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Dropping my sub thanks to KOTFE proving there is only the Omni-Story now


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Heavy Chapter 12 spoilers ahead


Been disgruntled since 4.0 dropped due to many changes that hampered me as a solo player, removing a massive amount of cosmetic drops from planets/FPs, leveling scaling everywhere destroying harmless activities (like soloing HM FP's nobody plays anymore) while at least also fixing harmful ones (like soloing World Bosses). But I stuck it out, bored as I was having finished all KOTFE and Star Fortresses had to offer within a few weeks of release at best.


And so the steady Chapter release kept me playing, at least when they were released... Chapter 10 and 11 weren't exactly thrilling, but they made some small measure of logical sense. And then... Chapter 12 hit. As a Trooper, a heavily forced-based Chapter was always going to be bad: from datamining, we already had an idea how bad.


It managed to actually be worse than what I thought.



Chapter opens with my Trooper (Light Side, told Valkorian to shove it each time he tried to tempt me) going off and speaking with Valkorian, who has the mother of all temper tantrums that I'm not his slave. He turns into a HM FP boss, beats me within an inch of my life then says he's got better things to do and outright leaves my head, giving me some zapping (good or bad) for the road.


Stumble upon Satele Shan and Spooky Marr in the middle of nowhere, who tell me their story and failings and begin heavily harping on about the Force and destiny. And how now I can see perceive the Force and use holocrons because Valkorian... er, okay? Rather than answering any questions they continue harping on about the Force, sending me out into the wilderness to collect parts and (subtly) insulting my character for not being Force Sensitive and not being good enough to handle the future ahead, unless I listen to them. Er... right? If you say so.


I'm still collecting junk, they're STILL harping on about the Force until I reach a Spooky Cave and... out pops Vaylin! She throws me into a wall and has some lulz before we fight (she's ridiculously small, making my body type 2 Trooper look giant somehow) and I beat her to death. Only it's only an illusion! Satele and Marr walk up and not so subtly suggest that if it was the real Vaylin I'd be a smear on the ground and that I need to USE THE FORCE to be better. Or at least, make a kickass anti-Arcann weapon out of the junk they made me get. Because it was anti-Arcann by design or... something?


At this point my Trooper, not a force sensitive has been listening to them harping on and on about the Force for 45 minutes and I still haven't gotten an option to question them about it, tell them I don't want it, or even tell them to shove it and let me leave already. Nope, just on-rails silently nodding and going along with it. Hell, I didn't even get to be a jerk to them about it and I don't even play that way: there just wasn't an option to do.


Now things get into HERP DERP as I start making my magic space gattling gun, as I raise my hands and suddenly I'm using the Force to fling the pieces around before catching one (after this, Satele takes her "meditation pose" or falls asleep and seemingly uses the Force too: meanwhile Marr hasn't moved an inch and stares blankly ahead rather than helping or even acknowledging anyone). So, wow, since when could I do that, especially since every Valkorian temptation I said no and he dealt with it like a big boy. As if that isn't bad enough, once I have my magic gattling gun I'm told even more about how the Force works in mysterious ways and my awesome Force-bound destiny and I head up to a cave and murder some baby creatures.


Mommy Creature appears, Satele making a point how it's driven by revenge and won't rest till I'm dead since I murdered it's children. But I needn't had worried, because some Nice Words and Jedi Pose later Mommy decides to forgive and forget and leaves. This is my life now, apparently, mind controlling animals with my niceness (mind you, you can do this even earlier in the Chapter and it's not explained at all how). THE FORCE WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS. At this point Satele/Marr are proud of me but tell me they've got a hot date elsewhere in the galaxy and decide to ****, even when I ask them to pretty please stay. There's not as gulliable as the wildlife and ****.


Returning to the Alliance base with extreme PTSD we find a diabolical cliffhanger where some of our companions may not survive. But don't worry about that, because next Chapter's preview ingame already tells us our next priority is stealing from the Eternal Empire's vaults! YAY! Leave those suckers for dead!



In all seriousness, this Chapter was basically an abomination and a joke to play through on my LS Trooper, and I spent the entire time wondering when I was going to actually get an option to investigate what the hell was happening or anything Force-related, but it never came. My character just went along with it all without batting an eye, jumping across the map (with "rocket shoes" that are added the Force User jump animation and look hilariously bad), taming animals with magic, investigating holocrons and throwing together junk into a rusty old cannon and calling it a day. My character is being consumed and replaced with the BW Outlander instead and I'm not happy about it.




So I'm just done. I'm not interested in playing a single player RPG, yet paying a subscription each month for the right to do so. If I want to do that, there's no lack of options.


Chapter 12 was a total joke Bioware, KOTFE barely made sense as a non Jedi/Sith character and at this point the suspension of disbelief implodes entirely as the Omni-Story, the story you want to tell imposes itself in full force. Doesn't matter what class you are, what you did, who you are, you're the Outlander and this this and this will happen no matter what you think about it. The fact you can't even QUESTION all the Force shenanigans throughout Chapter 12 is abyssal, to be honest. You managed to have it make less sense than the datamined version, where it was at least brought up and explained.


I'm sure Chapter 12 was an amazing, rich experience for all the Jedi and Sith players but for all the other classes it's just silly. And since you couldn't be bothered to make a different experience for half the classes, you further killed any tiny replay-ability KOTFE has.


I'm not interested in playing KOTFE as an Omni-Story, where no matter what class or route you take whatever is cheapest wins out. Chapter 12 was the Force story, yet you took the path of least resistance and half-assed it for all the other classes resulting in a mess of nonsense that killed KOTFE for my main, and all desire to play as a result.



TLDR: KOTFE Chapter 12 proves there's only really one story from now on, the Omni-Story that everyone gets. If you didn't fit into that specific Omni-Story, then it ends up nonsense and clearly wasn't designed for you, and your only option is to deal with it as BW isn't willing to invest in differentiation to compensate.

Edited by Transairion
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No offense but I don't think anyone cares anymore ... we get to many of these "OH GAWD I AM LEAVING! I NEED ATTENTION!" threads nowadays. Just quit.


Yes please, you are not telling anybody anything new, your unhappy we get that just leave quietly and let the people who still do enjoy the game do so without having all the doom and gloom hanging about from threads like this.


Oh yeah if your on The Red Eclipse can I have your stuff :D

Edited by Jedi_riches
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and this is worth creating a new thread.. because? your opinion is yours which is obvious, doesnt mean the rest of us has to put up with it. besides when you return to your senses, the game will be there for you anyway. :p
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I actually read your whole post OP.


I agree with you completely. I ran with my Sniper as Imperial Intelligence is the most interesting story line in the game, closely followed by Bounty Hunter...


Years of training and killing force sensitives, Sith Lords, Jedi Masters and they tell me I'm not ready? RIIIIIIGHT. Poor writing by Bioware, KotFE is by far the worst expansion and the only reason i play SWtoR is because it's the best Star Wars MMO right now.

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While I know the guys and girls at BW tried really hard with this, but the story was utterly ridiculous for my Bounty Hunter, to the point that I'm done with it... I really wish now that I didn't start it, but I did have some hope that it would be ok.

I'm looking forward to playing around with the EC next month, then after that I'm not sure what I'll do, maybe make another alt and try something new... Hmmm, no AC, no weapon and naked to 65? :D

Edited by JennyCharmers
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I actually had pretty similar feelings to this, albeit I finished Chapter XII on my Smuggler first, then on my Trooper. I have to agree, the story of the chapter is completely non-sensical from a Tech user's perspective. But that can be said for pretty much every other Force-related chapter in KOTFE. The problem, as I see it, is that from a story perspective, Force-sensitivity adds a certain depth to a character that non-Force users cannot explore and immerse themselves in. While mundane chapters like (X, XI and XIII) can be fitting for Force users, mystical, Force-related chapters aren't really fitting for non-Force users.


Chapter X was Imperial Agent themed, yet all classes can appreciate and enjoy the thrill of working undercover in enemy territory.

Chapter XI was Trooper themed, yet all classes and can appreciate and enjoy taking on a dangerous mission.

Chapter XII is Force-themed and Tech user classes are baffled how they're supposed to comprehend subtle differences between Jedi and Sith philosophies, when they cannot even feel the Force in the first place.

Chapter XIII will be Smuggler themed I guess, but all classes will be able to enjoy and appreciate a daring heist.

The underlying problem is that there is no substitute for being Force-sensitive.


I agree with the OP that more explanation is required how suddenly a Tech user can tame animals with his/her mind, jump hilarious distances with pinpoint precision or even comprehend subtle nuances between Jedi/Sith and Gray Jedi philosophy. Or why it is signficant if one or both powerful Force users add their strength to a mystical Force-imbued weapon. Or why the concepts of resilience, transcendence or sacrifice to come immediately to the mind of a dutiful Trooper, amoral Bounty Hunter, cunning Agent or greedy Smuggler. I don't think the word "transcendence" is even in the dictionary of my Smuggler. But, hey don't worry, because now you have a Force-imbued pistol? Cannon? Sniper rifle? I guess it makes sense for a Lightsaber but for Tech weapons it's just silly. And frankly, that mystical weapon is just an orange Cartel Market reskin...


So yeah, long story short, this chapter seemed very silly for all of the Tech using classes I've finished it on so far.


(But I guess it doesn't matter since Vanguards and Powertechs can inexplicably teleport anyways....)

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Actually the OP reflects on some serious stuff that is messed up. Personally I can agree with him/her, I only played KotFE with a Sith Jugg and in this latest chapter I felt that they want me to be a Jedi. I get it 1 side of the force is not enough. I get it. I probably even can live with it. However as the OP pointed out some mayor problems from a non force user POV.


And this is the problem with KotFE and it's 1 story fits for all approach. I can't imagine how RPers will feel about this when they replay it with a non force user. This is frankly lackluster. And for me the weird part is that some folks like it. I don't have a problem people like this story I just find it weird. For me this is not a good story as it is right now. And I'm not talking about the length of the chapters, but the general quality of a sterile story. For me this is cheap. Agree or not that's on everyone and I won't start a fight about it. It just makes me wonder that's all....

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Actually read the OPs post, and he makes several good points about how nonsensical and poorly written KotFE is, especially if you're not taking a force-using character through.


I read it, and I really don't care. I get that the points are important for him, and for some others, but that does not reflect on my experience with the story arcs. I don't expect them to appear to be hand crafted for my personal view of my character's in game fantasy life and experience. Nor do I expect each new story arc release to be finely woven into all the previous ones as that is simply unrealistic.


IMO, people just need to enjoy it for what it is and stop over analyzing and criticizing the method and approach of how they do story arcs for each expac.

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I read it, and I really don't care. I get that the points are important for him, and for some others, but that does not reflect on my experience with the story arcs. I don't expect them to appear to be hand crafted for my personal view of my character's in game fantasy life and experience. Nor do I expect each new story arc release to be finely woven into all the previous ones as that is simply unrealistic.


IMO, people just need to enjoy it for what it is and stop over analyzing and criticizing the method and approach of how they do story arcs for each expac.


Agreed, there comes a time when a game simply is no longer the game for them, just move on and find another game, there is no reason to make a song and dance about leaving, Bioware don't care why you are leaving while they can still justify sub levels, I am guessing most players don't even use the forums they just come and go without saying anything so for all we know this is not the general consensus of the games population and for every 1 person posting a thread telling everyone that they leaving because they are unhappy there could be 2 or more players who are perfectly happy who don't say a thing.

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OP, the game has been this way for a while. Are you actually surprised? :confused:


Yes, the story is silly for some classes. A lot of things seemed strange for my BH, but not entirely off base.



The thing with the weapon... I didn't see as being controlled by my character. That all happened when the pieces were placed on the altar thing. It happened by the Force, but my character was not controlling it.


Except that when I played through with my Sin, she was the one doing the work.


The only terrible thing they did was at the end after a certain DS choice was made.



In the end, they didn't handle it as badly as expected. A few things are wonky for non-Force classes, but nothing too crazy, IMHO.

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My Trooper, for the moment, is rolling with the punches. She's maintaining an open mind even if all the Force talk with Satele and Marr made her scratch her head a little. Her bigger concern right now is dealing with Arcann and the Eternal Empire so if Satele and Marr want to offer some insight and some spiffy new weapon, she'll go along with it for now.


My IA however will be having some beef with it all. She's spent a lot of time becoming invisible, to get away from under the boot of Force users and now she'll have an entire Chapter with nothing but Force users crapping all over her. First Valkorion who seems to be on his period and throw tantrums, tossing my IA around like a rag doll before the Jedi Queen and Darth Marr appear to further go on about the Force and special this and that and then there's Vaylin somewhere along the way too. My IA wants nothing to do with the Force and she sure as hell doesn't want the throne. She wants to slink back into the shadows and do what she's always done best.


I completely understand your post OP. While for me personally none of this is 'offending' enough to quit playing, I do understand where you're coming from and wish you luck.

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I'm going to have to agree with this. Personally I enjoyed this chapter, but I haven't played KOTFE with a non force user yet and I can already see how ridiculousIy forced and stupid chapter 12 would be for non force users. The people telling him to piss off are just being fanboys and can't see the obvious flaws with this chapter. Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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Honestly, bioware stopped giving a damn a long time ago. I also have to agree with the whole rage against the omni-story if that's what we're calling it now since it completely throws out every other hero character from the other story lines. Whereas the original game all the heroes were doing their own thing perhaps around the same time, here they're just magically gone.

"where's the commander of havoc squad?" they're just gone

"where's the empire's Wrath?" they're just gone

Any hero character you're currently not playing just vanishes from the galaxy, as if they know how terrible the writing is.

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IMO, people just need to enjoy it for what it is and stop over analyzing and criticizing the method and approach of how they do story arcs for each expac.
Perhaps you should take your own advice in when it comes to forum post that don't subscribe to your narrow opinion.


Personally if someone paid their money and invested their time in a product then I feel they have the right to be as critical and analyze the product all they want. Just the same as someone that paid their money and invested their time has to right to praise the product all they want.

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No offense but I don't think anyone cares anymore ... we get to many of these "OH GAWD I AM LEAVING! I NEED ATTENTION!" threads nowadays. Just quit.


Agreed. It's just attention seeking. Bioware doesn't care about these threads either. I can understand the first of these type of threads to try to get a message across but when Bioware shows they are so disconnected to a community for this many years. Any sane normal person would just unsub and stop playing.

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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I've done the chapter several times with jedi, sith, and now a trooper.


It's a stretch but not completely far-fetched. I think it is supposed to be a McGuffin device that wasn't explained well enough. In the cave Satele says something to the effect that Valkorian has either unlocked or granted some sort of small force potential. So, from that point on, I just assumed my trooper will have just enough force in a cut scene to do whatever the cut scene is supposed to do. And, when it is over, he will not be powerful enough in the force to do anything more than his normal trooper combat moves.


So, plot device.


Is it lame? Yes.

Does it cheapen the over all story? Maybe.

Is it railroading the story? Most definitely!


Obviously, how much you like or dislike railroading will affect how you perceive the plot device.

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Perhaps you should take your own advice in when it comes to forum post that don't subscribe to your narrow opinion.


Personally if someone paid their money and invested their time in a product then I feel they have the right to be as critical and analyze the product all they want. Just the same as someone that paid their money and invested their time has to right to praise the product all they want.


See, that is the problem.. people think paying a subscription gives them a say in how the game is presented to them. It's does not. Paying a subscription entitles you to play the game "as is". It is even in the terms and conditions that you agree to accept it "as-is" with no warranty or say on current or future content. Just because a player has an expectation =/= a right to unbridled negativity and criticism.


I give the OP more credit then I do you because he is at least walking his talk and taking a break from the game because he does not enjoy it. That is in fact the only remedy a player has with an MMO. I have done so myself in the past. All the barking in the world will not make the neighborhood in the likeness that someone desires.

Edited by Andryah
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Ya I enjoyed chapter XII on my Jedi Shadow, but on my Commando I was just confused and like I am not force sensitive how does this make sense for my trooper? It was quite underwhelming for my trooper, and I totally agree with the OP Pretty much all he said was how I felt the whole time on my trooper. I mean Bioware keeps saying "choices matter", but if I had a choice this chapter would have been way different for my trooper.
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Just because a player has an expectation =/= a right to unbridled negativity and criticism.


Yes it does, what the hell are you talking about? This is a product and it, like any product, can and will recieve criticism, good or bad. No one cares if it's ruining your hype or positivity, he earned the right to review the product negatively as soon as he finished playing it.

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