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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stealth nerf or unintended?


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Hey folks,


I checked into this and you are correct, Treasure Hunting lockboxes are no longer dropping credits. This is an intended change to bring Treasure Hunting in line with other Crew Skills.


This was missed in the patch notes, which I will have corrected today. I apologize for any confusion this caused.


Thanks everyone.



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Hey folks,


I checked into this and you are correct, Treasure Hunting lockboxes are no longer dropping credits. This is an intended change to bring Treasure Hunting in line with other Crew Skills.


This was missed in the patch notes, which I will have corrected today. I apologize for any confusion this caused.


Thanks everyone.




"Missed" just like the heroic credit nerf :rak_01:?


Ill give you the benefit of the doubt with this one and just assume it was coincidence that you forgot to happen to add patch notes to two things which happen to include nerfs to the economy... the third one however is going to be a out.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Hey folks,


I checked into this and you are correct, Treasure Hunting lockboxes are no longer dropping credits. This is an intended change to bring Treasure Hunting in line with other Crew Skills.


This was missed in the patch notes, which I will have corrected today. I apologize for any confusion this caused.


Thanks everyone.




Thank you! While you are at it can you please find out if Deths of Manaan compleation achivment bug is fixed? I suspect it has been but people can't see it in patch notes and are confused if they should try to run the flashpoint again.

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"Missed" just like the heroic credit nerf :rak_01:?


Ill give you the benefit of the doubt with this one

I don't give them this benefit any more and at this point I don't even care if it is out of incompetence or mischief that they keep omitting important informations from the patch notes. Bluntly, I'm too much disappointed by now and don't have any *** more to give.

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What possible motivation do you shrill conspiracy theorists think the devs have for intentionally leaving these things out of the patch notes? Do you really think if they had intentional left them out of the patch notes they would think they could get one over on us and no one on this toxic cess pool wasn't going to come unglued and start 100 threads about the nerf? You don't think one single dev would mention to the others that surely someone will notice this nerf and make a thread? Some of you people live in the most delusional world.
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What possible motivation do you shrill conspiracy theorists think the devs have for intentionally leaving these things out of the patch notes? Do you really think if they had intentional left them out of the patch notes they would think they could get one over on us and no one on this toxic cess pool wasn't going to come unglued and start 100 threads about the nerf? You don't think one single dev would mention to the others that surely someone will notice this nerf and make a thread? Some of you people live in the most delusional world.


Perhaps it isn't so much about that, it's more about BioWare being more open and transparent about things? It's called communicating.

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I"m trying to give benefit of the doubt here. Can anyone believe that they would think no one would notice?


They didn't miss it no more than they missed it last time. Easier to side step it later than be up front about it.


Missed a second nerf to the economy as they tried to reinstate the first "missed" economy nerf. :rolleyes:

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Hey folks,


I checked into this and you are correct, Treasure Hunting lockboxes are no longer dropping credits. This is an intended change to bring Treasure Hunting in line with other Crew Skills.


This was missed in the patch notes, which I will have corrected today. I apologize for any confusion this caused.


Thanks everyone.





I love how NERFS are always "MISSED IN THE PATCH NOTES". That's super convenient of EA LOL. Nice job.

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The economy's a complete mess at this point.


This nerf makes RMT seem more appealing, as it's only really going to hit regular players.


Guess my only chance of making money now is to get some ludicrously overpriced rare item in the three crates a month my CC get me. Yay.

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I love how NERFS are always "MISSED IN THE PATCH NOTES". That's super convenient of EA LOL. Nice job.


Enlighten us, why do you think they conveniently leave them out of the patch notes only to respond a day later confirming the nerf? I want to understand how a mind like yours works.

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Because people actually noticed the nerf and they couldn't slip it on through?


So you're saying you think that the developers honestly thought not one single person would notice the nerf and head straight to the forums to spew a truck load of vile garbage and outrage? You can't be that naive, can you?

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The economy's a complete mess at this point.


This nerf makes RMT seem more appealing, as it's only really going to hit regular players.


Guess my only chance of making money now is to get some ludicrously overpriced rare item in the three crates a month my CC get me. Yay.


I said it in the Crew Skill forum: this type of nerf is NOT unprecedented. Slicing lockbox missions used to generate far more credits than they do now, and when they were nerfed lots of players came to these forums and cried, "the sky is falling!!!!" well guess what? the universe did not come to an end. Players and the (economic) system will adapt.

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So you're saying you think that the developers honestly thought not one single person would notice the nerf and head straight to the forums to spew a truck load of vile garbage and outrage? You can't be that naive, can you?


I uh... well... probably should of added onto that's what I believe he was pointing to... :rak_01:.


Their uh... wasn't a whole lot of time left on the hard mode flashpoint pop queue timer.

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Hey folks,


I checked into this and you are correct, Treasure Hunting lockboxes are no longer dropping credits. This is an intended change to bring Treasure Hunting in line with other Crew Skills.


This was missed in the patch notes, which I will have corrected today. I apologize for any confusion this caused.


Thanks everyone.




Seems like a common practice and one of the key reason I'm leaving this game.

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I said it in the Crew Skill forum: this type of nerf is NOT unprecedented. Slicing lockbox missions used to generate far more credits than they do now, and when they were nerfed lots of players came to these forums and cried, "the sky is falling!!!!" well guess what? the universe did not come to an end. Players and the (economic) system will adapt.


There are less and less things to nerf. Less and less ways of making credits. Are any of the Crew Skills economically viable now?

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Yea they knew they didn't make an official post about it and that they "forgot to put it in the patch notes." They were all probably sitting in the office laughing like Bevis and Butthead waiting on the first thread on it to post a response. No, his post now is not communicating. Communicating would have been making an official announcement about it when the developers decided they wanted to push it through in the next patch.
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What possible motivation do you shrill conspiracy theorists think the devs have for intentionally leaving these things out of the patch notes? Do you really think if they had intentional left them out of the patch notes they would think they could get one over on us and no one on this toxic cess pool wasn't going to come unglued and start 100 threads about the nerf? You don't think one single dev would mention to the others that surely someone will notice this nerf and make a thread? Some of you people live in the most delusional world.


Which is worse, believing that they decided not to put them in the patch notes, or that they lack the competence and quality control do make sure that the patch notes are complete?


In either case they did wrong, and people were bound to take notice of that, and make their opinions known.


Maybe negative feedback is what they need in order for them to get their act together and get things right in the future.


Call that toxic if you want, but all that I see is frustration on the part of people that are getting tired of a communication effort that has failed this game, and us as customers, and are willing to speak up and say so when they encounter situations like this one.

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I can totally understand the need to take credits out of the TH lock boxes.


But if they are going to do that they need to A) update the in-game codex, it is still saying we can get credits from TH, and B) make sure that we don't get is just random vendor trash.


Because right now that is just about all that we are getting it seems.


All The Best

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Which is worse, believing that they decided not to put them in the patch notes, or that they lack the competence and quality control do make sure that the patch notes are complete?


In either case they did wrong, and people were bound to take notice of that, and make their opinions known.


Maybe negative feedback is what they need in order for them to get their act together and get things right in the future.


Call that toxic if you want, but all that I see is frustration on the part of people that are getting tired of a communication effort that has failed this game, and us as customers, and are willing to speak up and say so when they encounter situations like this one.


I believe it was simply an oversight and that they corrected said oversight when it was brought to their attention. Naturally, the entitlement crew has other ideas that differ from mine.

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"Missed" just like the heroic credit nerf :rak_01:?


Ill give you the benefit of the doubt with this one and just assume it was coincidence that you forgot to happen to add patch notes to two things which happen to include nerfs to the economy... the third one however is going to be a out.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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Hey folks,


I checked into this and you are correct, Treasure Hunting lockboxes are no longer dropping credits. This is an intended change to bring Treasure Hunting in line with other Crew Skills.


This was missed in the patch notes, which I will have corrected today. I apologize for any confusion this caused.


Thanks everyone.




You guys really have to stop doing this. Mistakes can be made but these sort of mistakes should be rare. It's getting close to becoming a pattern and that would be a shame.

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