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Do any beta players still play? Have I overstayed my welcome?


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I'm a closed beta player and I've been playing swtor for a long time. I've completed everything I can think of and completed all the operations, stories for each class, all pvp gear, and new content including beating the new arena my first try (although I did die and it was challenging and fun compared to the rest of the insanely easy game. I find myself logging in every other day but not really doing anything but chatting, have I overstayed my welcome, have I become bored? Is there anyone else that feels the same as me? Long timers that have found there isn't anything to do anymore or nothing you want to do.


I feel the arena was a good start, and if they added more challenges to the game I would love to hang around. I also love story but I haven't been satisfied with paying 15 bucks for 15-30 mins of new content a month. I love star wars, I love kotor, and I envy the new players just now getting into this game.. I have words for you new folks, ENJOY IT, take your time, there is a lot of content to get through and a lot of good times to be had! I'm starting to think, maybe this game isn't for the veterans anymore and thats okay ;(

Edited by SaerethDL
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Collector's edition, beta player here. I'm still around. I find that I have to take a break of a month or so, then come back, to really feel happy. Of course, I focus on RP; I don't really have to worry about content running dry because of that. I'll generally play for 5-6 months, take a month break, then rinse and repeat. Sometimes, there's nothing wrong with a little break!
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Not a beta player, but I pre-ordered and started at official launch.


there's nothing wrong with a little break!


This. I take little breaks ALL the time. I am gamer who lives by a simple axiom: the moment I feel I HAVE to play is the moment I choose NOT to play. I sign in and play games because I want to not because I feel I have to.

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I was in the beta weekends. I'm an altoholic, so I have an unlimited supply :)


Honestly, there are still FP I have never done, haven't touched an op, prior to KOTFE had done almost no heroics. Haven't done Black Hole, Cerka stuff, barely any Section X or Oricon, only did Illum on Imp side (not including the FP at the end). And I've buried thousands of hours in this game.


Simply put, I'm good for awhile yet.

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open beta plus early acess here. and well... I kinda hear where you are coming from. I play other games, including other MMO's. otherwise, I would have been done a long time ago, eve while being an altoholic. and even then... I've been playing pretty sparingly for a while now.
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Been here since closed beta, back when the Taxi's were not connected and you had to get off, then go on to the next lol. Yeah I would agree for the most part. It's old but still sticking around for some reason. PVP is meh these days. Have 4 characters over 60 valor and my main is at like 86 and I just can't do it anymore. To play the same map over and over and over just gets old. The PVE is just ok. New chapters keep me logging in and playing. Eager to see where they go but to be honest, they have not listened to the player base in my opinion from closed beta to today. They shoved F2P down our throats and even with the outcry they promised it would be better. And now, Oh you get all this cool stuff for subscribing and they are not promoting F2P at all anymore. Funny...


All in all I have too much time invested to move away, but I wouldn't say I'm happy. Just content, for now...

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I started upon release (well a day or so after I guess). I sub like I have when I started EQ and WoW. I play a month or two, then unsub for a month or two, then resub for another month or two etc.


Seems to work.

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Years ago, I played and loved both K.o.t.O.R. & K.o.t.O.R. II The Sith Lords, and really loved it.


Joined a friend in playing Star Wars Galaxies. Subscribed and played SWG until its shutdown in 2011. I still have screenshots saved from my time there.


Whenever SWTOR was talked about I managed to keep up with the released information, because I was still playing SWG at the time. I did not register an account until July 19, 2009.


The friends and other gamers I met in SWG decided to stay together, and we created a pre-release guild (that is still going) in SWTOR on March 22, 2011.


* I have played in BETA weekends, closed BETA, and was able to test certain aspects before and after SWTOR was released.

* I started playing on December 11, 2011( first day of early release), after another guildmember logged in 2 hours before me.

* I pre-ordered a CE Edition, and have been a subscriber since day #1. Subscription has never lapsed yet.

* I am an altoholic as well, and have over 16 toons, just on one server, not to mention other servers.


I have to say a few things...

- Even though I have tried out a few other M.M.O.'s like L.o.t.R.O. and W.o.W., I am not really a gamer in the aspect of jumping to different games,BUT I am more of a Star Wars lover, and love that universe and that is why I am also on a roleplay server to not only play in but also LIVE in that universe.

- Grinding many toons through K.o.t.F.E. bites, as many other reputation grinds are legacy bound.

- Knowing when to say no, take a break, get away from the game, as well as getting away from the computer helps alot. I, personally love to go fishing, relax, tell tales of the one that got away like all the other great fishermen out there. When I return back home, the computer and SWTOR awaits for me to log in and enjoy myself in a galaxy far, far away.


Long story short OP ?

Have you overstayed your welcome? No.

You did not come here to visit this galaxy that brings out the child in you and then leave...right?

You came to this galaxy far, far away to stay, to feel the force, and have fun ... or at least until EA/BW choose to shutdown the servers and turn off the lights...(hoping that is no where in the forseeable future)

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<-- Open Beta player. Haven't dropped my sub since launch (I think it lapsed for like 3 days once when there was a payment processing issue on BW's end). Been loving KotFE in particular, so no plans to go anywhere anytime soon. Edited by DarthDymond
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I'm here. I took part in three beta "weekends". I got the early access 14th december, 6 days before official launch.


Since 4.0 the game has lost it. I don't like KotFE. The 1-50 Vanilla Swtor with all the lore, codex entries and planet stories, as well as class stories were the best thing about this game even though 2.0 and 3.0 were good as well. I have played them all and I have 18 maxlevel characters, or at least 60+ with around 8 of them at level 65. I have achieved a lot in the game such as all the rewards from 8v8 Ranked and I've placed Top 3 Advanced class in the world in Ranked Arena Season 3 and I have also all the top rewards from all seasons 1-5. But as I said, I'm still here. Swtor is a Star Wars IP, and that's why i play it.


It was never a choice to leave for another mmo. I never play a lot of games. I usually stay to the roots as long as they are not broken. Have been playing Gears of War on the Xbox since 2006, just an example, and gears of War 4 coming out this October. So basically, it's either Gears of War or Swtor for me. Not much of a gamer perhaps, but I haven't overstayed my welcome.

Edited by SirMannii
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I played the closed Beta.


Made a smuggler, and leveled her as far as possible. Had her on Voss when the game launched, and that only because Voss was so glitched you couldn't MOVE across or even LEAVE the planet. Now that I consider it, that might be the true reason why I continue to despise the Voss to this day. Those colorful jerks left me out there in a field, turning in circles, and singing, "Hey, let me outta here!"


Seriously. I've leveled a total of 4 Smugglers (But deleted 1), 3 Warriors, 2 Knights, 2 Consulars, 2 Troopers, 2 Inquisitors, 2 Hunters, and 1 amazing Agent (who can never be recreated, he's THAT much perfection). And I'm still alt-ing. This game just continues to please me, enough I never go far off for long ... wait, do side adventures through Mass Effect and Dragon Age count?


I figure, play what you have fun playing. So yea. That makes you welcome, right?

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I played the game since launch but have been on this forum a bit longer.

I must say I have never really tired of this game. I think what really helps is that I got less and less time to play it. I started playing as a student but I have a full time job now. So I only get to play about 1 to 7 hours a week. I am also an altaholic which makes it even easier as I change mains a lot.


So what helps me more than taking a break, is just not playing too long at a time and not too often. Makes me more excited about SWTOR when I do get to play.

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joined mid 2011, beta player as i was one of the last group to play before early access, i also had early access as well. still here and not going anywhere. Edited by Celise
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Waitaminute...so whats this thread about? Really?


Started about if a person who's been here for I dunno 6+ years has done all there is to do and should move on with the change in direction of what they enjoyed and now don't spend much time striving to do much of anything.


Very quickly it turned into a check in of who's got the lowest forum id number/who's been here the longest.


To answer the op, pretty much yes, you have overstayed your welcome if you don't find what they are doing with kotfe (episodic formula) engaging enough to keep coming back. There wasn't a push for more content BUT to make old content 'relevant' again which does not put much concern on all the players who've done all that already but those that haven't and could be enticed to come back.


Now was this a stop gap to then pivot and add more content stuffs ie reusing old stuff to provide a buffer for the pipeline of development?, possible, but not I think very likely.

Edited by JumperPenn
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