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What I expect from the NYCC-announcement


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Hello SWTOR-Crew,


i'm sorry to tell you, that it is really hard, to keep my motivation up,

going on playing your game. the next big announcement will be at

the NYCC, so i wanna tell you, what i expect from YOU:




what is your plan with the dead servers? will there be free transfers,

cross-servers or a merge of them? keep a look at the EU!



i don't want a fixed date, but if we don't get a new operation with the

release of 5.0, you need to give us a rough time-schedule, when we

can expect how many new operations. the level-raise of old ones is

no new content. this point is very important for many players. at the

moment the most people i know, played swtor, are just waiting for

that information, to decide to come back, or not.



what are the plans for the pvp-part (battlegrounds, arena, gsf)



is there a light at the tunnel, please not the train,

that we get a better stabilty, especially for some

open world pvp? now the server will be very laggy,

if we are more than 8vs8. unplayable.



will the french and german forums get back a

french- and german-speaking community manager?

it is really hard to see you ignoring us.



but the most important thing will be the operation plans.

i have talked to many ingame-people, and all said, that

they will unsub, if there is no announcement for a new

operation, not the level-raise-thing.

Edited by fabsus
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Those are the sort of questions that have been dealt with at the Q&A cantinas afterwards, I would not expect them to lead with any of those issues in the NYCC announcement. Announcements tend to be flashy and focused on driving the new content, not elements that may be perceived by some people as signs of a game not doing well.


I would expect a few still images and a teaser clip for the first chapter of KotET.

An almost off camera appearance (possibly voice only) of the next companion available for the alliance.

A reiteration of how successful KotFE was and Bioware's commitment to delivering story and meaningful choices.

A run down of pre-launch subscriber perks (1-2 at most as I suspect KotET will be with us before the end of the year).

A run down of the KotET monthly subscriber incentive (if they go with monthly chapters again) and bonus chapter.

Season 8 PvP starts with KotET.

They are aware of players interest in group content and have plans but these things take time and they will release details closer to when it will be in game.

Details on the Dark vs Light event and when it ends. May also try to stir up the pot to get Dark side players pushing for their companion.

5th year anniversary of SWTOR this December, be subscribed to get anniversary mount that spits out fireworks (No idea if we will get a gift, I think they skipped a year).

Edited by Vhaegrant
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what is your plan with the dead servers? will there be free transfers,

cross-servers or a merge of them? keep a look at the EU!



i don't want a fixed date, but if we don't get a new operation with the

release of 5.0, you need to give us a rough time-schedule, when we

can expect how many new operations. the level-raise of old ones is

no new content. this point is very important for many players. at the

moment the most people i know, played swtor, are just waiting for

that information, to decide to come back, or not.



what are the plans for the pvp-part (battlegrounds, arena, gsf)



is there a light at the tunnel, please not the train,

that we get a better stabilty, especially for some

open world pvp? now the server will be very laggy,

if we are more than 8vs8. unplayable.



will the french and german forums get back a

french- and german-speaking community manager?

it is really hard to see you ignoring us. .



Nothing. Just wait till only 3-5 player still there then unplug 'em.



They can't even balance the stuff that is already here and you want new stuff?


Player v.s. Player:

What? You just got them sweet S7 rewards...?!



That ain't the server/serverfarm thats the crappy 16 year old alpha version of the hero engine.



Good one...

Edited by AFacelessOne
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Based on KotFE I expect some very vague descriptions with the exciting announcement that we will get developer blogs in the next month or two that may or may not contain actual information. So keep waiting and you might find out what you want to know before launch! (as long as you don't want to know about operations or returning companions... )
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Prepare to be disappointed.

got my wine and a towel. so i'm prepared.

you always should have a towel with you.


but i think, that you misunderstood my intention.

i don't want bioware to speak about that at the nycc,

but i want them, to answer these questions, without

any excuses, clearly and honest, within this time.


i think they have enough time to prepare and ask

all the involved people about their status.


and to be honest, i really think, that it is their

duty towards all the longtermsubs!


sorry to say so, but the Q&A thing is just boring.

there i only hear excuses. so this is worthless.

that's why i want a clear and honest message,

with a rough time schedule. maybe in quarters,

Edited by fabsus
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got my wine and a towel. so i'm prepared.

you always should have a towel with you.


but i think, that you misunderstood my intention.

i don't want bioware to speak about that at the nycc,

but i want them, to answer these questions, without

any excuses, clearly and honest, within this time.


i think they have enough time to prepare and ask

all the involved people about their status.


and to be honest, i really think, that it is their

duty towards all the longtermsubs!


sorry to say so, but the Q&A thing is just boring.

there i only hear excuses. so this is worthless.

that's why i want a clear and honest message,

with a rough time schedule. maybe in quarters,

I think you threw us with the title 'What I expect from the NYCC-announcement' ;)



I doubt they would ever openly announce server merges as it is commonly seen as something a struggling MMO does.

You are more likely to see them offer future Server Transfer sales around 90cc again.



Again, the silence on this is nothing new and has been Bioware policy since launch. They made a statement that there would be no group content for 4.0. They have since made a comment along the lines of they understand people want group content and they have something in early development. But I seriously doubt you will get any comment on a time frame beyond 'We will say more about this when it is imminent'.



PvP got some love with 4.0 with the Odessen Training Ground and balancing (debates about ability balancing feed forum discussions ;) )

I expect to see more attempts to balance the existing disciplines and Season 7 ends so I guess Season 8 can't be that far away ;)


Server Stability:

Honestly SWTOR has never handled open world PvP well, whether it's down to number of characters on screen, to world design, to ability/gear balance.

The ability lag seems to hit every time there is a heavy population load on the servers and they haven't got their population per phase ratio worked out well (although at least with the bonus HK-55 chapter they fixed this relatively swiftly).



I have some sympathy for you as a native English speaker (yeah, sometimes I'm surprised it's my first language too), but you have to feel sorry for the lack of Russian, Polish, Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Italian, Greek... um, I think you should get the picture ;)

How bad is Google translate?

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Prepare to be disappointed.

No doubt. They'll tell you how much people loved KOTFE and how excited they are to give us more of the same in KOTET!!! Then they'll pat themselves on the back for extending the Bioware legacy of "epic storytelling" and tell us that our choices in KOTFE will matter in KOTET.

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No doubt. They'll tell you how much people loved KOTFE and how excited they are to give us more of the same in KOTET!!! Then they'll pat themselves on the back for extending the Bioware legacy of "epic storytelling" and tell us that our choices in KOTFE will matter in KOTET.


Choices matter :D


Better than cross server :D:D


EPIC storytelling :D:D:D


The memes just keep coming.

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will the french and german forums get back a

french- and german-speaking community manager?

it is really hard to see you ignoring us.


You know, I think they should've never made German or French forums. There never were any Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Greek, you name it servers or forums.


As far as the announcements are concerned on the 7th it will be make or break time for me. Not for the game but for me. So if they deliver in a massive way, I will resub before my current sub runs out. If they don't, then my sub will run out and will not play anymore.


If I don't play anymore I'll probably come back for one month when the KotET season is complete, play it through in two weeks and leave again, because I do have some curiosity still how it pans out. That will be the time I will decide whether I will come back once a year for a couple of weeks for more story or if it really isn't worth coming back at all. SWTOR won't die over me leaving, but neither will I.

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I think OP that this answers ALL of yours questions.


TL:DR All answers are 'We have no new information to share'


Or worse.


Similar to the stream a while back that we were told to tune into for game information.


Come to find out, the stream only told us what they would talk about in the next stream to come later. Not the one they were actually doing. Silly us.


It was just terrible PR.


But what do I expect from NYCC? Not much to be honest. Something about more of the same mediocre story and how choices matter.


No real talk of OPS or PVP. We might get some talk of this new 4 man group content but nothing really worth getting excited about because it will probably be some star fortress garbage all over again.

Edited by Quraswren
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i'm sorry to tell you, that it is really hard, to keep my motivation up,

going on playing your game. the next big announcement will be at

the NYCC, so i wanna tell you, what i expect from YOU:



As far as the announcements are concerned on the 7th it will be make or break time for me. Not for the game but for me. So if they deliver in a massive way, I will resub before my current sub runs out. If they don't, then my sub will run out and will not play anymore.


To be honest, they know that a decent chunk of the raiding community is going to leave if they don't hear something official that they really like (Q&A rumors won't suffice). If they don't address this clearly and in an official and public manner, then they don't care either because 1) they're taking the game in a different direction and don't want to miss out on your $$ while they string you along, or 2) they're banking on the fact that when they get around to developing new raiding content, you'll re-sub (my guess is that if it's #2 then they're waiting till Legion is old-news).



Don't bother making demands - it won't matter. They know how the raiding community (what's left) feels. The ball will be in your court after October 7th.

Edited by Ambramotte
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- Pat on the back "here are some tweets showing how much people loved kotfe and we're very proud of it and all the changes made over past year"

-kotet tease of details and maybe reveals of some QOL

-announcement for more details in nov/dec live stream on the other "exciting content we can't wait to talk more about"

-sub incentive rewards for pre-order/maintaining sub through KOTET

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Everything is speculation right now, we can all speak our opinions based on how we feel about BW's track record etc but the fact remains that it is all speculation.


What we know to be probable, based on facts is that we will definitely hear about DvL how "successful" it was which companion is winning and approximately when it will end. We will hear a wrap up of KotFE and how "successful" it was they may toss some hints about who is back for KotET and what class companions are still MIA.They will likely mention uprisings in some way, give vague information about the story it's direction and focus then dance around anything to do, specifically, about Ops and PvP.


Here is the speculative part based on what I have observed from BW-A and the SWTOR team in the past.


They will likely have enough info (over all) to fill up a single sheet of paper and fill the rest of their time with video's, spontaneous fan questions (pre-screened of course) and trying to make their hardcore fans and staunch defenders feel at ease. There will be a lot of hype, but not much actual information. Most questions will be answered with something along the lines of, "we are still working on that and we don't want to give any spoilers." Or, "that is a work in progress, but we are really excited about what the future holds for SWTOR as a whole." I'll be surprised if questions about Ops are even addressed and if they are my guess is, "group content is something we are always thinking about. We will have more information about it in the coming months" Anything more that that and I'll be shocked.


It is classic EA, build the hype gradually and wait until a few weeks before drop date to give the details that should have been given at the first announcement.

Edited by RiVaN_
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So, my question after reading this thread. When exactly are the self important L33T that are subscribers, acting as if they are shareholders actually going to leave the game? The one constant on these forums from the beginning has been, If Bio ware doesn't do x, I'm gone. They didn't do x and you folks are still here. Only this time it's I really really mean it, if they don't do x I'm telling you I quit. So at what point do we take you folks seriously? Edited by ElectroFidgit
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So, my question after reading this thread. When exactly are the self important L33T that are subscribers, acting as if they are shareholders actually going to leave the game? The one constant on these forums from the beginning has been, If Bio ware doesn't do x, I'm gone. They didn't do x and you folks are still here. Only this time it's I really really mean it, if they don't do x I'm telling you I quit. So at what point do we take you folks seriously?


You can feel free to take anyone or no one seriously.

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