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@James Ohlen and the London Event - Did you notice?


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It looked like many presenters and speakers appeared nervous. It seemed more like a lack of preparation beforehand than anything else. This was not unique to James Ohlen.

Let's face it, most people in the game industry would probably rather stab their own eyeballs than give a presentation on their games. They got where they are for being skilled at making games, not for their talents at public speaking.


With the exception of community staff, of course, who we can safely assume are community staff because they somewhat like interfacing with other people.

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Honestly, I do not see how nervous or stressed he possibly could be. The guy worked on this game for a while and he is used to speak to audiences, although it can be a somewhat discomforting experience for some. I also highly doubt his job or anything related is on the chopping block solely based on this game's performances, otherwise he would have been cut for a long while now.


In any case, what seems to be clear to me is that the game is completely going to be focused on a single player approach for the most part, which means, its gonna be more of the same of what we have now. Nothing new really, considering what a lot of people pointed out months before, but reinforced by his interview.


I do still like the game and its story for what it is, mostly because it is star wars related, the only redeeming factor for me. What I simply cannot do is to justify 15 bucks a month for a droplet of single player content every month when there are lots of games around and new experiences to be found. I can see myself taking long breaks from now on, to let them gather enough "content" to justify a subscription.

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After James talked about 'Single player' and 'story' -

about the importance of story and how to recreate that SW magic. just how important players working together is and how side characters play key roles in working together to defeat a common enemy - just like in the movies and that its 'NOT a lone wolf story'.


So poor James is probably thinking 'damn'.

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I did think James was very tired and unenthusiastic on the panel. I'd like to say that this was down to jet lag seeing as the celebration is in London and not over in the US however if you look at any of his recent video imput its been the same....like he has lost his mojo.


Its sort of understandable as he has been with SWTOR for 10 odd years but still you would like to think that those involved with the game would be bristling with love and enthusiam for their work.


I remember a long time ago one of the "state of the game" update videos had a chap, whose name I annot recall, but while he was cringe-worthy on one hand he was buzzing for what was coming and was UP for the game. I want all the devs to be buzzing for the game and loving what they do.


I hope James finds his mojo and gets his spark back.:)

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I often talk to people working in the booths of the Games Com. You really, really, really have no idea how exhausting such a day can be !

Most of them take *several days* off from their work after the Games Com ... And the Celebration is not that much different from it ... ( well, yes, a bit, but not that much ).

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Compared to the lady that talked right after him, i personally had the impression that Ohlen wasn't really prepared for the event. As I don't think that he didn't knew what questions would be asked, his presentation was really lacking.

After all the celebration is an event for promotion around Star wars, so it's a lot more like a supportive interview to help you shine, than something to be nervous about, like shareholder meetings or independent press asking difficult and critical questions.

As a whole, the way Ohlen appeared, as i percived it, was not what I am expecting of a official representative sent there, a professional who isn't talking in front of a larger (friendly) audience for the first time.


I'm not happy about where the game headed with KOFTE but still, it is a Star wars game and for a new player there is much to explore. But that presentation ?!?

If i would have been there as someone who hadn't heard of Swtor before or wasn't interested in it much until now, this certainly wouldn't have raised my interest to take a look at it at all.

This severe lack of enthusiam with its presentation doesn't entice new people to try it. The game being around for 5 years isn't important here, but there you sit, having those people in front of you who probably would be the most interested fans in your aged product out there, just because the game has to do with Star wars, and you aren't able to make a decent show of how great your product is?

I really don't understand it. Especially when remembering previous presentations (some even by Ohlen himself too) that went to the other extreme and were way over the top how awesome everything was.


Well, what ever the reason was, to me it was just curious.

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Let's face it, most people in the game industry would probably rather stab their own eyeballs than give a presentation on their games. They got where they are for being skilled at making games, not for their talents at public speaking.


With the exception of community staff, of course, who we can safely assume are community staff because they somewhat like interfacing with other people.


Sadly, there are two kind of people on this world my friend: Those that are unsuccessful, and those with good presentation skills :D

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Because those are the ONLY two possibilities. I hope someone in the psychology or law enforcement industry snaps you right up because wow, you can tell exactly what a person is feeling and thinking in DEPTH just by your interpretation of their expression.


Yeah, he nailed it everyone! LET THE PANIC BEGIN!


Would it make you upset if I told you that my job is to psychologically profile criminals? :eek:

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This is really what you need to take from the presentation as a player of swtor. the millions of us playing. How sad is it that they tell us that metrics show they need to just do the lame chapter story content yet a PHONE game is pushing out raids. That is just amusing to me and exactly why he looked like someone did something to his cheerios.


One additional funny thing to note. they showed new content to upcoming games and right be fore he spoke you see that raid encounter. yet we get a trailer that is nothing new absolutely nothing new with regard to in-game footage but a very poorly done still with overlay animation. Are you kidding me. you have the best audiance for star wars fans that probably do not even play and you do not sell your game as the best thing since the sith ari?


Yeah, when they said their brand new raid right before, you know he was thinking aaawwww crap!

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You really understand nothing about the law and the entertainment business - and only seek to cause fear and panic - if you think that Disney lawyers are going to try to BREAK a contract with EA. They HAVE the license. They will keep it through the term of the contract. After that, who knows.


Are you sure that you understand the entertainment business? Cause news flash, contracts are broken all the time, with many court cases to prove it. If Disney thinks for a second that the profits would exceed the pay out of the remaining contract, then it would do it in a heart beat.


Oh, and DOOM

Edited by Holocron
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I didn't watch it but there are an infinite number of explanations for his demeanor. Like maybe he had a stomach ache and really had to run to the restroom. Maybe he fought with his wife that day. It's not all about us. :o


Blasphemy! :D

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I think what you see from his demeanor OP is that he really doesn't have a whole lot to say about swtor except that more is coming .I guess it's kind of frustrating for him since he probably isn't allowed to reveal to much and just comes off as rather uninspired sounding. But what is interesting to note is that some of us had already viewed the dark/light event as nothing more that beta metric gathering is that how it ties in with the 2018 release of their new star wars IP since all the data they will be gathering will be very helpful to the other development team. Edited by Bakgrind
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