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Whats really wrong with the Galactic Economy


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The biggest problem with the galactic economy are the Commendations! A player can either quest, or purchase an orange item very easily. I see many people in the low 30's with almost all orange gear. Once you get your orange gear most other gear is useless which kills Synthweaving (and possibly cybertech). Now that a player has orange gear he needs to keep modding it so that he can stay on level with his gear. Every planet you go to, commendations are readily available (I recieved 40 from Alderaan!). Once your ready to leave you just have to cash in your commendations at a mod vendor.


40 commendations ~ 20 Mods (Blue) or 5 Armor/Enhancements (blue) or a combination of the two.


A player could then do the bonus series and get even more commedations to get his/her gear up to spec.


This kills Artifice because blues are readily available at commendation vendors (at much better prices), and in order to even make blues you have to reverse enginer several greens. Since no one wants blues because they are readily available via commenadations you have to make purples. The only problem is that why would someone buy a "lvl 29 purple enhancement" when they can get the equivelant blue lvl 30/31 on the next planet!


With commendations the crafting professions just dont matter

Edited by OldMajor
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I don't understand why they don't just make the galactic trade center the only way to get good items. Maybe from quest rewards instead give you more money, so you can in turn use that money to buy other player crafted items on the trade. At least that way the money is going to OTHER players and stimulating the economy, instead of just going to NPCs. I never understand why games don't just do this?
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no the problem with the economy is the lack of suppliers for crafters. In other mmo game models it is much more probable that you will find a player who only harvests, collects, mines, etc but has no interest in crafting. They just grab what they can as they go. Now, as crafting, at least bio, is dependent upon two crew skills, you will be much less likely to find the toon that has 3 harvesting skills instead of say bio to use meds, slicing for money, and one extra skill.


People use what they make and make what they need now. For low to mid levels it is impossible to afford any crafted hardware with the credit sinks of vehicle license, training combat skills, and training/levelling companion skills.

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in terms of lack of suppliers theres also the fact that alot of ppl playing this game are sw fans rather than hardcore mmo'ers

ive come across alot of first timers who are learning the mmo process

as well as with the population split across a huge amount of servers

etc etc etc theres less of the 'farm items; but wont use em and instead sell em' type of people on each server

so anything they have gets sold instantly leaving 100 ppl to roam arnd aimlessly looking for materials to buy to craft


and also its like early days ppl more interested in hitting max lvl and enjoying the story line atm than getting into gear crafting and kitting our their chars as well as weve all seen

lvling isnt particularly hard u cud hit 50 in a week

so wats the point spending time, effort, ingame credits to kit out a lvl 20 or 30 or even a 40

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Completely agree, which is the problem with the entire "moddable" orange items.. It's supposed to cover visual customization by allowing people to keep the clothes they like to look at, but really it just cheapens the crafting professions, quite dramatically.


I know BW didn't want a cliche and immersion breaking mechanic like an appearance tab but.. they really just need an appearance tab... force people to actually buy better equipment rather than simply leveling up current gear with NPC driven mod economies that ignore the GTN in every way.


Or, force armor mods, general mods, enhancments etc to be extracted from actual gear. Get a blue item, hit extract and get the mods that make up that items stats.. Something needs to be done though, however they go about fixing it, because it is an obvious problem atm..

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Roughly two weeks after launch, i would not talk about economy. The community has no real experience to price items based on their actual value. There is no real demand or supply for the market to work properly. Working economies are driven by endgame needs, and we are not there yet. Imo.

So wait and see.

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Roughly two weeks after launch, i would not talk about economy. The community has no real experience to price items based on their actual value. There is no real demand or supply for the market to work properly. Working economies are driven by endgame needs, and we are not there yet. Imo.

So wait and see.


That said, some things can be predicted pretty easily.


If you're able to obtain just about the best possible items for your level via regular questing...and upgrade/replace said items for free over time, then why would you ever seek outside resources?


End-game may be a completely different story. But commendations and leveling? Some things don't require a detailed economic analysis.

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How does it work on high end content?


I agree that crafting is looking pointless during lvling stage, but IMO this is acceptable, if later on by high end it takes a bigger role.


How does commendations work on high end? Will I still be mod up my equipment "for free" until when? Won´t the planets and regular quests just end up by some point, and then to get the next level gear I´ll need to turn for crafters, raids or instanced pvp?


What can a crafter do by end game that nobody else can?



Lots of questions :p

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If you're able to obtain just about the best possible items for your level via regular questing...and upgrade/replace said items for free over time, then why would you ever seek outside resources?


Because your maxed out main is sitting on 10 million credits and you want your alt(and all your alt's companions) to be twinked out in the best gear as soon as he levels up.


So why grind quests when you can just hit the auction house and buy purples?

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Roughly two weeks after launch, i would not talk about economy. The community has no real experience to price items based on their actual value. There is no real demand or supply for the market to work properly. Working economies are driven by endgame needs, and we are not there yet. Imo.

So wait and see.


Speaking from a purely bio standpoint it is in fact pretty easy to price out items or at least have a ballpark idea as most are available from vendors. Many other mmos have managed to maintain a midlevel/noob market and not have their economies driven just by end game. TOR shouldn't be any different. Again, keep in mind I am talking from only a bio-consumable perspective, not armor/weapons which I agree, pointless to spend credits to kit out.


It is the lack of mid level item demand that makes levelling a combat toon and companion profs difficult by virtue of a lack of cash.

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It seems to me that the biggest issue with the galactic economy is the massive credit inflation from low levels to high levels.


High level players need hundreds of thousands of credits to purchase the things they want. Putting something on the GTN for a few hundred credits isn't worth their time, regardless of the level of the item. Lower level players can't afford to pay thousands of credits for items when they are trying to save for training, ship upgrades, etc.


Once more players reach higher levels, the sellers will be happy because they will have people to buy their stuff at ridiculously high prices, but the lower level players will still be shafted.


Of course this is the way most MMO economies work so I can't expect Bioware to step out of the safety zone.

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With endgame-driven I assumed ppl will have alts, and as I remember my other mmo experience, on some of my alts I had no gathering skills, only crafting, thus creating demand for the low lvl materials, also equiping my alt with items from the market. Think about toons made for PVP only for example. There wont be any twink pvp in tor, but still someone (for example I will at a point) will level a toon only with pvp. Those will need gear as well apart from teh lvl 20-40-50 pvp gear.


I cant recall any of my mmo characters who actualy get crafting for their own leveling gear needs. But that is just me and only one opinion out of thousands, and what fits me may not fit others.

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I would be interested to know exactly what is the most commendations a player has received on a planet?


I had 70~ Balmora commendations before I cashed them out upon leaving the planet. I've been getting 20~30 commendations on each of the planets since.


Given that they drop from mobs occasionally ...

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I'm just not seeing any of this as an armormech. I'm only L28, but I'm brining in about 20K a day selling blues and oranges that I craft as I level my skills and RE for the right schematics.


There are definitely some pieces that sell better than others, but overall the market is definitely taking shape from what I can see. The only problem as I see it is that there aren't enough people making stuff. I have a hell of a time finding buff stims, color crystals, etc.

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biggest problem are you guys. The game is new, just like in any game it takes time to settle down, finding out what needed, getting leveled up. You guys want instant riches and instant selling. Not gonna happen. And the more you cry wold, the more this game will change and get nerfed and just suck. Just sit back and wait awhile, not games economy is ever sound with in the first few months. You guys are killing the economy ;)
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70 Tokens?


Anyone else think people are taking to long to roll through a planet? I don't think I've gotten more than 20 tokens on any single planet. Mid 40s at the moment...


I believe I had 43 at the end of Tatooine, but that was because there was so many quests and I got lucky on mob drops a lot..


Like you, most of the other planets I've ended with around 20 - 25 commendations.


Regardless, that's enough to fully deck out my chest and weapon with blue mods, the rest I leave at green or blue, depending on if there's a reasonable deal on the AH.


Leveling and solo play is really easy in this game though, so blues aren't really needed.. let alone the "tax" on death is kind of a joke, so who cares if you get in over your head numerous times.


To balance this all out I still think they need to do away with commendation bought mods and just add a new form of reverse engineering, where it trashes an item for mods with the same stats as what's on it. That would make crafting still viable in a moddable item economy.

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I'm just not seeing any of this as an armormech. I'm only L28, but I'm brining in about 20K a day selling blues and oranges that I craft as I level my skills and RE for the right schematics.


There are definitely some pieces that sell better than others, but overall the market is definitely taking shape from what I can see. The only problem as I see it is that there aren't enough people making stuff. I have a hell of a time finding buff stims, color crystals, etc.


^ this


Also idk how many ppl realize that buy you can make mods for gear that can't be bought by using commendations.

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^ this


Also idk how many ppl realize that buy you can make mods for gear that can't be bought by using commendations.


I have been reverse engineering every level of barrel from around 30 and all the epic ones are superior to the standard blue ones sold by the commendations vendor of the next level(eg 39 purple is better than 41 blue)


Doing this on a 4 upgrade slot blaster has kept it easily up to scratch for the ~10 levels I have had it.


One of the problems is at present that people don't understand how upgrades work, coupled with the ropey filters on the Market mean items definitely aren't selling as well as they will be once the search filters and players knowledge are updated.


Each crafting crew skill definitely needs at least one thing that is superior both levelling and in end game in comparison to quests/tokens. I personally would argue that this shouldn't take the form of an actual item slot and instead be constrained to upgrade slots and consumables.

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I wish some other mmos would take up swg style crafting. I thought it was the best, even gathering. there weren't Ny vendors and you could have hundreds of variatuions of the same item depending on mats and experimentation.


it sad when you can buy items from vendors that as good or better than what a crafted can put out.


I would sometimes spend hours running through player cities and just browsing goods.

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