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Just completed my Light Versus Dark Eternal Qualifications ...a few thoughts ...


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Greetings ,


I haven't posted on here in quite some time ...the forum just got to "salty/entitled " IMO but I just finished the eternal qualifications and thought I would make a few comments.


My Eternal Completion achievement :)


Overall even though I am Legacy Level 50 and have completed the requirements many times the majority of it was still very enjoyable despite the fact that some "vets" think this was a "slap in the face" and threw temper tantrums on various social media outlets because the qualifications were not retroactive.


Fun fact bioware did not "invent" this type of event "the start over " event has been around in other games well before this event even happened .


For the record I am not planing on going any further due to the fact i do not find the Legendary qualifications fun.


However unlike some players in no way do I think I am entitled to any of the awards since I am "choosing " not participate and proceed any further.


That choice is really the logical counter argument to the " retroactive comment" - these people are basically saying


"We deserve to get all the rewards simply because we been playing longer and you owe it to us because of that. Make it retroactive because we have already completed and are entitled to the rewards for past performance ."


Which not only a facepalm worth statement but also just proves that a % of gamers seem to get an even get an even greater of "entitlement" the longer they play. My point is It doesn't matter if you were the first person to ever log into the server ....if you dont like the event don't participate but you're not entitled to anyting and throwing temper tantrums about it at least imo just makes you look bad in many ways.


Not every event has to be geared towards "vets"


TL/ DR Veteran player enjoyed most of the event and thinks people who choose not to participate as the event is planned out don't deserve anything,


"mostly enjoyed "


I was "forced" to pvp to get to valor 5 ( thanks for the valor boosts btw at least that made it quicker)


There were some Non droid assist fps that were somewhat annoying to collect but those were just small bumps along the road and I could handle them.


I stopped at eternal simply because the last section has a lot of what are simply "niche" related activities ( raids, hard mode etc) that are not part of the "general gameplay " experience. That for various reasons i do not find fun.



I really have enjoyed the path you have been on and want to thank you for ..


  • - focusing on story and putting in monthly content (Still miss kira btw) ( need more romance quests that continue after the last one in the class stories)
  • - making things easier ( the droid is amazing )
  • - Less annoying "mechanics" annoying " bosses where you have to have to run around with something while you're trying to fight it. --i say less because some of the fights in the EC are really annoying and need to be toned down IMO.


I really only have one piece of feedback that could turn this "mostly enjoyed " into a fully enjoyed...


Please in future promotions could you please not tie in the niche related activities ( hard mode ,pvp , raids ) or forced or "bribed" grouping in to the general public qualifications .


or if you are at the very least as an alternative could you please at least give an alternate route that does not have these qualifications but gives the same result / prize


SWTOR is a great Story based MMO and I love the way you're slowly making the game more story oriented and soloable with less forced grouping and hope that you continue this trend.


also please remember that "difficulty , challenge and "mechanics" " does not necessarily make things more fun .. remember you put it a "story / normal" mode into your games for a reason.


Thanks I hope this bit of positivity lessens the amount of salt some players have been feeding you and may the force be with you always.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Please in future promotions could you please not tie in the niche related activities ( hard mode ,pvp , raids ) or forced or "bribed" grouping in to the general public qualifications .


or if you are at the very least as an alternative could you please at least give an alternate route that does not have these qualifications but gives the same result / prize


SWTOR is a great Story based MMO and I love the way you're slowly making the game more story oriented and soloable with less forced grouping and hope that you continue this trend.


So basically it's a great MMO that you would like better with the "MM" parts removed?

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Please in future promotions could you please not tie in the niche related activities ( hard mode ,pvp , raids ) or forced or "bribed" grouping in to the general public qualifications .


or if you are at the very least as an alternative could you please at least give an alternate route that does not have these qualifications but gives the same result / prize


I thought this was one of the best things about this event. Part of its design is to get players to experience parts of the game that they would normally avoid. I'm not a PvP player, but I found my PvP experience to be generally a good one. I loved doing the Ops as that is also not something I normally do as well. Galactic Starfighter can go die in a hole, though. I'm never doing that again.


There's a reason all those achievements are in the Legendary category as well, as they're not for everyone. You can still get the new companion by completing the Eternal level, you only go that extra step if you want to.


For the record I want to. I hit Eternal level myself this morning, but I've been working on Legendary achievements along the way. Now all I have to do is get 6 more toons to level 50 (2 @ 65 and 1 @ 41 so far) and do the hard mode flashpoints, which is going to be a grind but I want to finish it, goddammit!

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Please in future promotions could you please not tie in the niche related activities ( hard mode ,pvp , raids ) or forced or "bribed" grouping in to the general public qualifications .


or if you are at the very least as an alternative could you please at least give an alternate route that does not have these qualifications but gives the same result / prize


then they should also give us an option to do more group stuff instead of boring **** like kotfe, alliance alerts and crafting

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I have a good day now, so I wont be mean to you.


According to what I think the event was meant to get the players through all parts of the game. It is basically a tutorial for new players where you need to do everything the game has to offer. You need to do the full story, all classes and also group stuff. Group stuff included PVP, GSF, operations, flashpoints on various dificulty.


Overall this is a great idea since the developers noticed an influx of new players like you. However, for veteran players this is kinda pointless due to the fact that we regularly do those things. In fact we have been doing them for the past 5+ years. That is why people were offended when they had to do it all again to get the rewards and achievments.


This is an MMO and eventhough you can solo most parts of the game, it should also be the group content that is the most important one. There are many other things which require grouping too and honestly they should be added next time like killing some base defences or Base Commanders (which are done for guild resources) for example.


As for the paying, seeing that you have over 9k achievments you must be new, well imagine we have been here since start and spent thousands of Euros on this game, we bought each expansion separately too. You just came now, payed one 12 euro sub and got all that we have been paying for till now. That does suck a little, mainly if the game has so little content that you can really just buy the game now and go through everything there is in a matter of weeks/months. You can definitely make it before KOTET arrives.


Anyway, just wanted to explain all that, this is an MMO and grouping is part of the game and it was good that part of this LvsD event was grouping also.

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Those vets that are upset with the event have legitimate gripes. We pay bioware's the subscription fee for them to develop new content to play, not rehash old content that many people have completed multiple times. Also sounds like you are one of those people who like to play solo all the time and want all the content to be super easy. I suggest you try playing single player RPGs that are offline. You might have more fun with those. Edited by LordSkyKnight
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I finished up eteranal last week, but skipping legendary as no way I'm gonna be able to do those Hms and Ops. One I have never done them, 2 groups dont wanna drag newcomers through em. Get yer guild to do it, yeah, don't have one, and the few I checked out in hopes of maybe getting this done all said nope, sorry.


Otherwise I didn't have much of an issue with the event, other than the repeat awards and useless boosts.

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general side note..I see the forum has changed at all since my break from the below replies prove all my points about salt , entitlement


So basically it's a great MMO that you would like better with the "MM" parts removed?


Anyway, just wanted to explain all that, this is an MMO and grouping is part of the game and it was good that part of this LvsD event was grouping also.


This is in no way a "grouping game" its a story base rpg with some "group options" they are not the core of the game .


it seem you are under the impression that MMO means "must have forced group content to survive" By definition you are mistaken


First off....you should know your definitions before making a comment like that ...but really its a mistake most raiders pvp harmode min maxers make when making their case along with the delusion that they ...seem to think they are they glue that holds games together....


"MMO" is not a TYPE of game its an ENVIRONMENT. LOL


RPG , Moba, FPS, RTS are types of games


Also the definition of a MMO is as follows


A massively multiplayer online game (MMOG or MMO) is an online game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously in the same instance (or world). MMOs usually feature a huge, persistent open world, although some games differ.


So going by the actual definition of a mmo...


As long as more than one person can connect to the same environment at the same time its a MMO regardless of the content. meaning a MMO does not REQUIRE group or PVP content to be considered a "MMO"


You could have a completely solo able game and it would still be a "MMO"


As for the comments on replayability... I am still planning on multiple Kofe runs and as for the OLD worlds.i have not done any raids or pvp ..yet i don't seem to run out of things to do .... I completed ALL planets multiple times , lost track of the daily and weekly and many other random things... reached Legacy Level 50


Soo really if you take the "MM" parts out you have an offline game not connected to the internet at all....soo your comment really doesn't make sense. No i would not like swtor to just be a noma stand alone game .

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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As for the paying, seeing that you have over 9k achievments you must be new, ..


In game mail box


Soo legacy level 50 and joining 890 days ago is considered New now ....have you thought maybe i dont actively search out achievement and let them jsut organically pop up as i am playing ? ....hmmm there is a thought


I am not new and I was in KOFE early access so the basis for your post is irrelevant for the most part.


Most of your response is in a above post including my disagreement to you saying "grouping is the most important part. its not.


The core game ..( main story content, events etc) should always be solo compatible ... its called freedom of choice. give everyone 2 paths to the same objective and rewards.. those who want ot group can thoughs who dont want to dont have to .


the wording of your post post and the fact that you tried to judge me on my achievement points did validate a lot for a lot of the negative points I have made about the community though so thanks.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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In game mail box


Soo legacy level 50 and joining 890 days ago is considered New now ....have you thought maybe i dont actively search out achievement and let them jsut organically pop up as i am playing ? ....hmmm there is a thought


I am not new and I was in KOFE early access so the basis for your post is irrelevant for the most part.


Most of your response is in a above post including my disagreement to you saying "grouping is the most important part. its not.


The core game ..( main story content, events etc) should always be solo compatible ... its called freedom of choice. give everyone 2 paths to the same objective and rewards.. those who want ot group can thoughs who dont want to dont have to .


the wording of your post post and the fact that you tried to judge me on my achievement points did validate a lot for a lot of the negative points I have made about the community though so thanks.


This game was made as a MMO from day one. Just because you disagree with that, does not redefine the game as what it is. This was not marketed as a RPG with group activities. It was built as a MMO. Yes you are able to play the game solo if you choose, but to try and redefine it as something totally different as what it was built as, and marketed as, is almost laughable.


I guess under your definition, WoW is a RPG with "group play elements" as well....


Because that is the game, this game was built, from day one, from the ground up, to compete with.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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In game mail box


Soo legacy level 50 and joining 890 days ago is considered New now ....have you thought maybe i dont actively search out achievement and let them jsut organically pop up as i am playing ? ....hmmm there is a thought


I am not new and I was in KOFE early access so the basis for your post is irrelevant for the most part.


Most of your response is in a above post including my disagreement to you saying "grouping is the most important part. its not.


The core game ..( main story content, events etc) should always be solo compatible ... its called freedom of choice. give everyone 2 paths to the same objective and rewards.. those who want ot group can thoughs who dont want to dont have to .


the wording of your post post and the fact that you tried to judge me on my achievement points did validate a lot for a lot of the negative points I have made about the community though so thanks.


You are coming off as salty/entitled, you gave your opinion and wanted people to read it, people have responded to it you don't like there responses and now try and belittle their responses.....

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In game mail box


Soo legacy level 50 and joining 890 days ago is considered New now ....have you thought maybe i dont actively search out achievement and let them jsut organically pop up as i am playing ? ....hmmm there is a thought


I am not new and I was in KOFE early access so the basis for your post is irrelevant for the most part.


Most of your response is in a above post including my disagreement to you saying "grouping is the most important part. its not.


The core game ..( main story content, events etc) should always be solo compatible ... its called freedom of choice. give everyone 2 paths to the same objective and rewards.. those who want ot group can thoughs who dont want to dont have to .


the wording of your post post and the fact that you tried to judge me on my achievement points did validate a lot for a lot of the negative points I have made about the community though so thanks.


Based on your user number being 12 million+ you'll understand if some consider you "new" - that's not in any way meant to be elitist or demeaning, it's just to give frame of reference to what some vets are complaining about when you consider how long they have been here playing. My number is ~2 million -which put me in beta but not on these boards for the years during development when some of the others started in here.


Now I've actually gone through and completed the Legendary requirement and finished the event - so not grouping into the camp who is mad and refusing to participate in the event either.


You mention that the game should allow the core of it to be solo - and it is. This event required grouping for some achievements - that is not the core game. The event is optional. Now if you're upset that some of the optional content requires a group, then yes, you are requesting this game to ignore the MMO bits and provide the entire game to a solo experience. That is not what this game is nor was marketed as. And frankly, having the MMO bits is what made this game great IMO. You had a great SW storyline to enjoy solo - then some other great parts of the game to enjoy with friends (PvP, Operations, FPs). Those MMO pieces are what I have found to be the most repeatable content. You can only see the same story before you want to play something else.


For every other content release, I've taken all of my endgame alts through it. Rishi/Yavin/Oricon..and most of them Makeb (some parts I was happy to skip). But with KOTFE, I only took a few. Really no desire to take all of them through that. There's no reputation grind to justify it in my head nor new achievements. Just a lot of tedious gameplay that wasn't challenging or fun anymore after multiple playthroughs.


So I criticize here in the forum because I want that new great repeatable content to do again. I don't want to jsut leave the game. I've been here since Beta and never lapsed my sub. I enjoy the game - and I've tried every part of it and enjoy playing with the friends I've made in here.


Now if you don't like the group content - that's fine. But some of the content they create is for groups and some is created for solo. If you decide to ignore a piece of it so be it, but that is a part of the game you are leaving out by choice. Requesting a solo component to group activity would be the same as someone requesting the developers to make all solo content built to run in a group. I feel a better use of resources is to make new content for both, not ways to rehash existing content,

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This game was made as a MMO from day one. Just because you disagree with that, does not redefine the game as what it is. This was not marketed as a RPG with group activities. It was built as a MMO. Yes you are able to play the game solo if you choose, but to try and redefine it as something totally different as what it was built as, and marketed as, is almost laughable.


I guess under your definition, WoW is a RPG with "group play elements" as well....


Because that is the game, this game was built, from day one, from the ground up, to compete with.


...Sigh... you are still using the term "MMO " wrong by definition ... All games that exist on the net that allow more than one person to access the same environment at the same time is a MMO . As I stated earlier in this thread,


by definition a MMO does not REQUIRE raid pvp or any othertime of "group content" to be classified as a MMO.


Yes you are correct...so is wow , sto , elder scrolls guild wars 2, and all the others are solo rpg mmo type games with "group elements"


If you want an actual example of a "Group based MMO " MOBAS would be acceptable classification of a "core group based" mmo

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You are coming off as salty/entitled, you gave your opinion and wanted people to read it, people have responded to it you don't like there responses and now try and belittle their responses.....


Actually no where in any of my op or reposes is there salt or entitlement ,


It some people that responding that believe that the "core" of the game is group based content and that is how it should be despite what other opinions are that are not only salty but also selfish. Which is inherently wrong by the very definition of a MMO.


If you read i made an alternate suggestion suggestion was to offer 2 paths ... one for people who like to group or pvp and one for people who dont with the same result on both sides


so there is no benefit to doing it either way, (no bribes or requirements)


that gives freedom of choice , They have started doing this with the new solo flashpoints .


Let the community as a whole decide if they want to group or solo.


The people that oppose its freedom of choice are the ones being selfish.


nice try though

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Greetings ,


I haven't posted on here in quite some time ...the forum just got to "salty/entitled " IMO but I just finished the eternal qualifications and thought I would make a few comments.


My Eternal Completion achievement :)


Overall even though I am Legacy Level 50 and have completed the requirements many times the majority of it was still very enjoyable despite the fact that some "vets" think this was a "slap in the face" and threw temper tantrums on various social media outlets because the qualifications were not retroactive.




For the record I am not planing on going any further due to the fact i do not find the Legendary qualifications fun.


However unlike some players in no way do I think I am entitled to any of the awards since I am "choosing " not participate and proceed any further.


That choice is really the logical counter argument to the " retroactive comment" - these people are basically saying




Which not only a facepalm worth statement but also just proves that a % of gamers seem to get an even get an even greater of "entitlement" the longer they play. My point is It doesn't matter if you were the first person to ever log into the server ....if you dont like the event don't participate but you're not entitled to anyting and throwing temper tantrums about it at least imo just makes you look bad in many ways.


Not every event has to be geared towards "vets"


TL/ DR Veteran player enjoyed most of the event and thinks people who choose not to participate as the event is planned out don't deserve anything,


"mostly enjoyed "


I was "forced" to pvp to get to valor 5 ( thanks for the valor boosts btw at least that made it quicker)


There were some Non droid assist fps that were somewhat annoying to collect but those were just small bumps along the road and I could handle them.


I stopped at eternal simply because the last section has a lot of what are simply "niche" related activities ( raids, hard mode etc) that are not part of the "general gameplay " experience. That for various reasons i do not find fun.



I really have enjoyed the path you have been on and want to thank you for ..


  • - focusing on story and putting in monthly content (Still miss kira btw) ( need more romance quests that continue after the last one in the class stories)
  • - making things easier ( the droid is amazing )
  • - Less annoying "mechanics" annoying " bosses where you have to have to run around with something while you're trying to fight it. --i say less because some of the fights in the EC are really annoying and need to be toned down IMO.


I really only have one piece of feedback that could turn this "mostly enjoyed " into a fully enjoyed...


Please in future promotions could you please not tie in the niche related activities ( hard mode ,pvp , raids ) or forced or "bribed" grouping in to the general public qualifications .


or if you are at the very least as an alternative could you please at least give an alternate route that does not have these qualifications but gives the same result / prize


SWTOR is a great Story based MMO and I love the way you're slowly making the game more story oriented and soloable with less forced grouping and hope that you continue this trend.


also please remember that "difficulty , challenge and "mechanics" " does not necessarily make things more fun .. remember you put it a "story / normal" mode into your games for a reason.


Thanks I hope this bit of positivity lessens the amount of salt some players have been feeding you and may the force be with you always.


Nice post & congrats. Personally I find the trend towards "forced soloing" to be unenjoyable, as one of the most desirable attributes to me is the ability to work through challenging content with others. But glad you had fun.


I would just keep in mind that the abandonment of difficulty, challenge and mechanics does not necessarily make things more fun either.


It would be nice if this game could find a way to not marginalize any particular-playstyle-oriented players for months/years at a time.

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Based on your user number being 12 million+ you'll understand if some consider you "new" - that's not in any way meant to be elitist or demeaning, it's just to give frame of reference to what some vets are complaining about when you consider how long they have been here playing. My number is ~2 million -which put me in beta but not on these boards for the years during development when some of the others started in here.


Now I've actually gone through and completed the Legendary requirement and finished the event - so not grouping into the camp who is mad and refusing to participate in the event either.


You mention that the game should allow the core of it to be solo - and it is. This event required grouping for some achievements - that is not the core game. The event is optional. Now if you're upset that some of the optional content requires a group, then yes, you are requesting this game to ignore the MMO bits and provide the entire game to a solo experience. That is not what this game is nor was marketed as. And frankly, having the MMO bits is what made this game great IMO. You had a great SW storyline to enjoy solo - then some other great parts of the game to enjoy with friends (PvP, Operations, FPs). Those MMO pieces are what I have found to be the most repeatable content. You can only see the same story before you want to play something else.


For every other content release, I've taken all of my endgame alts through it. Rishi/Yavin/Oricon..and most of them Makeb (some parts I was happy to skip). But with KOTFE, I only took a few. Really no desire to take all of them through that. There's no reputation grind to justify it in my head nor new achievements. Just a lot of tedious gameplay that wasn't challenging or fun anymore after multiple playthroughs.


So I criticize here in the forum because I want that new great repeatable content to do again. I don't want to jsut leave the game. I've been here since Beta and never lapsed my sub. I enjoy the game - and I've tried every part of it and enjoy playing with the friends I've made in here.


Now if you don't like the group content - that's fine. But some of the content they create is for groups and some is created for solo. If you decide to ignore a piece of it so be it, but that is a part of the game you are leaving out by choice. Requesting a solo component to group activity would be the same as someone requesting the developers to make all solo content built to run in a group. I feel a better use of resources is to make new content for both, not ways to rehash existing content,


wow long winded with very little actual content .... you are still judging by length of play which is wrong speaking as a vet .. long term players are no more or less than new players .


Those MMO pieces are what I have found to be the most repeatable content. You can only see the same story before you want to play something else.


There's no reputation grind to justify it in my head nor new achievements. Just a lot of tedious gameplay that wasn't challenging or fun anymore after multiple playthroughs.


You are also use the term "MMO" wrong which is a fact not an opinion..... you cannot have "pieces " of a MMO it is either an MMO or it isn't.


However the rest these are also opinions and you're entitled to it but its not a fact . I made it to legacy level 50 and personally until recently ( due to requirements) have not participated in group content yet always enjoy my time and have always things to do.


for an out of game example I have lot track but probably in the hundreds of how many times i have rewatched the star wars and star trek franchise movies and still enjoy it the same as the first time i watched it ...in game content is the same thing.


Requesting a solo component to group activity would be the same as someone requesting the developers to make all solo content built to run in a group. I feel a better use of resources is to make new content for both, not ways to rehash existing content,


They are already doing this with solo flashpoints so you response is invalid.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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I thought this was one of the best things about this event. Part of its design is to get players to experience parts of the game that they would normally avoid. I'm not a PvP player, but I found my PvP experience to be generally a good one. I loved doing the Ops as that is also not something I normally do as well. Galactic Starfighter can go die in a hole, though. I'm never doing that again.


There's a reason all those achievements are in the Legendary category as well, as they're not for everyone. You can still get the new companion by completing the Eternal level, you only go that extra step if you want to.


For the record I want to. I hit Eternal level myself this morning, but I've been working on Legendary achievements along the way. Now all I have to do is get 6 more toons to level 50 (2 @ 65 and 1 @ 41 so far) and do the hard mode flashpoints, which is going to be a grind but I want to finish it, goddammit!


I found myself truly enjoying PvP when I jumped into the lowbie/midbie PvP instead of into the 65 PvP.


I found myself enjoying GSF on Shadowlands.


I found myself enjoying grouping for tacticals.


World Bosses, Operations, and Hard Modes are a bit too far out into the deep end of the swimming pool for me, though I do plan on peeking into them, and I have no doubt I won't get the final tier finished in time. But that last tier isn't required for the main rewards in the event. But at this point- I have to run SoR, KotFE, finish the crew skills, level my last three to 50, level my JC to 65, the EC, Ziost (though I think it's part of SoR, IMO), LS V, DSV, the other four special datacrons (working on them with my KotFE DS SW), HM FPs, Ops, WBs.


It looks like a a lot of stuff to do, but I've been collecting mats for the crew skills to reach the max as I level them to 50 and shuttle credits around to pay for it all. I doubt I'll complete HM FPs, ops, or WBs, but the rest are all easily done with what I've got.

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Nice post & congrats. Personally I find the trend towards "forced soloing" to be unenjoyable, as one of the most desirable attributes to me is the ability to work through challenging content with others. But glad you had fun.


I would just keep in mind that the abandonment of difficulty, challenge and mechanics does not necessarily make things more fun either.


It would be nice if this game could find a way to not marginalize any particular-playstyle-oriented players for months/years at a time.


Thanks for you your positive comment even though we share differnt views .


That is why i suggested a format where there are 2 paths with no benefit or difference in either sides completion then people can freely choose and play the way they have the most fun. Group people can group solo people can solo.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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...Sigh... you are still using the term "MMO " wrong by definition ... All games that exist on the net that allow more than one person to access the same environment at the same time is a MMO . As I stated earlier in this thread,


by definition a MMO does not REQUIRE raid pvp or any othertime of "group content" to be classified as a MMO.


Yes you are correct...so is wow , sto , elder scrolls guild wars 2, and all the others are solo rpg mmo type games with "group elements"


If you want an actual example of a "Group based MMO " MOBAS would be acceptable classification of a "core group based" mmo


Oh ok, so I guess the definition as laid out by the industry, by BW when creating and launching the game, WOW, and all the other MMO titles are completely wrong, but you are the only one that truly understands the definition of what a MMO is, and it is a MOBA....are you serious?


Yeah I am done with this conversation, it is either troll bait or just arguing with someone with a seriously misunderstood definition of what and MMO is, to meet their own desires.


Have fun with that. I am out


*drops mic returns to more entertaining topics....

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Oh ok, so I guess the definition as laid out by the industry, by BW when creating and launching the game, WOW, and all the other MMO titles are completely wrong, but you are the only one that truly understands the definition of what a MMO is, and it is a MOBA....are you serious?


Yeah I am done with this conversation, it is either troll bait or just arguing with someone with a seriously misunderstood definition of what and MMO is, to meet their own desires.


Have fun with that. I am out


*drops mic returns to more entertaining topics....


I'm not the one defining what a mmo is ... google " MMO definition" and see for yourself .... i cut and paste the top definition you see in my first response in this thread


"grouping in any form" in ALL the game i mentioned are "add ons " side dishes whatever term you want to use ..not the "core" of the game. They are played by a "niche" group that find that fun.


Its not considered the "general player base"


The reason for this is that you are not "required " to group in any of the games i mentioned . Look at swtor you can solo EVERYTHING except ops and most fp and Bioware slowly making those soloable as well.


However it is considered the general player base in MOBAS and are mmos by definition also they have a core of being Group based because you play "teams" its like if swtor only had ops and and no other type of content..


One Fact remains:


You could remove all group activities ( ops FP etc ) from any of the games and it would still be a "MMO" by definition because multiple people can access the same online environment in real time .



....if you can't see this difference ..well that's your issue

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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You could remove all group activities ( ops FP etc ) from any of the games and it would still be a "MMO" by definition because multiple people can access the same online environment in real time.
Well, but what you call "add-on" is basically the core use of the infrastructure that is "many players, same environment, online access", or MMO in short. So basically group content and interaction is the only differentiator, and why would you go at length to implement an expensive infrastructure only for solo play? So if by definition you might be right (in the literal sense), your interpretation though does not make any sense.

And there is absolutely no argument for ALL content being required to be available for solo people. Why? You want something, you fulfill the requirements.


The only thing I'd concede is the companion. Same as with Pierce/MX you might argue that those should not be gated behind non-solo activities. But that is also a matter of taste really.

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Those vets that are upset with the event have legitimate gripes. We pay bioware's the subscription fee for them to develop new content to play, not rehash old content that many people have completed multiple times. Also sounds like you are one of those people who like to play solo all the time and want all the content to be super easy. I suggest you try playing single player RPGs that are offline. You might have more fun with those.


Yup, you are right there!! :)

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wow long winded with very little actual content .... you are still judging by length of play which is wrong speaking as a vet .. long term players are no more or less than new players .

Since you are the one hung up on definition and looking them up:



Full Definition of veteran


a : an old soldier of long service (not this one)

b : a former member of the armed forces (nor this one)


: a person of long experience usually in some occupation or skill (as politics or the arts) (there we go)


And say what you will about a debate that somone who has payed and played for 5 years is no more/less than a new player - your rant started off complaining about the views of the games vets hence my response.


You are also use the term "MMO" wrong which is a fact not an opinion..... you cannot have "pieces " of a MMO it is either an MMO or it isn't.


From Jeff Hickman:


"We don't think of it as grinding," he said. "We think of it as 'the MMO bits.' But we're not taking it out, either.

source: http://www.polygon.com/2015/6/15/8736559/star-wars-old-republic-knights-of-the-fallen-empire-expansion


However the rest these are also opinions and you're entitled to it but its not a fact . I made it to legacy level 50 and personally until recently ( due to requirements) have not participated in group content yet always enjoy my time and have always things to do.

for an out of game example I have lot track but probably in the hundreds of how many times i have rewatched the star wars and star trek franchise movies and still enjoy it the same as the first time i watched it ...in game content is the same thing.


And to use your example, watching over and over again you start to see something that those on their first views do not. Also, after thousands of views, you begin to want to see the next/newest installment or your attention fades.


They are already doing this with solo flashpoints so you response is invalid.


They do this for solo mode yes and no where did I say they hadn't - so your response is invalid (< mature debate technique there)


You seem to be whining at them for requiring group content as part of an event trying to get players to sample the entirety of the game. The debate isn't should they make more things solo-able it was should they make everything in the game have a single player option so you can complete everything without ever having to group. And that isn't a right/wrong debate it is one of opinion. You offered your side and I said I find that a mistake and a waste of resouces instead of making new content. all of course IMO

Edited by Jamtas
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