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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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This event is great for the new players who just discovered this game.. The dark side vs Light side event is nothing more then replaying content that we have had for some years now. For what vanity and cosmetics??? Im sorry M8's but as a Founder who has been around since launch and has done it all and has all the classes with extras for different specs aka legendary status i have no interest in this event. Again great for new players who just joined the community but for players like myself its a joke cuz we see they have no intent for real content ill return someday when they decide to acualy make content .. goodluck


Lots of veterans, founders even, are still making new characters all the time. What's wrong with an event that sponsors that and makes it a little quicker? Replay really is the bread and butter of MMOs and getting the next-to-last tier for this can be done with 2 65s... But if that's not your thing you've got a couple new chapters coming up soon, right? And a cantina that is presumably going to give us a bit more info about future content. Like 12xp last summer, this was never advertised or implied to be much new content.

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Lots of veterans, founders even, are still making new characters all the time. What's wrong with an event that sponsors that and makes it a little quicker?


Yes, and i would like to actually have the option to participate as the veteran i am, having my slots filled on my server. Replay value or not, grindfest or not, new content or not - doesn't matter when they automatically disqualify their longterm players by requiring us to make new characters when we have no slots.


They NEED to come up with a solution to that issue before they bring it live. But no, instead they just keep ignoring it....If i didn't know better i would think we all accidently used /stuck or something....

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Yes, and i would like to actually have the option to participate as the veteran i am, having my slots filled on my server. Replay value or not, grindfest or not, new content or not - doesn't matter when they automatically disqualify their longterm players by requiring us to make new characters when we have no slots.


They NEED to come up with a solution to that issue before they bring it live. But no, instead they just keep ignoring it....If i didn't know better i would think we all accidently used /stuck or something....


You're not disqualified. Buy new character slots (sale on tuesday), delete something you're not using or play on another server or another account even.


I'm not saying you don't have a valid complaint but I was addressing other complaints and yours is far from monumental or worth this amount of nonsense - I doubt that most of the complainers here have your issue. But I have well over 40 level 60+ characters scattered on 4 servers at the moment and am having to make room on my main server if I want to go for the final tier (I probably won't but haven't decided yet).

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You're not disqualified. Buy new character slots (sale on tuesday), delete something you're not using or play on another server or another account even.


I'm not saying you don't have a valid complaint but I was addressing other complaints and yours is far from monumental or worth this amount of nonsense - I doubt that most people have your issue. But I have well over 40 level 60+ characters scattered on 4 servers at the moment and am having to make room on my main server if I want to go for the final tier (I probably won't but haven't decided yet).


I shouldn't have to pay to participate in an event that is free for everyone who haven't spent as much time in game. Either it should be free for all, or cost for all.


Rolling on a new server is completly invalid since 2 of 3 rewards categories are bound to char/legacy, which means i'd never be able to have them on the server im actually playing.


And lastly, i regularly play with ALL my toons, most of which are lvl65 and fully pvp geared. To require their most loyal subscribers to delete one of their toons, when everyone else doesn't is for obvious reason completly stupid.


I believe more ppl then you think have my issue. I might be playing a little more than the average person, but my ammount of toons comes from being here since pre-launch. It might not be monumental to you, but for me it is....and it should be to BW as well, if they have any interest to maintain their longterm subscribers.

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I have a family and lead an active life style - especially during the summer, which they now expect us to waste inside, sitting on a computer chair, grinding our lives away for a few rewards lol? I finally got my Legendary Player status after grinding all the character story line, some of which that were just god-awful and tedious, and now they expect us to delete characters or buy new slots and re-grind those exact same classes to 50?


This needs to be made available to pre-existing characters, and take into account all the hard work players have put into the game thus far. The concept is great and the rewards are nice; make it so that you can designate your existing characters as Light VS Dark and you might get less outrage over this.


I'll work hard and complete achievements to earn that new companion, but hell if I'm going to waste away my summer grinding characters I'll never look at again because Bioware poorly implemented a grindfest update event lol. Cheers.


What I think they should do (which would please almost everyone) is if all the achievements for the event counted retroactively, but the Light Side vs Dark Side counter for which companion we get only tracked newly made characters' point accumulation. Problem solved, ja?

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It seems that this 'Event' needs to be re thought.


Its annoyed Hard Core Veterans who have filled up their number of character slots and don't want to delete one or two in order to grind through new characters they will have to delete to free up that slot to create the next character required. I would technically fall into that category though all honesty deleting a character to recreate them just to participate isn't my biggest issue with this 'event.' And two or eight free slots wouldn't suddenly make the content new and exciting.


Its annoyed Veterans who have played through some, most or all of the requirements that are on the list but don't count cause loyalty is not as important as making you do it all over again and keeping you subscribed over Summer. Its all about future payments, so don't for a second think for a second your previous years of subscription or cartel market purchases should count for anything. They are even selling the Dark vs Light Hypercrate (chance cubes included) in the cartel market in case you were in any doubt as to what motivated this.


Its annoyed anyone who thought they might get an event and didn't realize that an event meant a list of old content that you need to regrind through. Who knew that lists and events were the same thing but turns out if you have already played the game and purchased the things you wanted from the cartel market, the joke is on you! Cause you could have waited and done it in an EVENT! Yeah I don't see it being an event either.


And what is the only defense of this 'event,' that you don't have to do it's optional. Bloody hell the entire game is optional and most people that played over the last few years decided it was an option they didn't want and quit. And tied in with this it's not aimed at you its aimed at new players. You mean players that aren't interested in playing the content today but tell them its an event and give them a list of flashpoints, PvP, Crafting skills and GSF they can complete and they will lap it up! On the plus side at least we will at least know they are coming because we will hear their approach as they ride in on unicorns. Oh what are you saying they don't exist, Unicorns don't exist? Oh you mean this mythical breed of new player doesn't exist at least their we can agree. If people wanted to play they would and if they are undecided a long list of things to achieve for cosmetic gear isn't going to get them to flood in.


So you have an event that most people are unhappy with, those that are defending it don't actually defend the event but say its optional you don't have to do it. No one has yet identified what this event brings to the game other than some extra chance cubes and cosmetic gear that is already provided by the cartel market.


So the 'event' seems to be annoying a lot of people (proportional to how many play the game) and the only defense of it is, well its optional. That can not be seen as a good idea to proceed with.

Edited by Costello
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I shouldn't have to pay to participate in an event that is free for everyone who haven't spent as much time in game. Either it should be free for all, or cost for all.


Rolling on a new server is completly invalid since 2 of 3 rewards categories are bound to char/legacy, which means i'd never be able to have them on the server im actually playing.


And lastly, i regularly play with ALL my toons, most of which are lvl65 and fully pvp geared. To require their most loyal subscribers to delete one of their toons, when everyone else doesn't is for obvious reason completly stupid.


I believe more ppl then you think have my issue. I might be playing a little more than the average person, but my ammount of toons comes from being here since pre-launch. It might not be monumental to you, but for me it is....and it should be to BW as well, if they have any interest to maintain their longterm subscribers.


I have to agree with this. Even though I have room a lot of vets don't (my boyfriend doesnt') and requiring them to purchase slots or start on a new server-stupid. Asking someone to start on a new server is idiotic at best. We have problems with some servers already and this is not going to help. This is just going to upset people.


They knew when they planned this that some individuals would not have room and if they didn't then they are even worse than I thought. People have stated over and over in the forums long before this how many characters they have so they should have been prepared. They should at the very least give one character slot for this. It is the least they can do with this event especially to those that have the slots maxed.

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I guess I should of been more clear in my wording. Shadow of Revan is there in completing it, Ziost is there in completing it, KOTFE is there, Oricon is there in simply killing 50 npcs, hell they even got you digging for HK-51 parts again. But Makeb isn't there at all, not even kill 50 npcs. It's like they ignored it.


Yep! :D Which is weird, because I know a lot of people didn't like Makeb, but I actually liked both sides storylines there. (Well not the first half of the imperial side, but after that weird sith dude left (didn't kill him but still wanted him gone) then I liked it much more.) And having all the different lines for all the different companions (even HK-51!:D) made me go back there repeatedly to see what new line of dialogue I could find on all the different companions. Some or just meh because it was a character just seeing something, but some were really really funny. HK-51: "Statement. Master, cliffs are are a efficient means of disposing of enemies." And Elara wanting to help people and go on a vacation, Mako thinking she got fat because of how heavily encrypted the Holonet signal is there and go on a vacation, Blizz wanting to build things, and M1-4X wanting to "Crush these scum with the boot of Republic justice!" to name a few.:D

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You can get HK-51 with legacy unlock. No need to do the quest again. 1 million credits is very easy to get so it's not like it costs too much.


True, but that's only for people that have done it at least once on their legacy. If you do not have a character on your legacy with him, then you will have to do the mission at least once.

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You're not disqualified. Buy new character slots (sale on tuesday), delete something you're not using or play on another server or another account even.


I'm not saying you don't have a valid complaint but I was addressing other complaints and yours is far from monumental or worth this amount of nonsense - I doubt that most of the complainers here have your issue. But I have well over 40 level 60+ characters scattered on 4 servers at the moment and am having to make room on my main server if I want to go for the final tier (I probably won't but haven't decided yet).


My two biggest issues:


1) Established players should not have to spend extra money (on top of sub), delete a character, or start from scratch on a new server just to participate in an "event".


2) This is all stuff that many of us have done before, and on a scale and scope utterly different from repeating the Gree event or doing the same Ops multiple times. This is levelling 2 or 8 entirely new characters, and taking them all the way through KotFE.

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It seems that there are 3 main defenses of this event for the brave the few who are supporting it. I wont quote as I'm not looking to call anyone out on what they think about the event. As they didn't design it and aren't responsible for it, however if the development team want to come on the forums and defend it that would be unlikely and may offer some insight.


First defense is: They Didn't have to give us anything!


Side stepping offering old cartel market items for completing old content isn't much, this statement is wrong. SWTOR is a commodity which EAware want to charge for (at least subscribers) and as such you have to offer something that customers see as value for money. If there is a business out there that I get to charge people without providing anything I want in on that. So in an effort to get people to subscribe over the summer while waiting on Kofte season 2 they have come up with an 'Event' only in this case the 'Event' is a check list of old content with the reward of chance cubes.


Next Defense and very close to the first: If you don't like it don't play it!


This is a course of action most the people that have ever played SWTOR have taken, its why it had to go free to play (I have discussed else where that this allowed double dipping of charging subscribers rather than bringing lots of new people buying cartel coins to the game) and why currently all the servers are light (with one or two maybe getting into standard population). The forums are filled with people wanting cheap transfers and server mergers cause there are so few players.


Neither of these defense really defend the 'Event' but rather suggest that if you don't like it vote with your wallet and quit. A fair suggestion but I don't think come the quarterly financial review would be good for the game or future development. Though for those that have quit not a big problem.


The next Defense: Its a speed run or it gives new achievements or encouragement to play through the game:


The speed run may drive the wrong kind of behavior, rather than enjoy the game or the story its about space baring through the dialogue and trying to skip as much content as possible. Or in otherwords making the game as grindy as possible, though that is more an argument for the vets who know every story. So for the new players, people that haven't been interested in the game for the last 5 years now see some cosmetic rewards and jump on the wagon. Though I don't even know how hard it will be for them to get through the flashpoint requirements should they get grouped with a vet who is screaming at them that they are noobs and *********** up his speed run and to f off and die. I don't see this defense makes the game more fun for either group, speed grinding through or because you are giving me some lock boxes I didn't love the content last month but I love it now give me more here take my money!


The fourth Defense: People that don't like this are wingers, cry babies, stupid, entitled, spoiled etc.


Not really a defense, more an attempt to belittle other people so their views are considered childish or unimportant. This is where you know its indefensible and so you attack the people making the comments. This is common in the legal system where when a client is clearly guilty the lawyer attacks the officer involved, the procedure or tries to find a loop hole. Its not defending the event its not giving people a reason to check it out, rather its claiming that anyone that dislikes the event is using hyperbolic arguments, that they are just sad cause they have to work for a living and have other commitments so don't want to replay content they have been playing for the last few years.


Now ultimately there maybe a small number of people this event genuinely appeals to. My own view would be however if you need lock boxes to encourage you to play through the story content you haven't played before you may not be that interested in the story or the content. So a chance cube with part of a cosmetic outfit thats ugly as sin may not be the lure they thought it to be. As for the Vets who want to regrind through it all over again I don't see the appeal (yes I know defense 1 or 2 or maybe 4) . I want to see an Event this summer to get me to log back in, I would have loved to see something like what Elder Scrolls Online did with the Dark Brotherhood DLC with daily assassination missions, Crafting writs, bounty boards, thieves guild dlc etc. But a list of old content, I just don't see how this can be called an 'event' or outside of the rewards what the appeal in and off its self to play through the old content is.


Perhaps worse than this is that if this was the plan for between season 1 and 2, the SWTOR development team is not being supported to allow it to produce content and is forced to use check lists of old content in place of an actual event. It definitely appears no one from EAware is half as keen as defending this as some of the forum goers are. Maybe they agree its an indefensible travesty, so in this case I believe their silence could be taken as consent.


Yep, you are right on all accounts. I am not defending it, because there are many many MANY things flawed with it. One major thing because one time timed achievements, I DETEST those. Event achievements are fine, as long as the said will return, so if I miss someone, I know "Eh...i'll get it next time." Doesn't make me feel I missed out on anything. Still going to do it because....im not a winger, not a cry baby, not entitled and not spoiled, but I am stupid and have the mental age of 12 and a AP Hunter. But yes, they really screwed up with this on multiple counts, all or most of which you pointed out.:)

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Am i wrong or Light & Dark side packs going to be able to buy from CC Market?!

From http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/957FCF3C6E7B5001_thumb1.jpg we can see we can get x30 (hypercrate) and it can drop chance cubes. Buhahaha waste Ur time to level up chars to get chance cubes :D


WHOA! Just....just....just....*faceplam* roflroflroflroflroflrofl:D:cool::D:cool:;)

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2) This is all stuff that many of us have done before, and on a scale and scope utterly different from repeating the Gree event or doing the same Ops multiple times. This is levelling 2 or 8 entirely new characters, and taking them all the way through KotFE.


This is so that their ratings look good compared to other games and to please EA/Disney. They'd like to say that their player base enjoys their content so much they'll play through it again and again.

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Am i wrong or Light & Dark side packs going to be able to buy from CC Market?!

From http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/957FCF3C6E7B5001_thumb1.jpg we can see we can get x30 (hypercrate) and it can drop chance cubes. Buhahaha waste Ur time to level up chars to get chance cubes :D


The difference between the event packs and the cm variant of the same packs is that the former do not have chance cubes in them while the latter do.


Therefore, to increase your chances to obtain very rare armor sets like Revan, Satele, etc, they're "inviting" you to take part in the event so that you can obtain the variant of packs which is chance cubes-free. It's actually quite a smart decision. Most will look at this and think "Why should I spend money on $$$ rng when if I take part in the event I can earn the same thing, but without the chance cubes garbage? I might give it a try afterall".

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Is it possible to "resurrect" old characters? I have few 56 level chars I wanted to level later. It would be nice to skip the char creation and just recreate the char with the same settings and play this event. Of course, I could delete the char and hope that the name stays with me and I also choose the same settings :-).


Same settings? Meaning the characters looks? The only way atm is go to the Cartel Bazzar (or your SH or guild ship if they have it) and go to the character customization booth and look at the numbers of your choices. Then write them down, and then delete, and redo. That's what I, and I have seen some others on here, do.

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This is all stuff that many of us have done before, and on a scale and scope utterly different from repeating the Gree event or doing the same Ops multiple times. This is levelling 2 or 8 entirely new characters, and taking them all the way through KotFE.


You only have to defeat five Ops bosses if you choose to go for Legendary Level, and you only have to complete one of the ops to clear the necessary boss (which happens to be the second-easiest Operation in the game). You don't have to actually do the Gree event, just farm 50 droid kills. You only have to level six of the characters to 50 and two to 65. You only have to take one character through KotFE, you don't have to do story missions at all in any of the other seven.


Have you even read the requirements?

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Not everyone has been ordered by BW to go for the top tier in this event. The top tier is actually for the insane people. There are lots of insane people in mmos - what's wrong with giving them something to do?


What about for stupid people with mental ages of 12? They count also? or only insane people? :D

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Lots of veterans, founders even, are still making new characters all the time. What's wrong with an event that sponsors that and makes it a little quicker? Replay really is the bread and butter of MMOs and getting the next-to-last tier for this can be done with 2 65s... But if that's not your thing you've got a couple new chapters coming up soon, right? And a cantina that is presumably going to give us a bit more info about future content. Like 12xp last summer, this was never advertised or implied to be much new content.


Yes I agree I make new characters some times (maybe all the time if I could but playing multiple games and being the oldest of 12 and just starting a new job limits it (and getting new ideas from either other players or remaking characters ingame or from other Star Wars media or other cultural icons is fun.) but I like leveling and doing the content at my own pace. I do all the missions along the way to see the different lines that pop up, form either me, the NPC or companions. Having to speed run them? Eh...it ruins it for me. Yes I know its Legendary tier and not even for the companion. Still don't like it. The way they have designed, promoted and then continued to talk about this "event" is also a sore if not angering spot for most people.

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You only have to defeat five Ops bosses if you choose to go for Legendary Level, and you only have to complete one of the ops to clear the necessary boss (which happens to be the second-easiest Operation in the game). You don't have to actually do the Gree event, just farm 50 droid kills. You only have to level six of the characters to 50 and two to 65. You only have to take one character through KotFE, you don't have to do story missions at all in any of the other seven.


Have you even read the requirements?


I have been through the KOTFE chapters over 6 times and now they want us to do it again? It would make sense if the story was different but the same thing all the way through and I have already made light or dark choices depending on each of my characters.


People have full character slots yet bioware wants them either to buy new slots or start on a new server, even though there are some that are "dying" (not mine) but they should have given a person a new character slot since they knew that there would be some with full slots (thankfully not me) and this way help people to actually consider doing it instead of "cough" having them purchase slots on their event.

Edited by casirabit
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It seems that this 'Event' needs to be re thought.


Its annoyed Hard Core Veterans who have filled up their number of character slots and don't want to delete one or two in order to grind through new characters they will have to delete to free up that slot to create the next character required. I would technically fall into that category though all honesty deleting a character to recreate them just to participate isn't my biggest issue with this 'event.' And two or eight free slots wouldn't suddenly make the content new and exciting.


Its annoyed Veterans who have played through some, most or all of the requirements that are on the list but don't count cause loyalty is not as important as making you do it all over again and keeping you subscribed over Summer. Its all about future payments, so don't for a second think for a second your previous years of subscription or cartel market purchases should count for anything. They are even selling the Dark vs Light Hypercrate (chance cubes included) in the cartel market in case you were in any doubt as to what motivated this.


Its annoyed anyone who thought they might get an event and didn't realize that an event meant a list of old content that you need to regrind through. Who knew that lists and events were the same thing but turns out if you have already played the game and purchased the things you wanted from the cartel market, the joke is on you! Cause you could have waited and done it in an EVENT! Yeah I don't see it being an event either.


And what is the only defense of this 'event,' that you don't have to do it's optional. Bloody hell the entire game is optional and most people that played over the last few years decided it was an option they didn't want and quit. And tied in with this it's not aimed at you its aimed at new players. You mean players that aren't interested in playing the content today but tell them its an event and give them a list of flashpoints, PvP, Crafting skills and GSF they can complete and they will lap it up! On the plus side at least we will at least know they are coming because we will hear their approach as they ride in on unicorns. Oh what are you saying they don't exist, Unicorns don't exist? Oh you mean this mythical breed of new player doesn't exist at least their we can agree. If people wanted to play they would and if they are undecided a long list of things to achieve for cosmetic gear isn't going to get them to flood in.


So you have an event that most people are unhappy with, those that are defending it don't actually defend the event but say its optional you don't have to do it. No one has yet identified what this event brings to the game other than some extra chance cubes and cosmetic gear that is already provided by the cartel market.


So the 'event' seems to be annoying a lot of people (proportional to how many play the game) and the only defense of it is, well its optional. That can not be seen as a good idea to proceed with.


Yep, I agree. Though just to be clear, the ONLY "new" content I see is your right the gear and speeders and pet, and the 5 new datacrons. That's it....which...is sad :p

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You only have to defeat five Ops bosses if you choose to go for Legendary Level, and you only have to complete one of the ops to clear the necessary boss (which happens to be the second-easiest Operation in the game). You don't have to actually do the Gree event, just farm 50 droid kills. You only have to level six of the characters to 50 and two to 65. You only have to take one character through KotFE, you don't have to do story missions at all in any of the other seven.


Have you even read the requirements?


Did you forget the part where completing every HM flashpoint was also a requirement? Have fun with that.

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Did you forget the part where completing every HM flashpoint was also a requirement? Have fun with that.


Actually for me the HM FPs would be easy, (I farm them anyways for the 25 kill achievements, and running the ones I have at 25 times already, just once, is no biggy.) would much rather do all of them 2 or even 3 times over or run 200-300 heroics then level 6 characters to lv50 (not counting the other 2 because those are going to be 65 for the other requirement.)

Edited by Lakemine
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Right so then when you repeat the content you do every day currently you aren't enjoying it? You're playing a game you don't enjoy? Or is that you can indeed find enjoyment from monotony?


Look at some of the words you posted right there, they seem to sum exactly what people currently PAY to play in this game. Namely repetitive or repetitious - are you not repeating the same thing every day you play this game?


If you're not and finding unique things to do in the game I would wager a lot of this event is not repetitive at all then as for it to be repetitive would mean you would have had to do it all numerous times ( ideally once if you want to get technical ) which would mean what you do normally you have also done numerous times making the game every day ... montonous. Is there enjoyment in monotony in this game or not?

Was doing all star fortresses enjoyable as that's monotony?


If the answer is "no it wasn't enjoyable" then you should question why you bother paying to play this game rather than this event ... the event is the least of your issues.




I would just like to know what you do currently in the game? They structured all of KoTFE and the best way to generate credits int he game around running heroics which is really old content for the most part and expects you to do it day in and day out. What about the old dailies - you skipped all those then since that's more like a gob than a game right?


Why do you play this game if monotony is too much like work since games like this almost throw monotony at you as an expectation to progress?


I have no idea what point you are trying to make here. A bit of a rambling mess.


Are you arguing that monotony can indeed be fun? Really? Because by definition - it isn't. Check the dictionary.


Are you arguing that doing something more than once equates to monotony? That also isn't true. There are many things people greatly enjoy doing repeatedly (i.e. sex).


Are you arguing that because I play parts of a game that I do enjoy, I am somehow tacitly endorsing all monotonous aspects of a game? That seems an odd and flawed assumption. I pay to play the parts I enjoy playing. Nothing more.


Are you arguing that because I have avoided participating in some content that I found tedious and monotonous in the past - that I should therefore now enjoy this event because it requires me to participate in that content? Because I guess it would still be "fresh" content to me? Really? You are really grasping here. Monotonous content repackaged does not become less monotonous.


I enjoy quite a lot of this game. An event that would allow us to use our main characters and re-run missions that we enjoy as part of a light side points vs dark side points contest would have been awesome. As presented, this event is far from awesome. Good luck in your continued efforts to defend it.

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I have no idea what point you are trying to make here. A bit of a rambling mess.


Are you arguing that monotony can indeed be fun? Really? Because by definition - it isn't. Check the dictionary.


Are you arguing that doing something more than once equates to monotony? That also isn't true. There are many things people greatly enjoy doing repeatedly (i.e. sex).


Are you arguing that because I play parts of a game that I do enjoy, I am somehow tacitly endorsing all monotonous aspects of a game? That seems an odd and flawed assumption. I pay to play the parts I enjoy playing. Nothing more.


Are you arguing that because I have avoided participating in some content that I found tedious and monotonous in the past - that I should therefore now enjoy this event because it requires me to participate in that content? Because I guess it would still be "fresh" content to me? Really? You are really grasping here. Monotonous content repackaged does not become less monotonous.


I think the net of what he was conveying is you are working a double standard. You play an MMO.. by definition MMOs include a lot of repeat, repetitive, and tedious replay of the same content. The event simply adds additional limited time incentives to do so with a range of content in this game. Yet the event is evil but normal content is OK?


I enjoy quite a lot of this game. An event that would allow us to use our main characters and re-run missions that we enjoy as part of a light side points vs dark side points contest would have been awesome. As presented, this event is far from awesome. Good luck in your continued efforts to defend it.
provocative much?


Many of the key measures for the event are tied to character leveling. How exactly would they measure that with capped level characters playing the content, without making major changes to game mechanics (for a one time limted time event)?


Besides.. the leveling requirements are rather timid by veteran standards. No need to repeat class story, no need to even reach level cap for some of the achievements, no need to retain said characters leveled strictly for qualifying for the achievements and rewards. No need to even do them if you don't want to.. but you forego the rewards.


I've done a lot of events in a lot of MMOs over the years. One thing they all had in common was effort and grind for rewards within the event. Once the event was completed.. players proceed on as if the event never took place. This particular one is just a little more clever (or exasperating, if you are very negative on it).. in that it uses existing content, in a different manner then when we played the first time through, for the purposes of the event.


IMO, having to do brand new unique grindy things has no more or less merit then what they are doing with this event with existing content. It's a grind either way.. and whatever content is involved will be largely ignored by players in their haste to progress through the event. When the event is over.. you have your rewards and you move on.

Edited by Andryah
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