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Announcing Knights of the Eternal Throne


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Some people are perfectly happy with what they are doing.


Besides, if something upsets you so much, maybe just step away from it. Throwing a forum tantrum serves no purpose other than to make people happy that they won't be playing with you (if you really leave).


Any some are not happy with what they are doing and they have every right to voice that.


Many of us have been here since the beginning, help "found" the game, stuck with it during early tough times, built guilds, help players learn their class, explore the game further, enjoy the challenge of finding a group and clearing hard group content, and made friends along the way.


We have done all of this under the umbrella of Star Wars the Old Republic the MMO. Doesn't mean many don't like the chapters, or do not want story, it is just there is an aspect of the game some enjoy that continues to be neglected. Perfectly normal for people to be frustrated when they invest in something, have a lot of fun with it, and have that impacted, regardless of the reason.

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Perfectly normal for people to be frustrated when they invest in something, have a lot of fun with it, and have that impacted, regardless of the reason.


Absolutely. I may be aligned with their "new view" as far as my play style, and I can accept the reasons they've made the changes, but that doesn't mean there aren't or shouldn't be ruffled feathers.

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Through the trailer I got the feeling KOTET is going to be a lot darker compared to KOTFE. Will they be releasing a chapter per month? Or are we granted the first couple of chapters as it was with the launch of KOTFE?

Does anybody have some informatie about that?


(Cool trailer by the way) :cool:

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Good question!


The simple way to think of it is that anytime we would have said the word subscriber, we now say premium. That means that while you are inside of your game time card, you are a subscriber. Premium is not directly tied to recurring, it just means you have active sub time on your account.




Hey Eric,


I have been a sub since Launch in 2011 but even though I am logged in and my account says I have an active subscription, I see "Play Premium" is this simply a glitch or should I be concerned? Also when I click on play premium it is showing my paypal information and asking me to subscribe.


Here is a screen cap... and thanks for the help!



Edited by Baby-Girl
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It simply makes no sense if the old romances don't return - unless they are dead. Before, there was the danger of the aliance base being found if they tried to make contact. Now I think it would make sense if they were the "old ally" we meet again at chapter 5 of Knights of the Eternal Throne.
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My take away from the trailer...


Emperor Valkorrion had his daughter institutionalized at age 4-5 after she killed some of his Knights.


So she's dealing with the tremendous guilt of having killed several loyal soldiers when she's 5 years of age, and then she's separated from her mother for several years so some Zakuul zealots and Sanitarium psychos can mold her in daddy's image.


We know from Arcann that Scion/Knight training involves beating the trainee until they become inundated to the pain. So presumably this sweet little girl is waterboarded, subjected to repeated electric shocks, starved, sleep deprived, stabbed with syringes full of god knows what drugs, and forcibly tattooed until she looks like a prisoner doing hard time. (I think the similarities to Jack from ME 2/3 are on purpose, they're making it clear that she got the same terribly childhood that Jack got).


The "Betrayal" in the title is how Vaylin feels about Senya. She feels that Senya abandoned her to Valkorrion who tortured her for years. Vaylin doesn't care that Senya tried to rescue her, she cares that Senya let her go in the first place, that Senya took months of Vaylin SCREAMING through the Force to try and protect her daughter from the living hell that she was being put through.


I am feeling angry, sad, disgusted and a variety of other things right now.


Congratulations BioWare and Blur, that trailer was an emotional rollercoaster.

Edited by AshlaBoga
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what have they in common? they are just the biggest load of ******** ever


the story is something my 2 year old niece could have written


and most successful expansion? really? if you count totally killing several servers I this expansion successful then yeah it is

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NOTE: Beginning November 29, 2016, players with unused advanced character tokens in inventory can use them to play Knights of the Eternal Throne.


Need clarification on this one, does this mean you dont even have to be a so callled premium player? :eek:

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Whiskey, I thought that since there are no new dumb***** operations being announced that you were unsubbing and leaving. Operations are not important and certainly not the determining bar to which someone should play this game. Instead, you're still here crying like a little three year old. Someone please call the WAHHHBULANCE! Either enjoy the game and it's upcoming content or leave. No one will miss you either way. :rak_03:


Actually what is dumb about ops lets see since kotet several European severs no longer have any population and even

TRE which most of them moved to has lighter population than before. Hmm those ****y ops maybe matter more than you think. I know for fact lots more of my friends have unsubbed since this announcement. Since most of the casulas cant even clear easy hm flashpoints I wish you luck on new stuff that no one knows the mechanics for, although they may just give a Jesus bot to make you unbillable.


Just because its not your thing doesn't make it dumb, I don't call story players dumb but I do expect mmo content in a mmo

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Well ops!

Someone posted a thread here saying new info about this will be out in January.




However as for what some are saying in posts above. "Rage quit on the 07/10/16 when the idiots gave us glorified flashpoints" Not enough info is out yet to jump to that conclusion. You maybe right but this is not confirmed. Even if you can do Op's as a 4 player group with comps, does not mean you have to. So if that is the case nothing has changed. Also if you read this thread




Having different difficultly levels may make casual gaming better for all.

Edited by cloneofdax
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I can care less about the "single-player" content that's upcoming. Flashpoints and Operations never interested me as I pvp and only pvp. Unfortunately, we got the worse warzone addition ever this last time and I know it will be a long time for the next one to come out. And Rishi arena is **** too. I'm actually more excited to what class changes and additions that might come to my favorites classes so I will continue my destruction of dead bodies left in my wake in the wzs.
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Well ops!

Someone posted a thread here saying new info about this will be out in January.




However as for what some are saying in posts above. "Rage quit on the 07/10/16 when the idiots gave us glorified flashpoints" Not enough info is out yet to jump to that conclusion. You maybe right but this is not confirmed. Even if you can do Op's as a 4 player group with comps, does not mean you have to. So if that is the case nothing has changed. Also if you read this thread




Having different difficultly levels may make casual gaming better for all.


I appreciate that but when kofte was announced and they said we would get no new ops due to the amount of work lvl ing everything to 65 I took it on the chin, they also said as soon as kofte was released they would start working on new ops. Now we have another new expac with no new ops at release why should I trust them any further? Simple answer is I don't and I have unsubbed today and many of my guild will as soon as their game time runs out.


There is a reason that the population has tanked over the last year and its not because kofte was the most successful expansion ever, most unsuccessful would be more accurate as no other has killed so many servers

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Okay here is my take of everything and the commenters on here.


To those 'threatening' to quit. - As Yoda said "do or do not." Stop threatening and leave if you don't like it. Jeez, why pay for a game you flippin' hate? Don't like it just quit. Its that simple. As for me, I will continue to play for the foreseeable future.


For those wanting group content and pvp - give it time. EA is a business. The purpose of a business is to make money. If you have ever dealt with EA you know its out for a profit and SWTOR isn't a charity organization. So if the 'story' was hurting their cash flow, I am betting they'd can it swiftly. As a shareholder via my mutual funds I sure in the hell expect them too. If there is significant demand, they will produce it.


Now onto Bioware...


Good trailer, though confused if it was a flashback at the end or if Senya found the cure to aging and doubled down or found a great plastic surgeon while she was on the lam...


For heaven's sake call it a 'Subscription' and use the term 'subscribe'. Way it was historically you had "F2P" then "Premium" if I spent a single dime on the game, then "Subscriber" if I gave you money each month. So do I need to have a 'subscription' or do I get it if I am a 'premium' or a 'subscriber'? Seriously whoever in marketing wants to play word games needs to go away. Sounds like we will be arguing over the definition of what 'is' is...


Still confused on the other parts - what are they, what does it mean, and most importantly - why should I care?


What other changes are coming to the game you didn't list? What is the launch, sub expansion #1, sub expansion #2, etc. plan? Seriously I know you all 'want to give us info' so do it. Why all the secrecy? If you think that WoW doesn't know what you are doing, I am willing to bet they got moles inside your group as much as you have moles in their's (if you don't - congrats, you have the most moral company in the world). People talk so stop the stupidity and secrets.


You make a big deal we'd get answers on Oct 7th and all I hear is the same things form last week. You even haven't said when the end of DvL is - are you even going to end it or let it go on and just add more levels too it? You obviously knew what you were going to talk about and present at the bar - so why not draft up some blogs and release them an hour after you announce it at the pub?


I like the game - I really do. I actually like the stories. I am that guy that plays every mission simply because I want to see how it goes and someone put effort into it so be a shame if it went to waste. But while I will not threaten to quit (If I do it I'll do it), but my lord y'all need to stop not sharing. I get it you get yelled at because X didn't work out - tough. I get yelled at all the time when things don't work out. If you ever dated someone and broke up you get yelled at. It's part of life so man up and explain why if you have to rescind an idea.



Edited by Blakinik
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Good question!


The simple way to think of it is that anytime we would have said the word subscriber, we now say premium.


Sounds a lot like when I worked at a prison we called the prisoners 'guests'. Still didn't change the fact that they couldn't leave till we released them.

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After that cinematic, it's official. Senya is probably the worst parent in Star Wars history. And, given the long history of parent child relationships we've seen in Star Wars that's saying something. :eek:


Either way, I'm looking forward to what Bioware throws at us this December.

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Hi. Question: this will be one chapter per mounth from for example december to august or 9 chapters on december and later more chapters? Answer will be appreciated. From titles i think this will be 9 and no more? Edited by Trlance
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You better this time make different cinematics and animations for respective class, because people are tired. I hate that my sorc is using lightsaber and his force lightning and ghost are MIA! Make some effort into game and stop making trailers that take away 90% of your budget.

Edited by crabios
Wrong spell, tired.
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Dear Eric,


I know that you are now making a simple distinction between players as in:


Subscriber = premium player

Anyone else = player


Premium/Subscriber were always interchangeable in MMOs.


However, those who are not much knowledgeable on SWTOR/MMO topic will get confused because preferred status is still out there and they both sound alike. Your main target is a casual playerbase and this thread is proof that it causes a lot of confusion for them.


Just drop preferred status and unify it with f2p. Keep a simple distinction between premium and non-premium. Subscriber was a straightforward term while premium and preferred can't co-exist as names unless you want to see regular topics asking for assistance with regard to statuses.

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So are we just getting all nine chapters three days early or is there going to be a chapter a month again?


Also what the heck does story, veteran and master mode mean?!? :confused:


By the way anyone else notice that none of the chapter summaries have anything to do with separating Valkorian from the Outlander? Hope that isn't a plot hole that they missed...

Edited by DarthEnrique
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