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Character Transfer Sale 5/26 – 6/5


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LOL! That's funny because here a "twink" has a very different meaning. Would avatar be better? Characters?


Avatar is likely more the characters portrait next to your skills. Character is in german too general because it doesn't describe the "position" of the character. Your main is a character but your toon/twink too. But we took main into german "Main" and toon to "Twink". But in general we got many english words. :)

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Guildship and SH don't matter...they're replaceable. Players aren't. If they stay, they'll die. If they move, they'll flourish. Node farming is pointless when there's nobody to compete against or sell to.


TUX's is coming from a good place and I agree with him completely. Everything guild wise can be worked towards getting again but if you lose players you will eventually lose out. Take this opportunity please find a good home and restart you will find the benefits far outweigh the cons of staying on a low populated server, especially if you are into group related content. With the new system for heroics, OPS, and questing you will find that you can make 50 million in a week if you have even 5 people willing to commit. Also in 2-3 months you will be able to expand your guild ship and restore a majority of decorations.

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I think the sentiment is correct. Your guild stuff can be obtained again, but transfer costs are reduced for a limited time. If server population is important to you and your guild, then I would agree with Tux and suggest you move. If population is not important or your server is fine at this time, then stick around.


I would highly suggest that ANYONE capable of transferring do so with a placeholder character on any server you could see yourself playing on in the future. You can create a character, level it to 10 in an hour and transfer it just for your legacy. Then you can always start up new characters on that server with your perks in the event you don't want to spend 1000 cc per toon down the road.

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I agree with this completely. I recently came back to the game and everyone in my guild had stopped playing and the server (PoT5) was all but dead as well. I transferred all my toons to The Harbinger and in one week of crafting and one week of selling (leveling gear) in a vibrant economy I made 65 million credits. If I had just a handful of my former guildies doing the same and also running heroics & dailies like we used to, we'd have a guild ship, stronghold and decos pimped out no problem at all.


So, get your active guildies to move with you and reap the benefits !!


I think the sentiment is correct. Your guild stuff can be obtained again, but transfer costs are reduced for a limited time. If server population is important to you and your guild, then I would agree with Tux and suggest you move. If population is not important or your server is fine at this time, then stick around.


I would highly suggest that ANYONE capable of transferring do so with a placeholder character on any server you could see yourself playing on in the future. You can create a character, level it to 10 in an hour and transfer it just for your legacy. Then you can always start up new characters on that server with your perks in the event you don't want to spend 1000 cc per toon down the road.

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TUX's is coming from a good place and I agree with him completely. Everything guild wise can be worked towards getting again but if you lose players you will eventually lose out. Take this opportunity please find a good home and restart you will find the benefits far outweigh the cons of staying on a low populated server, especially if you are into group related content. With the new system for heroics, OPS, and questing you will find that you can make 50 million in a week if you have even 5 people willing to commit. Also in 2-3 months you will be able to expand your guild ship and restore a majority of decorations.


Herein lies the problem though ...


There are servers that I personally wouldn't categorise as dead but could easily become as bad as POT5 over a rather short period of time for example BC. Thus the risk lies in a guild moving to any server that isn't one of the bigger servers and having to rinse and repeat the whole nonsense.


Combine the lack of communication on a plan going forward for the game, any significant repeatable new content to do and any sort of communication to address the server population issue I think many guilds may view it safer to just stop playing for the foreseeable future and hope something changes going forward.


Why risk losing everything they worked towards gaining and having to grind to get it all back when the game doesn't have a clear path forward in terms of content?


It's easy to see why people would rather just leave their guilds where it is and just stop paying and playing and either wait for the means to move their guild and/or some significant content to make them seriously re-evaluate moving without the guild content because right now there just doesn't seem like there is much reason to do so because the content is the same no matter where you move except for queue times and that shouldn't effect anyone except PVP guilds and those that pug which guilds shouldn't have to rely on if they are of decent size.


If their size is diminished and they are having trouble getting runs going I don't think moving to a bigger server is instantly going to fix this because the game is on it's downward trend in terms of population and it goes back to the "waiting to see what is coming next" point.

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I think the sentiment is correct. Your guild stuff can be obtained again, but transfer costs are reduced for a limited time. If server population is important to you and your guild, then I would agree with Tux and suggest you move. If population is not important or your server is fine at this time, then stick around.


Yeah I agree, players on lower population servers must make their choice soon as to what is important, but what they cannot do is decide that their guildship/stronghold is more important then in a few weeks time complain about the population on their server.


As I have said before it's now a case of "speak now or forever old your peace"

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Herein lies the problem though ...


There are servers that I personally wouldn't categorise as dead but could easily become as bad as POT5 over a rather short period of time for example BC. Thus the risk lies in a guild moving to any server that isn't one of the bigger servers and having to rinse and repeat the whole nonsense.


Combine the lack of communication on a plan going forward for the game, any significant repeatable new content to do and any sort of communication to address the server population issue I think many guilds may view it safer to just stop playing for the foreseeable future and hope something changes going forward.


Why risk losing everything they worked towards gaining and having to grind to get it all back when the game doesn't have a clear path forward in terms of content?


It's easy to see why people would rather just leave their guilds where it is and just stop paying and playing and either wait for the means to move their guild and/or some significant content to make them seriously re-evaluate moving without the guild content because right now there just doesn't seem like there is much reason to do so because the content is the same no matter where you move except for queue times and that shouldn't effect anyone except PVP guilds and those that pug which guilds shouldn't have to rely on if they are of decent size.


If their size is diminished and they are having trouble getting runs going I don't think moving to a bigger server is instantly going to fix this because the game is on it's downward trend in terms of population and it goes back to the "waiting to see what is coming next" point.

Very good point MeNaCe. The lack of any idea of what is coming does impact players choice when deciding if they should/shouldn't move...a nasty side effect of Bioware's silence.


I just think that if anyone is anywhere near "on the fence" or even "meh, we'll wait and see", they need to MOVE! ASAP! Nothing good is coming to dead servers. If your server is borderline, GET OFF IT is my suggestion...if you don't care, do nothing.

Edited by TUXs
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Yeah I agree, players on lower population servers must make their choice soon as to what is important, but what they cannot do is decide that their guildship/stronghold is more important then in a few weeks time complain about the population on their server.


As I have said before it's now a case of "speak now or forever old your peace"


I agree or disagree depending on your meaning. If you mean that players who choose not to transfer during the upcoming timeframe should not complain about missing that discount (assuming they are here), then I agree. If you mean that they should remain quiet about their population issues, then I disagree.


They should continue to push BW to offer them a way to transfer with their guild intact or to merge their server elsewhere if they want either of those things. Just because keeping their guild together, guild assets together, or not paying for a transfer is a priority now over population does not mean they are opposed to having a larger population and should continue to encourage BW to give them a better option that suits their needs in the future if that is their desire. In the same way those against server merges should continue to advocate for their cause and propose alternative options.

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TUX's is coming from a good place and I agree with him completely. Everything guild wise can be worked towards getting again but if you lose players you will eventually lose out. Take this opportunity please find a good home and restart you will find the benefits far outweigh the cons of staying on a low populated server, especially if you are into group related content. With the new system for heroics, OPS, and questing you will find that you can make 50 million in a week if you have even 5 people willing to commit. Also in 2-3 months you will be able to expand your guild ship and restore a majority of decorations.


Agree with this.


If you're on a dying server then your options are pretty much:

  1. Transfer to a more populated server and start again from scratch
  2. Transfer to a more populated server and join an existing guild
  3. Stay on your current server and eventually you will have a great looking guild ship with no-one in it
  4. Un-sub and uninstall the game


With this offer now, you can transfer 10 toons for the cost of 1 transfer after the offer period ends. From the original comments from Ben it sounds like its a one-time deal - the cost went up in the first place as some people were using server transfers to cheese a cheap character name change - so either you take advantage of it or you pay a lot more if you decide to transfer later.


Understand people's reluctance to lose things that they have worked over a period of time before, but if you don't transfer you will lose them anyway, unless you want to play on an empty server.

Edited by Ayakin_Solaris
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What DOES help everyone then Casie? It's so easy to be a critic...what is YOUR solution to reach the most players?


Jade made a great suggestion...why must some of you argue with every little thing that could possibly help the game?


Pretty sure they dont need some forum warriors solution in regards to marketing their product. *drops mic*


Seriously though, what makes forum posters think that BW needs their advice in regards to how to promote their game? Pretty sure they have alot more experience in the matter then any poster here.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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I agree or disagree depending on your meaning. If you mean that players who choose not to transfer during the upcoming timeframe should not complain about missing that discount (assuming they are here), then I agree. If you mean that they should remain quiet about their population issues, then I disagree.


They should continue to push BW to offer them a way to transfer with their guild intact or to merge their server elsewhere if they want either of those things. Just because keeping their guild together, guild assets together, or not paying for a transfer is a priority now over population does not mean they are opposed to having a larger population and should continue to encourage BW to give them a better option that suits their needs in the future if that is their desire. In the same way those against server merges should continue to advocate for their cause and propose alternative options.


This is Bioware's solution to their population problems and I would suspect its the only one that will be tabled any time soon. People have been asking for guild ship transfers for a while now; I would expect Bioware/EA have costed out how much it might cost to develop a solution for that and decided that it doesn't deliver sufficient benefits/revenue to be worthwhile for them when they have limited development resources.

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Pretty sure they dont need some forum warriors solution in regards to marketing their product. *drops mic*


Seriously though, what makes forum posters think that BW needs their advice in regards to how to promote their game? Pretty sure they have alot more experience in the matter then any poster here.


Who said they "needed" it? It's on them if they decide it's worth listening to their community or not but their is always that risk if they ignore the community and do their own thing anyway they may one day find themselves looking for another job because it's the gaming community that keeps the lights on at the end of the day.

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how about send a mass email to all current subs and all cancelled subs. I know of about 10 people who will re sub to transfer toons and start playing this game again. You need to make this more public than asking people like me to spread the word. A lot of these people i have no way to contact outside of the game.



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Pretty sure they dont need some forum warriors solution in regards to marketing their product. *drops mic*


Seriously though, what makes forum posters think that BW needs their advice in regards to how to promote their game? Pretty sure they have alot more experience in the matter then any poster here.

Probably. But unlike them, I play this game with a vast array of different player types (hardcore PvPers to hardcore raiders to hardcore GSFers to hardcore casuals). I hear about the issues frustrating ALL of these people...on top of these people being me "friends", these people also happen to be Bioware's customers. Unless Bioware would prefer to close, I assume they actually DO care what their customers want...so I try to tell em. They may not interpret the feedback correctly and maybe they don't care...but I'm going to keep trying because I believe in what I'm saying. I make suggestions that I believe would enhance the game for both Bioware and their customers...hell, 99.99999% of the time I simply comment on other players ideas.

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Probably. But unlike them, I play this game with a vast array of different player types (hardcore PvPers to hardcore raiders to hardcore GSFers to hardcore casuals). I hear about the issues frustrating ALL of these people...on top of these people being me "friends", these people also happen to be Bioware's customers. Unless Bioware would prefer to close, I assume they actually DO care what their customers want...so I try to tell em. They may not interpret the feedback correctly and maybe they don't care...but I'm going to keep trying because I believe in what I'm saying. I make suggestions that I believe would enhance the game for both Bioware and their customers...hell, 99.99999% of the time I simply comment on other players ideas.


I'd like to think that Bioware's devs welcome rational, civil, even-keeled feedback.


But when I see yellow posts that amount to "Everyone loves KotFE!" and "Our forums are very positive on the direction of the game!", I have to scratch my head.


And sorting through all the "game is dead" and "gib naow" and "you suck" posts to get to the rational, civil, even-keeled feedback, when the people running the forums can't even keep those toxic posts in check, might be an exercise in futility.

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I'd like to think that Bioware's devs welcome rational, civil, even-keeled feedback.


But when I see yellow posts that amount to "Everyone loves KotFE!" and "Our forums are very positive on the direction of the game!", I have to scratch my head.


And sorting through all the "game is dead" and "gib naow" and "you suck" posts to get to the rational, civil, even-keeled feedback, when the people running the forums can't even keep those toxic posts in check, might be an exercise in futility.

All good points...

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I'd like to think that Bioware's devs welcome rational, civil, even-keeled feedback.




But when I see yellow posts that amount to "Everyone loves KotFE!" and "Our forums are very positive on the direction of the game!", I have to scratch my head.


Which is why the studio should probably not do interviews at all, internet or otherwise.


Because: A) they will present the state of the game in the best positive light they reasonably can. B) players will foam at the mouth and declare it all BS and demand they fix X, Y, or Z NAO.


Players pretend to want more communications from the studio, but some will vilify the studio over any communications whatsoever. Some people just want their particular needs/wants addressed and to hell with any objectivity.


And sorting through all the "game is dead" and "gib naow" and "you suck" posts to get to the rational, civil, even-keeled feedback, when the people running the forums can't even keep those toxic posts in check, might be an exercise in futility.


Agree.. and this gets back to the core issue.. many players in general are self-interested and unable to look at the larger picture with regard to what it takes to present an ongoing MMO to a large and diverse audience.


There really isn't much objective and level headed discussion in general forum. It's more a catch-all rant bucket. And when veteran forum members (including those I disagree with on some things) try to bring reason and calm to a forum discussion, most often they get attacked for it and told to not read X thread, or respond to X thread. It's a lame attempt to censor discussion that does not agree with their views.


As for the topic of this thread.... the sale goes live tomorrow, and I bet by now.. most active players with a sincere interest or need to transfer know about it and will take advantage of it one last time.

Edited by Andryah
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There really isn't much objective and level headed discussion in general forum. It's more a catch-all rant bucket. And when veteran forum members (including those I disagree with on some things) try to bring reason and calm to a forum discussion, most often they get attacked for it and told to not read X thread, or respond to X thread. It's a lame attempt to censor discussion that does not agree with their views.


My problem with this point is you seem to only direct it at those that rant or seemingly have an issue with the game ... to me there seems to be just as many "defensive" posters who lack any sort of objective or level headed ability to discuss the issues with the game as well.


So basically it goes both ways ... we've got the chicken littles who think the game is dieing and attacking anyone who says otherwise and the ostriches with their head buried in the sand who refuse to see any issue with the game and attacking anyone who dares to say otherwise ( though they are also more likely to play the "it's not attacking you line" ).


It's tough to find a reasonable discourse on the state of the game in any of the threads I find and if you do put over reasoned thoughts that you support with logic and evidence as much as possible ( whilst often anecdotal, better than just making blanket statements as many do ) many posters tend to gloss over it and instead try to focus on the posts they themselves can more easily shoot down and "attack" for lack of a better word? Funnier still is when they then at a later date make statements around there not being any reasonable debate on the forums and it's perceived toxicity. ;)

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You should use a forum avatar like the old forum avatar you used to use. ;)


As for your post, developers don't post on forum specifically due to the annoying and whining customers.


People want their way or the high way. That is exactly what people will get except it won't be a AAA title.


This sale is the last chance for anyone to get off a dead server. From this point on, BW should use an iron fist to moderate the forum and get rid of the whining post about server transfer cost, guild/sh transfers, and dead servers. BW has provided a solution, while not ideal is practical.

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