars game out there.


Please Bioware... Just get your stuff together in this matter. It's not a big deal and those will be a best seller on CM. Ben was asked about Charles outfit on the Cantina tour. He said about legal issues and about being aware of them not being done... However he also said that he will bring this issue up on a meeting IF HE WON'T FORGET.


So my polite request here is: Ben Irving, please do not forget. These robes are the only thing I am begging for related to SWTOR. I need nothing else out of this game.


Eric, could you remind Ben not to forget, pleasE? :/

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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I think the answer is hidden in the quote from the thread you linked:


"they have a LOT of legal issues when it comes to that kind of stuff"


Those traditional jedi robes as seen in the films are probably not allowed in this game. This is the only explanation that makes sense. The other one would be that they do this to troll you, Alec. And while in some twisted way it could be cool if they would give you that much credit (albeit in a quite evil way), I doubt that they would do that since they know they could make a good amount of money with those robes. Therefore: legal reasons prevent it. That's my interpretation. I might be wrong, of course.

Edited by JattaGin
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That has such low res textures though, even lower than normal (I have the set) :(


Yeah, it does irk me that the quality of outfits is so varied. Compare Exiled Master to, say, Thexan's Robes. :eek:


Maybe put it down to the Republic failing to standardize clothing quality through insufficient regulations? Clearly need an Empire with a state-owned fashion police to enforce a minimum clothing quality level.

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Yeah, it does irk me that the quality of outfits is so varied. Compare Exiled Master to, say, Thexan's Robes. :eek:


Maybe put it down to the Republic failing to standardize clothing quality through insufficient regulations? Clearly need an Empire with a state-owned fashion police to enforce a minimum clothing quality level.

Keep in mind that the people of Zakuul are also born with better textures.

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Charles is taunting you!!! Hiding his smirk behind perfectly groomed facial hair...what nerve lol. ;)


I sincerely hope you get your robes someday Alec...you've been more than patient and you have every right to keep asking. Keep fighting the good fight!!!

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I think the answer is hidden in the quote from the thread you linked:


"they have a LOT of legal issues when it comes to that kind of stuff"


Those traditional jedi robes as seen in the films are probably not allowed in this game. This is the only explanation that makes sense. The other one would be that they do this to troll you, Alec. And while in some twisted way it could be cool if they would give you that much credit (albeit in a quite evil way), I doubt that they would do that since they know they could make a good amount of money with those robes. Therefore: legal reasons prevent it. That's my interpretation. I might be wrong, of course.


I suspect you are correct, but for the life of me, I can't understand why that slice of the Star Wars IP would be excluded from the licensing agreement with BW/EA. The logic behind it is confounding.

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I suspect you are correct, but for the life of me, I can't understand why that slice of the Star Wars IP would be excluded from the licensing agreement with BW/EA. The logic behind it is confounding.


Maybe they are reserved for Micky Mouse to wear :D

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My guess that there won't appear a lawyer as long as you cosplay. But he most certainly WILL appear if you try to SELL a copyrighted design - you most likely have never heard about the Stormtrooper Helmet quarrel, didn't you ?


Excellent point.


There are also no iconic movie Storm Trooper sets either. Lots of close variations, but no exact copies. You can mix and match and get close, but not exact. Same with Jedi Robes.


We all like interesting gear in game for sure. But I think Alec is failing to realize that his "iconic" set is simply an outgassing of the gray matter in George Lucas head more then 40 years ago. There really is nothing iconic in Star Wars. Even the great battle between dark and light is simply a rehash of age old stories in human mythology.


Hey Alec... nothing created out of thin air in Hollywood is actually "iconic". I support your desire for the outfit of your dreams, but please give all the entitled iconic role play a break.

Edited by Andryah
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Forum bingo/drinking game: "slap in the face."


...well, okay, drink of water, because I'm not legally old enough to drink alcohol... still. :D


I'd rather we *don't* see "traditional" or "iconic" Jedi robes here. This is, after all, three and a half thousand years before the movies, and the Republic/the galaxy as a whole (at least, according to old EU, I think) had a dark age between now and then. Which is probably why we see technology here that looks similar to that in the movies - like the bounty hunter's ship - but we won't actually get to the level of technology in the movies for another few thousand years because the galaxy backslid for a while. Same thing works with clothing.


Besides, in the movies, it seemed EVERY Jedi wore those robes. (Unless the Jedi in question was sufficiently fanservice-y, [looking at you, Aayla and Ahsoka] ostensibly as "part of their native culture"...which doesn't make any sense, but that's another argument.) Here, there's a lot more variety. Heck, just look at the Jedi Council. Satele wears that leotard/jumpsuit/I don't even know what it is but it looks extremely uncomfortable to move around in ( :p ), Jaeric Kaedan has what looks like leather and cloth, Orgus Din had a spiffier version of padawan clothes (brightly-patterned vest and tunic), the Kel Dor (I forget his name) from the Knight's story had what seemed like a sweater and a robe... See? Variety. Not the, admittedly, boring brown tunic, brown robe, brown pants, black/brown boots. Blah.


For another thing, we already have robes that are similar enough to "iconic" robes. Be happy with those. Please. Seeing you gallivant about the forums crying about a "slap in the face" just makes everybody not take you seriously.

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Again... I called them "traditional" as per wookiepedia page. People whine. I start callin them iconic, because that's what they are when it comes to imagining a "Jedi" to a modern audience. People whine.


Also, again, I saw this misinformed, invalid argument about thousand of years before prequels. Kotor 2, dude... Kotor 2 Robes.


I really hope for Ben Irving to actually bring this issue up like he mentioned.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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The only one whining in this thread is you Alec. You even played the venerable meme of "slap in the face" card too to put a cherry on top.


But I have to give you credit for both consistency and persistence. You have your pet vineyard and you do tend it well. Someday, the game will close down, and you will still be begging for robes you personally find appropriate for your "imagined" proper Jedi robes.


In Alec's defense, he is hardly the only one that has been clamoring for these robes. If it is a legal issue preventing BW from implementing the robes, they should have said something a loooooong time ago so that players would have known that their requests were being heard. No one is going to quit the game because they don't get Jedi robes, but I'm sure many players have quit because it seemed liked their feedback was falling on deaf ears.

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