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Everything posted by darth_thanatos

  1. Had the promotional thing in my launcher. >> Still no coins. Even discussed it with my friend, who mysteriously did have coins, though I can't say if it was from him subbing recently (To qualify for it) or not. I.E. Actually distribute the coins to the people you show the ad to, or stop doing them.
  2. I'd be game. Especially if it has some players who regularly do ops and such. I've been interested in trying them, but Was never motivated prior to really learn.
  3. Closed Beta Player here. I still drop by every so often to do a few dailies and collect some credits in case something I direly want pops up on the Marketplace.
  4. I think I understand what you mean, OP. I think what OP is trying to ask is: 'Why are they using a very strict timetable that limits opportunities, when the system seems to want to be a 'veteran rewards' system?' By which I'm referring to the system that used to be in Galaxies or is currently in FFXIV, wherein you earn rewards, based on the amount of time that you're subscribed for: The longer your subscribed, the better rewards you can redeem!
  5. I'm not asking them to up the ante. The only thing they've told us is 'play an exclusive story as HK'. For all we know, It's a single cutscene with an ensuing five-enemy fight with a single skillbar and your model changed to HK. All I'm asking is if/when we can expect some details on what they expect people to spend $100-some dollars for. Trust me, I don't need people to tell me that I don't have to spend money on stuff I don't want. As I said, I was strictly preferred and never dropped a dime from F2P to the launch of Revan, and still only subscribed a bit before KotFE. I'm offering: Vaguely saying: 'We'll give you some story thing and change your character model to HK' isn't selling it to me. In regards to the other rewards: We know who HK-55 is. We can SEE the Jetpack. But again, all we know is that we'll get to play (however briefly) as HK (For some reason?). So I'm saying they could probably guarantee a bit more people coughing up $100+ in sub money, if they could offer up some details at some point between now and atleast March's subscriber reward.
  6. I could see it still being in some degree of development, but I don't need a lot, I'd just like a general gist of what they're thinking about on it, like a little snippet would be fine, And then if they're thinking that the mission will have some kind of reward that would carry over for completing it, that would be a huge draw too.
  7. See, this is kinda part of the reason why I wonder if we can't get some more details. Because that's what I'm kinda feeling like they're trying to sell me on. and it's not Classic HK, it's not my personal, hard-earned HK unit, it's the +4 incrementation of the unit that apparently skipped the 'meatbag' patch from it's last known iteration, and for some reason is part bodyguard. It's not particularly motivating.
  8. Honestly, I let my sub lapse way after like... the second month after launch, and only resubbed for the F2P rewards before it went F2P. With a little patience, I used the newly established Cartel Market items surfacing on the GTN to get unlocks to get most of the perks back. Aside from my credits being locked, I've been preferred for a long while... and really haven't had much of a difference from my subbed experience. XD
  9. I know that much, and I don't mean to sound ungrateful. but they're asking me to subscribe for an extended period of time, and while i do want to enjoy KotFE, I'm already getting HK-55 back, and honestly, I'm already looking at the jetpack going '...I don't know if I really even want that...' And so... I'm just curious if i'm LITERALLY just going to be walking down a linear hallway with my skillbar and character model changed to HK-55, or if there's a bit more of a lasting reason for me to be inclined to get it. Because otherwise, I can just pick and choose what rewards I want to be subscribed for, and then just be subscribed at the end to get all the KotFE chapters.
  10. Here's the big question: What does it really give us? Thus far we haven't had a mission that didn't give us anything. You know, companion missions give us a companion, the SoR story missions were nice little capstones to our stories. Even the new heroics and random missions shower us with common data crystals. But the HK-55 Chapter isn't even played as us... which makes me wonder why... I should be interested in it. Not that I'm not interested to a small degree, but know what would really impact the decision? What's the end result, what do I get out of it? A companion customization? Some unique weapon? A title? all of the above? At the least, can we get a date where we can expect a few more details? (possibly with the release date in February?)
  11. With the advent of KotFE, I've been feeling that the Legacy system could use an expansion. Bear in mind, I've been around since launch, where the Legacy system wasn't even in. But I feel like the Legacy system should be being used as part of a way of customizing your character, but it currently feels underutilized. Imagine for a moment: Clear the chapters in season 1 of KotFE. Based on your decisions, unlock: (IF: You used Valkorians Power regularly) Unlock: Emperor charged force abilities (the barrier, Lightning, and ritual that you get when accepting his powers...possibly additional ones) IF: You chose to fight the battles with your own strength: Unlock: additional skills based on your outlanders class. Inquisitors could get the LEgacy force Lightning upgraded back to a LEgacy force storm, Legacy Force Choke upgraded to Legacy Force Crush.. .that sort've thing.
  12. Bleh. THese people are the same kind of people that'll play through Devil May Cry and just mash Square (shoot) the whole game, and wonder why their rank is the absolute lowest it can be. Look up Darksydephil for examples. The resemblance is uncanny.
  13. TRy that in chapter 8 boss fight. Get back to me. Try it against too. Also, quiet down in your next video. You spend 9/10ths of it whining about how you'd 'love this fight' and then you stand off to the side.
  14. Thanks for the update, but we're still pretty indifferent.
  15. I like this direction. Some of the best experiences I've had, is the direction that I think SWTOR is trying to go. The acutal story of a SP game, but with the potential to do awesome things with a group. I can group and jam with whoever I want, whenever I want, and I'm not missing anything. Which is great, because OPs groups tend to be a bit... snotty and obstinate. Still, really enjoying it thus far.
  16. But There hasn't been an MMO since WOW's release that's been as successful as Wow. So..that doesn't necessarily constitute failure. Oh well. No more feeding the troll.
  17. There's this misconception that Profitable and populated with additional content on the way is 'failure'. Why this is is once again, very confusing for me. I mean after all. You're posting on the forums. Which means you're subscribed, or atleast used a referall link. People are paying to pay or post on the forums of a failure? It just doesn't add up. There are plenty of games that had tons of hype, like SWTOR and are following it's exact same path. simply because they can't be as pigheaded as FFXIV and WoW (with WOW getting the option to pay for subscriptions by earning it in game, and FFXIV probably losing hundreds to users that simply don't see the investment in a subscription worth it) doesn't necessarily mean its a failure.
  18. With it still thriving and making a profit, with my server still quite populated, I find the term 'failed' might be somewhat premature. all the content is still there, and still can be effectively ground by the feverish masses for endgame comms. Sure there's not a lot to do. But honestly, this has been pretty common of most MMO's I play, so I don't quite see the surprise in that regard.
  19. It's like people forgot that when the game launched, it was primarily a single-player story that other people could just happen to tag along for, but that didn't really offer much else for them. and it's still that. So I don't...really...know what all the complaining's about. It's basically new story missions except they're not class specific. Nothing out of the ordinary really. If you want to drag people along, drag people along. I doubt they're going to stop you. They'll watch you do the cutscenes and then you can tag along with them or they can find someone else or they can solo it. *shrugs* It's not even really a new direction. XD
  20. Alright, Hear me out. A loooong while back there was the original Rakghoul outbreak. And it just...kinda...suddenly...happened. Some people missed it, some people didn't, and then it was gone, It left a lot of people frustrated: 'Containment Officer? the containment uniform? When will we get those again?' Well... People have also been asking for a new event, and I think we can kill multiple birds with one stone. Reinstate the event, put the wrecked ship back on Tatooine, But instead of Rakghouls, (since they seem intent on leaving them in the tunnels) Make it so that the wrecked ship was a transport ship illegally transporting a wide variety of animals. Instead of rakghouls, numerous rare creatures from across the galaxy can be spawned around the ship, with a tiered questline along the way to give players another opportunity to get the 'Containment Officer' title and uniform. Now the original Rakghoul event came with three bosses: Trapjaw became infested (Maybe not mess with that one?) An enormous infected Bantha (Could just be the same, but without the infection?) AND Zama Brak, an enormous Rakghoul that emerged after triggering an escape pod near the Sarlacc pit. Here's where we could scratch another one off the list: I would really, really, really like to fight a Krayt Dragon. So why not have one either be devouring the new wildlife (unaware of the fact that the baking sands they're roaming across hide such a lethal predator) or simply because it was a slightly modified one that's now taking up residence in the area, in place of Zama Brak? The event quest tiers could have to deal with the situation of trying to contain the escaped critters and how they're effecting the wildlife of tatooine. Any thoughts? I think it'd be a clever way of both answering calls for new events, Seeing a Krayt Dragon battle implemented, and reintroduce the Containment Uniform and Containment Officer title into circulation.
  21. Don't quote me on this ,but I heard somewhere that F2P characters dont Accrue Rest EXP?
  22. I love this mantra that 'It's how the game is meant to be played, therefore by extension, you are obligated to do it in a group, and it sohuld be easy, because that's how the games designed.' It's not a problem with the game. It's not a problem with group finder. It's a problem with People. People in general, tend to overplay, calculate all the numbers, and get all the gear; things I simply don't have the time for, and, given what i've seen, are not really all that necessary. However, groups will give you endless flak if you don't have Super mega-world Boss flashpoint Endgame ultra-drop armor set, because then your damage is slightly less than what's necessary to overkill the final boss in one hit. and don't say they don't, because it's all over chat every time I head to fleet.
  23. Durzo Blint!? Wo-hoah! I shoulda named mine 'Kylar' and the legacy name 'Stern'... But I pciked 'Rhapsodos'. now jsut to decide on the best way to slip 'Genesis' into one of my characters names, and it'll be perfect
  24. Was pretty entertaining. It had a Zombie apocalypse type feel, and as an avid zombie fan, I think that's part of what got me interested. in A star wars sense I guess it was okay. I thought it was just kinda... scanning Jawa's, alright, get some sample... then... Rakhghouls flying outta Dewbacks. Alright. You're the boss. I did like the World Bosses. Banding with people was entertaining. And I never do that.
  25. Personally, I heard on my server (The Harbinger) for a brief while, someone proclaimed that republic troops were ganking imps hanging around the event area (though someone suggested that it was only around Urtagh, and got no response) and that we should rally to deal with them. ...I don't beleive too many were impressed. There wasn't anyone clamoring on general chat to help out, anyway...
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