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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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Hey folks,


I wanted to let you all know that the Dark vs Light event will be ending on Tuesday, November 29th. There was a Twitter post from the official account which listed the end date as December 2nd. That was in error and is not correct.


Once again, DvL will be ending on 11/29. Thanks everyone.




Can you please answer 2 questions?


1) For the achievements that say character created during the event. Does that really mean created during the event, or does the achievement need to be completed DURING the event?


2) I came across a nasty bug with LS points. So I leveled up a Sith Warrior. I decided to go Light Side. Funny thing though, no matter how many light side points I get awarded during the quest, I get exactly 50 LS points. I think this happened with my sentinel as well, but I've run out of quests in the story line and I am still only LS 4. Any way to get a quick fix on this, especially if the achievement needs to be completed during the event?

Edited by Psychopyro
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Can you please answer 2 questions?


1) For the achievements that say character created during the event. Does that really mean created during the event, or does the achievement need to be completed DURING the event?


2) I came across a nasty bug with LS points. So I leveled up a Sith Warrior. I decided to go Light Side. Funny thing though, no matter how many light side points I get awarded during the quest, I get exactly 50 LS points. I think this happened with my sentinel as well, but I've run out of quests in the story line and I am still only LS 4. Any way to get a quick fix on this, especially if the achievement needs to be completed during the event?


I Would just go diplomacy, a lot easier to get DS/LS. Doesn't take long either :)

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Yes, what EXACTLY will happen when DvL is over?


1. Are the achievements still available to do or will they be grayed out?


2. Do our characters made during the event lose their little name emblem and nothing done by them counts toward the achievements?


3.Will the whole DvL achievement area go away?


4. Will the reward crates still be available for completing an achievement section after Nov 29th? I'm guessing this one's a big "nope."


I have done everything I plan to do and have the experience armor, opened 50 crates i think, but several legendary stuff is not finished. I don't really care for it, and don't need the reward/title but I do like finishing achievements if something comes up. Like say someone says 6 months from now: "Hey let's get a group for the monolith or something."


5. Half price cartel DvL 30 packs? :D

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Yes, what EXACTLY will happen when DvL is over?


1. Are the achievements still available to do or will they be grayed out?


2. Do our characters made during the event lose their little name emblem and nothing done by them counts toward the achievements?


3.Will the whole DvL achievement area go away?


4. Will the reward crates still be available for completing an achievement section after Nov 29th? I'm guessing this one's a big "nope."


I have done everything I plan to do and have the experience armor, opened 50 crates i think, but several legendary stuff is not finished. I don't really care for it, and don't need the reward/title but I do like finishing achievements if something comes up. Like say someone says 6 months from now: "Hey let's get a group for the monolith or something."


5. Half price cartel DvL 30 packs? :D


1) If the achievements were still available, then the event would still be active. Think about it.


2) Does the emblem matter? :t_confused:


3) Doubt it.


4) No. C'mon, get real! See 1).


5) :t_tongue: Now you're talking!

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Well, guys, it's been fun. Made it to Eternal today so I'll get the companion–so I'm done with DVL. :D


Me too, the only reason I made any DvL alts. We get another sexy company tomorrow, or at least if we were subbed by tomorrow, still not as good as Nadia (who was my female consular's BFF).

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In the Legendary tier, the Flashpoints part of this event is ridiculous. The 3.0 on flashpoints are way too hard, especially for the skimpy loot each offers. Unless you're in a guild that raids and has great gear, you're screwed.


I've been playing since Beta and all my mates are very burnt out on doing the old flashpoints that we've already done countless mind-numbing times. To make it worse, we can clearly see that 3.0 flashpoints on are what's going to keep most people from finishing this event: Battle of Rishi, Manaan, etc. - good luck pugging, highly unlikely you'll finish the event. It's clearly meant to be finished on active guilds, unless the 3.0 on flashpoints tone it down in difficulty. Making flashpoints harder with crappy loot isn't going to make us want to play it again either; the newer flashpoints are overdone in difficulty.


*End of DvL synopsis: Most players doing the event ---> took all that time to get all that other list of requirements done on Legendary tier, does all the pre-3.0 flashpoints - pugs post-3.0 flashpoints a thousand times and still hasn't completed it. Players disgruntled. Not a surprise at all from what I'm seeing from pugging players; if you pug, don't waste your time on something that is highly unlikely you're going to be able to finish.

Edited by Willjb
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Hey folks,


I wanted to let you all know that the Dark vs Light event will be ending on Tuesday, November 29th. There was a Twitter post from the official account which listed the end date as December 2nd. That was in error and is not correct.


Once again, DvL will be ending on 11/29. Thanks everyone.




Will we be getting another rakghoul event, we have the gree we will have bounty on 27th december. Rakghoul is the one I need to know if Im going to worry about finishing the legendary.

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Will we be getting another rakghoul event, we have the gree we will have bounty on 27th december. Rakghoul is the one I need to know if Im going to worry about finishing the legendary.


September 20-27th is the next rakghoul outbreak, you can look it up under in-game event.

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Hate to tell you this we are at the end of October so that event is over and done with.


Tharandil is dropping a hint that the In Game Event webpage and the information on it is out of date.

Edited by dr_mike
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The Dark vs. Light Event goes live on June 28th! Learn more about the event and the great rewards that you can earn here.



Victor’s Titan Turret Tank Mount? where is it? Darth Hexid...where is it? i finished legendary on Progenitor, i'm about to finish legendary on The Red Eclipse and STILL didnt get those!!! So???
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Victor’s Titan Turret Tank Mount? where is it? Darth Hexid...where is it? i finished legendary on Progenitor, i'm about to finish legendary on The Red Eclipse and STILL didnt get those!!! So???


When the event ends they will be delivered by in-game email. November 29th is the day

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Victor’s Titan Turret Tank Mount? where is it? Darth Hexid...where is it? i finished legendary on Progenitor, i'm about to finish legendary on The Red Eclipse and STILL didnt get those!!! So???


You want to finish legendary on 2 servers? Talk about commitment :eek:

You'll get the rewards on all characters you have ever created or will create in the future once the event comes at a close. You'll only get one of the 2 companions though: as of now it appears Ranos is winning (all dark vs light choices on all servers determine which companion will be unlocked)

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So when the DvL event "ends" on 29 Nov, does that just mean you can no longer start new toons for those rewards, or does it mean any and all toons will no longer be able to gain any further DvL achievements? I ask because many of the achievements are worded in such a way as to indicate that they can be accomplished with a toon "created during the event", implying that as long as it is a marked DvL toon, you can still progress the achievements...
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The even ENDS. As with other events, you cannot gain additional event achievements after the event has ended.


If they hadn't specified that this would be possible only with characters created during the event, any previous characters would be able to do it too. Which clearly hasn't been their intent.

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So when the DvL event "ends" on 29 Nov, does that just mean you can no longer start new toons for those rewards, or does it mean any and all toons will no longer be able to gain any further DvL achievements? I ask because many of the achievements are worded in such a way as to indicate that they can be accomplished with a toon "created during the event", implying that as long as it is a marked DvL toon, you can still progress the achievements...


When the event ends, the achievements will cease to be available. Otherwise, why have and end date?


That being stated, this event was no good for longtime players. Sadly, it will look like I supported the event because I created a character so I could do my last class story. So, whoopee!, I hit tier 2 in the event "just because."


I'm sure the event did some good, overall. I have no doubt. But, I just think it would have been way cooler if they had put just a little effort into something that had something new about it.

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