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Subscriber perks... what would you pay for?


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Well said ... even for a Sith Lord.


From my perspective, EA/BW wield both carrot and stick deftly. You, sir, are wise and of sound and prudent judgment. You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend.*



Was that the wrong IP? :confused:


Live long and prosper...er, I mean may the force be with you, Thor :cool:

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Perks? Over and above what they have? Nothing. What would get me to spend money?



  • Appropriately staffing the development studio so that they can produce a reasonable amount of MMO content that covers all interest groups over the span of an expansion cycle (one year). Replace whoever was responsible for the single focus policy with somebody competent.
  • Abandoning the idea that non-subs must be severely punished until they sub. Accept that they will not or cannot. Treat them with respect and be grateful that they improve the social network for the paying players.
  • Correct the imbalance where the vast majority of cosmetics, specifically the good looking ones, are the sole purview of the Cartel Market.
  • Replace whoever is responsible for the atrocious communications with somebody that understands that it requires a dialog.


Yeah, never happen, my wallet is safe! LOL.

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1. Higher drop chances for rare items from CM.

2. Higher drop chances in instances (no matter if it's a planet, FP or OP).

3. Additional page for character inventory (not bank).

4. No fee in outfit editor.

5. Complete removal of knock-off from vehicle.

6. Reduced fee for modifying gear.

7. Queue priority.


I would definitely pay extra for this. Once it's gone, it's gone. I despise respawns. ;)


Bonus chapters like HK are definitely something I would stay subbed for.


Apart from that I am easy to please: Triple the amount of CC per month and I am good.


But then, I decided to stay subbed until the end of this game anyway. I have nowhere else to go.

I like a lot of these.

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1. Higher drop chances for rare items from CM.

2. Higher drop chances in instances (no matter if it's a planet, FP or OP).

3. Additional page for character inventory (not bank).

4. No fee in outfit editor.

5. Complete removal of knock-off from vehicle.

6. Reduced fee for modifying gear.

7. Queue priority.


I.. I can get behind this. All of these. Kudos.

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I would definitely pay extra for this. Once it's gone, it's gone. I despise respawns. ;)


Bonus chapters like HK are definitely something I would stay subbed for.


Apart from that I am easy to please: Triple the amount of CC per month and I am good.


But then, I decided to stay subbed until the end of this game anyway. I have nowhere else to go.


Guild Wars did the whole instance worls and was very successful with it. I would stay subbed for that

Edited by Clevelandboy
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I admit I subscribe also for hiding headslots and unify colors right now as well...


Use a friend's referral. The preferred package comes with character unlocks (Head Slot/Unify/Crew Skill/Titles?). They won't be usable until you're not a sub anymore and I've used this before. Totally takes some of the pain away from playing as a Pref. Careful not to delete them! :)

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Use a friend's referral. The preferred package comes with character unlocks (Head Slot/Unify/Crew Skill/Titles?). They won't be usable until you're not a sub anymore and I've used this before. Totally takes some of the pain away from playing as a Pref. Careful not to delete them! :)


I forgot those are in the bundle crate that I collect on every new roll. I just pull out the inventory expansion.

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Toggle for "auto-ignore whispers from non-friends".

Toggle rendering and sound from other players (when not PvP flagged, for obvious reasons).

Customisable outfits on KotET (and KotFE) companions.

Class story cutscene archive log.

Ability to get rid of that annoying and purposeless "... controlled by Trashtalk McGuildname" screenspam pop-up that comes on arrival on a planet and occasionally glitches and lingers around for ages.

App to dispatch crew skill missions whilst offline / on a different character.

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  • Subscriber only phase. Sometimes I like it a little quitter and don't want to go play on a PvP server ;)
  • The ability to convert credits to cartel coins. There used to be a rough equivalence of 1cc = 1,000 credits but I see inflation has blown the lid off that.
  • Solo mode operations/ flashpoints - it's not about difficulty just seeing the areas and any dialogue. Just rescale the boss fights to a quick tank and spank. Maybe even allow more crew members to accompany rather than spawning in a generic droid. Goes without saying that you wouldn't get unique item drops or top tier gear ;)
  • AC swapping. I've been around a bit, I've got 3+ of every class. Sometimes I just want to change the buttons I click for a particular character.
  • Generic attack options. Similar to the punch attacks that can be unlocked but for all the weapon types. More for the solo PvE experience and running around with a BH Powertech that sometimes uses a Techblade.
  • Loyalty based vendor. Similar to reputation vendors. As you accumulate subscription time it unlocks the reputation levels. You would still need to buy the available items with credits. Retroactive of course ;)
  • Legacy Characters as Companions. The legacy tree already shows the game stores equipment IDs across characters. Use this information to generate a Legacy Companion that can accompany you. There must be enough ingame dialogue for the various classes to get the combat dialogue.
  • Better picture taking options. The ability to define companion pose (and not have them glaring at the PC), the ability to move the camera focus off the PC's head.


There's a few. Although I feel it's more a case of going to the suggestions page and just limiting access to new QoL features to the subscribers ;)

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A jet pack. One that allows in-game flight, not hover slightly above the ground.


No, I don't care about the problems, I want to frickin' fly. You're not a bounty hunter if you have to ride the bus.


At minimum, at least let us fly as high and fast as the blasted taxis. Even if there has to be "Warning : atmospheric turbulence, automatically restricting altitude" in certain areas to hide where the maps aren't complete - or where it would faceroll certain datacrons, perhaps.


Also, what about possible "exploration" bonus planets? Not necessarily quest lines or any voice work, but subscriber-exclusive planets or areas on existing planets to explore for achievements, maybe a few local colour mobs, but mostly wow factor. Say, areas of Coruscant that aren't gang-riddled shopping malls, or an elevator or staircase up to some of those elevated walkways or mountains on Korriban, or other worlds you could land on and explore from the galaxy map.

Edited by RowanThursday
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Sub perks...


Legacy credit storage. The game should've had this upon release 5 years ago really.

A separate general chat channel for subs only. Nothing against f2p players but it's a great way to be free from gold spam messages.

A check box on my account settings. When checked only subbed players can whisp me and send mail to me. The other half of my anti gold spam approach.


But, most of all I need more content in this game. My sub runs out the end of the year and is cancelled so it won't renew. More content is needed because as a long time player I am utterly bored.

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I pay a sub and i have automatically access to everything. Besides that i can still expand by investing credits or cartel coins.


That is all the perks i need for any game. Demanding more would be silly and ransoming my subfee would put me on a whole different level of silly.


Im happy with what ive got and looking forward to at least 2 years of fun in this game.

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In other words, what "bonuses" would you pay for?


The additional bonus of being able to interact with the developers on their own forums? Have most of the perks unlocked anyway, so no requirement to subscribe aside from new content access if they follow the same model as KotFE.


The 500CC per month isn't really something that bothers me as well as unlimited access to PvP or Operations or Flashpoints doesn't bother me either. The fluff they came out with for KotFE didn't retain my subscription during the KotFE cycle.


Also, handily when unsubscribed I don't spend many credits due to the low credit cap making it impossible to even upgrade your gear in one hit at max level using just one character, due to cost of pulling mods, augmenting gear etc. If anything the preferred limitations and the new level sync for the game is beneficial to players wishing to save credits up.


So for subscriber perks to have any meaning, BioWare will need to come up with something different to what they've tried previously. Equally said, tying story content behind continuous subscription (such as the HK chapter) is likely to make me not subscribe to the game in the future.


Someone pointed out the benefits to a "token" style system, which would interest me. I highly doubt BioWare would go down that road, they don't tend to listen to suggestions all to well from my experience up to now.

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I pay a sub and i have automatically access to everything. Besides that i can still expand by investing credits or cartel coins.


That is all the perks i need for any game. Demanding more would be silly and ransoming my subfee would put me on a whole different level of silly.


Im happy with what ive got and looking forward to at least 2 years of fun in this game.


Well I've always viewed my sub as a vote of support for the game, to be given when I approve and taken away if I don't. But I like the thought of a few extras, like in ESO where I had the same philosophy, and they added the crafting bags, that was a sweet bonus! Adding a few more things here would sure be welcome.

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Great topic! I only hope Eric or Tait is reading this and conveying the info back to the devs! I'll start by quoting some ideas from others that I really loved, then add some of my own.


An unlocked appearance designer kiosk where I could change anything but my race for free (I'd love to change my hairstyle every week)


This would be great. Even if it wasn't unlimited... say, only two or three cosmetic changes free a month or something.


  • Loyalty based vendor. Similar to reputation vendors. As you accumulate subscription time it unlocks the reputation levels. You would still need to buy the available items with credits. Retroactive of course ;)


Honestly, I think the Loyalty Vendor is probably the best thing they could possibly do. I think it would get them the most bang for their buck. We all know perfectly well that players are strongly motivated by cosmetics and goodies, no matter what they might protest. It's why the CM works, and it's why people grind things like reputations or missions to begin with. As someone who has been steadily subscribed since launch, obviously I would love such a vendor to unlock tiers retroactively, but even if that's not possible I'd still love the idea for going forward.


In order to really work as an incentive, though, that vendor would probably need a mix of items that are exclusive and very cool, and also some of the CM's greatest hits available for purchase for long-term loyalty time accumulated - I'm thinking some of the rare and very popular stuff, like the Satele, Temple Guardian and Sith Recluse armors, or things like the Akk Dog companion, and maybe some of the more popular dye modules. Throw in a couple new and exclusive decos, and they'd be golden.


  • Legacy Characters as Companions. The legacy tree already shows the game stores equipment IDs across characters. Use this information to generate a Legacy Companion that can accompany you. There must be enough ingame dialogue for the various classes to get the combat dialogue.


I don't know if this would be a coding nightmare or not, but I would love it. I know many fellow RPers who would love it as well. I'd even be fine if they were totally voiceless with no combat barking at all; the CM companions (being animals and droids without vocabulators) are already like that and it's totally fine.


For some ideas of my own:

  • Some means of outright buying reputation for the non-CM factions (such as Section X, GSI, and etc). Perhaps each month along with their 500 CC subscribers could get a Reputation Token that could be exchanged at a faction's reputation vendor for an unlock that will get them a large lump of reputation points. A once a month thing would still prevent people from getting instant gratification (meaning they'll still have incentive to grind), but it would also reward subscribers with an extra perk. Because for pity's sake... if I have to run one more Section X weekly I'm going to lose my mind...
  • Unlockable access to the Eternal Championship without having to do Chapters 1-9 of KotFE. I mean... I liked KotFE just fine... but I've done it on six characters now and for the love all that's merciful, I would just like to access the EC without having to grind that stuff out yet again...
  • A decoration stamper (i.e. a way to create a duplicate copy of a deco you've already unlocked). This wouldn't even have to be unlimited; maybe it can only be used once or twice a month. But even that would be awesome.
  • A raised cap on the Legacy Level that can only be accessed as a subscriber. So basically: everyone can grind up to Legacy 50 just like they do now, but if you're a subscriber you can go beyond that to Legacy 60 or 70, with a few associated rewards to go along with it (like maybe a longer Rocket Boost time, or additional Priority Transport options to places that have been overlooked such as the Ziost station, the Eternal Championship, Section X, the Makeb station, or even each of the individual planets).
  • The option to replay your class story on the same character! This has been asked for multiple times already; might as well make it a subscriber perk. I don't know if it would be possible to do this in a coding sandbox (where the replay doesn't count your decisions toward anything) or not... but it would be cool if so. At the very least, as an RPer, I'd love the option to access those phases again just for the environments, even if the content itself is no longer accessible.
  • More bonus chapters like the HK-55 chapter! It was great, and showed a lot of TLC.

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I'd really like it if subscribers could have access to a Decoration that's a terminal to send you to the planet of your choice without needing to get into your spaceship and head to the docking bay. The terminal could only be accessed by subscribers once it's in place.
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I think the game is worth the subscription fee. I get way more hours entertainment out of it than say a DVD or cinema ticket, both of which cost considerably more.

For those of you who feel that you'd unsub if the restrictions were lessened on preferred, what sort of subscriber perks might change your mind and convince you to keep subbing?

I don't get the question. However this

The only thing that keeps me subbed is the credit cap on F2P/Preferred. If that goes away, I'd probably unsub, as the credit cap would allow me to circumvent most lockouts with enough work.

I sort of agree with. Seeing as you can unlock everything with credits (either directly or buying unlocks people put on GTN) I'd just do that if the credit cap wasn't in place. Even though I don't mind paying since I get my money's worth, I would of course prefer not paying. Free stuff is good.

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I'd really like it if subscribers could have access to a Decoration that's a terminal to send you to the planet of your choice without needing to get into your spaceship and head to the docking bay. The terminal could only be accessed by subscribers once it's in place.


Now see this is something I would support. It offers a HUGE incentive to people to sub without actually gating off content or characters.

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