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Everything posted by IronSalamander

  1. This would be a long list indeed so to summarize it for brevity: 1) So many bugs that haven't been fixed, some here since beta but also newer ones like the STILL broken friends list. 2) The entire Zakuul nonsense was so tedious that I never even got my main to 70. 3) RNG gearing. I mean there's usually some level of RNG to any game's gear at least to a point but the GC system is horrendous. 4) The focus on gambling boxes over actual content.
  2. I turn general chat off as SOP for all new characters so no issue there. The biggest question is; is BW ready for next week? Based on past experience the most likely answer is a resounding 'no'.
  3. I've been subbed on and off, mostly on, since early access and it's in the largest decline I've seen prior to the old server mergers. I started on Sanctum of the Exalted and moved to Ebon Hawk when that occurred. I won't declare it's dead and MMOs in general are in a decline, the days of a dozen or more all being touted about coming soon are past and only a few new ones are being actively advertised, but even with that SWTOR appears to be doing worse than could be expected. Checking the pop numbers for the servers and especially Ebon Hawk on the torstatus site shows this quite well. EH had a population coefficient of 1.49 in early December and now it's staying at 1.00. It had a few upward blips recently but the normal weekend bumps didn't happen and I saw that on fleet when I was on. However I've never seen the fleet as low as 40. It is down from the days of 2 full fleets and a small 3rd one but even early Sunday morning when I popped in it had 76; it was around 130 Friday night. The fleet isn't the most accurate measure of course but is at least a partial indicator of how the server is doing. Checking those charts shows that Harbinger and The Red Eclipse are the healthiest. EH and T3-M4 were closer to those 2 just a couple of weeks ago but have dropped down with the rest now.
  4. Good memories there! I still have some of those floppies hanging around from my Commodore 64 days and my C64 (newer model) still works too! EA made some amazing games back then. Not just the ones you mentioned (which are awesome btw), but also Archon II:Adept, Mail order Monsters, Adventure Construction Set, and the amazing M.U.L.E.! EA has definitely changed but the entire industry has as well for many reasons, not all of them bad.
  5. Some views I had on this whole thing: On Quinn (Act 3 SW & Quinn story spoilers):
  6. Well she's light 2 actually (6850 light/4400 dark), unlike her mother and her aunt who are both light 5. Light choices for the 'underdogs', the decent, and the abused; dark for most Sith, jedi, and SIS agents, among others since they need to eat some nice cold payback for her mom's plight. I took artifice to make my own relic(s) since I knew I was going to be bouncing around the spectrum with her. I like the freedom of her back story to deal with people like this. It's been a blast.
  7. Without giving too much away, act II was where I really found out just how good he was for my agent. Only he and one other NPC really cared about my agent's well-being among the hell of a story and that sold me on him. I switched my main over to their daughter (that I posted pics of earlier), because nothing says revenge like a ticked-off Chiss Sith Juggernaut force-choking her way through the galaxy! Revenge is better than Life-Day.
  8. Personally I always thought they looked like bad chickens before. But now they look absolutely ridiculous, like typical Scooby Doo villains. Mono Tiki Tia!
  9. I ruthlessly flirted with him, but then this happened: Later he asked me to marry him and I turned him down since I'm already married to my Mirialan Sorcercess via the family tree, but I still toyed with him one more time as I finished his quest line. It's good to be a sith lord.
  10. My new jugg was one of two tanks in KP last night. I had a hell of a time with the adds on the foreman since I lose their attention so quickly. Thanks to the guide, I am seriously considering dropping 2 points from either accuracy or dreadnought and putting them in decimate to build more aoe threat. Our tank for the boss is/was our assassin tank since she has a speed boost. We didn't quite kill him last night after a few attempts, but if I can get the adds to stay with me on the boss, we can nuke them down with aoe and hit the boss with them too. I spent too much time hunting down individual escapees and we lost valuble dps time.
  11. Female (and Chiss) for sure! The female agent VA does a fantastic job dark or light and her voice is so perfect.
  12. Ancient Paragon's of some type. I'm at work so can't confirm but that's the gist of it. She has the tanky version.
  13. Now that she is a full-fledged Darth, here's some new pictures of my Sniper and Vector's Chiss Juggernaut daughter! http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab268/Salamander8888/Screenshot_2012-05-02_05_57_55_591360.jpg http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab268/Salamander8888/Screenshot_2012-05-02_05_57_50_105046.jpg I like the whole attractive blue female Darth Vader look she has going now!
  14. Mine is fairly easy as I love the Chiss. Kylania and Thelianna are twin sisters. Ky was raised by her mother in Imperial space and Thel was raised by her father in Hutt space. Morella is Kylania's daughter and uses her power with the force to exact revenge for her mother's travails. Thalira is the only non-Chiss D'Vraenex to date and she and Morella are married as they helped each other through the hell of the academy and realized they had feelings for each other. When I add more later on, I'll deal with each new member individually.
  15. I love my Darth title as a Chiss Juggernaut since it's oh so satisfying after all the racist crapola my Powertech and Sniper went through. But I wouldn't mind having the Wrath title as well.
  16. This exactly. Chance was the only I didn't relish killing, but die he did. My biggest regret with these bastards was that: I loved the scene with Kothe where I gave him that evil look as he dies that is extra cold thanks to the monochromatic Chiss eyes. Lokin made a comment about me being the forgiving kind since I was all light until these bastards, but I replied perfectly: "Death's too good for him." This fits all these code-word using scumbags.
  17. My guild chides me (in good fun) on my Powertech and Sniper for being light-sided when we run stuff together and I don't execute the prisoners or kill the refugees. They joke in a HM is that the NPC has a 25% to live. I quite like the light sided options and they fit their personalities well. My Chiss Juggernaut is light 2, but she has a lot of dark (She'd be light 4 if she went pure light). She's the angry daughter of my Sniper and wants a lot of payback for her mother's story. She treats anyone she feels was part of her mother's torment very harshly but lets go anyone she feels is innocent or has been victimized like her mother was. It's a fun mechanic for playing her.
  18. Skadge is just a waste of carbon. When I first played my BH after my Sniper, I was pleased at the fact that they have much better companions overall...till I got this puke. Scorpio is just a glorified Microsoft product ("time to upgrade", "I must upgrade",etc.) and I really want this thing off my ship. Kaliyo went from obnoxious to worthless really fast and I would love to dump her out the airlock.
  19. I use 2 as a female exclusively as she has good proportions and looks great. One is too starved (she needs a sandwich!), three is horrific at best (Arnold in drag ), and four would be ok if the head wasn't too small for the body.
  20. I doubt they'd extend this thing. It's roughly a week long which is plenty of time. While I don't vehemently hate it as much as some have, all the people loving being suicidal lemmings eludes me as well. Would have been better closer to Halloween anyway.
  21. Four characters, no infections. Came close once when waiting outside Foundry HM but had already bought and used the antidote. Hasn't been difficult to avoid so far.
  22. On a related note, I've been quite enjoying playing my Chiss Sith Juggernaut as she's the daughter of my Sniper and of course Vector. She's hellbent on revenge on certain organizations and is the spitting image of her mother: http://http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab268/Salamander8888/Morella.jpg Payback's a you-know-what!
  23. Getting all the upgrades you can helps a lot. The device that you use to flip/flop the shield recharge or beam damage makes a huge difference if you are willing to micromanage it. You can get that one at 25 I think. Upgrade all your ship components via the merchant, GTN, or make the ones you can yourself if you go cybertech. The EMP Pulse is great for the two minefield missions and the ECM generator can be used in intense situations (i.e. the second defend the base from bombers mission where their tailguns shoot the heck out of you) to stay alive. You also get some upgrades via doing certain missions for the first time. I've only done the Imperial missions and for me, and my friends that play, the Sullust Interception mission is the hardest but certainly doable. Knowing the missions layout helps a lot as well.
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