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Can anyone help me understand the rage?


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I have no interest either, and shall not participate. But I understand the rage. I'm not saying I agree with the rage ... but I understand its sources.


1. Frustration over no new <insert your favorite type> content. We're now told that the fun, cool way to spend our summer is to repeat old content. Of course, being told to rehash old content is ... well ... old hat in MMOs. But this event serves as a stark reminder to those who long for new imaginary stuff to do.


2. Frustration over adding new rewards for content veteran players have already achieved. When I graduated high school, my parents gave me a hug. When my younger brother graduated high school several years later, they gave him a car. This event is like telling me all I have to do is repeat high school and they'll give me a car too. Some players are happy to repeat for the swag, but other players aren't. Some players feel that they deserve to be rewarded at current rates of swag for past accomplishments.


3. Frustration over potential devaluing of real money purchases. I've seen people post that some of the rewards available via gameplay in this event were previously acquired using CCs. Making those items "free" to players now allegedly devalues one's investment of real cash spent on CCs to buy the items on the CM. Players tend to bristle when someone makes their CC expenditure moot.


4. Frustration over the developers being goof-head-stinky-pants-churls. Some players will simply crucify the developers for deciding to part their hair in the right rather than the left.


TLDR: Frustration over perceived injustices.


Accurate description, IMO. And frankly, most of these perceived injustices are contrived and without real merit IMO. Take the CM items complaint for example. They are all very old items, super rare and desired, and players have been complaining for ages that they are too rare and therefore too high priced on the GTN. The studio offers an event with a random chance to get some without paying CCs for the chance or paying high credit prices on the GTN.. and somehow this is a crime against humanity. It's ridiculous. Watch the complaints when players don't get the items they want... because that too will happen.


The fact that players find the way they respond to these frustrations as justified is quite troubling, IMO. It's freaking game.... not a tax return where the IRS changed the rules after you field and then audited you out of existence.

Edited by Andryah
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yes sometimes .. yes sometimes .. and no.


If you don't get what you personally want.. yes.. IMO, you are guite happy and energetic about getting on the bashing bandwagon. You do sometimes however realize a bit later that you over-reacted and come back to a more meaningful perspective, IMO.


IF doing this event was mandatory in preparation for 5.0, I could maybe see some justification for some of the complaints. But it's not. You could completely ignore this event and be right where you are today.



The tipping point for me is that the entire "event" and anything that might come from it are locked behind creating additional new characters, and on top of that needing to buy new character slots for those characters.


That's what takes it from "meh, maybe I'll do it, we'll see" to "what the HELL, Bioware?"



It's also a bit irksome that to get some of the rewards, one would have to play their character a very specific (dark side or light side) way.

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Actually, yes it does affect the market, because what you so conveniently left out, was that they can then open it in collections. So it it exponentially affecting its market value for future purchase.


They cannot be sold on the GTN is what I meant. I will concede that it may have some impact on the demand side of things, but assuming they keep similar level of rarity on the big items, I just don't see it impacting demand that much. And honestly, as inflated as most of the high end prices are these days anyway, a little deflating of prices doesn't sound like a bad thing to me.

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I mean, I have no interest in this event, so I'm not going to participate.


Particularly since I just finished re-running all 8 class stories (that being the only thing I found interesting enough to do, once I brought a couple toons through KotFE).




So after reading about the event. I'm like "meh". And I figure I'll do something else. Perhaps catch up on some books. Play other games. Maybe even go outside!


What's there to rage about? I mean, what if no event had been announced at all? What difference would that have made?


I ... just don't get it. So it's an event that consists solely of rehashed content. So??? That's all 4.0 has been since it launched, outside of KotFE chapters

I guess people have a higher expectation for their subscription. If you have played this game for any length of time you have already done the things they want you to do for the light/dark event. Maybe some people are raging but for the most part this is a weak attempt at content and people have voiced their opinions.

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Maybe some people are raging but for the most part this is a weak attempt at content and people have voiced their opinions.


It is an event, that uses no new content, to allow players that want to.... to chase after some desired rewards during the doldrum summer months before a new expac.


Last years event (12X XP) was no new content, and no rewards, and was generally well received.


Conclusion: players by and large are selfish and self interested.....and the studio would be just as far along with player acceptance if they simply left the doldrum months of summer ahead of an expac in fall alone and gave players nothing until the expac. Sad indicator about the player base IMO.


I honestly think the core issue is players never like it when they are faced with repeating something that they do not choose to repeat for repeating sake.

Edited by Andryah
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In all my years of playing this game I've never been more sad. Yes sad because I don't understand the reasoning behind this event not helping Vets out even a little. I've never wanted to unsub before but the lack of new content and this event is pretty much telling me if I want the best rewards they want me to do the same stuff again just to feed their metrics. If I do the event the Vets who want New Group content will never get it because their metrics will tell them otherwise. This is worse than gating the HK chapter in my opinion which at least isn't rehashed content. I'm sad, I'm frustrated, and why this event makes me feel like unsubing just frustrates me even more. However, It's feeling like unsubbing is my only choice that may matter to BW.


On a positive note I'm happy for new player I've always been of the opinion that new players deserve nice things too. I guess vets like myself aren't valued maybe our money, time, and sub isn't enough and I don't expect BW to cater to me personally, BW doesn't owe me anything and I'm grateful for the game I had the privilege of enjoying. I wish I was angry but the worst part of all this is I'm not upset it's that this feels debilitating and sorrowful. :(

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It's because the game has pooped on every veteran player by:


I'm a veteran player and I don't feel pooped on. I could care less about this event actually. If other people enjoy it, and enjoy the rewards, good for them. You guys rage for raging sake. It's the thing to do these days apparently. Relax people - it's a game. One of thousands of games and millions of things to do with your time. Chill.

Edited by kodrac
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I mean, I have no interest in this event, so I'm not going to participate.


Particularly since I just finished re-running all 8 class stories (that being the only thing I found interesting enough to do, once I brought a couple toons through KotFE).




So after reading about the event. I'm like "meh". And I figure I'll do something else. Perhaps catch up on some books. Play other games. Maybe even go outside!


What's there to rage about? I mean, what if no event had been announced at all? What difference would that have made?


I ... just don't get it. So it's an event that consists solely of rehashed content. So??? That's all 4.0 has been since it launched, outside of KotFE chapters


I can only answer this for myself and the people in my guild.


(1) We would have been willing to make 1-2 new toons but 8 more after we already have legendary status. Some of us have 10 or more (my boyfriend has 34 toons). and yet to participate in this event we are expected to make new ones even though the ones we have made we play and we have taken through all the stories including KOTFE but yet that doesn't matter to them. It is like so what we don't care what you did in the past do it again. Come on after running 4-5 toons through the Revan, Ziost and KOTFE they want us to do it again or it doesn't count?


(2) A lot of us already have done so much hard mode flashpoints and we have the achievements to show for it but yet they don't take that into account? Why? because there are new players? Well good for them and I would be glad to help them but why does our achievements not count? Because it seems bioware has stated your past achievement are useless and we don't care that you have supported us through thick and thin (most of have been here since launch and never left) dealing with mess after mess they create yet we supported them and yet we are essentially being told so what, we don't care.


(3) Crafting has to be redone and that is not the best thing to do. Most of us already have maxed crafting on all the crafting but again that is not good enough for them.


(4) We have to redo all the alliance alerts. Myself, personally, have ran 5 of my characters through the entire alliance alerts but yet again we are expected to do it again if we want to do the event.


Thats our view and while I expect people to jump down my throat and accuse me of being hard on them it is something I have come to expect lately from the forums and know kind of understand why my best friend/guild leader left the game.

Edited by casirabit
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I mean, I have no interest in this event, so I'm not going to participate.


Particularly since I just finished re-running all 8 class stories (that being the only thing I found interesting enough to do, once I brought a couple toons through KotFE).




So after reading about the event. I'm like "meh". And I figure I'll do something else. Perhaps catch up on some books. Play other games. Maybe even go outside!


What's there to rage about? I mean, what if no event had been announced at all? What difference would that have made?


I ... just don't get it. So it's an event that consists solely of rehashed content. So??? That's all 4.0 has been since it launched, outside of KotFE chapters


Mostly it's like the little kid you see throwing a temper tantrum in the store. They are doing it so that their parent gets them the toy they "need" because otherwise their life will end.

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It is an event, that uses no new content, to allow players that want to.... to chase after some desired rewards.


Last years event (12X XP) was no new content, and no rewards, and was generally well received.


Conclusion: players by and large are selfish and the studio would be just as far with player acceptance if they simply left the doldrum months of summer ahead of an expac in fall alone and gave players nothing.

The goal of encouraging players (old and new) to try aspects of SWTOR they have overlooked or rejected is a worthy goal. The goal of artificially ginning numbers in those activities over a four-month period so quarterly reports reflect a skewed image of how players spend their time ... not so worthy. I'm not sure which is EA/BW's true motivation in this event.


If the former, then there is no reason to require veteran players to replay the content they already played. They did not "overlook or reject" that content. They played it. They achieved that achievement. I confess to remaining intentionally ignorant of the details of this stroll down memory lane, but does the speed with which one accomplishes these tasks matter (within the four-month window)? Does the first player on each server to tackle the final tier get a Space Pony or something? If so, then, the event makes some sense. If not, then the head start veterans have over new players is meaningless.


I'm not participating in the event. Heck, I'm not even playing SWTOR these days. And I'm not complaining. But there is a fragment of my gamer soul that sort of wishes this event had been intriguing enough to drag me back to SWTOR a couple of months early. Oh well.

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It's like this:


If they're going to take the time and effort (and I do understand that it took plenty of both) to "develop" this "event," then they should consider how the community will react to it.


You would think they might even ask a few people's opinions of it first.


After all, it is OUR money that is paying for this. I feel like my money is not being used wisely. Do you?


Do you know what happens when people aren't happy with the way their money is being used? They use it elsewhere. I don't really want that to happen here. I like this game and want good things to happen. But the team at BW just seems soooo... disconnected from the community.






Have you hit the 'cancel subscription button' yet?


I see these types of posts all the time after something happens that someone doesn't like.


You are right though, it's a business and businesses make decisions based on potential profits.


If you don't 'vote with your wallet' and actually cancel, or actually stop paying for CM items with real cash...they won't change, they'll just keep doing what they do.




Personally, to the OP, I don't care about this event either. I'm not mad about it though. I still enjoy the game enough to keep paying for my two subscriptions.

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Mostly it's like the little kid you see throwing a temper tantrum in the store. They are doing it so that their parent gets them the toy they "need" because otherwise their life will end.


When people start making attempts to belittle and demean like this against a position, you can tell that position has very solid ground to stand on and ad hom is all the attackers actually have left to "argue" against it.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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because this event said


"hey you know those characters you have played for years? well forget those jokers and start again but this time do all that in a few months!"


yeah not happening. It also brings NOTHING to the game, no ops, no GSF, no PvP, hell even no story just a "Do it again" from the devs, not good.

the ops community wants new raids since they have had nothing for almost 2 years

the GSF community want new stuff as they have had nothing since it launched

the PvP community want an apology and replacements for those terrible new maps and a season 7 plagued by hackers in balance and bugs.

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As so often the case, it's a combination of many small things, and in the end it's one harmless straw that breaks the camel's back.


One aspect is that people have been suggesting/asking for their loyalty and longterm commitment to the game, even through content droughts and population drops, to be acknowledged and rewarded in ways beyond mere monthly cartel coins grant (which are just a subscriber discount on cartel market items available to all players regardless of sub status or time).


And now, instead of the veteran reward system many have suggested, they get this event, suspected to be meant to make their subscription worthwhile during off-season, while it rewards repeating yet again old content people have already repeated during previous content breaks, ignoring time and effort put into existing characters by requiring completely new characters, requiring veteran players who want the rewards to repeat all those achievements again, without any acknowledgement of and consideration for what they have done and achieved in the 4 years prior.


I don't think it warrants rage or outrage or personal attacks, but I see how for example unsubbing from a service that you feel ignores/disregards your loyalty is a plausible course of action if you don't want to re-cycle through old content.


It's kind of... I don't know, like you've been asking for chocolate pudding for dessert and eventually it's decided that there will be dessert, but dessert turns out to be just another helping of the main course. Some are excited about it because they're hungry and weren't finished with the main course yet, anyway, and some aren't overly excited but eat it anyway if it's all the 'extra' they get, and some prefer there wouldn't be any dessert at all if it's not chocolate pudding or at least any kind pudding, as long as it's not more meat and potatoes, which makes them gag because they've had too much of it. Of course they don't have to eat it, no one is forcing them to, but it understandably leaves a bitter taste to have dessert be announced and then have it turn out to be more of what you already had plenty of.

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because this event said


"hey you know those characters you have played for years? well forget those jokers and start again but this time do all that in a few months!"


yeah not happening. It also brings NOTHING to the game, no ops, no GSF, no PvP, hell even no story just a "Do it again" from the devs, not good.

the ops community wants new raids since they have had nothing for almost 2 years

the GSF community want new stuff as they have had nothing since it launched

the PvP community want an apology and replacements for those terrible new maps and a season 7 plagued by hackers in balance and bugs.




Why can't people with incompetent minds understand this?

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I'm a veteran player and I don't feel pooped on. I could care less about this event actually. If other people enjoy it, and enjoy the rewards, good for them. You guys rage for raging sake. It's the thing to do these days apparently. Relax people - it's a game. One of thousands of games and millions of things to do with your time. Chill.


That's cool man, and yes it IS a game. It's one we pay for and are entitled to our opinion of a bogus event that brings nothing new to the table and in fact, punishes longtime players.


Now for me, I wouldn't do the event either way - so it's not that I am personally upset about it. But to sub this in for actual content that could keep my friends playing? LOL. That's why there are dead servers; that's why the game's population is bleeding. There are no new players who stay because there is nothing to stay for.


I like this game but even I can take a hint at this point.

Edited by Jaiyne
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Well, i was wrong in my assumption the event would be based on doing kotfe.


But i was right in assuming it would require a fresh character to be run through the event to skew metrics on "Look how many people are doing X!!!!111!!!!!"


All i can say about the even is "Meh."

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I just think it's a total sham really, and a wasted opportunity. But ultimately I've got raids to run and conquests to plan. I don't think this event will be fun so I won't participate. But I'm not going to quit the game over it. It's total garbage but meh I have the choice to participate or not ultimately.
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Have you hit the 'cancel subscription button' yet?


I see these types of posts all the time after something happens that someone doesn't like.


You are right though, it's a business and businesses make decisions based on potential profits.


If you don't 'vote with your wallet' and actually cancel, or actually stop paying for CM items with real cash...they won't change, they'll just keep doing what they do.




Personally, to the OP, I don't care about this event either. I'm not mad about it though. I still enjoy the game enough to keep paying for my two subscriptions.


No, I have not unsubbed. I have already stated that I am sticking around for now.


But, I'm not participating in this event. As easily as tier 1 rewards could be had, I refuse on principal at this point.


However, just because I'm staying doesn't mean that others are as willing as I am. Other people tend to be a bit more fickle than me.


I will state this, though. If no reason is obvious to stay very shortly after the end of this season of KotFE, that could well be the end for me. It will be too easy to take a break. And I know that if I take a break, the odds are extremely low that I'll be back. Something else will have my attention by then.

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Why can't people with incompetent minds understand this?

It's not that anyone doesn't understand why a player would be underwhelmed or not interested in this "event" (really just an elaborate promotion), it's that it's hard to understand why someone would be angry or insulted by it.


"BW are going to give out special rewards to players who roll new characters and complete the game's existing content with them."


"I have no desire to roll a bunch of new characters..."

"Yeah, I can see that, perfectly reasonab-"

"And I am really angry about this horrible slap to the face!"

"...um... what?"

Edited by DarthDymond
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What I've noticed is that people are especially upset about having to make 8 new characters.


1) Event is optional


2) Only the final tier (Legendary Level) requires 8 characters and tons of other stuff. If you ignore the Legendary Level, you only need two characters. If you complete up to the Eternal Level tier, you'll get:

-2 new armors (1 legacy bound with XP boosts & 1 that's mailed to each character)

-1 new pet for each character

-1 new mount for each character

-5 new legacy titles

-at least 15 packs (not sure if they stack for each tier)

-new companion for every character

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I mean, I have no interest in this event, so I'm not going to participate.


Particularly since I just finished re-running all 8 class stories (that being the only thing I found interesting enough to do, once I brought a couple toons through KotFE).




So after reading about the event. I'm like "meh". And I figure I'll do something else. Perhaps catch up on some books. Play other games. Maybe even go outside!


What's there to rage about? I mean, what if no event had been announced at all? What difference would that have made?


I ... just don't get it. So it's an event that consists solely of rehashed content. So??? That's all 4.0 has been since it launched, outside of KotFE chapters



The rage is all about the fact that they're discounting everything anyone who's played any amount of time since launch has done in the game. They're not going to count anything any of us have done, it's all about starting over again, which is something most players who have quite a lot of time invested are NOT willing to do.


It's as if you were in school, for any degree, but let's say it's for a Doctorate in Medicine. You get all the way to the last semester and the school comes and tells you that there is a new degree level that you can attain, just slightly better than the Doctorate, but in order to earn that new degree, you must go back to day one in school, re-take every class you already took, spending more time and effort on things you've already done, including your core classes.


A little bit of an extreme analogy, perhaps, but it fits all the same. Would you be angry if a school were to say that to you? I'm sure you would, anyone would. You've already taken those courses, you've proven you know the content of those courses, why must you redo them? So, too, why must you redo this content to take part in the event?


If no event had been announced, we'd be plodding along as we still are, anticipating the next chapter of Fallen Pants. And we'd be expecting that there'd be another chapter a month later to round out this Season of the expansion. And we'd be doing all the content we want to do, for the rewards that are already there, without feeling like we're forced to redo everything we've already done to gain new rewards.


That's what the rage is about. That's why people are saying they're not going to do it, that it's not worth their time. There's nothing unique about any of this event. The companions are all skins of each other, these two new companions hold no interest for anyone who's done Fallen Pants unless it's someone who collects companions. The "packs" will all be bind on pickup, so if you end up not wanting to keep the character you get the packs on, you either have to pay CC to use the items or you just lose out on those "rewards." The titles are legacy bound. So, if you have no room on your server to create a new character, and are unwilling to delete one or two to reroll them, then you are SOL on the titles on your server, because you'll have to go to a different server to play all this content. Which means you have to find the raiding and PvP community, build up all your gear and everything AGAIN to be able to be a competent participant in HM FPs and in OPs.


I don't blame people for being angry. I don't blame them for quitting or even just threatening to quit.

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It's not that anyone doesn't understand why a player would be underwhelmed or not interested in this "event" (really just an elaborate promotion), it's that it's hard to understand why someone would be angry or insulted by it.


"BW are going to give out special rewards to players who roll new characters and complete the game's existing content with them."


"I have no desire to roll a bunch of new characters..."

"Yeah, I can see that, perfectly reasonab-"

"And I am really angry about this horrible slap to the face!"

"...um... what?"


When did I say I was angry I'm not I wish I was but I'm not. I'm just sad and genuinely feel sorrow. :(

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The rage is people being *****es about getting a challenge when they were asking for one, and now they get one and they don't want a challenge. Grow up, shut up, and either do it, do some of it, or don't touch it. It's not a mandatory event.



No, it's not about asking for a challenge. We were asking for more challenging content, not a speedrun through existing content. You can proclaim the awesomeness of this farce of an event all you want. It doesn't change the fact that it is a farce, put together by a group of devs desperate to try anything short of actually turning to the playerbase for input. We've put suggestion after suggestion after suggestion to them as to how to improve the game and the quality of life in the game. There's an entire forum dedicated to it. They ignore it. A response from them is rare on the General forum. On the suggestion forum, though? it's almost non-existent.


Yes, you're right that it's not a mandatory event. However, they're marketing it as some huge wonderful deal with all these "lovely" rewards. But to get it you have to do everything you've done repeatedly already, all over again. Oh, and forget everything you've already done. It doesn't matter, it doesn't count, start over because your achievements mean nothing.


That's why people are upset.

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It's an event that IS useless to the majority of veteran players, and if they didn't call it an event but just made it something that was intended to bring in new players rather than coerce veteran players, the rage would be excessive.


However, because only characters leveled through this event will impact storyline changes coming after KotFE, the "state of the galaxy", it IS coercive to those of us that play because it's Star Wars and we like the lore.

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