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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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Well. As a not so hetero male Imperial Agent, I don't exactly get too many romance options either. Poor Vector, I keep giving him these necklaces and clothes to try on and he just stares at me blankly. Maybe it's because I'm blue. I don't know. Oh Vector, why can't you just see the love we share. I know you feel it too.


Vector my sweet bug

Your aura burns the brightest

Won't you just be mine?



Maybe it's problem in gifts. I mean necklaces and clothes. Try whiskey or rum!?


Oh I forgot, he's a bug. Try PIPS or DTD... :D

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I haven't gotten far along with him yet, but he fits my (so far) pure light agent better than Kaliyo. My agent is far more optimistic than I am and she genuinely wants to make the empire a better place so takes mostly light with a couple of grey choices to date. Kaliyo is an odd mix of fun and abhorrence, whereas Vector fits my Chiss's outlook better overall.
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This is only an observation from someone who has only played IA since launch so I can't speak about the other classes...


Our companions remind me of a freak show in a circus or something out of Marvel Comics. They all have some sort freaky thing about them


Kaliyo - Psychopath

Vector - Bugman

Lokin - Wererakgoul

Temple - Other than her having some power in the Force...she is actually quite normal :eek:

Scorpio - Only reason your alive is because she has a restriction...


That all being said, I don't think I'm interested in any romance options with them. I think it's only Kaliyo and Vector (maybe Temple?) you can romance anyways. On a quick note, is there any benefit to being married? Or is it simply something to add to the game???

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Temple - Other than her having some power in the Force...she is actually quite normal :eek:


Not quite



She kills her own father...and then continues to send you kind of crazy, obsessive type of letters to you if you romance her


Edited by chuixupu
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Frankly i am surprised that Kalyo isn't available for same sex romance, same goes for Ashara Zavros.

I hope Bioware implements something like that in game soon.


Out of the 8 characters i made my Imperial Agent and Inquisitor are females due to the great voice acting, so something like that would be much appreciated :)

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I have a question, I didn't start the romance yet with Vector and I just met Hunter. Can I flirt with Hunter (just for fun) and still be able to have a romance later with Vector, or should I try not to romance or flirt with anyone (I fear it would cancel any possibility to romance Vector?)


some people told me that Vector doesn't care if I flirt with someone else, but as my romance didn't start yet, I wondered if there was a danger.


For now I just did one first flirt with Hunter saying I would like to have a drink with him but that's all...

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@Evolvana: I flirted outrageously with pretty much anyone I had the option to, both before and after starting a romance with Vector, and it didn't seem to have any effect on Vector's romance.


Ah, Vector. I can. only even remember him commenting once (on Voss) about my agent's flirting, and I always have him along with me while hitting on NPCs (haha, poor guy). So far, I also haven't lost any affection with him for flirting with other guys either


Now, if you play a smuggler and you romance Corso, it's a totally different story. He always has something to say, whether it's an NPC flirting with the PC (even if they're just commenting on her being attractive), or if you chose a flirt option during a dialogue. Corso will always say something cute/jealous, and you lose some affection for flirting. So I guess it just depends on the romance and the character.


Either way, I don't think you can break your companion romance by flirting with any random NPCs you find along the way (even Corso's romance, and he seems to be more the jealous type).

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>>Thecomfycat: thanks a lot for the information! I just remember that in Dragon age 2, I was dating Fenris, and if I flirted with anyone even when Fenris was not in my group, the romance was over! so now I fear such things in SWTOR :p


I'm happy it doesn't break the romance. I had a talk with Vector and he seems to know that flirting is a part of the job of Imperial agent, and so that's why he doesn't say anything.

I guess!

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Now I have to roll a female agent. Once in a great while i find a game where I want to roll a male toon and this was one of them.


I rolled a male Chiss Agent and he turned out to be a James Bond type. As a girl gamer, i played a long with it but felt weird sometimes. LOL


I had Vector as my companion through Alderaan and i was amused if sometimes annoyed by his references to his bug family, but I would never imagine a romance with him if I was playing a female agent. It would be a little creepy but I see now there is comedy value in it. :p



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*chokes and dies*


Are you serious?! xD Please tell me this is serious. As sarcasm it is funny, if it's true it is HILARIOUS.


I'm very fond of Kaliyo and would rather romance her than anyone else. I can't wait till same gender romance is available! :) I swear she flirts with me already.



Yes, yes... it is a fact.... Bug Boy actually talks about rubbing forearms! :eek:

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I'm pretty certain he's joking about the forearm thing. He's witty like that.


I've finished the romance, and I agree that it's way better than I was expecting...and I really liked him from the beginning. It's been noted elsewhere that outside of his being a Killik, he's got way fewer issues than your typical BW boyfriend and he's got a lot going for him (handsome, intelligent, funny, agreeable, respectful). All in all, a home run for me.

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Having just finished his romance arc, I can say that I actually really enjoyed how things turned out. Yeah, he'll always be a strange bug-man. But I liked how his character development progressed -- well, no spoilers -- and I am glad that I ended up romancing him. :) (Plus I think he has a sexy voice!) Edited by LeandraNyx
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i laught out loud if your a female and you found out theres bugs under his skin


technically, we all do. we have more organisms in and on our body than we do our own personal cells. And i'm not just talking bacteria only. we have teeny insects living in the hair follicles on our face and head, countless mites all over. worms and parasites that go unnoticed because they are harmless and thus show no symptoms. And i'm not talking about "in other countries" ether, but standard western civilisation.


frankly, if it means i get to eat more and not gain wheight, i wouldn't mind hosting a small colony of mini killiks myself, as long as they minded thier own buisness. I could settle down on a new planet, and they could spawn a massive empire and serve me as thier queen latter on down the road.


Dosen't bug me at all.

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technically, we all do. we have more organisms in and on our body than we do our own personal cells. And i'm not just talking bacteria only. we have teeny insects living in the hair follicles on our face and head, countless mites all over. worms and parasites that go unnoticed because they are harmless and thus show no symptoms. And i'm not talking about "in other countries" ether, but standard western civilisation.


frankly, if it means i get to eat more and not gain weight, i wouldn't mind hosting a small colony of mini killiks myself, as long as they minded thier own buisness. I could settle down on a new planet, and they could spawn a massive empire and serve me as thier queen latter on down the road.


Dosen't bug me at all.


I see what you did you there with that last sentence :jawa_tongue:


You make an excellent point and I like the way you think.

Edited by Liyros
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