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Hearing lots of rumours in game that the plug is about to be pulled on the game.

I just wondered if the Devs could give us abit if reassurance it's not.

The rumours stem from

With a talked about bug fix that was due to take place Tuesday not happening with no word from Devs

Credit spammers have halved there prices overnight many see this as they are ITK so to speak

The fact the PTS was pulled early last night


Personally i never normally believe all the negative talk.. However if we could just get some reassurance its not gonna happen anytime soon that would be great

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Hearing lots of rumours in game that the plug is about to be pulled on the game.

I just wondered if the Devs could give us abit if reassurance it's not.

The rumours stem from

With a talked about bug fix that was due to take place Tuesday not happening with no word from Devs

Credit spammers have halved there prices overnight many see this as they are ITK so to speak

The fact the PTS was pulled early last night


Personally i never normally believe all the negative talk.. However if we could just get some reassurance its not gonna happen anytime soon that would be great


You want reassurance try








Sounds business as normal to me.

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Oh, it's this thread again.


At least it was a good album.



Hearing lots of rumours in game that the plug is about to be pulled on the game.

I just wondered if the Devs could give us abit if reassurance it's not.

The rumours stem from

With a talked about bug fix that was due to take place Tuesday not happening with no word from Devs

Credit spammers have halved there prices overnight many see this as they are ITK so to speak

The fact the PTS was pulled early last night


Personally i never normally believe all the negative talk.. However if we could just get some reassurance its not gonna happen anytime soon that would be great


Don't listen to the idiots in game chat, these are the same people who make Hitler jokes and spam Jawa-movie titles.


Delayed bug fixes are a fact of life to some degree in all MMOs, and par for the course around here -- this delay means absolutely nothing.


People put WAY too much stock into the nonsense about credit spammer prices.


PTS being pulled is meaningless, they went months with no PTS at all, and it could be back tomorrow.


In general, there's a subset of the playerbase who always have and always will scream that the game is "dying" or "in maintenance mode" or "going to be shut down" for some fever dream of a different Star Wars MMO, whenever they don't get their own little precious special snowflake way.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Someone said in gen chat last night Luke would be appearing in game, let's forget the timeline and all that.

It's just a person starting a rumour that's all, with no basis in fact


Let me start a rumour, the next season of chapters will be called "Return Of The Fallen Alliance"

See what I did there? In a few days time, someone will be on Reddit claiming they have a friend who works for BW who told them about it

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I give the game about one more year before it announces shut down. It's coming, for sure. That said, they can't exactly say it's only got a year left without killing their subscriber base. So, expect them to conduct business as normal until one day it's not. My money's on EA using a different studio to make a more MMO-y Star Wars game (probably in the OT universe,) and they'll announce an end date for this on the day we get a release date for that one. Then, hopefully, BW focuses on a SW single player RPG.
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I give the game about one more year before it announces shut down. It's coming, for sure. That said, they can't exactly say it's only got a year left without killing their subscriber base. So, expect them to conduct business as normal until one day it's not. My money's on EA using a different studio to make a more MMO-y Star Wars game (probably in the OT universe,) and they'll announce an end date for this on the day we get a release date for that one. Then, hopefully, BW focuses on a SW single player RPG.


Why would EA spend money on a new SW MMO when they have this one and it's evidently making money?


If it's not making money, why would they spend millions to make a new MMO after they (hypothetically) shut this one down?


IF SWTOR is shut down, there will be no replacement -- there will be no SW MMO.

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Why would EA spend money on a new SW MMO when they have this one and it's evidently making money?


If it's not making money, why would they spend millions make a new MMO after they (hypothetically) shut this one down?


IF SWTOR is shut down, there will be no replacement -- there will be no SW MMO.

I can think of 120 MILLION reasons for them to Max.


2 million players quit soon after launch - even if those 2 million just bought the new game and quit again, at $60 a game, that's a HUGE amount of $.


SWTOR has made money...tons of it...but it's best days are over and the investment required to make more, just isn't worth it. A new MMO is.

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Several more Star Wars movies, several more chances to figure out what that "one thing" is that will inspire and keep players subbed.


This game is still making money - the only way they will shut it down is if they have something to replace it with. While I would welcome a SWTOR 2, few publishers have so far proven that they learned anything with sequel games (EQ2, AC2, Champions Online were all bad games that threw out the good stuff from their predecessors).

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I doubt that any new game would be an MMO. The market is overflowing with every Tom, Dick and Harry making MMOs.


There are so many of them that I've become utterly bored of the concept. "It's online!" is no longer a real selling point. It's not an advantage. It has reached the point of "yeah, so?"


Give us a good single player game with optional online. Give us Jedi Knight. Give us Dark Forces. Give us TIE Fighter. Give us XvT. Imagine how awesome those would look with today's tech.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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The fact the PTS was pulled early last night


PTS go up and down all the time, my guess is that they are integrating something else to be tested.


This game is no way near to be shut down. I am 99% sure we will see more fun things after the chapter ends. This game is a goldmine done right it can bring in tons of cash.

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I doubt that any new game would be an MMO. The market is overflowing with every Tom, Dick and Harry making MMOs.
Not only that, but MMOs aren't very console friendly. The next movement will be to shared online worlds, not necessarily the same thing as an "MMO".
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Delayed bug fixes are a fact of life to some degree in all MMOs, and par for the course around here -- this delay means absolutely nothing.
there's a difference between delayed bug releases and "hi we have no employed developers left so we're hoping to fix your operations in 2 months gg hf out there guys"
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Personally i never normally believe all the negative talk.. However if we could just get some reassurance its not gonna happen anytime soon that would be great


So first off, the PTS being shut down is normal. It doesn't stay up 24/7- just for testing and then back down when they conclude it.


But more importantly, your question above would never ever be addressed no matter the current state in a way that would ever satisfy you. The answer will always be "The game is doing fine and we are planning on keeping it going as long as we can" no matter if that was true or false.

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there's a difference between delayed bug releases and "hi we have no employed developers left so we're hoping to fix your operations in 2 months gg hf out there guys"

That is a rather big red flag....

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That is a rather big red flag....


the ravagers fix taking so long could have been coughed up to it being the holidays


but then we hade the item duping, now ops bugs...its adding up to something really really clear and really really bad.

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With a talked about bug fix that was due to take place Tuesday not happening with no word from Devs

Credit spammers have halved there prices overnight many see this as they are ITK so to speak

The fact the PTS was pulled early last night



1) Bug fixes get delayed. Wow. If you haven't come to expect this from Bioware, I don't know what to tell you. Between a potential lack of employees (Hearsay) or the fact that the code is probably so insidiously poorly written that fixing one thing makes Sorcs invincible or some ridiculous other problem, it's easy to understand. Also this community is entirely unforgiving. They get trashed if they do fix something. They get trashed if they don't.


2) Credit spammers and sites dropping price overnight? That's more indicative of a new exploit than it is the game shutting down.


3) PTS server has been down for almost 6 months prior to it reopening recently. Where were the doomsayers then?


They are recording new cutscenes/dialogue for Season 2 right now. If the game was going to be shut down anytime in the next 2 years, they would go into the FOTM termed "Maintenance Mode" that every Doomsayer on this forum likes to call it. They aren't. They are adding new content, new story, new Warzones!!!, and eventually I'm certain new OPS.


But hey... Keep praying for rain.

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How would credit spammers know to have a fire sale due to the game shutting down? :t_confused:


Maybe someone told them?


2) Credit spammers and sites dropping price overnight? That's more indicative of a new exploit than it is the game shutting down.



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